The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) REPORT NO.: RES33363 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF POPULATION AND HEALTH SUPPORT PROJECT APPROVED ON MAY 22, 2015 TO REPUBLIC OF NIGER MARCH 26, 2019 HEALTH, NUTRITION & POPULATION AFRICA Regional Vice President: Hafez M. H. Ghanem Country Director: Soukeyna Kane Senior Global Practice Director: Timothy Grant Evans Practice Manager/Manager: Trina S. Haque Task Team Leader: Djibrilla Karamoko, Jenny R. Gold The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CHW Community Health Workers CYP Couple Years Protection DLI Disbursement Linked Indicators IDA International Development Association M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MoH Ministry of Public Health MTR Mid-Term Review MoP Ministry of Population PAPS Population and Health Support Project PDO Project Development Objective RHN Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn ad Child, Adolescent Health Nutrition SBCC Social and Behavior Communication Change The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P147638 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B) Approval Date Current Closing Date 22-May-2015 31-Dec-2021 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Ministry of Health,MP/WP/CP (Ministry of Population REPUBLIC OF NIGER Woman Promotion and Child Protection) Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The project development objective is to increase the utilization of reproductive health and nutrition services in Targeted Areas. The PDO will be achieved by implementing: (i) high impact interventions which increase the supply and quality of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn ad Child, Adolescent Health Nutrition (RHN) services especially in remote and undeserved communities; and (ii) Social and Behavior Communication Change (SBCC) and women and girls’ empowerment activities to overcome demand-side constraints. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-56440 22-May-2015 24-Jun-2015 23-Oct-2015 31-Dec-2021 9.00 3.48 5.75 IDA-D0620 22-May-2015 24-Jun-2015 23-Oct-2015 31-Dec-2021 94.00 57.31 38.43 The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Summary 1. The Niger Population and Health Support Project (PAPS) is a US$103 million operation (US$94 million grant and USD$9 million) operation approved in May 2015. To date, 58 percent of the IDA has been disbursed (US$60.8 million), including 61 percent of the grant (57.3 million) and 39 percent (US$3.5 million) of the credit. PAPS closes in December 2021. PAPS supports the national health plan of the Ministry of Public Health (MoH) to increase the utilization of reproductive health and nutrition (RHN) services, in coordination with other development partners and in synergy with several World Bank projects, including the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) project, and the governance, education and social protection projects. 2. The mid-term review (MTR) of the project took place in June 2018, to analyze the project’s implementation and take decisions on course corrections to reinforce the achievement of the PDO in its final years. This restructuring proposes revisions to the project components, results framework, and coordination in line with the MTR agreements. B. Project status 1. The project implementation is Satisfactory. The PDO is on-track, but progress should be accelerated. Contraceptive utilization is 18 percent (target 22 percent), skilled delivery is 48 percent (target 55 percent) and breastfeeding is 29 percent (target 38 percent), benefiting about 4 million women and children. The project has improved service utilization through Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs), as well as leadership capacity building, Social and Behavior Communication Change (SBCC), and women and girls’ empowerment activities. (a) Component 1: Improving the provision of RHN services (US$66.6 million). Five of the eight DLIs have met their targets: DLI3 adolescent contraceptive use; DLI4 nutrition counseling; DLI5 immunization; DLI6 payment of health services on time; and DLI7 training of health workers. DLI1 (contraceptive use) has reached 1.2 million women, 85 percent of its target. DLI2 (skilled delivery) has reached over 300,000 women, 66 percent of its target. DLI8 (supervision of health workers) is at 61 percent (target is 75 percent). (b) Component 2: Increasing the demand for services (US$30 million). The girl’s stipend program is supporting 7,400 girls. SBCC is being implemented by NGOs and community health workers (CHWs) make monthly home visits to the families. The activities are implemented through the social protection project. (c) Component 3: Improving capacity to manage, coordinate, monitor and evaluate (M&E) (US$6.4 million). The Rapid Results Initiatives (RRI) has built leadership capacity in all five project regions (Maradi, Zinder, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Dosso). In terms of M&E, the project reinforces the new DHIS2 or IT -based data system and improvements in the supervision of the activities (including in education). C. Proposed changes 1. The MTR proposed the following changes to restructure the project: (a) Revisions to the components: Revisions to the DLIS in Component 1 to better