World ~~,.......,_~ -..----1 I Bank Atlas ORLD BY REGION -- Low- and middle-income economies 0 East Asia and the Pacific 0 Europe and Central Asia 0 Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa South Asia 0 Sub-Saharan Africa High-income economies 0 OECD 0 Other 0 No data 2 20 00 World Bank Atlas THE WORLD BY Russian Federation Chad Sudan Central Alrtcan ~bile Congo Rwanda anda uoa Kenya ~ Demca:= at .;;;ndl Tanzania 2000 World Bank ENTS WORLD VIEW CD PEOPLE ENVIRONMENT 2 !~.':l.P.~I'.. ___________ _ 16 Environment -·········-····---------------- Introduction 6 !::i!~~-~p~~~~'::l~L~~~ir.~~ . }-~~~ 18 ~or~-~~---~-<:>Y.~.r.~~-~-!....~-~~-?...........................- Infant mortality rate , 1998 19 Annual deforestation, 1990-95 ........................................................................... 2 (;~i_l_~....r:'l.~.'. '::l.~~~i-~_i _<:>_~-~ ~~-~?::::~-~ ---·· . ...... . . .................................................................................?..'?. -~~~~-~-~-~-~-~-r..E~~?.-~.r.-~~-~--P..~E...~.~pit~~----~-~-?.~---· Introduction 7 Access to safe water, 1990-96 21 -----------------------------------------------·-·······-······················-·········-···· -~-•....r:'l.~.'::l9<:> .P<:>.r___ r~-~i<:>~-~-~---·· 2 Female net primary enrollment ratio , 1997 23 lntroducci6n 7 Social statistics 24 Environmental statistics World View 8 Population 17 Envlronnement -· -~-~~.r.-~-~-~i_<:>'::l.~.·--·~~y~_l<:>.P.r:'l.~.~-~---~?.~'-~---·· 10 Esperance d~yi~~~<:l~<:li~~~'::l~~' l.?.~~ ~~ Couvert forestier, 1995 ....................................................................................................................... ~?.~~ry~~9~~~t 12 !.~':l:<_ de ~<:>E!~li~~~~~<:l~~il~.~~?.~ -- · ···············································································-~-~ Deboisement 1990-95 ?.a._n.~i~g~gf~~<:>~<:J.r:'li~!';- ~~!';~q<:)!l_ §~!"P.E'l.r.g~pi~.9. .... 14 M9J!l_~!r.i!i<:>':l_<::_~E'!~'-~~E'!'2!9'2!~, _:t.~~~::::~?...... 20 .. ······································• ~-~!;;!;;()_'::IE~~-!'....9..:.EO.~.'::I...9.() U_C::E'!P.~r . ~.131_>i!1)':1.!.,....:t.~-~-?...... _ -········-· a Acces une eau salubre, 1990-96 ·············-· 21 ········································································································• ~r:'li!';!';i<:>~~ <:!~ <:li?.:-~.r.~.Z..C!..X. .•a. ..~--~-~-~-!3. ..... 12 Tasa de mortalidad 1998 19 R.~~~r.~<:>~9~<:1~Y~<:l~I~~P~~~~pi~<:l ! ~~~~ 2 ?i!~!l.9.i?.~ r:'l~n.9i~l ~~!~r.~in.<:>~ 9~1 ~t:'!~P~~ 9.~pi~a. 14 Malnutrici6n en Ia 20 .E.'r:'li~i<:>n.~~ 9~~iO.~i~?.~~~C!E~<:>~<:>P~E~~pi~<:l· ~~~El 3 (1~~-~~<:)- ~I_<:I~~~P.?.!C!.~IE:!, ~-~~g::::~f:l 21 ~-~-i9.i.~.n.-~_i _C!...9..~.1-··-~-~<:>. 9~.. l.<:l.. ~n.E'l!:~!~.·---~-~-~! . 3 !.<:1~!3.9.~~r.~.<:.i~i_E:ln.!<:>~r.~api~~- 9.~1~?nsu~.<:> P.r.iYC!'!<:>·~~~Q:::~8 22 Consumo?_ e en~r~!~P.~~~~pi~Cl!~?.~?. . . __ 3 ~<:>r.~~~~a.j~~~!<:>9.~r:'l8.!~~~1C!9.~r:'l~j~r.~~ .. _ Estadisticas ambientales 3 en Ia escuela 1997 23 Estadisticas sociales 24 4 2000 World Bank Atlas ECONOMY STATES & MARKETS GLOBAL LINKS -~~~-~-~~.L . States and Markets 44 Global Links 52 9..~.~-p~~--~-~pi~~L ~.§'.~.~---··· . ~ili~~r.x ~~P~~~i~l!r.~ ~~~r.~ i~ 9.~~! ~~~! 46 .t:!.~-~- p_r.iy_~-~~---~-~pi!~lfi«:>.Y:'..~....P..~L ..~.Cl:Pi!~!...~.~-~ -1:3... ......................................... _ 54 39 .................................. ~~Y.~_<:I_r.I:)~_<:I~ .~~ -~P-E:!E~~r:'!~!\~. 1:>.!!«:>!~1 _r.<:>.C:I_~~! . ~~~!3. 47 _t:!~~- ~Jc:l_!.l_c:l~~ P.~E~~P!!Cl:· -~~~1,3 ············-········-········-···-····-···- 55 !'~Li~l!l~l!E~ ~~~r~ i~ §[?~! ~~~!3. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~9. I.~l~p~l:)_~~ f!.!~i~li~~~p~r. ~·29.9P~I:)pl~! ~~~1:3. 48 Global links statistics 56 -················-······························- ······-················································································- ········································ Investment share in 1998 41 -~~r.~<:>.~~~~<:>.f!.IP~t~r~p~r. ~.QQ(?.p~l:)p_I~L ~~~!3. 49 Economic statistics 42 States and markets statistics 50 !.'.!~~r~c:.~I.<>.~~- ~.C:C)'.!<>..~ .i':l.':l.~~ . .~.<>..'.l.~.i~.~-~~ •m•m•• •m•• . . ••••••••••••• •m ~~ Fiux nets de capitaux prives par habitant, 1998 54 Economie 37 et Marche 45 y1ux nets d'aide par habitant, 1998 55 ·················································································································································- .............................................................. ~t::J~p~r....~.~-~-i-~-~r:'.!!....~.~-~!3. .................. . - 38 !'.~r..! ~~~ ~~p~~~~~ -~ili!~ir.~~ -_<:1~':1~ I~!'.~~ · - ~~~! . 46 56 I.~l!~ ~~~r.<:>.i~~~r:'~~ ~~ ~t::J~..P..~L~~~i!.~r:'t, ~~~9.