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نموذج تجريبي للتدريس على المستوى الصحيح (TaRL) في لبنان : ملخص تنفيذي (Árabe)

Lebanon’s education system has faced severe disruptions since 2019, leading to significant learning losses. A recent pilot tested the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which groups students by learning level rather than age or grade. The pilot covered Arabic, foreign language (English and French), and mathematics, and included 3,686 first- and second-shift public-school students in Grades 3 and 4. The improvements in learning outcomes observed...
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  • 2025/01/01

  • Informe

  • 196919

  • 1

  • Oriente Medio y Norte de África,

  • Oriente Medio y Norte de África,

  • 2025/01/29

  • Disclosed

  • نموذج تجريبي للتدريس على المستوى الصحيح (TaRL) في لبنان : ملخص تنفيذي

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