This note focuses on the current debt situation of UZ, the associated risks and ways to manage them. It does not address broader financial sustainability issues and how to finance the investment backlog...
This Policy Note describes the methodology, data requirements and next steps for implementation of an asset management system that could identify necessary maintenance and renewal budgets to guarantee...
The draft law on Railway Transport of Ukraine (the ‘new Railway Law’) is currently awaiting sign-off from other ministries and the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Law, among other aims, is intended...
Trade and transport bottlenecks were identified as key impediments contributing to high transport costs and poor reliability of supply chains, thereby raising the cost of doing business and ultimately...
Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) are amongst the most vulnerable countries in the world. They lack territorial access to the sea, and are hemmed in by more than just land. More daunting than the...
The development objective of the Road Rehabilitation and Safety Project for Serbia is to improve the condition and safety of the National Road Network for road users by supporting the Republic of Serbia...
Efficiency is one of the four global goals framing sustainable mobility in the Global Mobility Report (GMR). The GMR posits that efficiency is crucial to ensure that transport demand is met effectively...