Title Page SFG2140 V4 GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN (IPMP) FOR THE LIBERIA West Africa Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE) Project DRAFT FINAL REPORT Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Table of Contents TITLE PAGE I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY V 1.0: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 2 1.2.1 REGIONAL DISEASE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS ENHANCEMENT PROJECT (REDISSE) 2 1.3 PROPOSED PROJECT COMPONENTS 2 1.3.1 THE REDISSE PROJECT COMPONENTS 2 1.4 RATIONAL FOR THE IPMP 7 1.5 SCOPE OF THE IPMP 7 2.0 PEST AND DISEASES PROBLEMS OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL HEALTH IN LIBERIA 8 2.1 INTRODUCTION 8 2.2 ECONOMIC PESTS AND DISEASES OF ANIMALS IN LIBERIA 8 2.3 CONTROL METHODS OF PESTS AND ANIMAL DISEASES IN LIBERIA 8 2.4 ASSESSMENT OF CAPACITY OF LIBERIA ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 8 3.0: ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES, LEGISLATIONS AND POLICIES RELEVANT TO USE OF CHEMICAL FOR PEST MANAGEMENT 10 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND POLICIES OF LIBERIA RELEVANT TO PESTICIDES’ MANAGEMENT 10 3.2 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS & TREATIES RELEVANT TO PEST MANAGEMENT IN LIBERIA 12 3.3 WORLD BANK OP 4.09 14 4.0 PEST MANAGEMENT APPROACHES IN LIBERIA 17 4.1 GLOBAL CONCERNS ON THE USE OF PESTICIDES 17 4.2 PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS (POPS) 17 4.3 PESTICIDES AND HUMAN HEALTH IMPACTS 17 4.4 PREVENTIVE AND MITIGATION MEASURES FOR ANIMAL PESTS/DISEASES 19 5.0: INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR REDISSE 22 5.1 INTRODUCTION 22 5.2. METHODS OR TECHNIQUES THAT WILL BE USED FOR ANIMAL PEST MANAGEMENT 22 5.3 CLASSES OF INSECTICIDES/ACARICIDES THAT MAY BE USED IN ANIMAL PEST MANAGEMENT 24 5.4 FORMULATIONS THAT ARE ALLOWED FOR MANAGING ANIMAL PESTS FOR USE IN REDISSE 24 5.5 GENERAL GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED FOR INSECTICIDES/CHEMICAL USE FOR ANIMAL PEST CONTROL 25 5.5.1 PEST MANAGEMENT PLANNING MATRIX FOR THE REDISSE 26 ii | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 6.0: IMPLENTATION STRATEGY 28 6.1 CONTEXT 28 6.1.1 CAPACITY BUILDING 28 6.1.2 FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION 29 6.1.3 FEDERAL MINISTRY OF HEALTH. 29 6.1.4 REDISSE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 30 6.1.5 ROLE OF COUNTIES 30 6.1.6 HEALTH FACILITIES 30 6.1.7 WORLD BANK/PARTNERS 31 6.1.8 MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) 31 7.0: WORKPLAN AND BUDGET 33 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MONITORING 34 8.1 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 34 8.2 MONITORING AND REPORTING PROCEDURES 34 9.1 PUBLIC CONSULTATION 35 9.2 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM) 35 REFERENCES 36 ANNEXES 37 ANNEX 1: LIST OF BANNED PESTICIDES 37 ANNEX 2: LIST OF CROP AND LIVESTOCK PROTECTION PRODUCTS APPROVED FOR USE BY NAFDAC 37 ANNEX 3: GOOD MANAGEMENT PRACTICES GUIDE AND PESTICIDES MANAGEMENT MEASURES 39 ANNEX 4: WHO PESTICIDES CLASSIFICATION 45 iii | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project List of Tables Table 4.1: Matrix of Some WHO Classified Pesticides and their Effects .................................... 20 Table 5: Planning matrix for the REDISSE IVM Project ............................................................. 27 Table 6: Capacity Building and cost estimate for the REDISSE Project ...................................... 28 Table 7.1: Budget summary for IPMP of the REDISSE ................................................................33 iv | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES 1 Context The Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE) project is planned to strengthen weak human health, animal health, and disaster response systems to improve the preparedness of the West African region to handle future epidemics, and thereby minimize the national, regional, and potential global effects of such disease outbreaks. This IVMP is to ensure that vectors from livestock production and veterinary services are identified, prevented, managed or controlled using appropriate, ecologically sound and economic strategies thereby, combating effectively and timely, animal disease emergencies and preventing epidemiology outbreaks. ES 2 Project Components The REDISSE project comprises of 5 components as follows: Component 1: Surveillance and Information Systems. Total costs including contingencies US$62.32 million equivalent of which US$50 IDA Credit and US$12.32 million MDTF This component will support the enhancement of national surveillance and reporting systems and their interoperability at the different tiers of the health systems. It will support national and regional efforts in the surveillance of priority diseases (including emerging, re-emerging and endemic diseases) and the timely reporting of human public health and animal health emergencies in line with the IHR (2005) and the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health code. Component 1 comprises of three sub-components: Sub-Component 1.1 Support coordinated community-level surveillance systems and processes across the animal and human health sectors (US$27 million). This sub-component will involve the strengthening of community-level surveillance structures and processes in countries where gaps exist for detecting events in communities (human and animal). This will entail improving community-level surveillance capacity for active, passive and rumor surveillance including in cross-border areas, and the development and implementation of a plan to ensure adequate territorial coverage for surveillance from the community to the central level. Sub-Component 1.2 Develop capacity for interoperable surveillance and reporting systems ($20 million) Sub-component 1.2 will support: (i) assessment of existing human and animal health surveillance systems and networks for prioritization of interventions within and across key sectors; (ii) review and update of national and regional disease priorities, and review and development of harmonized guidelines, protocols and tools to enhance surveillance and reporting processes; (iii) development of common methodologies and protocols for efficient flow and utilization of surveillance data (applicable to both public and private actors involved in disease surveillance); (iv) development of the required information communication and technology v|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project (ICT) infrastructure to facilitate cross-sectoral interoperability of surveillance and reporting systems at the national and regional level; and (v) establishing the necessary linkage of surveillance and reporting systems to national incidence management systems. Sub-Component 1.3 Establish an early warning system for infectious disease trends prediction (US$14 million) This sub-component will involve the establishment of an early warning system including the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to study infectious disease patterns and make predictions on evolution of disease outbreaks, including zoonoses and identify potential high risk areas for disease outbreaks in the region. Activities under this will support the monitoring of trends that occur in infectious diseases such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the impact of climate change on infectious disease outbreaks in the region. Component 2: Strengthening Laboratory Capacity (US$58 million) The objective of this component is to establish networks of efficient, high quality, accessible public health, veterinary and private laboratories for the diagnosis of infectious human and animal diseases, and to establish a regional networking platform to improve collaboration for laboratory investigation. This component is divided into three sub-components. Sub-Component 2.1 Review, upgrade and network laboratory facilities (US$28 million) This sub component will include: (i) assessment of existing human and animal health laboratory facilities and networks for prioritization of interventions; (ii) increasing laboratories services, and bio-safety and bio-security; (iii) support for improved supply chain management including the establishment of efficient inventory tracking and management systems; (iv) technical support for integrated laboratory information systems and the interoperability with disease surveillance and reporting systems; and (v) support to the strengthening of quality assurance systems for diagnostic services. Sub-Component 2.2 Improve data management and specimen management (US$12 million) This sub-component will support strengthening specimen management including: (i) streamlining the laboratory specimen referral process, including use of strengthened sub- national laboratories for diagnosis rather relying on a central laboratory; where possible and (ii) improving efficiency of specimen transport and disposal systems including through the use of private sector partnerships, and the use of accredited private laboratory networks for case confirmation. In addition, measures to improve data management will include: (i) strengthening the competencies of laboratory personnel to analyse and use laboratory surveillance data; (ii) strengthening laboratory data management systems to ‘report up’ and ‘report down’ more effectively; (iii) achieving interoperability between data management systems, where possible. Sub-Component 2.3 Enhance regional reference laboratory networking functions (US$18 million) vi | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project This sub-component will provide support to improving quality assurance, notably: (i) development of common standards, quality assurance systems, procedures and protocols; (ii) introduction of peer review mechanisms; (iii) application of the WHO/AFRO five-step accreditation process and technical assistance to support accreditation of laboratories; and (iv) support inter-laboratory external quality assessments among the participating countries and recruitment of experts to provide mentorship to laboratories. It will (i) strengthen existing and possibly identify new regional reference laboratories for specific diseases or diagnostic techniques, (ii) strengthen regional networking and information sharing between countries; and (iii) harmonize laboratory quality assurance policies across countries in the region, based on international standards. Component 3: Preparedness and Emergency Response (US$34 million) This component will support national and regional efforts to enhance infectious disease outbreak preparedness and response capacity. It will be made up of two sub-components: Sub-Component 3.1 Enhance cross-sectoral coordination and collaboration for preparedness and response (US$16 million) This sub-component will support: (i) partnership building activities (including the private sector) for outbreak preparedness and disaster risk management; (ii) improvement and harmonization of policies, legislations, and operating procedures that includes representation from other relevant sectors including environment, customs/immigration, education, law enforcement; and (iii) explore the establishment of national and regional financing mechanisms to ensure swift mobilization of resources for animal health and public health emergencies. Sub-Component 3.2 Strengthen Capacity for emergency response (US$18 million) This sub-component will support the strengthening of emergency operations centers (EOC) and surge capacity at the national and regional levels. Activities under this sub-component will support: (i) the establishment and management of a database of multidisciplinary rapid response teams (MRRTs) that will be available for rapid deployment; (ii) the development and management of stockpiling mechanisms (virtual and physical) to ensure availability of supplies to countries during an emergency response; and (iii) the swift mobilization and deployment of resources in response to major infectious disease outbreaks. Sub-Component 3.3 US$0 Component for emergency response. When a major outbreak affects the livelihoods of project beneficiaries, governments may request the World Bank to reallocate project funds to support mitigation, response and recovery. Detailed operational guidelines acceptable to the World Bank for implementing the REDISSE US$0 component for emergency response activity will be prepared at the national level during the first year of the project’s implementation. All expenditures under this activity will be in accordance with paragraph 12 of World Bank OP 10.00 (Investment Project Financing) and will be appraised, reviewed, and found to be acceptable to the World Bank before any disbursement is made. Disbursements will be made against an approved list of goods, works, and services vii | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project required to support crisis mitigation, response and recovery. Triggers and implementation details of the $0 component will be clearly outlined in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) acceptable to the World Bank. Component 4: Human resource management for effective disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness (US$47 million). This component will include two sub-components. Sub-Component 4.1 Health Workforce mapping, planning and recruitment (US$25 million) This sub-component includes; (i) assessments of current workforce in terms of quantity, geographical distribution and capacity (including private actors); (ii) strengthening capacity for human resource management for disease surveillance and response; (iii) supporting the capacity of governments to recruit health workers and create an incentive environment which encourages skilled individuals to work for the public sector; and (iv) using private actors to deliver public sector activities through delegation of power (e.g. sanitary mandates for veterinarians). Sub-Component 4.2 Enhance Health Workforce training, motivation and retention (US$22 million) This sub-component includes training to develop human resource capacity in surveillance, preparedness and response. Cognizant of the importance of community involvement in disease surveillance, a key lesson from the Ebola crisis, the project places emphasis on training at the community level, rather than focusing solely on higher level cadres. The project will analyse and seek to address the incentive environment within which healthcare workers operate. Armed with an improved understanding of this environment, the project will seek to implement activities which create incentives which not only draw those with relevant skills to the public sector, but also improve staff motivation and retention. Component 5: Institutional Capacity Building, Project Management, Coordination and Advocacy (US$41 million) This component focuses will include two sub-components: Sub-component 5.1 Project coordination, fiduciary management, monitoring and evaluation, data generation, and knowledge management (US$30 million) Under this sub-component, REDISSE will (i) strengthen the capacities of national and regional institutions to efficiently perform core project management functions including operational planning, financial management, procurement arrangements, and environmental and social safeguards policies in accordance with WB guidelines and procedures; (ii) enhance M&E systems including routine health management and information systems (HMIS) and other data sources, including bi-annual Joint External Evaluations (JEE) of IHR (2005) and the PVS pathway; (iii) manage operational research program and economic analysis of disease outbreaks and epidemics in the ECOWAS region implemented by national and regional institutions; (iv) viii | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project promote the design of impact evaluation studies to measure impact of project interventions; and (v) coordinate the roles of existing national and regional institutions to better support the planned project activities. Both the R-PCU and the individual N-PCUs will work closely with national environmental and social agencies to ensure due consideration of their respective legislations. REDISSE will also finance the generation of data on animal and human health activities in the ECOWAS countries, which is critical to guide and calibrate investments. Sub-component 5.2 Institutional support, capacity building, advocacy, and communication (US$11 million) This sub-component will help assess and build capacities at national and regional level . It will provide technical and investment support to enhance provision of services by WAHO and other cross-cutting regional institutions or organizations relevant to animal and human