The World Bank Research Observer is intended for anyone who has a professional interest in development. Observer articles are written to be accessible to nonspecialist readers; contributors examine key...
The paper evaluates the effects of privatization in the post-communist economies and China. In post-communist economies privatization to foreign owners results in a rapid improvement in performance of...
Contents: Russian entrepreneurs: tell me who your friends and family are...; by Simeon Djankov, Gerard Roland, Edward Miguel, Yingui Qian, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. Entrepreneurs in Latvia: a few pieces...
Contents: Russian entrepreneurs: tell me who your friends and family are...; by Simeon Djankov, Gerard Roland, Edward Miguel, Yingui Qian, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. Entrepreneurs in Latvia: a few pieces...
The Government of Russia embarked upon an ambitious reform program in 1992. Given its heritage Russia was always likely to present a particularly intractable case of transition, and lacked a unified, governing...
The Government of Russia embarked upon an ambitious reform program in 1992. Given its heritage Russia was always likely to present a particularly intractable case of transition, and lacked a unified, governing...
EU accession challenges CEE agriculture. Land policies and evolving farm structures in transition countries; by Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki, and Gershon Feder. Hungary's twisted land market. Foreign direct...
Interview with World bank President James D. Wolfensohn - The new development approach and the transition economies; editor (Richard Hischler). Situation of Russia's poor aggravates - World Bank proposes...
Expanding NGO participation in World Bank's activity (Quigley and Associates). Success story of a Hungarian NGO: helping Romany to help themselves (Nancy E. Popson). Professors Kabaj and Kowalik versus...
The paper provides a systematic analysis of the employment and wage setting behavior of various types of firms during transition. Enterprise-level data from 1988-1993 was examined, mainly from the Czech...
The paper focuses on comparative empirical evidence for the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia between 1990-1993, and the enterprise adjustment to the changing economic environment. It addresses the...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the adjustments of industrial enterprises to economic reforms in transition economies -- Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The paper has four main...