Энэ бол Улаанбаатар хотод зориулсан Авто зам, замын байгууламжийн хөрөнгийн менежментийн төлөвлөгөөний (АЗЗБХМТ) гарын авлага. Энэхүү АЗЗБХМТ-ний анхны хувилбарт Улаанбаатар хотыг авто замын хөрөнгө арчлалтын...
This is the first iteration of a Transport Asset Management Planning (TAMP) Guideline for Ulaanbaatar. This TAMP Guideline I guides the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) to move away from its conventional...
The guidebook consists of five chapters. Chapter one overviews the CIP process and the challenges of that process in UB, including how the CIP process is linked with other areas of government activities...
The guidebook consists of five chapters. Chapter one overviews the CIP process and the challenges of that process in UB, including how the CIP process is linked with other areas of government activities...
Mongolia’s economic growth from 2010 has been unprecedented with GDP peaking at 17.5 percent in 2012 when Mongolia was the fastest growing economy globally. This unparalleled growth of the economy was...
Mongolia’s economic growth from 2010 has been unprecedented with GDP peaking at 17.5 percent in 2012 when Mongolia was the fastest growing economy globally. This unparalleled growth of the economy was...