Mongolia has a comparative advantage in agribusiness, especially downstream industries using livestock products. Yet its share in worldwide exports of agribusiness commodities is insignificant. Enhancing...
This study examines the relevance of trade facilitation reforms in maximizing the economic impactof infrastructure connectivity investments through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It providesan overview...
Trade facilitation projects often assume indirect benefits for small-scale, cross-border traders. Recent studies have shown the challenges faced in Africa by this population, especially women, but it remains...
The Thai economic recovery has continued to broaden and gain momentum, reflecting an increase in external demand amid global growth and a recovery from severe drought. The economy grew by 3.3 percent in...
The findings presented here, from a World Bank study led by the Trade and Competitiveness Practice of the World Bank, fill the gap in our knowledge about the patterns of small-scale cross-border trade...
The current downturn in commodity prices provides an opportunity for Indonesia to shift away from its dependence on commodity-driven growth towards higher value-added activities in manufacturing and services...
Growth in developing countries is expected to pick up from 4.8 percent in 2013 to 5.0 percent in 2014, 5.4 percent in 2015, and 5.6 percent in 2016. Stronger global growth will help most developing East...
Over the past decade, Cambodia has more than halved its rate of poverty thanks to economic growth averaging 8 percent per annum, strong export performance, and positive changes to the investment climate...
Over the past two decades Cambodia has experienced extraordinary economic growth, and become one of Asian's most open economies, especially in the services sector. In order to maintain its growth momentum...