~~1:3. . }~. Part des routes revetues dans le reseau routier 1998 47 _l:l~r!_<:le l : ~griculture da_n~le PIB !~~-98 40 ~i~~~~~~~~p~l:)~ig~~~pr.i~~ip~I~~P<:>.~r.-~QQQ~~-~i~~~~~!~~~l:3. 48 !.'.!~~-~'.."'.~.i~-~-- -~':1.'.1.~.~.~.1. ................................... ··································································································~-~ Part de l'investissement dans le 1998 41 9.r.c:li~~!~l!r.~ i~~iY.i~l!~I~ _PI:>~E ~99(?. ~~~i~~~!~ ! ~~~!3. 49 Y.ll!)'?~ ---~-~-~.I:>.~----~ -~----~~P!~~I_pf.iY._~~I:>. .P~! .~_<3.P.i.~~L ~~?8 54 Statistiques economiques 42 .~!~ti~~ig~~~---~~-~~---~! . .f!.l. C:I.r.~.~-~---·· 50 y1ujos netos d~----~-~i-~-~-~-~-cia per capita, 1998.........................................................?..?. 56 45 Economia 37 ........................................• ~~-~~~•"-•~• • Y..•••~~.'..C:.~•~•"-•~• •m•••••••••••••••••••••••m••m •m• • • • •m• • • !'.LI:>P.<:>.r.~i~~ c:l~l 1\~~~l:)_~ili!~E~~ ~I y~~· ~~~! 46 Technical Notes 58 !:l.~.!'l. . P.~r.... ~-~-p_i!~.! .}~-~ .1:3. .... · ··········································-···· 38 .............. · ······················································• !.?~-~ -~~E.r_~C::ii!Ji~r:'!~.-~-~-IJ"'f'!i:!P~E.C::~f>i!~ · ~~§l9:::§l? _ __ 39 f<3~!~!~!<3~_ P<3~ii!J~~~<3~<3!>~1:>'!19. PI:>r~E:!~~<3J~~~~!<:>.!~I ..... -······ . ··············-····· .................................................................................................................................................................... !:>r.«:>P<:>.r.~i9.~_<:1~1~ ~1\r.i~~!!l!L~ ~~ ~i~~-~!}~~13. ~9.- de caminos, 1998 47 ·---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·········································-··· .JIIotes Te_<:~'.l_i':I_~~S ----·m·m··· -·--·- 60 ~rl:)p<:J.r.~i~~ _<:!~ I~ i~y~r~i~~ ~~ ~I ~1!3.!.. ~~~!3. ... .... .. . ............ ........ . ~~- ~!~.~-~-~ -.!~.l~!.~.~i~~~-- pr.i.~-~ -i_ p~I~~--P<:>.r .~-~-~-~~:999. P~r!l9~~~-!... ~.~-~!3. .... 48 Estadisticas econ6micas 42 f<:>.~P-~t~~I:>E~~~r.~«:>~~~~~P<:>!~~~~~:999~r.~<:>.~~~!~~~l:3. 49 Notas Tecnicas 62 ~~~~~!~!i_C.~~ ~~~~_<:I«:>~X~~EC.C:I~I:>~ 50 2000 World Bank Atlas Introduction The World Bank Atlas, now in its 32nd year, provides a quick view of the stat of life on our planet, measured by key development indicators and illustrate• by colorful and informative maps. For quick reference, the data are also di~ played on each page in summary charts and tables. The World View section focuses on development goals for the 21st centur and some of the special development issues of the heavily indebted poor cour tries (HIPCs). People, Environment, and Economy present data on more tradi tional development topics. States and Markets provides indicators of privat• investment and infrastructure, reflecting the interplay of a wide range of devel opment issues. And Global Links documents the forces of global integratiOJ with data on trade, financial flows , and tourism. Every effort has been made to standardize the data and to observe inter national definitions and classifications, but differences in statistical and col lection methods mean that the indicators are not always strictly comparable In an effort to address data coverage and quality issues and to increase tho resources available for statistical capacity building in developing countries a consortium of more than 90 countries and international organizations ha com'e together under the banner of Partnership in Statistics for Developmen in the 21st Century, or Paris 21. As in earlier editions, brief descriptions o the data are included in the technical notes, and more detailed notes an available in the World Development Indicators and its CD-ROM edition, whid also includes full time series. 6 20 00 World Bank Atlas Introduction lntroduccion L'Atlas de la Banque mondiale, publie pour Ia 32e annee, offre un aperc;:u rapide El World Bank Atlas, ahora en su trigesima segunda edicion, ofrece un de Ia situation des etres humains, en se fondant sur des indicateurs des du panorama sucinto de las condiciones de vida en nuestro planeta, medidas developpement et en synthetisant cette information au moyen de cartes en por un conjunto de indicadores fundamentales del desarrollo e ilustradas couleurs. Pour plus de commodite, les donnees utilisees figurent egalement sur con mapas informativos a todo color. Ademas, en cada pagina se presentan chaque page sous forme de tableaux et graphiques recapitulatifs. datos en graficos y cuadros condensados para su consulta rapida. La section Perspective mondiale a trait aux objectifs de developpement du XXIe La seccion titulada Perspectiva Mundial se centra en las metas en materia siecle eta certaines des contraintes de developpement particulieres