This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Zoellick - millions will go hungry unless donors react to food crisis; the World Bank urges broad education...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Zoellick - millions will go hungry unless donors react to food crisis; the World Bank urges broad education...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: World Bank president unveils new vision with eye on the poor; new interim strategy for Lebanon delivers a...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: World Bank president unveils new vision with eye on the poor; new interim strategy for Lebanon delivers a...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: Lebanon's resilience and the will to move forward; the government of Lebanon embarks on bold and...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: Lebanon's resilience and the will to move forward; the government of Lebanon embarks on bold and...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: putting international goodwill to good use; president Wolfowitz's statement at Paris III - the...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: putting international goodwill to good use; president Wolfowitz's statement at Paris III - the...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: Modernizing Lebanon's Public Procurement; Oil Boom Marked by Expenditure Restraint; Recent Economic...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: Modernizing Lebanon's Public Procurement; Oil Boom Marked by Expenditure Restraint; Recent Economic...