health sector development. To this end, the project will support: (i) the conduct of capacity gap analysis (including staffing, skills, equipment, systems, and other variables); (ii) identify potential synergies and cross-fertilization possibilities among various operations pertaining to disease surveillance and response, using a progressive pathway for OH operationalization at country level, supported by regional institutions; and (iii) establishment or upgrading of national public health institutions. REDISSE will also assist in supporting greater engagement and coordination of the five countries in regional decision- and policy-making processes in ECOWAS, as well as among regional public and non-public organizations. REDISSE will support advocacy and communication for sustained One Health approach. This will include: (i) generation and dissemination of lessons learned at the national and regional levels through One Health (OH) national and regional platforms respectively; and (ii) raising awareness on strategic issues at the decision and policy levels of countries, and regional economic communities to increase and sustain allocation of resources for disease surveillance, preparedness and response. ES3: Relationship of the OP 4.09-Pest Management with other triggered Safeguard Policies Safeguard policies potentially triggered by REDISSE based on the EA screening result are: S/N Safeguard Policies Triggered by the REDISSE Project Yes No 1 Environmental Assessment (OP/OB/GP 4.01) * 2 Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) * 3 Pest Management (OP 4.09) * 4 Indigenous peoples (OP 4.10) * 5 Physical Cultural Heritage (OP 4.11) 6 Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) * 7 Forest (OP 4.36) * 8 Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) * 9 Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP/GP 7.50) * 10 Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP/GP 7.60) * ix | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project OP/BP 4.01 takes into account the biophysical and social environments. The Bank requires Environmental Assessment to help ensure that projects which it is financing are environmentally sound and sustainable. This is important for the REDISSE project because it involves large scale animal disease vector risk control program, and could lead to increased use of chemicals, reagents, and pesticides with potential negative impacts and risks on the environment and human health. Accordingly, In Bank-financed agricultural and/or pest/vector control projects, best practices that involve integrated pest management is required. Therefore, the REDISSE project trigger the World Bank policy on pest management (OP 4.09). Though construction activities are envisaged under the REDISSE, all such construction activities are expected to take place in existing government facilities and on public land. Therefore no land acquisition or economic displacement is envisaged. Triggering of OP/BP 4.12 is there not justified. Tvechis project has prepared an ESMF to provide guidance and principles for addressing potential environmental and social impacts that may result from civil works activities. However, the ESMF does not completely address the concerns, which relate to pest control for the project. Thus, the preparation of this IPMP becomes necessary to complement the ESMF as it is intended to proffer suitable IPM methods for the REDISSE. ES4: Rationale for the IPMP Integrated Vector Management (IVM) brings together, into a workable combination the best strategies of all control methods that apply to a given problem created by the activities of pests. IPM has been defined in various ways but a more scientific definition describes it as, "the practical manipulation of pest populations using sound ecological principles to keep pest populations below a level causing economic injury". The surveillance, monitoring and containment of diseases including zoonosis anticipated under the REDISSE project could lead to increased use of chemicals, reagents, and pesticides with potential negative impacts and risks on the environment and human health. Given the situation- driven nature of the project, the extent of such an increased use cannot be ascertained in advance, and requires the borrower to prepare an Integrated Pest/Vector Management Plan to identify the potential risks and ways to adequately mitigate them. ES 5: Scope of the IPMP This IPMP covers the existing national and international legislations on the use of chemicals for pest management. It also assesses the Liberian experience in pest management and capacity on integrated pest management approach. Other areas addressed by it include training and awareness for the public and users of pesticides on safety measures, description of pesticides banned for use in Liberia as well as those approved for use. Specifically, it identifies institutional responsibility with regards to mitigation measures and monitoring indicators to be observed in order to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the IPMP. x|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project The IPMP will be reviewed and cleared by IDA prior to disclosure country wide in Liberia and InfoShop along with the ESMF report. ES6: Legislative and Regulatory Framework A number of legislations, policies and treaties were considered in this study. They include: i. The Environmental Protection Act: The act brought about the establishment of the National Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is responsible to ensure compliance to the provision of the act among different actors whose activities may pose serious negative environmental impacts. The EPA is mandated by law to issue environmental Impact Assessment License to entities whose project meet requirements set in the Act. ii. The Environmental Protection and Management Law (EPML): The Act enables the Environment Protection Agency to protect the environment through the implementation of the Law. It arranges the rules, regulations, and procedures for the conduct of EIA. It establishes regulations for environmental quality standards, pollution control and licensing, among others. The National Environmental Policy Act: The Act defines policies, goals, objectives, and principles of sustainable development and improvement of the physical environment, quality of life of the people and ensures coordination between economic development and growth with sustainable management of natural resources. iii. Liberia Decentralization Policy, 2009: Calls for the decentralization of the governance structure at county level. This policy emphasizes phasing out of centralized functions to the local government with county superintendents playing leading role in administering government functionaries at the county level. iv. Public Health Law, 1976: Mandates the Ministry of Health to ensure environmental sanitation in communities as well as in private and public places. The Law recognizes the importance of issuance sanitary permits to institutions for the operation public places including institution of public health importance. v. Integrated Water Resources Management Policy (IWRMP) and Integrated National Waste Management Strategic Plan (INWMSP) (2011) Serves as a common guiding reference for the implementation of the “Libreville Declaration on health and environment�. Among other issues, the Declaration emphasizes the implementation of 11 priority interventions which include strengthening the waste management system as a strategy for efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of quality services for improved health outcomes. vi. The Persons with Disability Act, 2011: Establishes the National Commission for Persons with Disability, to prohibit discrimination against persons with disability, achieve equalization of opportunities for persons with disability and to provide for other related matters. xi | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project vii. Freedom of Information Act, 2013: Provides for the disclosure of information held by public authorities or by persons providing services for them and to provide for other related matters. The following international conventions and treaties which Liberia is a signatory are relevant to REDISSE: # Convention/Treaties Date of Accession by Liberia 1 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic May 23, 2002 Pollutants (POP); Stockholm 2001 2 Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the March 31, 1993 ozone layer, Montreal 1987 3 Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Jan 23, 2003 Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, Basel 1989 4 United Nations convention on climate change, New Jan 6, 1995 York 1992 5 Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety Jan 29, 2000 6 Rotterdam Convention, 1998 Aug. 20, 2002 World Bank OP 4.09 This policy supports safe, effective, and environmentally sound pest management and promotes the use of biological and environmental control methods. It states that the assessment of the capacity of the country’s regulatory framework and institutions to promote and support safe, effective, and environmentally sound pest management should be undertaken for any project that involves pest management. Projects that include the manufacture, use, or disposal of environmentally significant quantities of pest control products are classified as Category A. Depending on the level of environmental risk, other projects involving pest management issues are classified as A, B, C, or FI. The national extant laws in Liberia are consistent with the international laws and the World Bank Operational Policy 4.09 and annex C of OP4.01 on the procurement, use, handling and disposal of pesticides. However, in the event of any discordance between the existing laws in Liberia and the World Bank safeguard policies the more stringent will take precedence. ES7: Assessment of the Capacity of Liberia on the Implementation of IVMP Due to the protracted period of civil war in Liberia and associated slow socio-economic and political building process, Liberia has not been able to build or develop capacities required for implementing IPMP. Therefore, this project will assist the government of Liberia with relevant consultants that will implement the IPMP and build capacity in the PCU and key health care implementation institutions within the first 2 years of project implementation. xii | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project ES8: Adverse Environmental & Health Impacts of Pests This IPMP identified a number of environmental, social and health risks from increased and unsafe use of pesticides, chemicals and reagents for control of crop pests and arthropod or zoopodic pests that may be encountered during project implementation. Environmental 1. Harm to Non-target Species : The environmental impact of pesticides consists of the effects of pesticides on non-target species. Over 98% of sprayed insecticides and 95% of herbicides reach a destination other than their target species, because they are sprayed or spread across entire agricultural fields. Runoff can carry pesticides into aquatic environments while wind can carry them to other fields, grazing areas, human settlements and undeveloped areas, potentially affecting other species. Other problems emerge from poor production, transport and storage practices. Over time, repeated application increases pest resistance, while its effects on other species can facilitate the pest's resurgence. 2. Social and Health Concerns of Disease outbreaks: – Recent experience in disaster emergency management of Ebola shows that control or intervention measures in disease outbreaks conditions could have direct effects of morbidity and mortality on health-care personnel thereby causing reduction in the labor force participation. Also, behavioral effects result from the fear of contagion. ES9: Integrated Vector Management Plan (IVMP) This IPMP is developed to reduce dependency on pesticides and encourage integrated pest control methods. It considers an IPM for livestock/animal health which entails detection and identification of pests on the animals or within the environment that the livestock occupy and appropriate strategies to manage them and their damage at acceptable levels with the least disruption to the environment. It also designs a program for capacity building in IPM, provides a stakeholder consultative and information dissemination arrangement as well as institutional responsibilities for taking actions and responding to IPM needs. ES10: Framework for Implementation REDISSE project implementation will be coordinated by WAHO of ECOWAS which will host the regional secretariat of the project. A project coordination unit will be located in Monrovia for coordination of activities in Liberia. xiii | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project One Health Steering Committee will be established, this committee will serve as the advisory and oversight body for the project. This committee will meet once every quarter. Membership shall include the following: MOH, MOA, MFDP, FDA, MOCI, MIA, WHO, CDC, USAID, FAO and PREDICT-2. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be housed in the Ministry of Health and will be responsible for procurement and financial management and ensure adherence to all WBG implementation and reporting guidelines for the REDISSE Project. Other implementing agencies, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, shall be financed through MOU for agreed deliverables with associated indicators and targets. ES11: Capacity Building and Awareness Capacity building and awareness will be very important to the project beneficiaries in the understanding and implementation of this IPMP. Training modules, communication strategy are well spelled out in this report. ES12 Budget for Implementation Approximately US$ 1,551,500 will be required to effectively implement the IPMP for the REDISSE over a five-year period. xiv | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Budget for the REDISSE IPMP Implementation Line item Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr 4 Yr5 Total 1. Capacity building & Awareness All training programs (See table 6.0) 298000 100000 100000 60500 0 558,500 Radio jingles and handbill on IPM 30000 20000 10000 0 0 60000 Sub-total 328000 120000 110000 60500 0 618,500 2. Environmental management Support to IPM research and 20000 30000 20000 10000 4000 84000 development Pest/vector surveillance 10000 10000 6000 4000 4000 34000 Sub-total 40000 60000 36000 24000 8000 118,000 3. Occupational Health & Safety Personal Protective Equipment 70000 70000 50000 0 0 190000 (Hand gloves, gas mask, safety boot and overall wear) Chemical Neutralizer and first Aid 50000 30000 20000 0 0 100000 Sub-total 120000 100000 70000 0 0 290000 4. Project management IPMP coordination 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 20000 Monitoring and evaluation 10000 10000 10000 12000 12000 54000 Sub-total 14000 14000 30000 16000 16000 74000 Grand total 502,000 294,000 147000 100500 24000 1,501,500 xv | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 1.0: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background The recent Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemic in West Africa has confirmed the critical importance of strengthening national disease surveillance systems and inter-country collaboration in order to detect disease outbreaks earlier and respond more swiftly and effectively, such that the loss of human lives and economic costs are minimized. The West Africa Ebola outbreak also demonstrated that there can be rapid and large spill-over effects of disease that can transcend local and national boundaries. Ebola emerged in a remote rural area of Guinea, but spread rapidly not only to densely populated urban conglomerations within the country, but also to Liberia amongst other west African Countries. The concept of the proposed Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project (REDISSE) is thus linked to the commitment that the global community has made to the countries of West Africa in light of the huge human and economic costs of Ebola, to strengthen weak human health, animal health, and disaster response systems to improve the preparedness of the region to handle future epidemics, and thereby minimize the national, regional, and potential global effects of such disease outbreaks. REDISSE is financed under an IDA Credit in the amount of US$210 million equivalent (see table below per country allocation) and IDA Grant in the amount of US$20 million equivalent to finance activities managed by WAHO. The total IDA Grant and Credit allocation is US$230 million equivalent. In addition, a multi donor trust fund from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Training