aux Pays de desarrollo para el siglo XXI yen algunas de las cuestiones especiales sobre pauvres tres endettes (PPTE). Les sections Population, Environnement et desarrollo que enfrentan los paises pobres muy endeudados (PPME). En las Economiefournissent des donnees sur les themes classiques du developpement. secciones sobre Poblaci6n, Medio Ambientey Economia se presentan datos sobre La section Etat et Marchi presente des indicateurs sur l'investissement prive los aspectos mas tradicionales del desarrollo. La seccion sobre Estados y et les infrastructures, et temoigne de !'interaction de toute une gamme de Mercados contiene indicadores sobre inversion privada e infraestructura, problemes de developpemen t. La section Interactions economiques mondiales, que reflejan Ia interaccion de una amplia gama de aspectos sobre el desa- enfin, apporte des informations sur les forces qui poussent a Ia mondialisation, rrollo. En Ia seccion sobre Integraci6n Mundial se examinan las fuerzas que avec des donnees sur les echanges commerciaux, les flux financiers et le impulsan Ia integracion mundial con datos sobre comercio, flujos financieros tourisme. y turismo. Bien qu'on se soit efforce de normaliser les donnees et de respecter les Se han hecho grandes esfuerzos para uniformar y observar las definiciones definitions et classifications internationales, les differences de methodes y clasificaciones internacionales, pero dadas las diferencias que existen en los statistiques et de collection des donnees font que les indicateurs ne sont pas metodos estadisticos y de recopilacion de datos, los indicadores no son toujours strictement comparables. Desireux de s'attaquer au probleme de siempre estrictamente comparables. En un esfuerzo por abordar el tema de Ia couverture et de Ia qualite des donnees et d'accroitre Jes ressources Ia cobertura de los datos y los aspectos relativos a su calidad, y por incrementar disponibles pour renforcer les capacites des pays en developpement dans Je los recursos disponibles para el fortalecimiento de Ia capacidad estadistica de domaine de Ia statistique, plus de 90 pays et organisations internationales los paises en desarrollo, se ha formado un consorcio de mas de 90 paises y ont forme un consortium, sous !'appellation de Partenariat statistique au organizaciones in teracionales denominado Partnership in Statistics for Development service du developpement a l'aube du XX/' siecle ou Paris 21. Comme dans les in the 21st Century, o Paris 21. Como en ediciones anteriores, en las notas tecnicas editions anterieures, Jes notes techniques decrivent brievement les donnees, se incluyen breves descripciones de los datos presentados, yen World Development tandis que des notes plus detaillees figurent dans Ia publication World Indicators y su version en CD-ROM, que tam bien incluye series cronologicas Development Indicators et dans sa version CD-ROM, qui com porte aussi des series completas, se presentan mas notas pormenorizadas. chronologiques completes. 2000 World Bank Atlas World VIew At the beginning of the 21st century our greatest challenge is to elimina poverty. More than 1.2 billion of the world's people live on less than $1 day-another billion, on less than $2. In addition to lacking income, the poo lack access to education and health care and are often exposed to the effec of environmental damage. To measure progress in reducing poverty, the international community h2 set seven goals: • Reduce the proportion of people in extreme poverty by at least hal between 1990 and 2015. • Achieve universal primary education by 2015. • Move toward gender equality by eliminating gender disparities in pr mary and secondary education by 2005. • Reduce the infant and child mortality rates by two-thirds between 1990 an 2015. • Reduce the maternal mortality ratio by three-fourths between 1990 an 2015. • Provide access to reproductive health services for all no later than 2015 • Put in place national strategies for sustainable development by 2005-t reverse current trends in environmental losses by 2015. Progress in reducing poverty rates stalled in the past two years, especiall in Asia, as a result of the financial crisis. Primary enrollment ratios continu to improve, and mortality rates have fallen-in some countries dramaticall But there is a danger of moving backward, especially in countries beset b political instability and civil disorder. So, much remains to be done . Ma countries and most regions can still achieve the goals, if growth resumes an• if countries adopt the right policies to sustain growth and direct the ben~ fits to the poor. 8 20 00 World Bank Atlas Perspective Mundlal l'aube du XXIe siecle,le plus grand defi qui se pose