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Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Third Poverty Reduction Fund Project : Additional Financing : Environmental Assessment : ຂອບການຄຸຸ້ມຄອງດຸ້ ານສິ່ ງແວດລຸ້ ອມ ແລະ ສັງຄົມ (Laosiano)

The development objective of the Third Poverty Reduction Fund Project for Lao People’s Democratic Republic is to improve access to basic services for the project's targeted poor communities. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (1) set standards appropriate for class of road, traffic, and terrain; (2) ensure a safe design including speed restriction and warning signs, to control livestock as necessary and where possible discuss...
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  • 2019/04/25

  • Evaluación ambiental

  • SFG5468

  • 1

  • 1

  • República Democrática Popular Lao,

  • Asia oriental y el Pacífico,

  • 2019/05/08

  • Disclosed

  • ຂອບການຄຸຸ້ມຄອງດຸ້ ານສິ່ ງແວດລຸ້ ອມ ແລະ ສັງຄົມ

  • Land Acquisition and Resettlement

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