The World Bank Group Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A)1 flagship initiative sup-ports The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020–30) prepared by the African Union. The DE4A initiative recognizes...
The World Bank Group Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A)1 flagship initiative sup-ports The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020–30) prepared by the African Union. The DE4A initiative recognizes...
Digital platforms have the potential to support the sustained creation of economic value and foster jobs and economic inclusion in South Africa. This assessment examines private digital platforms in South...
This case study aims to document the state and evolution of Singapore’s startup ecosystem. It also identifies key characteristics that both distinguish the Singapore start-up ecosystem, as well as provide...
South Africa is one of the digital economy leaders on the African continent, but lags developed countries. In this context, the digital economy for Africa targets appear within reach for South Africa...
An assessment of South Africa’s digital economy has been launched as part of the World Bank Group’s digital economy for Africa (DE4A) initiative, which leverages an integrated and foundations-based diagnostic...
Shifting Kenya’s private sector into higher gear: a trade and competitiveness agenda’ was born out of the World Bank’s Trade and Competitiveness (T&C) Global Practice recent stock taking of its work in...