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Ciblage dans les Milieux d’Extrême Pauvreté Données Recueillies dans Six Pays du Sahel Rural (Francés)

The main insights of this note are as follows: first, to significantly reduce poverty higher budgets for safety net interventions are needed, and expanding coverage is far more important than fine-tuning targeting methods. After geographical targeting, most PMT and CBT methods perform close to a random allocation of benefits when trying to identify food insecure households. While PMT consistently outperforms CBT in identifying households with the...
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Document also available in : Inglés


  • 2022/10/01

  • Resumen

  • 177790

  • 1

  • África,

  • África,

  • 2023/07/06

  • Disclosed

  • Ciblage dans les Milieux d’Extrême Pauvreté Données Recueillies dans Six Pays du Sahel Rural

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