This report outlines the process for developing a local benefit-sharing strategy and provides guidance on implementation, based on the experiences from public and private hydropower projects. It offers...
The report, a joint effort between the World Bank’s Social Development Global Practice and International Finance Corporation (IFC) advisory services, is based on the idea that local engagement, for example...
Local benefit sharing is about ensuring that host and impacted communities receive value from industrial projects located on their lands, in the form of social, economic, and environmental gains. This...
Providing benefits to communities affected by a project can help a company to obtain and maintain a “social license to operate,” and manage project risks and stakeholder expectations. Depending on the...
This handbook updates and expands upon the learning in IFC's 2000 community development resource guide entitled, Investing in People: Sustaining Communities through Improved Business Practice. It was produced...
Companies around the world engage in community investment efforts as a way to promote development and benefit local stakeholders in their areas of operation. Done well, community investment can help establish...
This handbook updates and expands upon the learning in IFC's 2000 community development resource guide entitled, Investing in People: Sustaining Communities through Improved Business Practice. It was produced...
This handbook updates and expands upon the learning in IFC's 2000 community development resource guide entitled, Investing in People: Sustaining Communities through Improved Business Practice. It was produced...