Many studies have assessed the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and social isolation policies on various forms of domestic violence, but very few have sought to study the effects on femicides. In 2017...
Afro-descendants in Latin America face unequal opportunities in education, with 1 in 5 dropping out of the primary school system and lower secondary and higher education completion rates compared to their...
Los afrodescendientes en América Latina enfrentan desigualdades en la educación, lo que lleva a tasas más altas de abandono escolar y resultados educativos más bajos que determinan en gran medida sus trayectorias...
Os afrodescendentes na América Latina enfrentam oportunidades desiguais na educação, levando a taxas mais elevadas de abandono escolar e piores resultados educacionais que predeterminam em grande parte...
Violence against women (VAW) is a major social and public health issue, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). VAW tends to disproportionally affect women of disadvantaged backgrounds...
Violence against women (VAW) is a major social and public health issue, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). VAW tends to disproportionally affect women of disadvantaged backgrounds...
This note aims at providing support to federal and subnational governments in understanding the increased risks of Violence against Women (VAW) in the country under Coronavirus (COVID-19) and providing...
About one in four Latin Americans self-identify as Afro-descendants today. They comprise a highly heterogeneous population and are unevenly distributed across the region, but share a common history of...
This note describes the innovative experience generated from this request: a country-led Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA). The project was designed to transfer capacity on how to measure distributional...