The World Bank conducts investment climate assessments (ICAs) across the globe to analyze private sector performance and to determine principal constraints affecting the private sector in respective countries...
The World Bank undertakes periodic Investment Climate Assessments in order to provide policymakers with a better understanding of how the private sector is performing and where the principal constraints...
The World Bank undertakes periodic Investment Climate Assessments in order to provide policymakers with a better understanding of how the private sector is performing and where the principal constraints...
The World Bank undertakes periodic Investment Climate Assessments in order to provide policymakers with a better understanding of how the private sector is performing and where the principal constraints...
Based on a comprehensive worldwide firm survey, this paper looks at how the business environment and economic agglomeration affect job creation, holding constant conventional determinants of firm growth...
This report takes stock of enterprise sector performance in 29 countries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region and its key drivers: access to finance, infrastructure, and labor. It is the second...
This note summarizes the Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) undertaken in Mali in 2004. The objective of the ICA was to analyze the current business climate in Mali using a survey of a representative...
Since 1994, Senegal has experienced a steady average gross domestic product growth of 4.7 percent, a performance superior to the overall growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (which averaged 3.2 percent between...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
This paper finds that higher Internet penetration in developing countries is correlated with greater exports to industrial countries, but not with trade between developing countries or with exports from...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Empresarios y empresas de todo tipo, desde microempresas hasta multinacionales, cumplen una función central en el crecimiento y la reducción de la pobreza. Sus decisiones de inversión motivan la creación...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Although theoretical models make distinct predictions about the relationship between financial sector development and income inequality, little empirical research has been conducted to compare their relative...
Tight money in a post-crisis defense of the exchange rate : what have we learned?, by Peter J. Montiel. Foreign bank entry : experience, implications for developing economies, and agenda for further research...
In recent years, foreign bank participation has increased tremendously in several developing countries. In Argentina, Chile, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, for example, more than fifty percent...