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Exploratory assessment of factors that influence quality of local irrigation water governance in Uzbekistan : Исследовательская оценка факторов, влияющих на качество местных оросительной воды управления в Узбекистане (Ruso)

Agriculture in Uzbekistan is almost entirely dependent on irrigation. However, despite reforms to institutional arrangements, much of Uzbekistan’s irrigation is reportedly caught in a vicious cycle of inadequate operation and maintenance, low cost recovery, and agricultural productivity that is often moderate or low; in addition, many farmers earn low incomes (World Bank, 2013).Few incentives exist to save water because farmers do not see the direct...
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  • 2016/08/09

  • Documento de trabajo

  • 108006

  • 1

  • 1

  • Asia central, Uzbekistán,

  • Europa y Asia central,

  • 2016/10/07

  • Disclosed

  • Исследовательская оценка факторов, влияющих на качество местных оросительной воды управления в Узбекистане

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