Greece’s active labor market policy is undergoing reform to improve the effectiveness of Active Labor Market Programs (ALMPs) by strengthening their design, targeting and implementation. As per common...
Greece’s active labor market policy is undergoing reform focused on program design and the delivery mechanism. As per common European Union (EU) practices, Greece is moving from an ad hoc to a more systemic...
Greece suffers from high long-term and youth unemployment because of its protracted economic crisis.Greece’s active labor market policy is undergoing reform focused on program design and significant changes...
Greece is in the process of reforming its active labor market programs (ALMPs) to better serve jobseekers and employers. The Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) has been piloting elements of...
Greece’s active labor market policy is undergoing reform focused on program design and the delivery mechanism. The goal laid out in the Strategic Framework for the redesign of active labor market programs...