Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
Notas del gerente global. Resumen de noticias. Artículo. Metodología. Región destacada. Resumen de informes regionales. País destacado. Calendario de eventos.
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
En 2003, el Banco Mundial lanzó una ronda mundial del Programa de Comparación Internacional (PCI), cuyo objetivo es la medición de las paridades del poder adquisitivo (PPA) y sus valores correspondientes...
In 2003, the World Bank launched a global round of the International Comparison Program (ICP), aimed at measuring the purchasing power parities (PPP) and corresponding price and volume levels of Gross...
In 2003, the World Bank launched a global round of the International Comparison Program (ICP), aimed at measuring the purchasing power parities (PPP) and corresponding price and volume levels of Gross...