Armenia’s current political context is defined by ambitious goals. Strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, eliminating widespread corruption, and bolstering substantial and inclusive...
Over the past four decades and prior to the pandemic, the Dominican Republic (DR) experienced high economic growth rates, which were accompanied by an expansion of the middle class and a significant reduction...
Nearly 30 years after the collapse of the Siad Barre regime, Somalia has made considerable progress in defining a new relationship between the federal government and the member states. But key agreements...
The Turkish lira (TL) has depreciated to an extent not seen since the 2001 crisis, reaching its lowest level in September 2018 (TL 6.37/US 1.00 dollar), losing 66 percent of its value against the US dollar...
Latvia's Ministry of Finance requested the World Bank to collaborate on a review of the country's tax system as input for the design a medium-term tax strategy. The motivation behind the tax review is...
Latvia’s Ministry of Finance requested the World Bank to collaborate on a review of the country’s tax system as input for the design a medium-term tax strategy. The motivation behind the tax review is...
The aim of this note is to present and analyze subnational fiscal trends in Russia in the context of overall slowing economic growth and falling oil prices over the last few years. In particular, in 2015...
This 'Reforming Government Pay Setting Practices' report is a response to a request from the Polish Ministry of Finance (MOF) for technical advice on Poland's system of public sector pay. The Ministry's...
This 'Reforming Government Pay Setting Practices' report is a response to a request from the Polish Ministry of Finance (MOF) for technical advice on Poland's system of public sector pay. The Ministry's...
Eurasian cities, unique in the global spatial landscape, were part of the world's largest experiment in urban development. The challenges they now face because of their history offer valuable lessons to...
Subnational governments are an important part of the public sector in the EU8 countries. They provide basic public services in both the social sectors (education, health, and social assistance) and in...
This paper is focused on the alleviation of regional concentrations of poverty. It focuses exclusively on only one of the motivations for regional development: alleviating regional concentrations of poverty...
Este documento se centra en el alivio de las concentraciones regionales de pobreza. Está enfocado exclusivamente en solo una de las motivaciones para el desarrollo regional: aliviar las concentraciones...
This paper is focused on the alleviation of regional concentrations of poverty. It focuses exclusively on only one of the motivations for regional development: alleviating regional concentrations of poverty...
This paper is focused only on this objective: the alleviation of regional concentrations of poverty. There are several reasons. First, judging from the public documents of multilaterals and governments...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...
Este informe, el vigésimo segundo de la serie anual, aborda el panorama cambiante del desarrollo de comienzos del siglo XXI, particularmente el pragmatismo amplio que va más allá del crecimiento económico...
The theme of this 22nd edition of the World Development Report is the changing development landscape in the 21st century. The Report focuses on two forces of change: the integration of the world economy...