au monde est I' eradication AI iniciarse eJ siglo XXI, nuestro mayor desafio es eliminar Ia pobreza. Mas Ia pauvrete. Plus de 1,2 milliard d'etres humains vivent aujourd'hui avec de 1.200 millones de Ia poblaci6n mund ial subsisten con menos de US$1 al de 1 dollar par jour, et 1 milliard avec moins de 2 dollars. Outre leur manque dia, y otros 1.000 millones, con menos de US$2 . Ademas de carecer de revenus, les pauvres n'ont pas acces a I' education et aux soins de sante, et ils ingresos, los pobres no tienen acceso a Ia educaci6n ni a los servicios de salud souvent a subir Jes efiets des degats causes a l'environnement. y suelen estar expuestos a los efectos del deterioro ambiental. Afin de mesurer les progres realises dans Ia lutte contre Ia pauvrete, Ia Para medir el progreso en materia de reducci6n de Ia pobreza, Ia -.vJ•u•uuuauLc intemationale s'est fixe sept objectifs: comu nidad internacional ha ftiado siete metas: • Reduire de moitie au moins, entre 1990 et 2015,Ja proportion d'individus vivant • Reducir Ia proporci6n de personas que vive en Ia pobreza extrema por lo dans une extreme pauvrete. menos a Ia mitad entre 1990 y 2015. • Assurer l'enseignement primaire universe! d'ici 2015. • Lograr Ia universalidad de Ia educaci6n primaria para el ano 2015. • Progresser vers I' egalite des sexes en eliminant les disparites entre filles et gart;ons • Avanzar hacia Ia igualdad de los sexos eliminando las diferencias de esta dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire d'ici 2005. indole en la ensenanza primaria y secundaria para el ano 2005. • Reduire Jes taux de mortalite infantile de deux tiers entre 1990 et 2015. • Reducir en dos tercios Ia mortalidad infantil yen Ia ninez entre 1990 y 2015. • Reduire les taux de mortalite matemelle de trois quarts entre 1990 et 2015. • Reducir Ia mortalidad por causas derivadas de Ia maternidad en tres Assurer l'acces aux services de sante dits de reproduction pour tous en 2015 au cuartas partes entre 1990 y 2015. plus tard. • Proporcionar acceso a los servicios de salud reproductiva para todos a mas Mettre en oeuvre des strategies nationales de developpement durable d'ici 2005, tardar en el aiio 2015. afin d'inverser Ia tendance actuelle de deperdition des ressources • Aplicar, para el aiio 2005, estrategias nacionales para el desarrollo sostenible, environnementales d'ici 2015. a fin de invertir, para el aiio 2015, las actuales tendencias en materia de Le processus de reduction des taux de pauvrete a marque Je pas ces deux perdidas ambientales. demieres annees, surtout en Asie, du fait de Ia crise financiere. Les taux de En los ultimos dos anos se ha detenido eJ avance hacia Ia reducci6n de Ia scolarisation primaire continuent de s'ameliorer, et les taux de mortalite ont pobreza, especialmente en Asia, como resultado de la crisis financiera. La tasa baisse- de maniere spectaculaire dans certains pays. Mais le risque de regression de matricula en Ia escuela primaria sigue aumentando y las tasas de mortalidad existe, surtout dans les pays en proie a une instabilite politique eta des troubles han bajado, en algunos paises extraordinariamente. Sin embargo existe el civils. Dans ce contexte, il reste beaucoup a faire . Bien des pays et Ia plupart des peligro de que se produzca un retroceso, sobre todo en los paises azotados por regions peuvent encore atteindre les objectifs vises si Ia croissance reprend et si Ia inestabilidad politica y las perturbaciones sociales. De manera que queda mucho les gouvemements adoptent les politiques voulues pour maintenir cette croissance por hacer. Muchas naciones y Ia mayoria de laS regiones aun pueden alcanzar et permettre aux pauvres d'en recolter les fruits. las metas si se reanuda el crecimiento y si se aplican politicas nacionales adecuadas para sostener eJ crecimiento y orientar los beneficios hacia los pobres. 2000 World Bank Atlas The International community has primary enrollment of set ambitious goals for reducing GOAL: reduce income poverty by half by 2015 GOAL: reduce infant mortality by two-thirds by 2015 GOAL: 100 percent by 2015 poverty and closing the large gaps In social development In the Poverty rate Infant mortality rate Net primary enrollment ratio next century. Meeting these goals will require a strong commitment by developing • 1990 • 1998 • 2015 (target) 1990 • 1998 • 2015 (target) Deaths per 1,000 live 1990 • 1998 + 2015 (target) countries , a renewed effort by Headcount 50 40 30 20 10 0 percent a 100 80 60 40 20 0 births Percent 50 60 70 80 90 101 International development agencies, and considerable East Asia East Asia East Asia 100 and the and the and the support from advanced countries. Pacific 35 Pacific Pacific 99 