In 2023, the global coverage of the Services Trade Policy Database, jointly developed by the World Bank and the World Trade Organization, has been significantly expanded to cover more economies, focusing...
This report focuses on services trade policies in Africa. It covers the following: Quantifying policy restrictiveness; Policy restrictiveness in Africa; and Gauging policy reform.
In 2023, the global coverage of the Services Trade Policy Database (STPD), jointly developed by the World Bank and the World Trade Organization, has been significantly expanded to cover more economies...
The majority of services trade is currently transacted under the terms of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) with increasingly ambitious provisions on crossborder trade and investment in services. This...
This paper describes the Services Trade Policy Database, a joint initiative by the World Bank and the World Trade Organization Secretariat, which builds on a database developed by the World Bank nearly...
Are changes in services markets provoking reform, restrictions, or inertia? To address this question, this paper draws on a new World Bank-World Trade Organization Services Trade Policy Database. The paper...
A structural gravity model is used to estimate barriers to services trade across many sectors, countries, and time. Since the disaggregated output data needed to infer border barriers flexibly are often...
This paper examines how policy governing the liner shipping sector affects maritime transport costs and seaborne trade flows. The paper uses a novel data set and finds that restrictions, particularly on...
This paper presents evidence on the determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in services sectors. It develops a stylized model of mergers and acquisitions that predicts that the incidence...
This paper is organized in following headings: how can safety nets contribute to economic growth?; political reforms and public policy: evidence from agricultural and food policies; food security and storage...
Surprisingly little is known about policies that affect international trade in services. Previous analyses have focused on policy commitments made by countries in international agreements, but in many...
Surprisingly little is known about policies that affect international trade in services. Previous analyses have focused on policy commitments made by countries in international agreements but these commitments...
A new Services Trade Restrictions Database collects and makes publicly available information on services trade policy assembled in a comparable manner across 103 countries, five sectors (telecommunications...
A new cross-country database on services policy reveals a perverse pattern: many landlocked countries restrict trade in the very services that connect them with the rest of the world. On average, telecommunications...
This book examines the state and the fate of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). The volume has three key objectives: to provide qualitative and quantitative information about the implications of what is...
Much attention has focused on the impact of the current crisis on goods trade; hardly any on its impact on services trade. Using new trade data from the United States, and more aggregate data from other...
The current gloom and doom about goods trade has obscured the quiet resilience of services trade. Services account for over one fifth of global cross-border trade, and for some countries such as India...
Through its diverse trade preference schemes, the European Union provides different groups of developing countries with different degrees of market access. This paper is the first to demonstrate empirically...