and Development in Canada was created in the amount of US$12 million and which will be used to finance activities under component 1. The Bank support is planned for six years (2016-2022). The proposed IDA budget breakdown per country (US$) for the project is the following: Country / Regional Country IDA Regional IDA Total Institution ECOWAS/WAHO/ 20.0 20.0 Liberia 10.0 20.0 30.0 Nigeria 45.0 45.0 90.0 Senegal 15.0 15.0 30.0 Sierra Leone 10.0 20.0 30.0 1|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 1.2 General Description of the Project 1.2.1 Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project (REDISSE) Over the last four decades, the world has witnessed one to three newly emerging infectious diseases annually. Of infectious diseases in humans, the majority has its origin in animals (“zoonotic� diseases), with more than 70% of emerging zoonotic infectious diseases coming from wildlife. Recent outbreaks such as Ebola Viral Disease (EVD), H7N9 avian influenza, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Marburg virus, Nipah virus infection, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and HIV/AIDS showcase the catastrophic health and economic effects of emerging zoonotic diseases. In the West Africa region, the recent EVD outbreak clearly eroded hard-won gains in the fight against poverty, including gains in human development and economic growth in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, as well as in the entire region. In these three countries, the estimated forgone output reached US$1.6 billion, which represents over 12% of the countries’ combined outputs. (World Bank). The outbreak also resulted in school closure for at least 6 months in the three countries and over 16,600 children lost one or both parents to the epidemic. Overall, the estimated loss in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the 15 countries in the ECOWAS region was approximately US$1.8 billion in 2014, and was expected to rise to US$3.4 billion in 2015 and US$4.7 billion in 2016. These economic losses were over and above the day to day burden that are endemic to human and animal diseases, including zoonoses, on the people of West Africa. The performance of health systems in many countries in West Africa is weak including chronic insufficient financial and human resources, limited institutional capacity and infrastructure, weak health information systems, prevailing inequity and discrimination in availability of services, absence of community participation, lack of transparency and accountability, and a need for management capacity building. The REDISSE is therefore, planned to strengthen weak human health, animal health, and disaster response systems to improve the preparedness of the ECOWAS region to handle future epidemics, and thereby minimize the national, regional, and potential global effects of such disease outbreaks. 1.3 Proposed Project Components 1.3.1 The REDISSE Project Components The REDISSE project comprises of 5 components as follows: Component 1: Surveillance and Information Systems. Total costs including contingencies US$62.32 million equivalent of which US$50 IDA Credit and US$12.32 million MDTF 2|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project This component will support the enhancement of national surveillance and reporting systems and their interoperability at the different tiers of the health systems. It will support national and regional efforts in the surveillance of priority diseases (including emerging, re-emerging and endemic diseases) and the timely reporting of human public health and animal health emergencies in line with the IHR (2005) and the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health code. Component 1 comprises of three sub-components: Sub-Component 1.1 Support coordinated community-level surveillance systems and processes across the animal and human health sectors (US$27 million). This sub-component will involve the strengthening of community-level surveillance structures and processes in countries where gaps exist for detecting events in communities (human and animal). This will entail improving community-level surveillance capacity for active, passive and rumor surveillance including in cross-border areas, and the development and implementation of a plan to ensure adequate territorial coverage for surveillance from the community to the central level. Sub-Component 1.2 Develop capacity for interoperable surveillance and reporting systems ($20 million ) Sub-component 1.2 will support: (i) assessment of existing human and animal health surveillance systems and networks for prioritization of interventions within and across key sectors; (ii) review and update of national and regional disease priorities, and review and development of harmonized guidelines, protocols and tools to enhance surveillance and reporting processes; (iii) development of common methodologies and protocols for efficient flow and utilization of surveillance data (applicable to both public and private actors involved in disease surveillance); (iv) development of the required information communication and technology (ICT) infrastructure to facilitate cross-sectoral interoperability of surveillance and reporting systems at the national and regional level; and (v) establishing the necessary linkage of surveillance and reporting systems to national incidence management systems. Sub-Component 1.3 Establish an early warning system for infectious disease trends prediction (US$14 million) This sub-component will involve the establishment of an early warning system including the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to study infectious disease patterns and make predictions on evolution of disease outbreaks, including zoonoses and identify potential high risk areas for disease outbreaks in the region. Activities under this will support the monitoring of trends that occur in infectious diseases such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and insecticide resistance, and the impact of climate change on infectious disease outbreaks in the region. Component 2: Strengthening Laboratory Capacity (US$58 million) The objective of this component is to establish networks of efficient, high quality, accessible public health, veterinary and private laboratories for the diagnosis of infectious human and 3|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project animal diseases, and to establish a regional networking platform to improve collaboration for laboratory investigation. This component is divided into three sub-components. Sub-Component 2.1 Review, upgrade and network laboratory facilities (US$28 million) This sub component will include: (i) assessment of existing human and animal health laboratory facilities and networks for prioritization of interventions; (ii) increasing laboratories services, and biosafety and biosecurity; (iii) support for improved supply chain management including the establishment of efficient inventory tracking and management systems; (iv) technical support for integrated laboratory information systems and the interoperability with disease surveillance and reporting systems; and (v) support to the strengthening of quality assurance systems for diagnostic services. Sub-Component 2.2 Improve data management and specimen management (US$12 million) This sub-component will support strengthening specimen management including: (i) streamlining the laboratory specimen referral process, including use of strengthened sub- national laboratories for diagnosis rather relying on a central laboratory; where possible and (ii) improving efficiency of specimen transport and disposal systems including through the use of private sector partnerships, and the use of accredited private laboratory networks for case confirmation. In addition, measures to improve data management will include: (i) strengthening the competencies of laboratory personnel to analyze and use laboratory surveillance data; (ii) strengthening laboratory data management systems to ‘report up’ and ‘report down’ more effectively; (iii) achieving interoperability between data management systems, where possible. Sub-Component 2.3 Enhance regional reference laboratory networking functions (US$18 million) This sub-component will provide support to improving quality assurance, notably (i) development of common standards, quality assurance systems, procedures and protocols; (ii) introduction of peer review mechanisms; (iii) application of the WHO/AFRO five-step accreditation process and technical assistance to support accreditation of laboratories; and (iv) support inter-laboratory external quality assessments among the participating countries and recruitment of experts to provide mentorship to laboratories. It will (i) strengthen existing and possibly identify new regional reference laboratories for specific diseases or diagnostic techniques; (ii) strengthen regional networking and information sharing between countries; and (iii) harmonize laboratory quality assurance policies across countries in the region, based on international standards. Component 3: Preparedness and Emergency Response (US$34 million) This component will support national and regional efforts to enhance infectious disease outbreak preparedness and response capacity. It will be made up of two sub-components: Sub-Component 3.1 Enhance cross-sectoral coordination and collaboration for preparedness and response (US$16 million) 4|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project This sub-component will support: (i) partnership building activities (including the private sector) for outbreak preparedness and disaster risk management; (ii) improvement and harmonization of policies, legislations, and operating procedures that includes representation from other relevant sectors including environment, customs/immigration, education, law enforcement; and (iii) explore the establishment of national and regional financing mechanisms to ensure swift mobilization of resources for animal health and public health emergencies. Sub-Component 3.2 Strengthen Capacity for emergency response (US$18 million) This sub-component will support the strengthening of emergency operations centers (EOC) and surge capacity at the national and regional levels. Activities under this sub-component will support: (i) the establishment and management of a database of multidisciplinary rapid response teams (MRRTs) that will be available for rapid deployment; (ii) the development and management of stockpiling mechanisms (virtual and physical) to ensure availability of supplies to countries during an emergency response; and (iii) the swift mobilization and deployment of resources in response to major infectious disease outbreaks. Sub-Component 3.3 US$0 Component for emergency response. When a major outbreak affects the livelihoods of project beneficiaries, governments may request the World Bank to reallocate project funds to support mitigation, response and recovery. Detailed operational guidelines acceptable to the World Bank for implementing the REDISSE US$0 component for emergency response activity will be prepared at the national level during the first year of the project’s implementation. All expenditures under this activity will be in accordance with paragraph 12 of World Bank OP 10.00 (Investment Project Financing) and will be appraised, reviewed, and found to be acceptable to the World Bank before any disbursement is made. Disbursements will be made against an approved list of goods, works, and services required to support crisis mitigation, response and recovery. Triggers and implementation details of the $0 component will be clearly outlined in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) acceptable to the World Bank. Component 4: Human resource management for effective disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness (US$47 million). This component will include two sub-components. Sub-Component 4.1 Health Workforce mapping, planning and recruitment (US$25 million) This sub-component includes: (i) assessments of current workforce in terms of quantity, geographical distribution and capacity (including private actors); (ii) strengthening capacity for human resource management for disease surveillance and response; (iii) supporting the capacity of governments to recruit health workers and create an incentive environment which encourages skilled individuals to work for the public sector; and (iv) using private actors to deliver public sector activities through delegation of power (e.g. sanitary mandates for veterinarians). 5|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Sub-Component 4.2 Enhance Health Workforce training, motivation and retention (US$22 million) This sub-component includes training to develop human resource capacity in surveillance, preparedness and response. Cognizant of the importance of community involvement in disease surveillance, a key lesson from the Ebola crisis, the project places emphasis on training at the community level, rather than focusing solely on higher level cadres. The project will analyze and seek to address the incentive environment within which healthcare workers operate. Armed with an improved understanding of this environment, the project will seek to implement activities which create incentives which not only draw those with relevant skills to the public sector, but also improve staff motivation and retention. Component 5: Institutional Capacity Building, Project Management, Coordination and Advocacy (US$41 million) This component focuses will include two sub-components: Sub-component 5.1 Project coordination, fiduciary management, monitoring and evaluation, data generation, and knowledge management (US$30 million) Under this sub-component, REDISSE will: (i) strengthen the capacities of national and regional institutions to efficiently perform core project management functions including operational planning, financial management, procurement arrangements, and environmental and social safeguards policies in accordance with WB guidelines and procedures; (ii) enhance M&E systems including routine health management and information systems (HMIS) and other data sources, including bi-annual Joint External Evaluations (JEE) of IHR (2005) and the PVS pathway; (iii) manage operational research program and economic analysis of disease outbreaks and epidemics in the ECOWAS region implemented by national and regional institutions; (iv) promote the design of impact evaluation studies to measure impact of project interventions; and (v) coordinate the roles of existing national and regional institutions to better support the planned project activities. Both the R-PCU and the individual N-PCUs will work closely with national environmental and social agencies to ensure due consideration of their respective legislations. REDISSE will also finance the generation of data on animal and human health activities in the ECOWAS countries, which is critical to guide and calibrate investments. Sub-component 5.2 Institutional support, capacity building, advocacy, and communication (US$11 million) This sub-component will help assess and build capacities at national and regional level . It will provide technical and investment support to enhance provision of services by WAHO and other cross-cutting regional institutions or organizations relevant to animal and human health sector development. To this end, the project will support: (i) the conduct of capacity gap analysis (including staffing, skills, equipment, systems, and other variables); (ii) identify potential synergies and cross-fertilization possibilities among various operations pertaining to disease 6|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project surveillance and response, using a progressive pathway for OH operationalization at country level, supported by regional institutions; and (iii) establishment or upgrading of national public health institutions. REDISSE will also assist in supporting greater engagement and coordination of the five countries in regional decision- and policy-making processes in ECOWAS, as well as among regional public and non-public organizations. REDISSE will support advocacy and communication for sustained One Health approach . This will include: (i) generation and dissemination of lessons learned at the national and regional levels through One Health (OH) national and regional platforms respectively; and (ii) raising awareness on strategic issues at the decision and policy levels of countries, and regional economic communities to increase and sustain allocation of resources for disease surveillance, preparedness and response. 