support the national health plan to achieve the PDO; revisions to Component 2 to reinforce the MoH community strategy; and revision to component costs. (b) Revisions to the results framework to improve the relevance of the M&E to track changes supported by the project; (c) Revisions to project implementing agencies to make the MoH the main agency responsible for Component 2, instead of the Ministry of Population (MoP) and the Ministry of Women’s Promotion and Child Protection. This is The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) based on the reorganization of the government who split the ministry into two separate department and also to provide a clear support to the new MoH community strategy implementation. (d) Reallocation between disbursement categories to address the revision to component costs. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES In line with the MTR recommendations, this restructuring paper proposes the below changes. A. Revisions to project components 1. The restructuring proposes the following changes to the DLIs in Component 1 (Improving the provision of RHN services): (a) The targets for DLI1 (contraceptive use), DLI2 (skilled delivery), DLI3 (adolescent contraceptive use), and DLI4 (nutrition counseling) are increased to prioritize progress on these key indicators in the national health plan. In addition, 3.5 million of the original amount allocated to the DLIs is to be reallocated from other well performing DLIs, to increase the payment for these indicators, which can provide key results toward the PDO. (b) DLI6, health facilities receiving payments from the central government for their revolving fund on time, is marked for deletion since this DLI is no longer relevant to the project. (c) A new DLI9 (number of assisted delivery vouchers that are reimbursed) is added to support the government to pilot a voucher program to promote utilization of skilled delivery in remote communities. The Government has already set- up a technical group to develop the program, and a small test program was already initiated with a local NGO, which is serving as a model to fast-track implementation for 2019. (d) The total amount of funding allocated to Component 1 is increased from US$66.6 to US$71.6 million. The additional 5 million will be moved from Component 2. 2. The revised DLI table specifying these changes is below (Table 1). 3. The restructuring proposes changes in scope to Component 2 to strengthen the project’s demand-side support: (a) The financing of Component 2 will be reduced from US$30 million to US$25 million to allocate more funds for the DLIs in Component 1. However, the voucher program supported by the newly added DLI9 will also address demand- side challenges around access to assisted delivery by pregnant women, originally limited to Component 2. (b) Sub-component 2.1 (Promote Social and Behavioral Change) will change scope to build capacity of CHWs, and the total amount of the component will be reduced from 9.5 to 8.6 million. The revised scope of the activities will include i) the development of the national strategy for community-based RHN services; ii) outreach activities with CHW to vulnerable households (already in place through the Safety Net Unit); and iii) the piloting of a community-based program for the national strategy, focusing on SBCC. (c) Sub-component 2.2 (Women’s and Adolescent Girl’s Empowerment) will be reduced from 17.2 to 16.3 million, with a reduced scope, focusing on i) school bursaries (financing can support 7,400 girls for the duration of the project); ii) skills development of out-of-school girls, and iii) institutional strengthening of the government agencies responsible for women’s empowerment and population issues. The institutional strengthening is to address the very low capacity of these agencies. The establishment of safe spaces for girls is no longer part of this component, since it is already being addressed by the SWEDD project across the project regions. (d) Sub-component 2.3 (Mobilize Opinion Leaders) will be dropped. The activities planned are being addressed by the SWEDD project, as well as through the RRI activities in Component 1 and the SBCC activities in Sub-component 2.1. The SWEDD project supported the leader’s mobilization and the setup of the “the husband school” in the targeted regions of the project. 4. Revisions to component costs: (a) The restructuring changes the project component amounts as follows: Component 1: US$71.6 million; Component 2: US$25 million; Component 3: US$6.4 million The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) 5. Project results framework: (a) The restructuring proposes minor changes to clarify the project results framework, given the demand-side strategy of Component 2 has evolved. Four intermediate level indicators (health centers offering youth services, women with improved knowledge on RHN issues, religious leader acceptance of reproductive health programs, and the monthly reporting of school committees) will be marked for deletion. These indicators are no longer relevant given the changed scope. Two new intermediate level indicators are added: an indicator to monitor the implementation of a beneficiary feedback mechanism by the MoH; and the indicator couple years protection (CYP). CYP data will help triangle achievements on family planning with information on contraceptives distributed by health centers to assess progress on this key outcome. 