Over the past two decades Russia experienced a significant increase in state-financed entitlements for health care through the Program of State Guarantees for Medical Care (PSG). The PSG, which is underpinned...
The goal of universal health coverage (UHC) requires inter alia that families who get needed health care do not suffer undue financial hardship as a result. This can be measured by the percentage of people...
The last few years have seen a growing commitment worldwide to universal health coverage (UHC). Yet there is a lack of clarity on how to measure progress towards UHC. This paper proposes a ‘mashup’ index...
Two commonly-used metrics for assessing progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) involve assessing citizens’ rights to health care and counting the number of people in a financial protection scheme...
Providing protection against the financial risk of high out-of-pocket health spending is one of the main goals of the Philippines’ health strategy. Yet, as this paper shows using eight household surveys...
This paper uses a common household survey instrument and a common set of imputation assumptions to estimate the pro-poorness of government health expenditure across 69 countries at all levels of income...
This paper looks at differential progress on the health Millennium Development Goals between the poor and better-off within countries. The findings are based on original analysis of 235 Demographic and...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low- and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low- and middle-income countries. The tables in this section show how...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low- and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities...
The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities...
The health equity and financial protection reports are short country-specific volumes that provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low- and middle-income countries...
The health equity and financial protection reports are short country-specific volumes that provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries...
The health equity and financial protection reports are short country-specific volumes that provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries...
The health equity and financial protection reports are short country-specific volumes that provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries...
This report analyses equity and financial protection in the health sector of Zambia. In particular, it examines inequalities in health outcomes, health behavior and health care utilization; benefit incidence...
This report analyses equity and financial protection in the health sector of Vietnam. In particular, it examines inequalities in health outcomes, health behavior and health care utilization; benefit incidence...
The health equity and financial protection reports are short country-specific volumes that provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries...