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Disaster Risk Financing : What it is and What it isn’t for Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel - Debunking Myths about DRF in the Sahel (English)

Adaptive safety nets are cash transfer programs that can rapidly increase beneficiary coverage, or the cash amounts they provide in response to disasters. Disaster risk financing (DRF) provides a set of tools and instruments that can efficiently help finance the costs of such responses. In the West Sahel, where chronic food insecurity and vulnerability are high and safety net coverage, data availability, and government fiscal space often remain limited...
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  • Disaster Risk Financing : What it is and What it isn’t for Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel - Debunking Myths about DRF in the Sahel


Felix Lung.

Disaster Risk Financing : What it is and What it isn’t for Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel - Debunking Myths about DRF in the Sahel (English). SASPP Policy Note Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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