1.4 Rational for the IPMP Integrated Pest Management (IPM) brings together, into a workable combination the best strategies of all control methods that apply to a given problem created by the activities of pests. IPM has been defined in various ways but a more scientific definition describes it as, "the practical manipulation of pest populations using sound ecological principles to keep pest populations below a level causing economic injury". IPM is necessary for REDISSE as the surveillance, monitoring and containment of diseases including zoonosis anticipated under the REDISSE project could lead to increased use of chemicals, reagents, and pesticides with potential negative impacts and risks on the environment and human health. Given the situation-driven nature of the project, the extent of such an increased use cannot be ascertained in advance, and requires that borrowers will each prepare Integrated Pest/Vector Management Plans to identify the potential risks and ways to adequately mitigate them. 1.5 Scope of the IPMP This IPMP covers the existing national and international legislations on the use of chemicals for pest management. It also assesses the Liberian experience in pest management and capacity on integrated pest management approach. Other areas addressed by it includes: training and awareness for the public and users of pesticides on safety measures, description of pesticides banned for use in Liberia as well as those approved for use. Specifically, it also identifies institutional responsibility with regards to mitigation measures and monitoring indicators to be observed in order to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the IPMP. The IPMP will be reviewed and cleared by IDA prior to disclosure country wide in Liberia and Info-Shop. 7|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 2.0 PEST AND DISEASES PROBLEMS OF AND ANIMAL HEALTH IN LIBERIA 2.1 Introduction Pests and disease vectors constitute serious hazards to public health, food security and safety in Liberia. Vectors transmit several diseases of public health importance in Liberia, and recently Ebola outbreak in 2014 killed approximately 40% of 10,675 laboratory cases confirmed in the country. Also, Malaria which is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquitoes is responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality particularly among children less than 5 years and pregnant women. Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) transmitted by Black flies is responsible for the high incidence of blindness in most rural and remote areas of Liberia. This disease has resulted in depopulation of many fertile farming areas thus contributing significantly to food insecurity and poverty. Lassa fever and Yellow fever transmitted by M. natalensis (rats) and Aedes mosquitoes respectively have been reported to occur in epidemic proportions in some parts of Liberia. 2.2 Economic Pests and Diseases of Animals in Liberia Ectoparasitism is a serious threat to both animals and humans West African region including Liberia. The painful bites of parasites could be a great nuisance, leading to loss of large amount of blood (Walker, 1996; Natala, 1997). Ticks alone transmit several important protozoal, rickettsial, bacterial and viral diseases to animals, thereby causing great economic losses. Lice and mites usually cause dermatitis, which is characterized by alopecia and necrotic foci. There is also intense pruritus (especially with mange) which leads to biting and vigorous scratching of affected parts (Lapage, 1968; Yeruham, 1985; Taylor et al., 2007). 2.3 Control methods of pests and animal diseases in Liberia Mainly pest management controls used in Liberia include: 1. Cultural control: which refers to the adjustment of animal husbandry techniques by the 2. Biological Control: which involves either encouraging or introducing natural enemies of the pest or interfering with the life cycle of the pest 3. Chemical controls - the use of pesticides to kill pests. 2.4 Assessment of Capacity of Liberia on Integrated Pest Management In terms of the strategic action required to sustain animal health, the Liberia context is characterized by lack of preparedness, insufficient human, physical and financial resources, and the lack of cross-sector collaboration to address promptly and efficiently, disease outbreak disaster scenarios such as Ebola and the resurgence of highly pathogenic avian influenza. Similarly, as a result of the protracted period of civil war in Liberia and associated slow socio- economic and political building process, Liberia has not been able to build or develop capacities 8|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project required for implementing IPMP. Therefore, this project will assist the government of Liberia with relevant safeguard consultants that will implement the IPMP and build capacity in the PCU and key health care implementation institutions within the first 2 years of project implementation. 9|Page Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 3.0: ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES, LEGISLATIONS AND POLICIES RELEVANT TO USE OF CHEMICAL FOR PEST MANAGEMENT 3.1 Environmental Laws and Policies of Liberia Relevant to Pesticides’ Management A number of legislations, policies and treaties were considered in this study. They include: i. The Environmental Protection Act: The act brought about the establishment of the National Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is responsible to ensure compliance to the provision of the act among different actors whose activities may pose serious negative environmental impacts. The EPA is mandated by law to issue environmental Impact Assessment License to entities whose project meet requirements set in the Act. ii. The Environmental Protection and Management Law (EPML): The Act enables the Environment Protection Agency to protect the environment through the implementation of the Law. It arranges the rules, regulations, and procedures for the conduct of EIA. It establishes regulations for environmental quality standards, pollution control and licensing, among others. The National Environmental Policy Act: The Act defines policies, goals, objectives, and principles of sustainable development and improvement of the physical environment, quality of life of the people and ensures coordination between economic development and growth with sustainable management of natural resources. iii. Liberia Decentralization Policy, 2009: Calls for the decentralization of the governance structure at county level. This policy emphasizes phasing out of centralized functions to the local government with county superintendents playing leading role in administering government functionaries at the county level iv. Public Health Law, 1976: Mandates the Ministry of Health to ensure environmental sanitation in communities as well as in private and public places. The Law recognizes the importance of issuance sanitary permits to institutions for the operation public places including institution of public health importance. v. Integrated Water Resources Management Policy (IWRMP) and Integrated National Waste Management Strategic Plan (INWMSP) (2011): Serves as a common guiding reference for the implementation of the “Libreville Declaration on health and environment�. Among other issues, the Declaration emphasizes the implementation of 11 priority interventions which include strengthening the waste management system as a strategy for efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of quality services for improved health outcomes. vi. The Persons with Disability Act, 2011: establishes the National Commission for Persons with Disability, to prohibit discrimination against persons with disability, achieve equalization of opportunities for persons with disability and to provide for other related matters. 10 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project vii. Freedom of Information Act, 2013: Provided for the disclosure of information held by public authorities or by persons providing services for them and to provide for other related matters. Agencies and Institutions with Statutory Roles and Responsibilities Relevant to IPMP A number of state structures, research institutions and non-governmental organizations are involved in the management of chemicals and related activities. They include the following: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Principal authority for the management of the environment, and mandated to coordinate, monitor, supervise and consult with relevant stakeholders on all activities in the protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources; promotes environmental awareness and the implementation of the national environmental policy and the environmental protection and management law; oversees the implementation of international environment related conventions. Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) Plans, executes, administers, manages and supervises agriculture programs and provides extension services; trains local farmers in improved cultural practices, and supplies to farms inputs to enhance food security. Ministry of Land, Mines and Energy (MLME) This Ministry has the statutory responsibility for the development of mineral, water and energy resources of the country and the administration of its lands; is in charge of land surveys in all parts of the country; coordinates the activities of miners of gold and diamonds, including granting of operation licenses; regulates beach sand mining and works along with the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Liberia to conduct training research on land rehabilitation. Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs (MPEA) The Ministry serves as the direct link between implementing Ministries/Agencies, NGOs, PVOs, and the international community. In addition, MPEA is responsible to:  Give technical guidance to all GOL agencies in the preparation of development programs and projects;  Review proposals for new development programs and projects on changes in existing programs and projects under consideration in view of the resources available and make recommendations to the national planning council;  Review progress made on programs and projects, which have been adopted, initiating special investigation into the execution of those programs and projects, and report findings and recommendations to the national council. 11 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MHSW) The Ministry coordinates and administers the general health services of the Country; ensures the availability of drugs; collects health statistics and monitors events and conditions affecting the general public. The Ministry is in charge of preventive and curative services and vital statistics for the registration of deaths and births 3.2 International Conventions & Treaties Relevant to Pest Management in Liberia Liberia is a signatory to many conventions on the protection of the environment, which lay credence to the IPMP under study. Some of these conventions pertinent to this study and date of accession by Liberian government is presented below: # Convention/Treaties Date of Accession by Liberia 1 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic May 23, 2002 Pollutants (POP); Stockholm 2001 2 Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the March 31, 1993 ozone layer, Montreal 1987 3 Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Jan 23, 2003 Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, Basel 1989 4 United Nations convention on climate change, New Jan 6, 1995 York 1992 5 Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety Jan 29, 2000 6 Rotterdam Convention, 1998 Aug. 20, 2002 12 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project The Stockholm Convention, 2001 Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants in accordance with Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environmental and Development, aims at protecting human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants such as aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane, endrin, heptacholic, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, DDT and PCBs. It is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from highly dangerous, long�lasting chemicals by restricting and ultimately eliminating their production, use, trade, release and storage. The Convention was adopted in Stockholm, Sweden on May 22, 2001. It calls for outright banning and destruction of 12 Persistent Organic Pollutants, 9 of which are pesticides. These are: Pesticides POPs: Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Mirex, Toxaphene. The Industrial POPs: Dioxins, Furans, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The Rotterdam Convention The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent on Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade is a global treaty that came into force in February 2004. It is designed to protect public health and the environment by promoting informed decision–making by importing countries in relation to products that have been banned or severely restricted by at least two other Parties to the Convention. It formalizes the voluntary principles established in the International Code of Conduct. The Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) aims to help participating countries make informed decisions about the potentially hazardous chemicals that might be shipped to them, and to facilitate communication of these decisions to other countries. The Convention requires exporting Parties to honor the decisions of importing Parties. The key principles of PIC are:  International shipment of a pesticide included in the PIC list should not occur against the wishes of the importing country;  In the absence of a decision from an importing country, the export may proceed if the pesticide is registered in the country, or if it has previously been used or imported into the country;  If an importing country decides not to consent to further imports, the decision must be applied to imports from all sources, and domestic manufacturing and use must cease;  Recommendations for inclusion of banned and severely restricted chemicals in the PIC procedure must be supported by risk evaluations reflecting prevailing conditions at the national level. 13 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Basel Convention The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of - Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was concluded in Basel, Switzerland on March 22, 1989, and entered into force in May 1992. The Basel Convention contains specific provisions for the monitoring of implementation and compliance. A number of articles in the Convention oblige Parties (national governments which have acceded to the Convention) to take appropriate measures to implement and enforce its provisions, including measures to prevent and punish conduct in contravention of the Convention. The key principles/outcomes of the Basel convention are:  In order to minimize the threat, hazardous wastes should be dealt with as close to where they are produced as possible;  Transboundary movements of hazardous wastes or other wastes can take place only upon prior written notification by the State of export to the competent authorities of the States of import and transit (if appropriate);  Each shipment of hazardous waste or other waste must be accompanied by a movement document from the point at which a transboundary movement begins to the point of disposal. Hazardous waste shipments made without such documents are illegal;  Outright bans on the export of these wastes to certain countries; however, Transboundary movements can take place, if the state of export does not have the capability of managing or disposing of the hazardous waste in an environmentally sound manner. There is also the support for the document of harmonization of rules governing the pesticide agreement in the ECOWAS zone adopted at the 60th ordinary session of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers held at Abuja on 17 and 18 May 2008. The aim of this common regulation is to:  Protect the West African populations and environment against the potential hazards of pesticide use;  Facilitate intra and inter-state trade in pesticides through the establishment of rules and principles accepted by common consent at the regional level to remove the trade barriers;  Facilitate an appropriate and timely access by farmers to quality pesticides;  Contribute to the creation of a suitable environment for private investment in the pesticide industry, and; Promote public-private sector partnership. This regulation is applicable to all activities involving the experimentation as well as authorization, trade in utilization and control of pesticides and bio pesticides in the member countries. 