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Burundi - Infrastructure Resilience Emergency Project : resettlement plan (Vol. 1 of 2) : Plan d’action de reinstallation (Francés)

The objective of the Public Works and Urban Management Project for Burundi will be to enhance the climate resilience of key transport and drainage infrastructure in Greater Bujumbura while strengthening the country's capacity to manage and prevent natural disasters. Negative impacts include: noise and vibrations, air quality degradation, groundwater, and land expropriation and compensation of other goods. The project is expected to reinforce physical...
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Document also available in : Francés


  • 2016/10/01

  • Plan de reasentamiento

  • SFG2793

  • 1

  • 2 (Ver todos los volúmenes)

  • Burundi,

  • Eastern and Southern Africa,

  • 2016/12/29

  • Disclosed

  • Plan d’action de reinstallation

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