وسط تداعيات الصراع الروسي-الأوكراني، والاختناقات المستمرة في سلاسل الإمداد، وتشديد الأوضاع المالية العالمية، تشهد مصر ارتفاعاً في التضخم، وتدفقات إلى الخارج من استثمارات المحفظة، مما أضاف إلى الضغوط على...
Amidst repercussions from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, lingering supply chain disruptions, and tightening global financial conditions, Egypt is experiencing a spike in inflation and has suffered abrupt...
In Tunisia, female students make up the majority of university graduates, and both female and male graduates join the labor market in comparable numbers. However, once in the labor market both groups do...
The role of employer discrimination in widening labor market differences between men and women has been hypothesized and investigated in different settings. Using a field experiment, this paper examines...
Although some enroll in early childhood education (ECE) programs, most children in Egypt enter the school system at the primary level. Education in Egypt is free and public regardless of level and includes...