6. Revisions to project implementing agencies (a) The MoH will become the main agency responsible for implementing Component 2, instead of the MoP. With the reorganization of the MoP, institutional capacity was weakened, slowing project implement. Moreover, the new national health plan prioritizes the MoH's role in coordinating community-based interventions and services. 7. Revision of disbursement categories (a) Section IV below specifies the details of these changes, which address the change in the costs of the components. The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Table 1: Revised DLI table INDICATORS Original Revised Amount Original Revised New Formula allocation allocation previously baseline baseline amount (US$) disbursed of 2017 available DLI 1 : Increase in US$13 m 12,801,04 5,906,380 549,309 1,058,02 6,894,66 from the 2017 baseline of 1,058,024, for each additional woman number of women 9 4 9 utilizing modern contraception, US$14 shall be available for utilizing modern payment up to the available amount of US$6,894,669, with a contraception minimum payment of US$700,000 DLI 2 : Increase in US$13 m 13,087,83 3,846,945 317,748 322,256 9,240,88 from the 2017 baseline of 322,256, for each additional woman number of women 3 8 delivered by a trained health professional number, US$43 shall delivered by a trained be available for payment up to the available amount of health professional US$9,240,888, with a minimum payment of US$430,000 DLI 3 : Increase in new US$4 m 5,295,048 4,000,000 5,239 82,116 1,295,04 from the revised baseline of 82,116, for each additional accepter accepters (girls <20 8 (girl <20 years) using modern contraceptives, US$10 shall be years) using modern available for payment up to the available amount of contraceptives US$1,295,048 with a minimum payment of US$100,000 DLI 4 : Increase in US$10 m 12,215,65 10,000,00 1,389 187,076 2,215,65 from the 2017 baseline of 187,076, for each additional child <1 children <1 year having 6 0 6 year having received nutrition counseling and an updated growth received nutrition chart number, US$13 shall be available for payment up to the counseling and an available amount of US$2,215,656 with a minimum payment of updated growth chart US$156,000 DLI 5 : Increase in US$10 m 10,000,00 10,000,00 Per memoria children 0-11 months 0 0 immunized with measles DLI 6 : Health facilities US$6 m 2,545,939 2,545,939 Per memoria receiving payments from the central government for their revolving fund on time DLI 7 : Training of US$5.5 m 5,500,000 5,500,000 Per memoria health workers to deliver RHN services DLI 8 : Health workers US$5.1 m 5,154,475 4,225,990 30.00% 61.30% 928,485 from the 2017 baseline, for each additional percentage of health receiving supervision workers receiving supervision visits, US$68,888 shall be available visits in the previous for payment up to the available amount of US$928,485 period including direct with minimum payment of US$68,888 observation of their work DLI 9 : Assisted birth US$5 m 5,000,000 0 0 200,000 5,000,00 from the 2017 baseline of 0, for each additional assisted birth vouchers reimbursed 0 voucher reimbursed, US$25 shall be available for payment up to The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) the available amount of US$5,000,000 with a minimum payment of US$25,000 TOTAL Revised DLI 66,600,0 71,617,16 46,025,25 25,591,9 allocation 00 2 4 08 The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Implementing Agency ✔ Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_IA_TABLE IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Implementing Agency Name Type Action Ministry of Health Implementing No Change Agency MP/WP/CP (Ministry of Population Woman Implementing Marked for Deletion Promotion and Child Protection) Agency OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Improving the provision of high Improving the provision of high quality RHN services (DLI-based 66.60 Revised quality RHN services (DLI-based 71.60 financing) financing) Increasing the demand of RHN Increasing the demand of RHN 30.00 Revised 25.00 services services Improving capacity to manage, Improving capacity to manage, coordinate, monitor and evaluate coordinate, monitor and 6.40 No Change 6.40 RHN services and demand-side evaluate RHN services and activities demand-side activities Contingent Emergency Contingent Emergency Response 0.00 No Change 0.00 Response TOTAL 103.00 103.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_REALLOCATION _TABLE REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed IDA-56440-001 | Currency: XDR iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: GD, NCS, CONS, TR, OC PART B, C 6,600,000.00 1,320,251.28 6,600,000.00 100.00 100.00 The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) iLap Category Sequence No: 5 Current Expenditure Category: EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES PART D 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 Total 6,600,000.00 1,320,251.28 6,600,000.00 IDA-D0620-001 | Currency: XDR iLap Category Sequence No: 1 Current Expenditure Category: EEPs UNDER PART A 48,300,000.00 32,354,529.20 52,000,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: GD, NCS, CONS, TR, OC PART B, C 15,400,000.00 5,091,413.72 12,378,036.