Many Ecuadorian students entering higher education have cognitive skills gaps in mathematics that undermine their ability to assimilate academic contents. This paper presents the results of a randomized...
This paper explores whether adequate government support measures, often studied in a private sector context, can help public sector organizations recover during emergencies. Authors present evidence from...
La pandemia del COVID-19 generó una disrupción sin preceden - tes en los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo, obligando a los gobiernos a reaccionar con urgencia implementando soluciones para permitir...
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused an unprecedented disruption of education systems around the world, forcing governments to react swiftly by implementing solutions to enable learning continuity...
Have teachers mastered the subject matter they are teaching? Can doctors accurately diagnose and treat critical health conditions? Are schools and health facilities sufficiently stocked with needed equipment...
This paper provides new insights on the science of scaling. The authors study an educational mentoring program with a home visit component implemented at scale in Mexico, under different modalities (original...