This volume contains written contributions from some of the key actors involved on both the Chinese and the World Bank sides in the past four decades of partnership. It is clear that the World Bank from...
This volume contains written contributions from some of the key actors involved on both the Chinese and the World Bank sides in the past four decades of partnership. It is clear that the World Bank from...
This report includes: overall Vietnam is measured to have good rule of law for its income level and attracts large amount of FDI; however, domestically financed investment is low and the private sector...
Global value chains (GVCs) break up the production process so at different steps can be carried out in different countries. Today’s official statistical information systems, designed to measure economic...
Average incomes in the poorest two quintiles on average increase at the same rate as overall average incomes. This is because, in a global dataset spanning 121 countries over the past four decades, changes...
Social welfare functions that assign weights to individuals based on their income levels can be used to document the relative importance of growth and inequality changes for changes in social welfare...
Incomes in the poorest two quintiles on average increase at the same rate as overall average incomes. This is because, in a global dataset spanning 118 countries over the past four decades, changes in...
In response to a request from the Chinese Government, the World Bank Group has prepared the following short note considering the role that increased support to the tourism sector can play in stimulating...
China has been the most successful developing country in this modern era of globalization. Since initiating economic reform after 1978, its economy has expanded at a steady rate over 8 percent per capita...
In regard to Indonesia's economic and social situation, the last six months have shown a pick-up in the momentum of growth. This paper includes the following headings: summary introduction; growth, investment...
China has been the most rapidly growing economy in the world over the past 25 years. This growth has fueled a remarkable increase in per capita income and a decline in the poverty rate from 64 percent...
The "rise of Asia" is something of a myth. During 1990-2005 China accounted for 28 percent of global growth, measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). India accounted for 9 percent. The rest of developing...
The Tax Sharing System (TSS) Reform of 1994 brought China's intergovernmental fiscal system much closer to international practice. It also moved China out of the precarious fiscal situation of the mid-1990s...
World Bank's new partnership strategy for China focuses on economic integration, poverty and sustainable development. Message from the Country Director. Urbanization and the Eleventh Five Year Plan. National...
World Bank's new partnership strategy for China focuses on economic integration, poverty and sustainable development. Message from the Country Director. Urbanization and the Eleventh Five Year Plan. National...
China in the past few years has emerged as a net foreign creditor on the international scene with net foreign assets slightly greater than zero percent of wealth. This is surprising given that China is...
This paper states that China in the past few years has emerged as a net foreign creditor on the international scene with net foreign assets slightly greater than zero percent of wealth. This is surprising...
One of the most contentious issues of globalization is the effect of global economic integration on inequality and poverty. This article documents five trends in the modern era of globalization, starting...
Los críticos de la globalización sostienen que los países pobres son perdedores en la integración global. Este informe desafía ese paradigma, con el argumento de que la globalización produce prosperidad...
Much of the academic debate on the effectiveness of foreign aid is centered on the relationship between aid and growth. Different aid-growth studies find conflicting results: aid promotes growth everywhere;...