This report reviews China's water scarcity situation, assesses the policy and institutional requirements for addressing it, and recommends key areas for strengthening and reform. It is a synthesis of the...
In China, the traditional approach to the provision of environmental services has been through ecological compensation payments made directly from the Government to providers of environmental services...
In China, the traditional approach to the provision of environmental services has been through ecological compensation payments made directly from the Government to providers of environmental services...
This paper gives an account of the environmental issues faced by the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region, and, illustrates the Bank's work through strategies, and projects that countries...
This paper examines issues presented by the 1992 World Development Report (WDR 10517). It presents what transpired over the following decade to address the challenge of finding development paths that would...
Small farmers produce much of the developing world's food. Yet they are generally much poorer than the rest of the population in these countries, and are less food secure than even the urban poor. Furthermore...
Environmental assessment of mining projects; by Aidan Davy. Economic analysis and environmental assessment; by John Dixon and Stefano Pagiola. Environmental assessment of social fund projects; by Ken Green...
This paper builds on the concept of wealth (or the asset base) as the foundation of generating well-being. National wealth takes on a much broader definition and is embodied in natural capital, social...
The fall issue of the annual review on the environment highlights the World Bank's work in FY98 in the promotion of sustainable use of resources. Each operational region and the International Finance Corporation...
Five years after Rio : the World Bank's environmental professionals take stock; by Andrew Steer. Persuasion and incentives : new ways to achieve a cleaner world; by Hanrahan, David. Solving the water crisis...
This fall issue of the annual review on the environment looks back on the World Bank's environmental work in the fiscal year 1997, and highlights the upcoming challenges and opportunities. The lead article...
The difference in deforestation rates raises the question of why intact forests are perceived as more valuable in developed countries than in developing countries. Much of the explanation for the difference...
Since the establishment of the Environment Department in 1987, the Bank has made a concentrated effort to incorporate environmental concerns into its lending and advisory activities. In January of 1993...
The past several decades have witnessed a growing realization that economic development and environmental management are mutually supporting goals. Accompanying this realization has been an important transition...
In attempting to meet both ecological and economic goals, related with the establishment and management of protected areas, countries find themselves struggling with conflicts often associated with it...
According to recent statistics, Latin America and the Caribbean is one of the most urbanized regions in the world, with the urban population expected to reach 80 percent by the year 2020. The author reviews...
With growing environmental awareness, increased attention has been focused on dams and their associated water resources projects. This paper explores the relation between dams and the environment - both...