3.3 World Bank OP 4.09 The policy supports safe, effective, and environmentally sound pest management and promotes the use of biological and environmental control methods. It encourages the assessment of the capacity of the country’s regulatory framework and institutions to promote and support safe, 14 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project effective, and environmentally sound pest management. Projects that include the manufacture, use, or disposal of environmentally significant quantities of pest control products are classified as Category A. Depending on the level of environmental risk, other projects involving pest management issues are classified as A, B, C, or FI. The World Bank OP 4.09 ensures that EA covers potential issues related to pest management and considers appropriate alternative designs or mitigation measures. It places premium on using biological pest control measures, but where chemical pesticides must be used, it encourages the country’s capacity to manage the procurement, handling, application and disposal of pest control products be evaluated and the capacity to monitor the precision of pest control and the impact of pesticide use, and to develop and implement ecologically based pest management program. OP/BP4.01 annex C exempts procurement of impregnated bed nets and WHO Class III insecticides for intra-domiciliary malaria control from the requirement of preparing a pest management plan. In those cases preparation of a hazard assessment would suffice. A hazard assessment identifies risks associated with the transport, storage, handling and use of the pesticides and provides measures to minimize these risks. The policy further provides that the PMP may be limited to pest control product screening when all of the following conditions are met:  Expected quantities of pest control products are not significant from a health or environment standpoint;  No significant environment or health concerns related to pest control need to be addressed,  The project will not introduce pesticide use or other non-indigenous biological control into an area, or significantly increase the level of pesticide use;  Products to be financed fall in class 111 or table 5 of the WHO Classification of pesticides by hazards. The OP 4.09 principles provide general guidance that will be followed during appraisal on how to address pest management issues in different categories of projects to which OP 4.09 applies. These are provided as follows: 1. Do no harm All projects: The do-no-harm principle applies to all projects under any circumstances. Its concerns entail that pest management activities in Bank projects are sustainable and that health and environmental risks of pesticide use are minimized and can properly be managed by the user. Projects that directly or indirectly finance pesticides: For pesticides directly or indirectly procured under Bank financed projects, the policy states that it needs to be established that their use is justified under an IPM approach. It stipulates that optimum use should be made of available non-chemical pest management techniques to reduce reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides and that adequate measures be incorporated in the project design to reduce risks associated with the handling and use of pesticides to a level that can be managed by the users. 15 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project The policy encourages monitoring of the effectiveness of these measures in order to achieve project objective. Projects that do not finance pesticides, but nevertheless indirectly increase or alter pesticide use, or affect pest management: If no pesticides are procured under the project, but if the project nevertheless affects pest management by maintaining or expanding pest management practices that are unsustainable, not based on an IPM approach, and/or pose significant health and environmental risks, then it would be appropriate to set out clear targets for moving current practices towards IPM and to provide the necessary support to this process. Immediate measures may be required to reduce risks associated with the handling and use of pesticides to a level that can be managed by the users. These may be addressed via:  Determining justification of pesticide use (that is whether pesticides use is justified under an IPM approach;  Determining if pesticides use is justified in economic terms;  Determining appropriateness or otherwise of products through selection and procurement of pesticides;  Identification of risks and risk management to mitigate environmental and health concerns. 2. Do Good Principle The do good principle calls for enhancing policy reform and strengthening the regulatory framework and institutional capacity for the implementation of IPM and the control of pesticides. The expected level of project involvement depends on the circumstances and the scope of the project. Relevant factors in this respect are the:  Magnitude of the activity involving or affecting pest management;  Nature of the risks involved;  Size of the gap between actual practices and good practices;  Geographical scope of the project;  Degree to which policy reform and capacity building fit in the project. 16 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 4.0 PEST MANAGEMENT APPROACHES IN LIBERIA Generally, pest management in Liberia is characterized by cultural methods and use of chemicals. The cultural methods employed usually include the use of manual traps and some predators to check some kind of pest’s species. Chemical methods generally imply the use of pesticides and herbicides. 4.1 Global Concerns on the Use of Pesticides Pesticides are toxic substances released most times intentionally into our environment. This includes substances that kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides), and others. The use of toxic pesticides to manage pest problems has become a common practice around the world. Pesticides are used almost everywhere not only in agricultural fields, but also in homes, parks, schools, buildings, forests, and roads. Though they could be very useful in managing pest problems, they are also a great environmental and health risk. 4.2 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) In May 2001, Liberia became a signatory to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, and ratified in 2004. Under Annex A (listed for Elimination) of the convention, Parties must take measures to eliminate the production and use of the chemicals listed under Annex A. These obsolete pesticides are characterized by a high persistence in the environment (e.g. half-life for DDT in soil ranges from 22 to 30 years, Toxaphene -14 years, Mirex -12 years, Dieldrin- 7 years, Chlordecone up to 30 years), low water solubility and thus potential to accumulate in fatty tissue of living organisms including humans and toxicity to both human and wildlife. Due to intensive releases to the environment in past several decades, and tendency to long-range trans-boundary atmospheric transport, they are now widely distributed and are found around a globe. Most agricultural pesticides could constitute any of the POPs chemicals, which if are in use, pose adverse environmental, animal and human health risks. Considering that Liberia is a Signatory, the country is obligated to stop the use of POPs pesticides if still in use. For other pesticides, which are not POPs, the issue of toxicity still remains and the consequence of application on agricultural farm land, and resultant wider environmental and social impacts. 4.3 Pesticides and Human Health Impacts Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of human health hazards, ranging from short-term impacts such as headaches and nausea to chronic impacts like cancer, reproductive abnormalities, and endocrine disruption. Chronic health effects may occur years after even minimal exposure to pesticides in the environment, or result from the pesticide residues, which we ingest through our food and water. Pesticides can cause many types of cancer in humans. 17 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Some of the most prevalent forms include leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, brain, bone, breast, ovarian, prostate, testicular and liver cancers. Harm to Non-target Species The environmental impact of pesticides consists of the effects of pesticides on non-target species. Over 98% of sprayed insecticides and 95% of herbicides reach a destination other than their target species, because they are sprayed or spread across entire agricultural fields. Runoff can carry pesticides into aquatic environments while wind can carry them to other fields, grazing areas, human settlements and undeveloped areas, potentially affecting other species. Other problems emerge from poor production, transport and storage practices. Over time, repeated application increases pest resistance, while its effects on other species can facilitate the pest's resurgence. Social and Health Impacts 1. Pesticides can enter the body through inhalation of aerosols, dust and vapour that contain pesticides; through oral exposure by consuming food and water; and through skin exposure by direct contact. The effects of pesticides on human health depend on the toxicity of the chemical and the length and magnitude of exposure. Farmer, farm workers and their families experience the greatest exposure to agricultural pesticides through direct contact. Children are more susceptible and sensitive to pesticides, because they are still developing and have a weaker immune system than adults. Children may be more exposed due to their closer proximity to the ground and tendency to put unfamiliar objects in their mouth. Hand to mouth contact depends on the child's age. Children under the age of six months are more apt to experience exposure from breast milk and inhalation of small particles. Pesticides can bio-accumulate in the body over time. 2. Effect of Disease outbreaks – Recent experience in disaster emergency management of Ebola in the West African region shows that control or intervention measures in disease outbreaks conditions could have direct effects of morbidity and mortality on health-care personnel thereby causing reduction in the labor force participation. Also, behavioral effects result from the fear of contagion. Health hazards and death from consumption of chemically grown crops and disease infected animals 3. Consumption of crops and plants grown under chemical pest control could cause health hazards to humans and animals within and around the project site. 4. Possibility of cancers, neurologic, endocrine and reproductive problems from direct and indirect exposure to pesticides. 5. Occupational health and safety risks. Long term inhalation of toxic pesticides sprayed, could eventually result in respiratory illnesses or disease conditions. 18 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 4.4 Preventive and Mitigation Measures for Animal Pests/Diseases To prevent the introduction and dissemination of animal diseases as far as possible, the public, livestock owners and health workers must do the following:  Ensure adequate hygiene within and around the vicinities of their animals as well as self hygiene for household;  Be alert to symptoms of diseases;  Comply with legal requirements when importing animals from other regions or countries;  Notify a veterinarian early of any suspected animal diseases;  Vaccinate routinely all farm animals against diseases. 19 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Table 4.1: Matrix of Some WHO Classified Pesticides and their Effects Pesticides Result of accidental exposure WHO Class (3) Effects of acute intoxication Effects of chronic intoxication Clorpyriphos ethyle (1) II(moderately hazardous) Nausea. Dizziness. Vomiting. Cough. Loss of consciousness. The substance may have effects on the nervous system, Convulsions. Constriction of the pupil. Muscle cramps. Salivation. cholinesterase inhibitor A severe exposure may cause inhibition of cholinesterase Exposure above the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) may result in death Fenitrothion(1) II(moderately hazardous) Cramps. Diarrhea. Dizziness. Headache. Nausea. Loss of The substance may have effects on the nervous system, consciousness.A severe exposure may cause inhibition of cholinesterase inhibitor cholinesterase exposure above the OEL may result in death Malathion (1) III (Slightly hazardous) The substance may have effects on the nervous system, causing A prolonged or repeated contact may cause skin convulsions, muscle cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sensitization. Cholinesterase inhibitor; possibility of salivation, sweating, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness. A cumulative effects severe exposure may cause inhibition of cholinesterase Exposure above the OEL may result in death. Dizinon II(moderately hazardous) The main symptom of soft acute diazinon poisoning are headache, Cholinstrase inhibitor.Accumulation of acetylcholine at nausea, dizziness, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision, tightness in the junctions between nerves and glands results in gland chest, difficulty in breathing, muscle weakness or twitching, secretion;and accumulation between nerves in the brain difficulty in walking, vomiting abdominal cramps and diarrhea causes sensory and behavioral disturbances. Effects on the central nervous system may include confusion, anxiety, drowseness, depression, difficulty in concentrating, slurred speech, poor recall, insomnia, nightmares and a form of toxic psychosis resulting in bizarre behavior. Cypermethrin II(moderately hazardous) Symptoms of acute poisoning include abnormal facial sensations, Chronic symptoms include brain and locomotry dizziness, headache, nausea, anorexia and fatigue, vomiting and disorders, polyneurophasy and immuno-suppression and increased stomach secretion resembles the multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome Carbosulfan II (Moderately hazardous The acute symptoms of carbosulfan in humans are characterstics of - other organoposphate and carbamate insecticides. Signs include dizziness, salivation, excess salivation, nausea, abdominal cramps, 20 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Pesticides Result of accidental exposure WHO Class (3) Effects of acute intoxication Effects of chronic intoxication vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, pi-point pupils, difficulty breathing and muscle twitching Carbaryl II (Moderately hazardous >> >> >> - Profenofos II (Moderately hazardous Muscarinic, nicotinic and central nervous system manifestations There is no available data concerning chronic toxicity of profenofos 21 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 5.0: INTEGRATED VECTOR MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR REDISSE 5.1 Introduction Establishing an IVMP for vectors of animals is a function of the following 5 steps:  Detection Pest detection requires thorough and regular monitoring of animals for pest invasions and/or other signs and symptoms that indicate a pest is present on the animal or in the environment where animals live (Walker & Stacheki, 1996). This is done by observing an animal’s body, feces, living quarters, bedding, surroundings and behaviors. Under REDISSE project, any unusual change noticed in an animal shall be recorded and brought to the attention of a veterinarian.  Identification Identification step is required to determine if the pest detected is actually the organism causing the discomfort or disorder in the animal. This is best performed by a trained farm manager or a veterinarian.  Economical or Medical Significance A medical judgment of the state of health of an animal is made on the basis of symptoms caused by pests. On the economic side, estimated losses which the pest has caused such as reduction in diary, meat production and egg production are the variable indicators, but high economic loss can be a function of duration of pest invasion or period within which it took for effective mitigation response to take place.  Method Selection This involves selecting a method or methods for managing the observed vector such as are contained in this IVMP.  Evaluation It is necessary under REDISSE to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied pest management procedures. Keeping records and evaluating pest control techniques will be followed as monitoring task for the REDISSE IPM outcome evaluation. 5.2. Methods or techniques that will be used for Animal Vector Management IVM for animals includes biological, cultural, mechanical, physical, chemical (use of pesticides), use of resistant breeds and sanitation in the animal’s environment. 