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3 Current Expenditure Category: CASH-TRANSFERS UNDER PART B.2 (ii) 3,800,000.00 2,979,527.54 3,730,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: PPF REFINANCING 700,000.00 91,963.93 91,964.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5 Current Expenditure Category: EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES PART D 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 Total 68,200,000.00 40,517,434.39 68,200,000.00 . The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) . Results framework COUNTRY: Niger Population and Health Support Project Project Development Objectives(s) The project development objective is to increase the utilization of reproductive health and nutrition services in Targeted Areas. The PDO will be achieved by implementing: (i) high impact interventions which increase the supply and quality of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn ad Child, Adolescent Health Nutrition (RHN) services especially in remote and undeserved communities; and (ii) Social and Behavior Communication Change (SBCC) and women and girls’ empowerment activities to overcome demand-side constraints. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Increase the utilization of reproductive health and nutrition services Women 15-49 years using modern contraceptive methods 12.76 22.00 (Percentage) Skilled birth attendance at delivery for women 15-49 25.60 55.00 (Percentage) Exclusive breastfeeding for children under 6 months (Percentage) 23.30 38.00 Women 15-49 and children (<5) using the basic package of 0.00 5,922,647.00 reproductive health and nutrition services (Number) Percent of which are girls 15-19 (Percentage) 30.00 30.00 Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion PDO Table SPACE The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Improving the provision of high quality RHN services Rapid Results Approach implemented to support the annual 0.00 15.00 health plan (number of cycles annually) (Number) People who have received essential health, nutrition, and 0.00 11,027,549.00 population (HNP) services (CRI, Number) Number of children immunized (CRI, Number) 0.00 3,933,000.00 Number of women and children who have received basic 0.00 4,079,549.00 nutrition services (CRI, Number) Number of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel 0.00 3,015,000.00 (CRI, Number) Couple years protection (CYP) (Number) 447,553.00 979,979.00 Action: This indicator is New Improving capacity to manage, coordinate, monitor and evaluate RHN services and demand-side activities Participatory process evaluation conducted and lessons are No Yes integrated in the annual work plan (Y/N) (Yes/No) Alignment of annual work plan to support results of project (Y/N) No Yes (Yes/No) Health facilities reporting health management data on time 72.00 85.00 (Completeness rate). (Percentage) Guideline adopted for the implementation of RHN services in the No Yes community (Yes/No) Beneficiary feedback collected from health districts (Yes/No) No Yes Action: This indicator is New Increasing the demand of RHN services The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Households visited by Relais Communautaire (Number) 0.00 457,200.00 Women (15-24), who have increased their knowledge on defined 0.00 80.00 areas of RHN (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion Adolescent girls registered in school annually (Number) 0.00 7,400.00 (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised School Management Committees submit monthly reports on adolescent girls school registration(Percent completeness) 0.00 85.00 (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion IO Table SPACE Disbursement Linked Indicators Matrix DLI IN00660308 ACTION DLI 1 Increase in women utilizing modern contraception Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 13,000,000.00 45.43 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 549,301.00 December 31 2020 1,256,888.00 13,000,000.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) DLI IN00660263 ACTION DLI 2 Increase in women utilizing modern contraception Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 12,801,049.00 46.14 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 549,301.00 December 31 2020 1,551,726.00 12,801,049.00 14 per unit DLI IN00660312 ACTION DLI 3 Increase in women delivered by a trained health professional Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 13,000,000.00 29.59 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 317,748.00 December 31 2020 537,160.00 13,000,000.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00660338 ACTION DLI 4 Increase in women delivered by a trained health professional Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 13,087,833.00 29.39 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Baseline 317,748.00 December 31 2020 537,160.00 13,087,833.00 43 per unit DLI IN00660315 ACTION DLI 5 Increase in new accepters (girls <20) using modern contraceptives Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 4,000,000.00 100.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 5,239.00 December 31 2020 82,000.00 4,000,000.