This issue includes the following: Aggregate economic shocks, child schooling, and child health by Francisco H. G. Ferreira and Norbert Schady; the regulation of entry: asurvey by Simeon Djankov; how relevant...
Symposium on foreign direct investment (FDI); collecting the pieces of the FDI knowledge spillovers puzzle; by Roger Smeets; can survey evidence shed light on spillovers from FDI? By Beata S. Javorcik;...
The paper reviews the literature on the characteristics and impact of opinion leaders on the diffusion of new knowledge, concluding that there is no clear evidence on whether opinion leaders are more effective...
The paper reviews the origins and evolution of the Training and Visit (T&V) extension system, which was promoted by the World Bank in 1975-98 in over 50 developing countries. The discussion seeks to clarify...
This article provides a framework outlining farmers demand for information, the public goods character of extensions services, and the organizational and the political attributes affecting the performance...
"Community-based and -driven development : a critical review" by Ghazala Mansuri and Vijayendra Rao. "Agricultural extension : good intentions and hard realities" by Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder...
The authors evaluate the impact of farmer field schools, an intensive participatory training program emphasizing integrated pest management. Their evaluation focuses on whether participation in the program...
EU accession challenges CEE agriculture. Land policies and evolving farm structures in transition countries; by Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki, and Gershon Feder. Hungary's twisted land market. Foreign direct...
Weathering the storm : the impact of the East Asian crisis on farm households in Indonesia and Thailand; by Fabrizio Bresciani, Gershon Feder, Daniel O. Gilligan, Hanan G. Jacoby, Tongroj Onchan, and Jaime...
This article assesses the impact of the East Asian financial crisis on farm households in two of the region's most affected countries, Indonesia and Thailand, using detailed household-level survey data...
This article assesses the impact of the East Asian financial crisis on farm households in two of the region's most affected countries, Indonesia and Thailand, using detailed household level survey data...
Agricultural extension programs or pilots based on the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach are being implemented in many developing countries in Asia and Africa. Evidence from the Philippines and Indonesia...
Is agricultural extension in developing countries up to the task of providing the information, ideas, and organization needed to meet food needs? What role should governments play in implementing or facilitating...
This study of a microregion in Madagascar illustrates important linkages and synergie between population growth, unsustainable agriculture, and natural resource decline. Further, the study shows that agricultural...
Growing fiscal deficits and greater awareness of the huge economic cost of often-inefficient government activities have renewed interest in transferring the delivery of important services from the public...
Reforming finance in transitional socialist economies. How do market failures justify interventions in rural credit markets? What makes rural finance institutions successful? Animal health services: finding...
The Bank has initiated a reassessment of its water management policies and strategies, seeking to achieve a comprehensive approach in its operations. The conceptual framework of the process involves three...
Livestock services play a vital role in sustaining the productivity and viability of the livestock sector. The value of livestock services derives from the reduction of production losses, the protection...
Comparing poverty rates internationally: lessons from recent studies in developed countries. Poverty in Palanpur. Measuring changes in poverty: a methodological case study of Indonesia during an adjustment...
This article explores the nature of property rights systems, their evolution, and their effect on resource allocation. It is argued that certain institutional arrangements for land rights have evolved...