The World Bank is an international leader in the methodology and implementation of household surveys, working in close partnership with national statistics offices (NSOs) around the world. This guidebook...
Labor statistics provide essential information for macroeconomic planning and policy formulation on employment creation, vocational training, income generation, and poverty reduction. A clear understanding...
This guidebook is a consolidation of field-tested best practices to implement, improve, and modernize nationally representative multi-topic household surveys for monitoring welfare and poverty. Offered...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
Rising food prices, rapid urbanization, robust economic growth, and widening inequality over the past decade have fundamentally transformed the environment in which agriculture operates in developing countries...
The objective of this report is to analyze the recent employment trends in the Indonesian tobacco industry and estimate the potential effects of raising cigarette taxes on employment in the tobacco manufacturing...
This report aims to contribute to the policy debate over the reform of the Indonesian tobacco excise tax system by reporting results of a nationally representative survey of and focus group discussion...
This report aims to inform the current debate over the taxation of kreteks in Indonesia by examining clove-farming livelihoods. It presents results from a comprehensive, household-level, economically-focused...
This report identifies the socioeconomic and labor market characteristics of kretek workers and their households from two large kretek producing districts. The analysis in this report is based on data...
Measuring poverty often depends on measuring food that is both purchased and harvested from the field. In low- and middle-income countries especially, food consumption still constitutes the largest share...