22 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Biological Control This project will introduce, encourage and artificially increase plants and animals that are parasites or predators of identified pests. This will be effective in managing insects and mites.  Cultural Control o It is recommended that under REDISSE, maintaining overall good health of the animals should be a priority in pest management. This is necessary to keep the animal healthy which enhances its tolerant level to pests. o Animal diets should be well balanced and provided at consistent intervals and in appropriate portions; o Adequate ventilation should be provided for animals kept indoors to prevent heat, stress or the spread of diseases; o Ensure that animals are not over crowded to avoid pest outbreaks.  Mechanical tools Mechanical tools to be employed under REDISSE may include: o Grooming combs, brushes and flea combs with closely spaced teeth to monitor for insects and ticks; o Use of electronic devices such as lights that attract flying insects around barns or other animal quarters to reduce some nuisance pests; o Use of traps for rodents that may be carriers ofevectors.  Physical control This may involve the following measures: o Use of sticky flypaper to reduce nuisance flying insects in confined areas; o Use of cages that separate animals from contact with one another which reduces the spread of insects from infested animals to non-infested ones; o Use of pest resistant breeds and breeds adapted to the climatic conditions of the surrounding environment where they are raised can avoid or reduce the effect of the pests.  Sanitation Implementation of REDISSE IPM shall accord great importance to sanitation as measure to avoiding pest and diseases in animals. Keeping barnyards, stables, kennels, exercise areas and surrounding areas as clean as possible and ensuring that animals drink from safe water points can prevent reasonably pest invasion, and therefore highly recommended. Cleaning animal bedding and the surfaces of cages and other animal confinement with disinfectants also kills pathogens and reduces the tendencies of spread of diseases.  Use of Pesticides Pesticides may be used in REDISSE for animal pest control in combination with other methods of prevention and control, or used when other methods have failed or considered in 23 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project applicable. For example, cultural or other management strategies discussed earlier may not be applicable to control or prevent deer flies and horse flies. In that or similar cases, the use of repellants or chemicals at appropriate application, quantities and methods for the environment are conceivable options. Nonetheless, banned and obsolete pesticides shall not be procured nor be used in any case under REDISSE. 5.3 Classes of insecticides/Acaricides that may be used in Animal Pest Management Chlorinated Hydrocarbons This class includes lindane and methoxychlor. Lindan has become a restricted use pesticide for mange mites and lice.  Organophosphates (OP) Organophosphate compounds inhibit cholinesterase. Cholinesterase is a chemical catalyst found in mammals that helps regulate the activity of nerve impulses. It is a synthetic organic pesticide containing carbon, hydrogen and phosphorus. Cholinesterase includes a broad range of insecticides such as chlorpyrifos, malathion, DDVP, runnel, stiriphos, etc Organophosphates have been found to be effective against a wide range of insects including but not limited to fleas and ticks. Other classes of insecticides/acaricides that may be used in this project are:  Carbamates  Synthetic pyrethroids  Botanicals  Lime sulfur (Calcium polysulfide)  Mineral oil  Amitraz  Ivermectins and  Insect growth regulators and hormone mimics 5.4 Formulations that are allowed for Managing Animal Pests for use in REDISSE Insecticides and acaricides formulations vary widely and must be selected to fit the particular situation. Noted below are various formulations that may be used but their applications must be based on effectiveness, cost, practicality and relative safety to human, the animal being treated and the environment.  Ready to use (RTU) RTU formulations require no mixing or combining with other ingredients or diluents. They come in containers that serve as the application device, such as an aerosol can, pour-on bottle, roll-on, spot-on or spray bottle. 24 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Wet-able powders (WP) This type must be mixed with water before application. They are concentrates in solid, powdered form and can be sprayed after mixing.  Emulsifiable concentrates (EC) Emulsifiable concentrates are liquids that must be mixed with water before application. They can be sprayed after mixing or sponged on the animal being treated.  Shampoo A Shampoo is a formulation of insecticide and other ingredients that is applied to an animal’s wet haircoat and worked into a lather. Label direction should be looked out for to determine the length of time that the shampoo must remain on the animal to achieve effective pest control before being thoroughly rinsed.  Dust A dust is a ready-to-use dry formulation. The following safety caution must apply: o Protect the animal and applicator’s eyes from the dust; o Applicators must wear appropriate personal protective equipment to protect exposed skin, the respiratory tract and eyes  Baits Baits are either commercially prepared as dry granules or made as mixes of insecticides.  Pastes, liquids, powders, tablets/pellets and injectable These formulations should be given orally or injected into animals to control internal parasites. Only licensed or qualified veterinarians shall administer this on the animal. 5.5 General Guidelines to be followed for insecticides/chemical use for animal pest control  Read labels before using any pesticide, and follow strictly label instructions;  Use only products labeled for use on animals or in animal environments;  Do not exceed label dosages; measure carefully and know the animal’s exact weight;  Provide adequate ventilation while using pesticides;  Remove animals from buildings if it is an area or premise spray;  As much as possible, use dust formulation instead of spray on outdoor animals on cold days;  Use all appropriate personal protective equipment during applications of any pesticide;  Do not add new insecticides to old, previously used dipping water, but start with fresh water;  Avoid using pesticide when an animal has been, will be or is anesthetized;  Keep records of pesticides applications; 25 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Always store and dispose of pesticide containers according to label directions (or see attached animal waste management protocol). 5.5.1 Pest Management Planning Matrix for the REDISSE Table 5 outlines the matrix of activities, expected results, milestones and performance indicators of the IPMP for the REDISSE Project. 26 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Table 5: Planning matrix for the REDISSE IPM Project Narrative summary Expected results Performance indicators Assumptions/risks Goal: Enhance the capacity of health  Improved public & animal health  Evidence of no of persons and institutions  National security workers and veterinarians to contribute to trained on remains stable  Increased national and community human and animal health disaster reduction surveillance & preparedness on human and  Increase in number of accredited private  Government through environmentally friendly pest animal health risk disaster management laboratories for diagnosis of infectious human commitment to management practices. and animal diseases implement national  Increase capacity of institutions to manage regulations and health emergencies/outbreaks in  Evidence of reduction in use of pesticides conventions on environmental and socially safe manner  Evidence of increase in use of non-chemical or pesticides/chemical  Increase number of private laboratories for safe chemical applications on crop production storage, diagnosis of infectious human and animal and even mosquito control around human transportation and health settlement application Purpose Medium-term results/outcomes  Commitment of government to implement IPM across the national health and (i) improvement in efficiency of specimen  Health institutions and and those that agricultural sector spread. transport and disposal system control/use pesticides are able to prioritize  Level of compliance with World Bank pest problems, specifically with the REDISSE and identify IPM opportunities to safeguards, and compliance parameters of ii) Increase awareness on use and safety of mitigate negative environmental and social other donors etc. application of chemicals for pest/vector control impacts associated with pesticides.  Level of chemical control practices  Health institutions and those that control/use  Types and level of use of alternatives to (iii) document and disseminate key lessons pesticides are able to adopt ecologically synthetic pesticides to users and stakeholders sound options to reduce cassava crop losses with minimal personal and environmental iv) reduction in the use of harmful or health risks. banned chemicals/pesticides in growing  Policy makers in Health institutions and foods for human and animal consumptions agric. Organizations and associations are strengthened and provided with guidelines enabling them to promote IPM approaches and options in animal health management  Collaborate linkages established to develop a national IPM policy to promote compliance with international conventions and guidelines on safe pesticide use 27 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 6.0: IMPLENTATION STRATEGY 6.1 Context To ensure that this IPMP is optimally implemented a number of steps are required to be taken. These include: i. Measures that will ensure capacity building among stakeholders that will implement the IPMP; ii. Measures to ensure that POPs pesticides and WHO class 1 and 2 pesticides considered highly hazardous are not procured and/or used; iii. Measures that will ensure that farmers and health workers get the relevant technical aids and education on the implementation of safe and alternative pest control measures rather than the use of chemicals; iv. There will be need to ensure that funding and approval process for IPMP implementation are well coordinated and effective; v. Monitoring and evaluation resources should be provided as and when due to ensure no set back in monitoring activities. 6.1.1 Capacity Building Training is a fundamental component of this IPMP. There is need to train and enlighten stakeholders on different aspects of the IPMP requirements necessary for their project support. The training components contained in this report are first steps in filling the capacity gaps in the country for the implementation of the IPMP. Table 6: Capacity Building and cost estimate for the REDISSE Project Modules Targets Responsibility Budget in Arrangement USD World Bank Environmental and HCF Health workers, Safeguards Consultant Social Safeguards (emphasis on veterinarians, livestock 45000 OP 4.09) farmers, , Members of Disease surveillance committee Occupational Health and Safety HCF Health workers, Independent Consultant (OHS) Basics in chemical pest veterinarian, livestock 68,000 applications farmers, Members of Disease surveillance committee Safe Management of Chemical HCF Health workers, Independent Consultant, Pesticides (transportation, veterinarians, livestock 39,000 storage, handling, storage of farmers, Members of Disease empty pesticide containers and surveillance committee zonal final disposal) office Decision making on the HCF Health workers, Independent Consultant, selection of IPM approaches or veterinarians, livestock 57,500 options farmers, Members of Disease surveillance committee 28 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Modules Targets Responsibility Budget in Arrangement USD Breeding of natural enemies of HCF Health workers, Independent Consultant pests veterinarians, livestock 89,000 farmers, Members of Disease surveillance committee Total 298,500 6.1.2 Framework for Implementation REDISSE project implementation will be coordinated by WAHO of ECOWAS which will host the regional secretariat of the project. A project coordination unit will be located in Monrovia for coordination of activities in Liberia. One Health Steering Committee will be established, this committee will serve as the advisory and oversight body for the project. The committee will meet once every quarter. Membership shall include the following: MOH, MOA, MFDP, FDA, MOCI, MIA, WHO, CDC, USAID, FAO and PREDICT-2. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be housed in the Ministry of Health and will be responsible for procurement and financial management and ensure adherence to all WBG implementation and reporting guidelines for the REDISSE Project. Other implementing agencies, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, shall be financed through MOU for agreed deliverables with associated indicators and targets. Subject to modifications that will arise from harmonization of roles to be finalized between WAHO and REDISSE steering committee, agencies and their roles in REDISSE tentatively stand as follow: 6.1.3 Federal Ministry of Health. The Federal Ministry of Health with the support of partners shall:  Be responsible for coordinating the implementation of IDSR;  Conduct training and provide technical, supervisory, monitoring and evaluation support for IDSR activities;  Provide technical guidelines, set up regulations and ensure quality control for laboratory services in the country;  Organize annual IDSR review meeting in collaboration with stakeholders;  Provide prompt and efficient response mechanisms for emergencies including epidemics and notify appropriate authorities;  Analyze IDSR data and disseminate to all levels for planning purposes;  Provide feedback to States and the stakeholders involved in disease surveillance;  Mobilize resources for IDSR activities. 29 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 6.1.4 REDISSE Technical Advisory Committee The REDISSE technical advisory committee shall exist at the Federal level. The TAC shall:  Provide technical advice on REDISSE to the Federal Ministry of Health and FMARD.  Provide technical support to, and build capacity of States and COUNTYs on disease surveillance and response.  Monitor REDISSE implementation at all levels. Review periodically health-related data to determine the frequency of occurrence of communicable diseases particularly epidemic prone diseases. Provide feedback through quarterly epidemiological bulletin, monthly newsletter and meetings. 6.1.5 Role of Counties The County is the primary level of REDISSE implementation and shall:  Create a budget line for REDISSE activities;  Report on weekly basis, cases of epidemic prone diseases, and monthly for all other priority diseases;  Monitor disease trends and detect impending epidemics within the County;  Ensure that REDISSE forms, medicines and other supplies are available to health facilities.  Establish County Disease Surveillance and Response Committee;  Notify the State immediately of any disease outbreaks within 48 hours of detection;  Conduct training and retraining of health personnel on REDISSE;  Provide feedback to the health facilities and communities;  Ensure collection of data from all public and private health facilities within the County.  Provide logistics support and communication facilities for REDISSE operations in the Counties. 6.1.6 Health facilities All Tertiary, Secondary and Primary health facilities shall:  Ensure timely and regular provision of disease data to the COUNTY where they are located using approved REDISSE reporting format  Conduct training and retraining of health personnel on REDISSE 30 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Assist in Laboratory diagnosis and effective case management using standardized management guidelines  Provide technical and logistic support for epidemic response.  Provide regular routine immunization services  Provide regular feedback to the communities 6.1.7 World Bank/Partners The role of partners in REDISSE IPMP implementation amongst others shall be to:  Provide technical and financial support;  Support the establishment of REDISSE resource center at the Federal and State Ministries of Health;  Support research on new trends in REDISSE;  Serve on the REDISSE Technical Advisory Committee and Disease Surveillance and Response Committee;  Collaborate with all tiers of government for i m provi ng disease surveillance activities;  Mobilize resources from other interested parties to support REDISSE implementation. 