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Suivi de l'impact du COVID-19 dans l'Est de la RDC : Résultats de 7th Round High-Frequency Phone Survey of Households (Francés)

The DRC CO High-Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) calls individuals from the social registry in Eastern DRC that was built up by the Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) program and managed by Fonds Social de la RDC (FSRDC) across different sites in Eastern DRC. The social registry is comprised of individuals showing up to the public lotteries of the program. With those selected through the public lottery becoming beneficiaries of the SPJ-FSRDC project. The...
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  • 2023/10/05

  • Resumen

  • 185125

  • 1

  • Congo, República Democrática del,

  • Eastern and Southern Africa,

  • 2023/10/06

  • Disclosed

  • Suivi de l'impact du COVID-19 dans l'Est de la RDC : Résultats de 7th Round High-Frequency Phone Survey of Households

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