The OED study found that the Second LivestockProject for Mauritania succeeded in establishing pastoral cooperative associations (PCAs), but was inconsistent over time in its approach to the organizations--moving...
El estudio del DEO comprobó que el Segundo Proyecto de Ganadería de Mauritania logró establecer asociaciones cooperativas de pastores, pero resultaron incoherentes con el tiempo en su enfoque de las organizaciones...
The OED study found that the Second LivestockProject for Mauritania succeeded in establishing pastoral cooperative associations (PCAs), but was inconsistent over time in its approach to the organizations--moving...
This Note outlines the scope of the Convention to Combat Desertification (CD) and indicates how the obligations and commitments of the country parties under the CCD could provide golden opportunities for...
This Note focuses on natural resource management (NRM) on arid rangelands used by pastoralists in Africa and the Middle East. Although the World Bank started funding NRM projects only recently, it has...
Este proyecto apoyado por el Banco en la región central de Visayas de Filipinas en la década de 1980 desarrolló instrumentos para la gestión de recursos naturales en condiciones muy críticas. Alcanzó la...
Bank-supported project in the Central Visayas region of the Philippines in the 1980s developed natural resource management tools under very sensitive conditions. It achieved most of its objectives, creating...
Bank-supported project in the Central Visayas region of the Philippines in the 1980s developed natural resource management tools under very sensitive conditions. It achieved most of its objectives, creating...
An issue which has generated much concern has been the potential link between low incomes and resource degradation. This report presents the results of a study which investigated this question. Machakos...
An imbalance among natural resources, population, and basic human needs exists in many regions, but is particularly acute in the developing countries of the warm seasonally dry tropics (WSDT). The WSDT...
In recent discussions of the problems of environmental degradation emphasis has often been given to the importance of clear rights to own and use environmental resources as a means of ensuring that users...