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Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA and the Boards of Directors of IFC and MIGA held on July 16, 2020 and Record of Approvals July 1 thru 16 (Inglés)


  • 2020/07/16

  • Actas

  • 151600

  • 1

  • 1

  • Afganistán, India, Ecuador, Camerún, Camboya, Nepal, Kazajstán, Sierra Leona, Gabón, Comoras, Níger,

  • Asia meridional, Europa y Asia central, Western and Central Africa, Asia oriental y el Pacífico, Eastern and Southern Africa, América Latina y el Caribe,

  • 2020/08/23

  • Disclosed

  • 2020/07/16

  • Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA and the Boards of Directors of IFC and MIGA held on July 16, 2020 and Record of Approvals July 1 thru 16

  • Micro

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