6.1.8 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) The objective of monitoring and evaluation is to measure and assess the implementation of the IPMP against the set objectives. The overall impact of the M&E is to dictate early, gaps in the implementation as well as areas where planned measures were not sufficient to address pest management for categories of animal and/or crop pests. Information feedback from M&E will be helpful to REDISSE implementation agencies in redesigning their methods of IPMP mix to ensure effectiveness of intervention. Therefore, the specific targets of the M&E of the REDISSE are as follows:  Providing timely information about the success or otherwise of the IPM operation process outlined in this report. This will ensure continuous improvement in the REDISSE;  To make a final evaluation in order to determine whether mitigation measures incorporated in the IPMP have been successful. The key issues to be considered in the monitoring process are whether a the pesticides procurement checklist is available and used during procurement and screening to: 1) ensure that POPs pesticides and WHO class 1A and 1B pesticides are not procured or used; 2) Monitor the progress of the IPM implementation vi-a-viz the results. 31 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project In specifics, the following are monitoring indicators required to achieving IPM project development objectives:  Reduction in the use and application of pesticides in the area;  Performance ratings in pest management using proffered IPM controls;  Number of farmers and stakeholders aware of the pollution, contamination and toxicity associated with pesticides;  Decline or increase in pests infestation;  The number of farmers or farmers association using biological methods of pest control;  Number of persons trained in the method of spraying and handling of chemical pesticides;  The reported incidences of pest and disease outbreak early;  Improvement in production/harvest of crops/livestock from use of IPM vi-a-viz the pre- IPM baseline;  Level of understanding of IPM processes;  Level of understanding of World Bank operational policy on pest management among PCUs and farmers associations. Towards the course of the above monitoring indicators the following action indicators will be incorporated into a participatory monitoring and evaluation plan. Capacity to inform: Types and number of participatory learning modules (PLM) delivered; category and number of extension agents and farmers trained and reached with each PLM; category and number of participants reached beyond baseline figures; practical skills/techniques most frequently demanded by extension agents and farmers; and crop/livestock management practices preferred by farmers. Capacity to motivate: Category and number of agricultural workers and farmers who correctly apply the skills they had learnt; new management practices adopted most by farmers; category and number of other farmers trained by project trained farmers; types of farmer-innovations implemented; level of pest damage and losses; rate of adoption of IPM practices; impact of the adoption of IPM on production performance. , 32 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 7.0: WORKPLAN AND BUDGET Table 7.1 below provides an indicative budget for implementation of the REDISSE and IPMP over a 5-year period. Approximately US$ 1,551,500 is estimated for the implementation of the IPMP for the REDISSE program. The cost components cover IPM orientation workshop, capacity building and awareness program, and project management including the cost of monitoring. Detail of the work plan and cost are presented in table 7.1below. Table 7.1: Budget summary for IPMP of the REDISSE Line item Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr 4 Yr5 Total 1. Capacity building & Awareness All training programs (See table 6.0) 298000 100000 100000 60500 0 558,500 Radio jingles and handbill on IPM 30000 20000 10000 0 0 60000 Sub-total 328000 120000 110000 60500 0 618,500 2. Environmental management Support to IPM research and 20000 30000 20000 10000 4000 84000 development Pest/vector surveillance 10000 10000 6000 4000 4000 34000 Sub-total 40000 60000 36000 24000 8000 118000 3. Occupational Health & Safety Personal Protective Equipment 70000 70000 50000 0 0 190000 (Hand gloves, gas mask, safety boot and overall wear) Chemical Neutralizer and first Aid 50000 30000 20000 0 0 100000 Sub-total 120000 100000 70000 0 0 290000 4. Project management IPMP coordination 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 20000 Monitoring and evaluation 10000 10000 10000 12000 12000 54000 Sub-total 14000 14000 30000 16000 16000 74000 Grand total 502,000 294,000 147000 100500 24000 1501500 33 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MONITORING 8.1 Institutional arrangements In order to ensure quality delivery of the project activities, project monitoring will be conducted by different institutions and at different levels. National Level: The infrastructure working group mentioned above will serve as the technical review arm for this project and will comprise of the Ministry of Health (Infrastructure Division and the Environmental Health Division), who will lead the process of ensuring environmental monitoring for sub project activities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will ensure that sub project activities requiring permits complies with existing laws. A sub national level: the County Health Teams will lead the implementation of environmental mitigation activities and ensure that all sub project activities comply with existing legislation. 8.2 Monitoring and Reporting Procedures The project will ensure continuous monitoring and supervision, focusing primarily on monthly county level visits and a mid-term and end of project evaluation. The budgetary allocations in the budget will support local monitoring by the Environmental and Social Management consultant and monitors from the DEOH and the EPA to effect the wide scale monitoring of the ESMF. 34 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 9.0 CONSULTATIONS, GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM AND PUBLIC DISCLOSURE 9.1 Public Consultation Public consultation and advocacy are keys to the effectiveness and success of REDISSE. Therefore, consultations have begun at inter-agencies level under this project. Public consultation is seen as a continuum throughout the life cycle of this project, and therefore, at various stages of project implementation, the public will be consulted and continued to be consulted for their awareness, participation and collaboration. This will be done through radio jingle, community town hall meeting, and fliers and also via the public disclosure of prepared safeguard documents at designated centres as required by the law. This IPMP and the ESMF amongst other safeguard will be disclosed in Country and at Infoshop once they are cleared by the Bank. All comments provided during these consultations will be recorded, and included in the final IPMP/ESMF and any subsequent safeguard instruments which will be developed as required. 9.2 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) Communities and individuals who believe that they are adversely affected by a World Bank (WB) supported project may submit complaints to existing project-level grievance redress mechanisms or the WB’s Grievance Redress Service (GRS). The GRS ensures that complaints received are promptly reviewed in order to address project-related concerns. Project affected communities and individuals may submit their complaint to the WB’s independent Inspection Panel which determines whether harm occurred, or could occur, as a result of WB non- compliance with its policies and procedures. Complaints may be submitted at any time after concerns have been brought directly to the World Bank's attention, and Bank Management has been given an opportunity to respond. For information on how to submit complaints to the World Bank’s corporate Grievance Redress Service (GRS), please visit http://www.worldbank.org/GRS. For information on how to submit complaints to the World Bank Inspection Panel, please visit www.inspectionpanel.org. In country, grievance procedures will be put in place to address any mistreatments/ mishandling between both health workers, and health workers and patients. In the case of patients, for example, the Community health leader – who sits on the Hospital Health Board and primary health facility and Community committees -will be the grievance focal point. Patients will be able to discuss grievances directly with the community health leader, or by writing these down, and placing in a suggestion box. Health facilities will be required to ensure that grievance procedures are understood by, and understandable to illiterate populations. All grievances related to the IPMP and the REDISSE project implementation in general will be collected and addressed by the PCU and/or reported to the WAHO for issues that cannot be handled at the PCU level. In addition to this, mechanisms to address grievances among health workers will also be developed (including redress mechanisms) and enforced by health facilities. Adherence to these grievance mechanisms will be monitored closely in the quality checklist for hospitals and primary health facilities. Therefore, members of the public are urged to take advantage of the GRM under this project to resolve all dissatisfactions. 35 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project REFERENCES  Environmental and Social Management Framework: Strengthening Liberia Health System Project, (2016)  IPMP of the West  National Policy on Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (2005)  Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in the International Trade. Text and annexes. UNEP and FAO (1998)  Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Text and annexes. UNEP and FAO, (2001). 36 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project ANNEXES Annex 1: List of banned pesticides 1. Aldrin 2. Chlordane 3. DDT (Dichlochphenyl trichloroethane) 4. Dieldrin 5. Endrin 6. Heptachlor 7. Toxaphene 8. Chlordimeform 9. Mercury Compounds 10. Lindane 11. Parathion 12. Methyl Parathion 13. Methyl bromide 14. Hexachlorobenzene Annex 2: List livestock protection products approved for use by NAFDAC a) Insecticides Organochlorines Organophosphorus Carbamates Pyrethroids insecticides insecticides 1. Endosulfan Organophosphorus i 1. Carbaryl 1. Lambda – Cyhalothrin 2. Helptachlor 1. Diazinon 2. Carbofuran 2. Cypermethrin 3. Lindane (Restricted to 2. Dichlorvos (DDVP) 3. Propoxur 3. Deltamethrin use on Cocoa only) 3. Chlorpyrifos 4. Carbosulfan 4. Phenothrin 4. Chlorpyrifos – Methyl 5. Furathiocarb 5. Permethrin 5. Dicrotophos 6. Temik (Aldicarb 6. Tetramethrin 6. Dimethoate 7. Cyfluthrin 7. Monocrotophos 8. Allethrin 8. Perimiphos – Ethyl 9. Perimiphos – Methyl 10. Ethion 11. Rugby (Cadusofas) 12. Malathion 13. Temeguard (Temephos) 14. Isazofos 37 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project 15. Parathion – Methyl 16. Phosphamidon 17. Methidathion b). Herbicides and fungicides Organophosphorus Carbamates Other herbicides Fungicides Organophosphorus 1. Asulam 1. Dimethachlor 1. Benomyl (Nitroheterocyclic 1. Anilofos 2. Metazachlor Compound) 2. Piperophos 3. Monosodium Methyl 2. Dazomet (Thiadiazine Arsonate (MSMA) Fungicide) 3. Glyphosate 4. Fluxixpyr 3. Folpet (Phthalimide 4. Glyphosate Trimesium Fungicide) (Touchdown or Sulfosate) 5. Imazaquine 4. Metalaxyl (Acylalamine 5. Amideherbicides 6. Triassulfuran (Amber) Fungcide) (Acetochlor; Alachlor; Propanil; Butachlor; 7. Osethoxydim 5. Cyproconazole (Alto – Metalochlor) 100SL) 8. Oxadiazon (Ronster) Triazines and Triazoles 6. Bavistin (Carbon) – 9. Clomaone (Atrazine; Ametryn; Benzimide Desmetryn; Terbuthalazine; 10. Trifluralin Terbutrex Terbutryne) 7. Triadmenol (Bayfidon 11. Stamp 500 GR Conzole Fungicide) Chlorophenoxy herbicides (pendimethalin) (Prometryn; Simazine; 2.4-D (2.4 Dichlorphenoxy 12. Fluazifop – P.butyl acetiacid) 7. Urea and guadinidines ; (Diuron ; Linurex (=Linuron); Fluometurone; Chloroxuron; Neburon) Quaternary nitrogen compounds (paraquat; diquat) 38 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Annex 3: Good Management Practices Guide and Pesticides Management Measures a). Required measures for the reduction of pesticides-related risks Safe use of pesticides Pesticides are toxic for pests and for humans. However, if sufficient precautions are taken, they should not constitute a threat either for the population or for non-targeted animal species. Most of them can have harmful effects if swallowed or in case of prolonged contact with the skin. When a pesticide is sprayed in the form of fine particles, there is a risk of absorbing them with the air we breathe. There is also a risk of water, food and soil contamination. Specific precautions should therefore be taken during the transportation, storage and handling of pesticides. The spraying equipment should be regularly cleaned and well maintained to avoid leakages. The individuals using pesticides should learn how to use them safely. Insecticides registration Reinforce the registration process of insecticides by ensuring:  Streamlining, between the national pesticides registration system and other products used in Public Health;  Adoption of WHO specifications applicable to pesticides for national registration process purposes;  Reinforcement of the pilot regulatory body;  Collection and publication of data relating to imported and manufactured products;  Periodical review of registration. When planning to buy pesticides to control vectors, consult the guiding principles issued by WHO. For the acquisition of insecticides intended for public health use, the following guidelines are recommended:  Develop national guidelines applicable to the purchase of products intended for vector control and ensure that all the agencies buying them strictly comply with those guidelines;  Use synthetic Pyrethroids: Deltamethrin SC, Permethrin EC, Vectron, Icon, Cyfluthrin, as recommended by the national policy;  Refer to the guiding principles issued by WHO or FAO on calls for tenders, to FAO recommendations regarding labeling and to WHO recommendations regarding products (for indoor spraying);  Include in calls for tenders, the details regarding technical support, maintenance, training and products recycling that will be part of the after-sale service committing manufacturers; apply the back-to-sender principle;  Control the quality and quantity of each lot of insecticides and impregnated supports before receiving the orders; 39 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Ensure that the products are clearly labeled in Englishh and if possible in local language and in the strict respect of national requirements;  Specify which type of package will guarantee efficiency, preservation duration as well the human and environmental security of handling packaged products while strictly complying with national requirements;  Ensure that donated pesticides intended for public health, comply with the requirements of the registration process in Liberia (CSP) and can be used before their expiry date;  Establish a consultation, before receiving a donation, between the ministries, agencies concerned and the donors for a sound use of the product;  Request users to wear protective clothes and equipment recommended in order to reduce their exposition to insecticides to the strict minimum;  Obtain from the manufacturer a physic-chemical analysis report and the product acceptability certification;  Request the manufacturer to submit an analysis report of the product and of its formulation along with guidelines to follow in case of intoxication;  Request the buying agency to perform a physic-chemical analysis of the product before shipping and arrival. Precautions Labeling Pesticides should be packaged and labeled according to WHO standards. The label should be written in English and in the local language (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba as applicable); it should indicate the content, the safety instruction (warning) and any action to be taken in case of accidental ingestion or contamination. The product should always remain in its original container. Take all appropriate precautionary measures and wear protective clothes in accordance with recommendations. Storage and transportation Pesticides should be stored in a place that can be locked up and is not accessible to unauthorized individuals or children. The pesticides, should, in no event, be stored in a place where they could be mistaken for food or beverage. They should be kept dry and out of the sun. They should not be transported in a vehicle that also carries food products.In order to ensure safety during storage and transportation, the public or private agency in charge of managing purchased insecticides and insecticide-impregnated