Despite an improvement in human development indicators since 2010, the extreme poverty rate in Zimbabwe increased steadily in the 2010s, climbing from 23 percent in 2010/11 to 30 percent in 2017, 38 percent...
Despite an improvement in human development indicators since 2010, the extreme poverty rate in Zimbabwe increased steadily in the 2010s, climbing from 23 percent in 2010/11 to 30 percent in 2017, 38 percent...
The lack of land ownership can discourage agricultural technology adoption, yet there is scarce evidence of the impact of land rental contracts on the adoption of improved crop varieties in developing...
With a population of seven million, Honduras is the second most populous country in Central America. It is also the second poorest country in the region with an annual per capita income of less than US$...
Con una población de siete millones de personas, Honduras es el segundo país más poblado de América Central. También es el segundo país más pobre de la región, con un ingreso anual per cápita inferior...
The objective of this paper is to investigate poverty-reducing potential of smallholder agriculture in Zambia, considering suggested public actions expected to stimulate broad-based growth in the rural...
The regional study, "drivers of sustainable rural growth and poverty reduction in Central America," carried out by the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Department of the Latin America...
El estudio regional “Motores del crecimiento rural sostenible y de reducción de la pobreza en Centroamérica”, emprendido por la Unidad de Desarrollo Ambiental y Socialmente Sostenible de la región de América...
Guatemala like other countries in Central America, growth and development have been concentrated in areas where agro-ecological conditions are favorable for agricultural export products. Economic potential...
Tourism development is often promoted as a pro-poor non-agricultural rural strategy. However, little research exists at the World Bank about the broad impacts of tourism development. This paper is an interesting...
An estimated 80,000-100,000 Dominican farmers produce coffee and cocoa, nearly 40 percent of all agricultural producers. The sectors also provide employment for tens of thousands of field laborers and...