This note provides background and context to the World Bank’s technical assistance (TA) to the water sector in Iraq over the past three years. It is structured as a water sector learning review. This is...
Since 2016 the World Bank has explored a wide range of country experiences in delivering better water supply and sanitation services. The analyses led to publication of three new global frameworks for...
This paper is a synthesis of the findings of reports that look at the drivers of performance in energy and water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper also provides other insights on issues that...
Urbanization is the single most important transformation that the African continent will undergo this century. More than half of Africa's population will live in its cities by 2040. In the face of rapid...
This volume reports the main findings from a multi-country research project that was designed to develop a better understanding of how rural water supply systems are performing in developing countries...
Water projects in developing countries are inaugurated with great fanfare by the governments, lenders, and sponsors that make them possible; the projects' results, however, don't always receive the publicity...
Paraguay's aguateros-small private water companies- form an important part of the water sector, serving about 9 percent of the total population (or about 17 percent of those with piped water supply). But...
En esta nota se presentan las primeras lecciones aprendidas del Proyecto Piloto de Abastecimiento de Agua Rural. Su objetivo es promover el acceso de los pequeños empresarios del sector de agua bajo el...
Paraguay's aguateros-small private water companies-form an important part of the water sector, serving about 9 percent of the total population (or about 17 percent of those with piped water supply). But...
The subject of this paper, PROSANEAR - PEOPLE,POVERTY AND PIPES, entails a new sector vision. In it the authors argue strongly that PROSANEAR I comes as a clear answer to failure of the past experiences...
Heavy reliance on high-cost conventional sewers has produced inadequate sanitation service coverage in many urban areas. In the recent past, low-cost, on-site systems have been gaining increased acceptance...