More than regulations, laws on the books, or voluntary codes, enforcement is a key to creating an effective business environment and good corporate governance, at least in developing countries and transition...
Who is not poor? Dreaming of a World truly free of poverty by Lant Pritchett; reducing the incidence of low birth weight in low-income countries has substantial economic benefits by Harold Alderman, and...
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
This FOCUS 3 publication provides an in-depth examination of a major corporate governance policy, initiative, or issue through a combination of research, case studies, and expert opinion. Unlike a traditional...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
This FOCUS publication provides an in-depth examination of a major corporate governance policy, initiative, or issue through a combination of research, case studies, and expert opinion. Unlike a traditional...
EU accession challenges CEE agriculture. Land policies and evolving farm structures in transition countries; by Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki, and Gershon Feder. Hungary's twisted land market. Foreign direct...
Just like combating terror, fighting poverty is a common responsibility - interview with Nick Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Petty corruption in the wild, wild east; by Scott Thomas. Anticorruption campaigns...
Managing World Bank operations in the Balkan hot spot - interview with Country Director Christiaan J. Poortman. The virtual economy and economic recovery in Russia; by Clifford G. Gaddy and Barry W. Ickes...
Ten years in transition : recalling the events of a historic decade with World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Czech President Vaclav Havel on the intellectual challenge of globalization...
World Bank's new approach helps business in transition economies; by Lars Jeurling. Are foreign investors and multinationals engaging in corrupt practices in transition economies? by Joel Hellman, Geraint...
This is the third chapter of the book, "Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies: Insider Control and the Role of Banks" (report no. 14112). The central question addressed is what kind of corporate...