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00660264 ACTION DLI 6 Increase in new accepters (girls <20) using modern contraceptives Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 5,295,048.00 75.54 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 5,239.00 December 31 2020 211,621.00 5,295,048.00 10 per unit The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) DLI IN00660322 ACTION DLI 7 Increase in children <1 year having received nutrition counseling and an updated growth chart Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 10,000,000.00 100.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 1,389.00 December 31 2020 180,000.00 10,000,000.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00660265 ACTION DLI 8 Increase in children <1 year having received nutrition counseling and an updated growth chart Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 12,215,656.00 81.86 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 1,389.00 December 31 2020 357,511.00 12,215,656.00 13 per unit DLI IN00660323 ACTION DLI 9 Increase in children 0-11 months immunized with measles Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Number 10,000,000.00 100.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Baseline 730,410.00 December 31 2020 889,198.00 10,000,000.00 DLI IN00660324 ACTION DLI 10 Health facilities receiving payments from the central government for their revolving fund on time Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Process No Percentage 6,000,000.00 42.43 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 60.00 December 31 2020 75.00 6,000,000.00 Action: This DLI has been Marked for Deletion DLI IN00660325 ACTION DLI 11 Training of health workers to deliver RHN services Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Number 5,500,000.00 100.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 0.00 December 31 2020 1,400.00 5,500,000.00 The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) DLI IN00660326 ACTION DLI 12 Health workers receiving supervision visits in the previous period including direct observation of their work Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Process No Percentage 5,100,000.00 82.86 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 40.00 December 31 2020 75.00 5,100,000.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00660303 ACTION DLI 13 Health workers receiving supervision visits in the previous period including direct observation of their work Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Process No Percentage 5,154,475.00 81.99 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline 40.00 December 31 2020 75.00 5,154,475.00 DLI IN00660340 ACTION DLI 14 Assisted birth vouchers reimbursed Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Number 5,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Baseline 0.00 December 31 2020 200,000.00 5,000,000.00 25 per unit Action: This DLI is New Verification Protocol Table: Disbursement Linked Indicators DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 1 Increase in women utilizing modern contraception Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 2 Increase in women utilizing modern contraception Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 3 Increase in women delivered by a trained health professional Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 4 Increase in women delivered by a trained health professional Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 5 Increase in new accepters (girls <20) using modern contraceptives Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 6 Increase in new accepters (girls <20) using modern contraceptives Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 7 Increase in children <1 year having received nutrition counseling and an updated growth chart Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 8 Increase in children <1 year having received nutrition counseling and an updated growth chart Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 9 Increase in children 0-11 months immunized with measles Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 10 Health facilities receiving payments from the central government for their revolving fund on time Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 11 Training of health workers to deliver RHN services Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638) Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 12 Health workers receiving supervision visits in the previous period including direct observation of their work Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 13 Health workers receiving supervision visits in the previous period including direct observation of their work Description Data source/ Agency Verification Entity Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 14 Assisted birth vouchers reimbursed Number of assisted birth vouchers reimbursed for births of women 15-49 years of age Description MoH reporting; DLI verification agency Data source/ Agency External verification agency Verification Entity Verification of number of vouchers reimbursed at health centers following agreed DLI verification guideline Procedure The World Bank Population and Health Support Project (P147638)