The Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) engagement on the Establishment of a framework for the use of derivatives and the execution of swap transactions in Romania is intended to support the Ministry...
The Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) program on the Establishment of a framework for the use of derivatives and the execution of swap transactions in Romania is intended to support the Ministry of...
The aim of this draft background note is to provide public debt managers with an overview of the matters that need to be considered by debt management offices (DMOs) planning to provide a securities lending...
This background note focuses on the use of bond buybacks and bond exchanges in the domestic government securities market. The objective is to provide an overview of their functions and of the procedures...
This background note is intended to assist debt management offices (DMOs) in assessing whether a bond placement scheme combining auctions and syndications is an appropriate strategy in their markets and...
This report presents tabular information for document description; file description; and variable description by indicating label, description, and vocabulary.