Severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020, Djibouti’s economic activity has shown signs of recovery in 2021.This first edition of the Djibouti Economic Monitor (DEM) launches a program...
The Palestinian people face an increasingly uncertain political environment, and an economy that is failing to generate the jobs and incomes that are needed to improve living standards. The Palestinian...
This public expenditure and financial accountability (PEFA) assessment for Indonesia was undertaken by a team of World Bank staff and development partners with close involvement of counterparts from the...
This public expenditure and financial accountability (PEFA) assessment for Indonesia was undertaken by a team of World Bank staff and development partners with close involvement of counterparts from the...
Since 2000, there has been growing interest in reforming Indonesia’s budgeting systems to promote a more performance-orientated process. Indonesia is in the initial stages of this reform. A major challenge...
Timely budget execution and sound public financial and management (PFM) institutions are keyto achieving development targets and outcomes. In Indonesia’s case improving budget executionis more important...