OECD broadly defines activation policies as a combination of policy tools that support and incentivize: job search and job finding, productive participation insociety, and becoming and remaining self sufficient...
Statistical profiling tool helps to segment jobseekers by their difficulty/likelihood to find a job, their distance to the labour market, their degree of disadvantage, their likelihood to exhaust unemployment...
Program evaluation refers to an assessment of its design, implementation, and impact on key program objectives to generate lessons learned and to inform decision makers. There are several different types...
Monitoring is the continuous process of collecting and analyzing information at different stages of program implementation, enabling those involved to track progress and to compare how well an intervention...
The Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) is planning to launch a pilot in March-April 2022 with the objective to enhance refugee integration into the Greek labor market. The main purpose of...
Greece is in the process of reforming its active labor market programs (ALMPs) to better serve jobseekers and employers. The Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) has been piloting elements of...
The Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) is planning to launch a pilot in early 2021 with the objective to enhance refugee employment. The pilot will support refugees during the final step...