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  • Cash constraints and credit corsets : the chimera of interenterprise credit (Inglés)

    The rapid buildup of interenterprise credit in many Central and Eastern European countries is often seen as a major problem that governments must fix. The authors argue that these arrears rise only temporarily...

    Tipo de documento: Punto de vista Número del informe: 16900 Fecha del documento: 31 de marzo de 1995 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Condon,Timothy J.,Ramachandran,S.

  • Public policy for the private sector (Inglés)

    Franchising and privatization; by Antony W. Dnes. Tradable property rights to water; by Mateen Thobani. Privatization through broad-based ownership strategies; by Stuart Bell. Bettering banking: privatize...

    Tipo de documento: Boletín informativo Número del informe: 47578 Fecha del documento: 1 de marzo de 1995 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Dnes, Antony W.,Thobani,Mateen,Bell,Stuart W., Ramachandran, S.,Charpentier,Jean-Pierre,Schenk,Kurt F.,Condon,Timothy J.,Fleisig,Heywood W.,Montes-Negret,Fernando,Keppler,Robert,Mozes,Dan, Scott, David H.

  • Exchange rate based disinflation, wage rigidity, and capital inflows : tradeoffs for Chile, 1977-81 (Inglés)

    Real exchange rate appreciation usually accompanies stabilization programs based on the exchange rate. One thing that causes the real exchange rate to appreciate is the capital inflows that follow liberalization...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre investigaciones relativas a políticas Número del informe: WPS146 Fecha del documento: 28 de febrero de 1989 Tipo de divulgación: Autor: Condon,Timothy J.,Corbo,Vittorio,De Melo,Jaime A. P.

  • Implementing a computable general equilibrium model on GAMS : the Cameroon model (Inglés)

    Applied general equilibrium models have become a major tool for the economic analysis of developed and developing countries. Although the theoretical background for these models is well established, the...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo departamental  Número del informe: DRD290 Fecha del documento: 1 de mayo de 1987 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Condon,Timothy J.,Dahl, Hendrik,Devarajan,Shantayanan

  • Capital inflows, the current account, and the real exchange rate : tradeoffs for Chile 1977-81 (Inglés)

    After trying a crawling peg exchange rate and controlling inflows of foreign capital, Chile fixed its exchange rate in 1979 and opened its capital account. Drawing on recent contributions to the analysis...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo departamental  Número del informe: DRD108 Fecha del documento: 1 de noviembre de 1984 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Condon,Timothy J.,Corbo,Vittorio,De Melo,Jaime A. P.