100 ~ Europe and Europe and Europe and Central Asia Central Asia Central Asia 99 16 Latin America Latin America Latin America and the and the and the Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean 1 2 ;; Middle East and North -e ~ Middle East and North Middle East and North Africa Africa Africa South Asia 878-+- South Asia South Asia Sub-Saharan Sub-Saharan Sub-Saharan II Africa Africa Africa SOurce: World Bank staff estimates. Source: World Bank staff estimates. Source: UNESCO estimates, 1999. a. People living on less than PPP $1 a day. 10 2000 Worl d Bank Atlas International development goals WOR G The challenge of meeting our goals GOAL: gender equality in enrollment by 2005 GOAL: access to reproductive health for all by 2015 GOAL: reduce maternal mortality by three-quarters by 2015 I believe that the greatest moral challenge we face Is the fact that Ratio of girls to boys in primary Contraceptive prevalence among women Maternal mortality ratio one In four of the people with and secondary school aged 15-49 whom we share this small and • 1990 • 1998 + 2005 (target) • Country level, most recent year available in 1990-98 e Country level , most recent year available in 1985-88 Deaths per 100,000 beautiful planet live In abject poverty. I also believe that we live at a time when It Is possible to Percent 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent 0 20 40 60 80 100 1,200 600 200 live births make massive reductions In • • • • •• East Asia 91 East Asia l ao PD R Indonesia China l ao PDR Republic of Korea East Asia poverty. But to do so, we must and the and the and the Pacific Pacific Mongolia Pacific turn the development efforts of the International community from an obsession with Inputs and • •• Russian Federation Moldova Turkmenistan Uk raine ~ Europe and Europe and Europe and Central Asia Central Asia Central Asia generalized rhetoric about poverty Kazakhstan Poland to a clear focus on outputs and • Uruguay year-on-year effectiveness In -----------:-~~C~r> • • • Latin America •• Latin America Hai t i Nicaragua Bolivia Latin America and the and the and the reducing poverty measured Caribbean Caribbean Puerto Rico Jamaica Caribbean against our agreed goals In each and every country. Oman Middle East Middle East Republic of Yemen Islamic Republic of Iran . unisla . e Middle East and North and North Africa · --41 ---~••--t Jordan ••--- and North Africa Re pub lic of Yemen Africa Th e Hon. Cl are Shor t , U.K. Sec ret ar y of Stat e for • •• Pakistan India Bhutan Sri Lanka Internationa l Deve lopment, South Asia South Asia • • • South Asia Bangladesh Nepal Pari s, 1 999 •• • • • • Gui nea Mauriti us Central African Re pu blic Mauritius Sub-Saharan Sub-Saharan Sub-Saharan Africa Africa Ca meroon Tanzania Africa Source: UNESCO. Source: National estimates. SOurce: National estimates. Note: Use of contraceptives is affected by many factors, including access Note: The data shown are for the lowest, median, and highest value in to reproductive health services. There Is no established goat. The data each region for the most recent year available In 1985-88. shown are for the lowest, median, and highest value In each region for the most recent year available in 1990-98. 2000 World Ban k Atlas For the heavily Indebted poor HIPCs have seen their incomes decline . . . . . . and have made less progress in reducing illiteracy ... countries (HIPCs), high levels of debt are a serious constraint on GNP per capita ($) Adult illiteracy rate (% aged 15 and above) 600 --------- 100. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, their ability to pursue sustainable - HIPCs - HIPCs development and reduce poverty. - Other low-income countries - Other low-income countries Slow growth and rising 500 75 populations have lowered their per capita Incomes. Because of 400 50 bad policies and bad luck, the financing offered them In the 300 25 hope of stimulating new growth has become an unmanageable 200 O L-------------------------------------------~ 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 199E burden. Source; World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates . Source: World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates . . . . in lowering infant mortality . . . . . . and in slowing fertility Infant mortality rate (per 1.000 live births) Total fertility rate (births per woman) 150 10 100 5 I It ~ 50 0 - 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 • HIPCs • Other low·income countries • HIPCs • Other low-i ncome countries Source: World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates. Source: World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates . . 