Vietnam has a long history of using its rivers and canals for transportation of goods and people. Today, Vietnam’s waterways transport about 17 percent of all domestic goods tonage loaded in Vietnam and...
This summary report assembles and distills the main finding and recommendations of five separate policy notes that originated in a request from Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) and state-owned...
This summary report assembles and distills the main finding and recommendations of five separate policy notes that originated in a request from Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) and state-owned...
This note focuses on the current debt situation of UZ, the associated risks and ways to manage them. It does not address broader financial sustainability issues and how to finance the investment backlog...
This Policy Note describes the methodology, data requirements and next steps for implementation of an asset management system that could identify necessary maintenance and renewal budgets to guarantee...
The draft law on Railway Transport of Ukraine (the ‘new Railway Law’) is currently awaiting sign-off from other ministries and the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Law, among other aims, is intended...
This summary report assembles and distills the main finding and recommendations of five separate policy notes that originated in a request from Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) and state-owned...
The World Bank has been the main source of Vietnam’s IWT investment finance for more than a decade, but investment needs remain large and future sources of finance will need to be diversified. This report...
The World Bank has been the main source of Vietnam’s IWT investment finance for more than a decade, but investment needs remain large and future sources of finance will need to be diversified. This report...
Over the past few years, China's railway sector has built an astonishing number of large and complex railway projects under its mid and long-term railway development plan. The paper argues that three factors...
Over the past few years, China's railway sector has built an astonishing number of large and complex railway projects under its mid and long-term railway development plan. The paper argues that three factors...
In China and in many other countries there is a compelling public interest in the railway industry. How do different countries try to pursue the public interest in railways? This paper finds common elements...
In China and in many other countries there is a compelling public interest in the railway industry. How do different countries try to pursue the public interest in railways? This paper finds common elements...
This paper suggests some alternative approaches to railway price setting and regulation that might be usefully explored by the Government of China to stimulate internal economic vitality, to optimize the...
This paper suggests some alternative approaches to railway price setting and regulation that might be usefully explored by the Government of China to stimulate internal economic vitality, to optimize the...
A high-speed rail service can deliver competitive advantage over airlines for journeys of up to about 3 hours or 750 km, particularly between city pairs where airports are located far from city centres...
This paper is about how railway freight can best be organized to contribute to economic development because of its comparative economic advantages in serving certain forms and flows of freight, its wider...
The 1996 World Bank strategy, sustainable transport, had as its pillars social, financial, economic, and environmental sustainability, acknowledging the likelihood of tradeoffs. This background paper was...
The 1996 World Bank strategy, sustainable transport, had as its pillars social, financial, economic, and environmental sustainability, acknowledging the likelihood of tradeoffs. This background paper was...
This Transport Note has been prepared as an adjunct to the 2006-07 updating of the World Bank's Railways Databases ( It uses the databases for inferences on aggregate trends...