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المذكرة الاقتصادية القطرية لليمن 2022م - بصيص أمل في زمن العتمة (Árabe)

Yemen’s economy has been transformed by eight years of violent conflict. War has shattered the country’s already fragile economic equilibrium, touching upon virtually every aspect of life. The compounded shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising global prices have only deepened the economic and humanitarian disaster precipitated by the war. Since the start of the conflict, economic analyses have tended to focus on the deterioration of macroeconomic...
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  • 2023/05/30

  • Memorando económico sobre el país

  • 181998

  • 1

  • Yemen, República del,

  • Oriente Medio y Norte de África,

  • 2023/05/30

  • Disclosed

  • المذكرة الاقتصادية القطرية لليمن 2022م - بصيص أمل في زمن العتمة

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