2 2000 World Bank Atlas Poverty and debt WOR G To help the HIPCs make a fresh HIPCs are also falling farther behind in paving roads ... . . . and in extending telephone service start, bilateral and multilateral Paved roads as % of all roads Telephone mainlines per 1,000 people aid agencies have begun to 50 .-----------------------------------------------~ 50 forgive the debts of countries 40 30 20 ) l 40 30 20 10 that put In place new policies to stimulate growth and address the s pecial needs of the poor. 0 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 -HIPCs - Other low-income countries - HIPCs - Other low-income countries Source: World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates . Source: World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates. HIPCs have higher aid per capita . .. . . . and higher debt per capita Aid per capita($) External debt per capita($) 500 40 400 30 300 20 200 - - ------------~ ...- 10 100 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 - HIPCs - Other low-income countries -HIPCs - Other low-income countries Source: World Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates. Source: world Development Indicators database and World Bank staff estimates. 2000 World Bank Atlas l GNP per capita, 1998 GNP per capita, 1998 GNP per capita, 1998 GNP per capita, 1998 World Bank Atlas purchasing power World Bank Atlas purchasing power Rank method $ Rank parity method $ Rank method $ Rank parity method $ The Atlas method of calculating Luxembourg 45,100 ,. Luxembourg 36,703 Czech Republic 5,150 Slovak Republic 9,62· GNP per capita converts national Liechtenstein 2 Liechtenstein Chile 4 ,990 86 Antigua and Barbuda 8 ,891 currency units to dollars at Switzerland 39,980 Bermuda Brazil 4 ,630 Uruguay 8,54: Norway 34,310 4 United States 29,240 Croatia 4 ,620 86 Chile 8,50 prevailing exchange rates, Bermuda a I' Cayman Islands Trinidad and Tobago 4,520 South Africa 8,291 adjusted for inflation and averaged 6 Denmark 33,040 6 Switzerland 26,876 Hungary 4 ,510 70 Mauritius 8,231 over three years. Because those 7 Japan 32,350 7 Norway 26,196 Gabon 4 ,170 tift Malaysia 7.6~ rates do not always reflect 8 Cayman Islands 8 Singapore 25,295 Poland 3 ,910 73 Estonia 7,56: differences in prices, purchasing • 10 Singapore United States 30,170 29,240 • 10 Monaco Brunei 24 ,886 76 Mexico Mauritius 3,840 3 ,730 ~ 75 Poland Mexico 7,54: 7,451 power parities are used to convert u Iceland 27,830 • Iceland 24,774 77 Slovak Republic 3 ,700 ~ Trinidad and Tobago 7,20: • GNP per capita estimates into 12 Austria 26,830 12 Denmark 23,855 78 Malaysia 3,670 78 Croatia 6,69: international dollars. An 2.3 Germany 26,570 Sol Belgium 23,622 'IIi: St. Lucia 3 ,660 Turkey 6,59· 14 Sweden 25,580 14 Japan 23,592 Lebanon 3 ,560 80 Brazil 6,461 international dollar buys the same S.l Belgium 25,380 S.l Austria 23,145 Venezuela, RB 3,530 Belarus 6,31· • amount of goods and services In a 16 Monaco 16 Malta 22,901 Estonia 3 ,360 82 Lithuania 6,28. country's domestic market as $1 17 Netherlands 24,780 17 Canada 22,814 South Africa 3,310 Russian Federation 6,181 • 18 Brunei 18 Netherlands 22,325 Grenada 3 ,250 84 Colombia 5 ,86 would buy in the United States. S.l Finland 24,280 S.l Germany 22,026 Turkey 3,160 Costa Rica 5,81: • 20 Franceb 24,210 20 Australia 21.795 86 Dominica 3,150 86 Botswana 5 ,791 21 Hong Kong, China< 23,660 22 Franceb 21,214 81' Botswana 3,070 Latvia 5,77 ... 22 United Kingdom 21,410 23 Hong Kong, China< 20,763 88 Panama 2,990 88 Venezuela , RB 5,701 21 Australia 20,640 a4 Finland 20,641 • Costa Rica 2,770 • Gabon 5,61! • 25 Italy 20,090 25 Italy 20,365 90 Belize 2,660 90 Romania 5,57: • 27 Canada Ireland 19,170 18,710 • 27 United Kingdom Sweden 20,314 19,848 92 St. Vincent/Grenadines Lithuania 2,560 2 ,540 92 Grenada Thailand 5,55 5,52· • 32 United Arab Emirates 17,870 Israel 16,180 3$ 33 United Arab Emirates 18,871 Ireland 17,991 94 Colombia Peru 2,470 2,440 • 94 Namibia Tunisia 5,281 5,16! • • • . - ~ New Zealand 14,600 Cyprus 17,599 Latvia 2,420 Iran, Islamic Rep. 5,12 ... 39 46 Spain Cyprus Greece 14,100 11,920 11,740 38 43 Israel New Zealand Spain 16,861 16,084 15,960 97 99 Russian Federation Fiji Belarus 2 ,260 2,210 2,180 ~ 96 99 Panama St. Lucia Dominica 4,92! 4,89 4,77 . 48 49 Portugal Malta 10,670 10,100 • 48 Portugal Slovenia 14,569 14,400 • ~ Thailand 101 Tunisia 2,160 2,060 ~ 101 Bulgaria Algeria 4,68: 4,59! • - Slovenia 9,780 Greece 13,994 Namibia 1,940 St .. Vincent/Grenadines 4.