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Jordan - Jordan education : Jordanie - Jordan Education (Francés)

This result profile focuses about education reform for a global knowledge economy in Jordan. Jordan has initiated comprehensive education reforms to capitalize on its strong record of education completion and adult literacy. Its reforms have strengthened education policy objectives and strategies, transformed education programs and practices, improved school buildings and learning environments, and enhanced equity in the poorer areas of the...
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  • 2010/04/10

  • Resumen

  • 94904

  • 1

  • 1

  • Jordania,

  • Oriente Medio y Norte de África,

  • 2015/10/12

  • Disclosed

  • Jordanie - Jordan Education

  • arab fund for economic and social development;secondary student;Teachers;agency for international development;Online Learning;Early childhood education;education policy objective;comprehensive education reform;national education strategy;islamic development bank;european investment bank;decentralization process;children of ages;teacher policy;lower-income household;kindergarten teacher;learning environment;international assessment;academic ... Vea más



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