The energy transition will entail not only job creation in new clean energy industries but also job losses in incumbent high-emission industries, such as coal extraction and use. Focusing purely on technological...
The objective of this note is to present and discuss the findings of piloting a task-based job matching tool developed by the World Bank and implemented in partnership with the Regional Labor Office of...
This report analyzes the possible impact of future coal mine closures on coal sector workers as well as workers in other economic sectors linked to the coal value chain and the implications for local labor...
After Germany, Poland is the EU’s second largest coal producer and consumer.1 96 percent of EU-27 hard coal production, or 54.4 million tons, is extracted in Poland (EURACOAL, 2020). In 2020, over 40 percent...
Coal-related jobs are at the forefront of the disruption brought about by the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities...
towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities, whereas many others may not. The resulting disruption to jobs and livelihoods may exacerbate...
High risk that gender inequalities will widen during and after the pandemic is gains in women’s and girls’ accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment, and voice and agency, may be reversed if...
High risk that gender inequalities will widen during and after the pandemic is gains in women’s and girls’ accumulation of human capital, economic empowerment, and voice and agency, may be reversed if...
The purpose of this document is to: set the business goals to be achieved by the realization of an LMO IT infrastructure to enable the provision of effective information services through the LMO; layout...
A thriving region until the early 1990s, Slavonia, the eastern region of Croatia, has been confronted with stagnation and decline, ageing and outmigration as well as impoverishment ever since. This followed...
This report provides a summary of the main findings and recommendations of the technical assistance “People, Portraits, Perspectives: Improving Employability for Inclusive Growth in Hungary” provided by...
Slavonia’s economy is now amongst the poorest in the European Union (EU) and has been growing more slowly than comparable regions. Some Polish and Romanian counties were less advanced until 2013 but have...
This report provides a summary of the main findings and recommendations of the technical assistance “People, Portraits, Perspectives: Improving Employability for Inclusive Growth in Hungary” provided by...
As part of the technical assistance “People, Portraits, Perspectives: Improving Employability for Inclusive Growth in Hungary” provided by the World Bank to the Government of Hungary, this report characterizes...
Many Roma are among the poorest and most vulnerable Europeans, facing poverty, exclusion, and discrimination. In European Union member countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) with substantial Roma...
The objective of this paper is to develop a way to monitor and track progress on social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Hungary, particularly among marginalized Roma communities. This approach will enable...
Policymakers and development groups are interested in innovative ways to deliver cash transfer programs and make an impact where it’s needed most. In Bangladesh, World Bank researchers worked with the...
Policymakers and development groups are interested in innovative ways to deliver cash transfer programs and make an impact where it’s needed most. In Bangladesh, World Bank researchers worked with the...
There is an increasing recognition that investment in human development at an earlier age can have a significant impact on the lifetime earnings capacity of an individual. This notion is the basis for...