The objective of the Ghana Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) is to identify the main opportunities for the private sector that will have a strong development impact in Ghana and to highlight the...
This paper on updating the diagnostic study for the integration of trade points out that the Government of Benin has requested an update of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) 2005 and asked...
This paper on updating the diagnostic study for the integration of trade points out that the Government of Benin has requested an update of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) 2005 and asked...
In recent years, global value chains have played an increasing role in business strategies, profoundly affecting international trade and development paradigms. Global value chains now represent a major...
Since the launch of the global initiative on aid for trade in 2005, there has been a concerted effort by donors, partner agencies, and recipients to strengthen trade capacity and improve trade-related...
The world is in the midst of a sporadic and painful recovery from the most severe economic crisis since the 1930s’ Great Depression. The unprecedented scale of the crisis and the speed of its transmission...
International trade in services also provides an assessment of how policy makers can further bolster their service industries by leveraging the changes prompted by technological advancements. The book...
In this paper, the authors explore the complex, long, and unique process of accession to the World Trade Organization, with its intertwined economic, legal, and political dimensions. Referring to country...
This study summarizes the existing knowledge and relevant abstracts and case-studies on the design of health and/or trade reforms and policies. The study aims to contribute to the understanding of the...
The world is facing the most severe global economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. For the first time since World War two, World Bank projections for annual economic growth show that world...
The world is facing the most severe global economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. For the first time since Second World War, world gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to decline...
This study on a world integration for Tunisia attempts to contribute to the achievement of the growth of the 11th development plan. It first takes stock of past integration policies, outlining policies...
This study on a world integration for Tunisia attempts to contribute to the achievement of the growth of the 11th development plan. It first takes stock of past integration policies, outlining policies...