supports, should comply with the current regulations as well as the conservation conditions recommended by the manufacturer regarding:  Preservation of the original label;  Prevention of accidental pouring or overflowing;  Use of appropriate containers;  Appropriate marking of stored products;  Specifications regarding the local population;  Products separation; 40 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Protection against humidity and contamination by other products;  Restricted access to storage facilities;  Locked storage facilities to guarantee product integrity and safety;  Pesticides warehouses should be located far from human residences or animal shelters, water supplies, wells and channels. They should be located on an elevated surface and secured with fences with restricted access for authorized individuals only;  Pesticides should not be stored in places where they could be exposed to sunlight, to water or to humidity, which could harm their stability. Warehouses should be secured and well ventilated;  Pesticides should not be transported in the same vehicle with agricultural products, food products, clothes, toys or cosmetics as these products could become dangerous in case of contamination;  Pesticides containers should be loaded in vehicles in order to avoid damages during transportation, that their labels will not tear off so that and they would slip off and fall on a road with an uneven surface. Vehicles transporting pesticides should bear a warning sign placed conspicuously and indicating the nature of the cargo. Distribution Distribution should be based on the following guidelines:  Packaging (original or new packaging) should ensure safety during the distribution and avoid the unauthorized sale or distribution of products intended for vector control;  The distributor should be informed and made aware of the dangerous nature of the cargo;  The distributor should complete delivery within the agreed deadlines;  The distribution system of insecticides and impregnated supports should be able to reduce the risks associated with the numerous handlings and transportations;  In the event the purchasing department is not able to ensure the transportation of the products and materials, it should be stipulated in the call for tenders that the supplier is expected to transport the insecticides and impregnated support up to the warehouse;  All pesticides and spraying equipment distributors should have an exploitation permit in accordance with the current regulation in Liberia. Disposal of pesticide stocks After the operations, the remaining stocks of pesticides can be disposed of without risk by dumping them in a hole dug specifically or in a pit latrine. A pesticide should not be disposed of by throwing it in a place where there is a risk of contaminating drinking water or for bathing or where it can reach a pond or a river. Some insecticides, such as pyrethroids, are very toxic for fish. Dig a hole to at least 100 meters from any stream, well or habitat. If in hilly areas, the whole must be dug below. Pour all waters used for hand washing after the treatment. Bury all containers, boxes, bottles, etc. that have contained pesticides. Reseal the hole as quickly as possible. Packaging or cardboard, paper or plastic containers— the latter cleaned — can be 41 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project burnt, if allowed, far away from homes and drinking water sources, regarding the re-use of containers after cleaning. Pyrethroid suspensions can be discharged on a dry soil where they are quickly absorb and then will go through a decomposition process making them harmless for the environment. If there is an amount of insecticide solution left, it can be used to destroy ants and cockroaches. Simply pour a little bit of solution on infested areas (under the kitchen sink, in corners) or to rub a sponge soaked with water on it. To temporarily prevent insect proliferation, a certain amount of solution can be poured inside and around latrines or on other breeding places. Pyrethroid suspensions for mosquito nets treatment and other fabrics can be used days after their preparation. It can also be used to treat mats and rope mattresses to prevent mosquito to bite from the bottom. Mattresses can also be treated against bugs. Cleaning of empty pesticide packaging and containers Re-using empty pesticide containers is risky and it is not recommended to do so. However, it is estimated that some pesticide containers are very useful to be simply thrown away after use. Can we therefore clean and re-use such containers? This depends both on the material and the content. In principle, the label should indicate the possibilities for re-using containers and how to clean them. Containers having contained pesticides classified as hazardous or extremely dangerous should not be re-used. Under certain conditions, containers of pesticides classified as dangerous or that do not present any risk under normal use, can be re-used unless they are not used as food or drink containers or as food containers for animal food. Containers made of materials such as polyethylene that preferentially absorb pesticides, must not be re-used if they have contained pesticides whose active ingredient has been classified as moderately or extremely dangerous regardless of the formulation. Once a recipient is empty, it should be rinsed, then filled completely with water and allowed to stand for 24 hours. Then it should be emptied and this process should be done over again. General Hygiene Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling insecticides. Food should be placed in tightly closed containers. Measurement, dilution and transfer of insecticides should be done with the adequate material. Do not shake or take liquid with unprotected hands. If the nozzle is blocked, press the pump valve or unblock the opening with a flexible rod. After each fill, wash hands and face with water and soap. Eat and drink only after washing hands and face. Take a shower or a bath at the end of the day. Individual protection  Adapted coveralls covering hands and legs;  Dust, gas and respirator masks, based on the type of treatment and product used;  Gloves; 42 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project  Goggles;  Hoods (facial shield). Protection of the population  Minimize the exposure of local populations and livestock;  Cover wells and other reservoirs;  Sensitize populations on risks. Protective clothing Treatments inside homes: Operators should wear coveralls or a long sleeves shirt over a pair of pants, a flapped hat, a turban or any other type of headgear as well as boots or big shoes. Sandals are not suitable. Nose and mouth should be protected using a simple method, for example a disposable paper mask, a disposable surgical or washable mask or a clean cotton cloth. Once the fabric is wet, it should be changed. Clothing must be in cotton for easy washing and drying. It must cover the body and contain no opening. In hot and humid climates, it can be uncomfortable to wear additional protective clothing; therefore one will be forced to spray pesticides during hours when it is very hot. Preparation of suspensions People responsible for bagging insecticides and preparing suspensions, particularly for the treatment of mosquito bed net units must take special precautions. In addition to the abovementioned protective clothing, they must wear gloves, an apron and eye protection. For example, a facial shield or glasses. Facial shields protect the entire face and keep less warm. Nose and mouth should be covered as indicated for treatment in homes. They should ensure that they do not touch any part of their body with gloves during pesticide handling. Treatment of nets To treat mosquito nets, clothes, grills or with tsetse traps with insecticides, it is necessary to wear long rubber gloves. In some cases, additional protection is required, for example against vapours, dusts or insecticide dusting that could be dangerous. These additional protective accessories should be mentioned on the product label and may consist of aprons, boots, facial masks, coveralls and hats. Maintenance Protective clothing should always be impeccably maintained and should be checked periodically to verify tearing, wearing that could lead to skin contamination. Protective clothing and 43 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project equipment should be washed daily with water and soap. Particular attention should be paid to gloves and they must be replaced once they are torn or show signs of wear. After usage, they should be rinsed in water before removing them. At the end of each working day, they will need to be washed inside and outside. Safety measures During spraying Spurt form the sprayer must not be directed towards a part of the body. A leaking sprayer must be repaired and skin must be washed if it is accidentally contaminated. The household and animals must stay outside during the whole spraying activity. Avoid treating a room where there is a person — a sick person for example — who cannot be taken outside. Before starting spraying activities, kitchen utensils should be taken out and all utensils as well as dishes containing drinks and food. They can be gathered in the centre of the room and covered with plastic film. Hammocks and paintings should not be treated. The bottom part of furniture and the side against the wall should be treated while ensuring that surfaces are effectively treated. Sweep or wash the floor after spraying. Occupants should avoid contact with walls. Clothing and equipment should be washed everyday. Avoid spraying organophosphate or carbamate for more than 5 to 6 hours daily and wash hands after each filling. If Fenitrothion is used or old stocks of Malathion are used, operators should control the level of cholinesterase in their blood every week. Monitoring exposure to organophosphate There are country kits available on the market to control cholinesterase activity in the blood. If this activity is low, it can be concluded that there excessive exposure to organophosphate insecticide. These dosages should be done every week with people handling such products. Any person whose cholinesterase activity is very low should be stopped from working until it returns to normal. Fabric spraying When handling insecticide concentrates or preparing suspensions, gloves should be worn. Attention should be paid particularly to spraying in the eyes. A. Big bowl not too high should be used and the room should be well ventilated to avoid inhaling smokes. B. Measures to minimize transportation, storage, handling and usage risks 44 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Annex 4: WHO Pesticides Classification Pesticides product Active ingredient Chemical class Toxicological class Main use BASUDIN Diazinon Organophosphate 11 Insecticide HERBOXONE 2,4-D Chlorophenoxy-acid 11 Herbicide TOPIK Clodinafop-Propargyl Arylozyphenoxy 111 Herbicide propionics AATREX Atrazineq Triazines U Herbicide MACHETE Butaclor Chloroacetanilides U Herbicide CERTAINTY Sulfosulfurone Sulfonylureas U Herbicide ERADICANE EPTC Carbamides 11 Herbicide LASSO Alachlone Chloroacetanilides 111 Herbicide DECIS Deltamethrin Pyrethroides 11 Insecticide ALTO Cyproconazol Triazoles 111 Fungicide SENCOR Metribuzin Triazines 11 Herbicide CONFIDOR Imidacloprid Neonicotinides 11 Insecticide GRANDSTAR Tribenulon-methyl Sulfonylureas U Herbicide 45 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project Annex 5: WHO Pesticides Classification Code of Conduct - 2001 revised version Code of Conduct - 1989 amended version 10.1 All pesticide containers should be clearly 10.1 All pesticide containers should be clearly labelled in accordance with applicable labelled in accordance with applicable guidelines, at least in line with the FAO international guidelines, such as the FAO guidelines on good labelling practice (3). guidelines on good labelling practice. 10.2 Industry should use labels that: 10.2 Industry should use labels that: 10.2.1 comply with registration requirements 10.2.1 include recommendations consistent with and include recommendations consistent with those of the recognized research and advisory those of the recognized research and advisory agencies in the country of sale; agencies in the country of sale; 10.2.2 include appropriate symbols and 10.2.2 include appropriate symbols and pictograms whenever possible, in addition to pictograms whenever possible, in addition to written instructions, warnings and precautions written instructions, warnings and precautions; in the appropriate language or languages (3); 10.2.3 comply with national or international 10.2.3 in international trade, clearly show labelling requirements for dangerous goods in appropriate WHO hazard classification of the international trade and, if appropriate, clearly contents (11) or, if this is inappropriate or show the appropriate WHO hazard inconsistent with national regulations, use the classification of the contents (3,35,36); relevant classification; 10.2.4 include, in the appropriate language or 10.2.4 include, in the appropriate language or languages, a warning against the reuse of languages, a warning against the reuse of containers and instructions for the safe containers, and instructions for the safe disposal disposal or decontamination of used or decontamination of empty containers; containers; 10.2.5 identify each lot or batch of the 10.2.5 identify each lot or batch of the product product in numbers or letters that can be in numbers or letters that can be read, understood without the need for additional transcribed and communicated by anyone code references; without the need for codes or other means of deciphering; 10.2.6 clearly show the release date (month 10.2.6 are marked with the date (month and and year) of the lot or batch and contain year) of formulation of the lot or batch and with 46 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project relevant information on the storage stability relevant information on the storage stability of of the product (21). the product. 10.3 Pesticide industry, in cooperation with 10.3 Industry should ensure that: government, should ensure that: 10.3.1 packaging, storage and disposal of 10.3.1 packaging, storage and disposal of pesticides conform in principle to the relevant pesticides conform in principle to the FAO FAO, UNEP10, WHO guidelines or guidelines for packaging and storage, the FAO regulations (27,28, 37, 39, 40) or to other guidelines for the disposal of waste pesticides international guidelines where applicable; and containers, and WHO specifications for pesticides used in public health; 10.3.2 packaging or repackaging is carried out 10.3.2 in cooperation with governments, only on licensed premises where the packaging or repackaging is carried out only on responsible authority is satisfied that staff are licensed premises where the responsible adequately protected against toxic hazards, authority is convinced that staff are adequately that the resulting product will be properly protected against toxic hazards, that the packaged and labelled, and that the content resulting product will be properly packaged and will conform to the relevant quality standards. labelled, and that the content will conform to the relevant quality standards. 10.4 Governments should take the necessary 10.4 Governments should take the necessary regulatory measures to prohibit the regulatory measures to prohibit the repacking, repackaging or decanting of any pesticide into decanting or dispensing of any pesticide into food or beverage containers and rigidly food or beverage containers in trade channels enforce punitive measures that effectively and rigidly enforce punitive measures that deter such practices. effectively deter such practices. 10.5 Governments, with the help of pesticide industry and with multilateral cooperation, should inventory obsolete or unusable stocks of pesticides and used containers, establish - new paragraph in revised Code - and implement an action plan for their disposal, or remediation in the case of contaminated sites (41), and record these activities 10.6 Pesticide industry should be encouraged, with multilateral cooperation, to assist in - new paragraph in revised Code - disposing of any banned or obsolete 47 | P a g e Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP) for the Liberian REDISSE Project pesticides and of used containers, in an environmentally sound manner, including reuse with minimal risk where approved and appropriate. 10.7 Governments, pesticide industry, international organizations and the agricultural community should implement - new paragraph in revised Code - policies and practices to prevent the accumulation of obsolete pesticides and used containers (37). 48 | P a g e