Indonesia posted a current account deficit (CAD) of United States dollars (USD) 8.4 billion in Q2 2019, up from USD 7.0 billion in Q1. On a four-quarter rolling sum basis, the CAD remained unchanged from...
Growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) continues to be resilient and in line with previous expectations. Already robust domestic demand has been supported by some pickup in external demand and...
Midway through 2015, Indonesia remains confronted with an uncertain external environment, and domestic economic policy challenges have intensified. GDP decelerated to below 5 percent in the first quarter...
Midway through 2015, Indonesia remains confronted with an uncertain external environment, and domestic economic policy challenges have intensified. GDP decelerated to below 5 percent in the first quarter...
The Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) has two main aims. First, it reports on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy, and places these in a longerterm and global context...
The Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) has two main aims. First, it reports on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy, and places these in a longerterm and global context...
This issue of the East Asia and Pacific economic update is based on data available through September 29, inclusive. This report also includes a special section, focusing on two crucial medium-term issues...
The Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) has two main objectives. First, it reports on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia's economy, and places these in a longer term and global...
The Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) has two main objectives. First, it reports on the key developments over the past three months in Indonesia's economy, and places these in a longer term and global...
Six months after the tsunami hit the northern coast of Sumatra, the scale of damage and of human tragedy is still incomprehensible. The landscape of much of Aceh remains fields of rubble, with only the...
Continued macroeconomic stability and a stronger international economy are supporting renewed growth in Indonesia, and are contributing to a reduction in poverty. The Government's Economic Policy Package...
Amid slowing world trade and regional growth, the Megawati administration has inherited a fragile economy. Financial markets gave the new team a strong vote of confidence but the honeymoon will be short...
The economic rationale for public expenditure is particularly strong in the case of environmental management. Yet, an environmental analysis is not a routine feature of public expenditure reviews by the...