~ 51 Korea, Rep. 8,600 51 Korea, Rep. 13,286 103 El Salvador 1,850 103 Belize 4 ,36 . • - u Antigua and Barbuda 8,450 Czech Republic 12,197 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 1,800 Dominican Republic 4,33' Argentina 8 ,030 53 Argentina 11,728 1 05 Dominican Republic 1 ,770 105 Kazakhstan 4,31" • - - Bahrain 7,640 Bahrain 11,556 Paraguay 1,760 Paraguay 4,31: Saudi Arabia 6 ,910 60 Saudi Arabia 10,498 1 07 Tonga 1 ,750 107 Macedonia, FYR 4,22· Seychelles 6,420 Seychelles 10,185 Jamaica 1,740 Swaziland 4,19! 6,190 53 Hungary 9,832 1 09 Suriname 1 ,660 109 Tonga 4,18 6,070 14 St. Kitts and Nevis_ _9_ ,_ 7_ 0 9_ WJ Iran, Islamic Rep. 1,650 Peru 4181 Note: Ran kings include all 206 Atlas economies, but only those that have confirmed 1998 Atlas GNP per capita estimates or rank among the top 20 are shown. See the Economy table Jpages 42-43) 1 country notes. 14 2000 World Bank Atlas Rankings of economies based on GNP per capita WO GNP per capita, 1998 GNP per capita, 1998 GNP per capita, 1998 GNP per capita, 1998 World Bank Atlas purchasing power World Bank Atlas purchasing power Rank method $ Rank parity method $ Rank method $ Rank parity method $ The ranking of an economy can Guatemala 1,640 lebanon 4,144 .s.eo Armenia 460 Vietnam 1,689 .. West Bank and Gaza 1 ,560 Fiji 4,094 161 India 440 180 Lao PDR 1,683 change depending on whether Algeria Marshall Islands 1,550 1,540 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. El Salvador 4,008 S.82 162 Haiti Mauritania 410 410 * 183 Pakistan Mauritania 1,652 1 ,500 Its GNP per capita Is converted - from national currencies Into Ecuador 1,520 Kiribati 3,880 114 Ghana 390 Cote d'lvoire 1,484 Swaziland 1,400 Samoa 3,854 165 Angola 380 185 Mongolia 1,463 dollars at prevailing exchange Romania 1,360 Suriname 1111 Benin 380 Bhutan 1,438 rates (Atlas method) or Into 120 Kazakhstan 1,340 Philippines 3,725 165 Kyrgyz Republic 380 1 67 Gambia, The 1,428 International dollars (purchasing ... 11:1. Egypt, Arab Rep. 1,290 West Bank and Gaza 1111 Moldova 380 118 Bangladesh 1,407 121 Macedonia, FYR 1,290 120 Marshall Islands 165 Mongolia 380 169 Comoros 1,400 power parity method). :1.21 Vanuatu 1,260 ..- Guatemala 3,474 :1.70 Comoros 370 Cameroon 1,395 124 Morocco 1,240 123 Maldives 3,436 170 Nicaragua 370 171 Haiti 1,379 Sill Bulgaria 1,220 1.14 Georgia 3,429 :1.70 Tajikistan 370 :1.72 Togo 1,352 126 Cape Verde 1,200 126 Jamaica 3,344 173 Bangladesh 350 173 Senegal 1,297 i27 Kiribati 1,170 1Z1 Cape Verde 3,192 :1.73 Kenya 350 i74 Sao Tome and Principe 1,289 128 Jordan 1,150 128 Morocco 3 ,188 173 Vietnam 350 175 Cambodia 1,246 sat Maldives 1,130 sat Egypt, Arab Rep. 3 ,146 :1.78 Gambia, The 340 :L78 Sudan 1,240 130 Equatorial Guinea 1,110 130 Guyana 3 ,139 177 Togo 330 177 Nepal 1,181 s.a:L Samoa 1,070 s.a:L Ukraine 3,130 :1.77 Zambia 330 :1.78 Central African Republic 1,098 132 Philippines 1,050 132 China 3,051 179 Lao PDR 320 180 Uganda 1,072 Ill Syrian Arab Republic 1,020 Ill Ecuador 3,003 180 Uganda 310 :1.1:1. Tajikistan 1,041 134 Bolivia 1,010 134 Sri Lanka 2,945 181 Central African Republic 300 183 Angola 999 :1.38 Ukraine 980 Ul Vanuatu 2,892 18:1. Nigeria 300 :LM Eritrea 984 136 Georgia 970 136 Equatorial Guinea 183 Sudan 290 185 Rwanda 1.17 Uzbekistan 950 1.11 Albania 2,864 1111 Yemen , Rep. 280 118 Kenya 964 136 Papua New Guinea 890 138 Syrian Arab Republic 2,702 186 Sao Tome and Principe 270 188 Burkina Faso 866 :1.11 Albania 810 :1.11 Jordan 2,615 117 Cambodia 260 189 Benin 857 139 Sri Lanka 810 140 Zimbabwe 2,489 187 Madagascar 260 190 Congo , Rep. 846 2.42. Guyana 780 2.42. Indonesia 2,407 189 Mali 250 :1.11 Chad 843 144 Solomon Islands 760 142 Honduras 2,338 191 Burkina Faso 240 192 Madagascar 741 141 China 750 :Ia Kyrgyz Republic 2,247 112 Chad 230 183 Mozambique 740 146 Honduras 740 146 Bolivia 2,205 192 Rwanda 230 194 Nigeria 740 2.47 Cote d'lvoire 700 2.47 Papua New Guinea 2,205 :1.14 Tanzaniad 220 191 Congo, Dem. Rep. 733 148 Congo , Rep. 680 148 Lesotho 2,194 195 Malawi 210 196 Niger 729 2.41 Indonesia 640 148 Azerbaijan 2,168 191 Mozambique 210 188 Zambia 678 150 Zimbabwe 620 150 Armenia 2,074 195 Nepal 210 199 Mali 673 112 Cameroon 610 :1.1:1. India 2,060 188 Eritrea 200 200 Yemen , Rep. 658 153 Lesotho 5 70 152 Uzbekistan 2,044 198 Niger 200 201 Guinea·Bissau 573 114 Guinea 530 :1.18 Moldova 1,995 20:1. Guinea·Bissau 160 202 Ethiopia 566 155 Senegal 520 155 Solomon Islands 1,904 202 Burundi 140 203 Burundi 561 1111 Azerbaijan 480 Sl8 Nicaragua 1,896 202 Sierra Leone 140 204 Malawi 551 158 Bhutan 460 157 Ghana 1,735 Congo , Dem. Rep. 110 205 Tanzaniad 483 1118 Pakistan 440 1111 Guinea Ethiopia 100 208 Sierra Leone 445 .. Not available. a. Data not available; ranking is approximate. b. Data include the French overseas departments of French Guiana. Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Reunion. c. Data for GNP refer to GDP. d. Data refer to mainland Tanzania only. 2000 World Bank Atlas People No social phenomenon has attracted more attention in the past half centur than the "population explosion"-the surge from about 2.5 billion peopl in 1950 to more than 6 billion in 1999, making the 20th century an era c unprecedented population growth. As our population grew, the interval fo adding another billion people became shorter and shorter, with the increas from 5 billion to 6 billion coming in only 12 years . Most of the addition< billion were born in low-income countries. Living standards have improved in developing countries over the past 5 years. Mortality rates have fallen, and primary enrollment ratios continue t improve. Many countries have reduced poverty. In general, people today ar healthier, better educated, and better fed . But we should not be complacent: economic and social turmoil and th continuing spread of HIVI AIDS put the futures of millions of people at ris1 And although the population growth rate is slowing, over the next decad 70 million people will be added to the world's population each year. Th a will tax the ability of many developing countries to provide their people wit; health and education services. 8 2000 World Ban k Atlas Population Poblacion Depuis un demi-siecle, aucun phenomene social n'a autant marque les Ningun fenomeno social ha despertado tanto in teres en los ultimos 50 aiios esprits que << !'explosion demographique » , cet essor qui a vu Ia population como Ia "explosion demognifica" -el aumento de unos 2.500 millones de mondiale passer d'environ 2,5 milliards d'individus en 1950 a plus de 6 habitantes en 1950 a mas de 6.000 millones en 1999- , que hizo del siglo XX milliards en 1999, faisant du xxesiecle une ere de croissance demographique una era de crecimiento demografico sin precedentes. A medida que Ia sans precedent. Ce mouvement s'est accompagne d'une reduction croissante poblacion fue aumentando, el tiempo en que crecio en 1.000 millones se hizo de l'intervalle necessaire a Ia population du globe pour progresser d'un cada vez mas corto; ya que paso de 5.000 a 6.000 millones en tan solo 12 aiios. milliard: ainsi, le passage de 5 a 6 milliards s'est fait en 12 annees seulement. La mayorfa de los 1.000 millones adicionales de personas nacio en los pafses La majorite de ce milliard d'etres humains supplementaires a vu lejour dans de ingreso bajo. des pays a faible revenu. Los niveles de vida han mejorado en los pafses en desarrollo en los ultimos Les niveaux de vie ont progresse dans les pays en developpement au cours 50 aiios. Las tasas de mortalidad se han reducido, y las tasas de matrfcula en des 50 dernieres annees. Les taux de mortalite ont diminue, et les taux de Ia escuela primaria siguen aumentando. Muchas naciones han logrado scolarisation primaire ont continue d'augmenter. Dans beaucoup de pays, on reducir Ia pobreza. En general, Ia poblacion en Ia actualidad es mas sana, note un recul de Ia pauvrete. D'une maniere generale, les individus tiene mas educacion y esta mejor alimentada. d'aujourd'hui sont en meilleure sante, mieux eduques et mieux nourris. Sin embargo , no debemos caer en Ia complacencia: las conmociones Mais il .ne faut pas se laisser aller a un optimisme excesif : !'agitation economicas y sociales, asi como Ia constante propagacion del VIH/ SIDA sociale, les troubles economiques et Ia propagation continue du VIH/ SIDA ponen en peligro el futuro de millones de personas. Ademas, si bien Ia tasa representant une menace pour l'avenir de millions d'etres humains . Meme de crecimiento de Ia poblacion se esta desacelerando, en Ia proxima decada si l'accroissement demographique tend a diminuer a l'heure actuelle , ou Ia poblacion mundial aumentara anualmente en 70 millones de personas. prevoit une augmentation annuelle de 70 millons d'individus supplementaires, Esto socavara Ia capacidad de muchos pafses en desarrollo para prestar et ce pour Ia decennie a venir- ce phenomeme aura des repercutions sur servicios de salud y educacion a su poblacion. !'aptitude d'un grand nombre de pays en developpment a dispenser des services de sante et d ' education a leur populatio" n. 20 00 World Bank Atlas Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth , 1998 Esperance de vie a Ia nalssance, 1998 Esperanza de vida al nacer, 1998 The average number of years a newborn baby would live Nombre moyen d'annees que vivrait un nouveau-ne si les NOmero de aiios que viviria un recien nacido, en promed if patterns of mortality prevailing for all people at the time tendances de mortalite observees pour I' ensemble de Ia si las tendencias de mortalidad de toda Ia poblaci6n of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. population au moment de sa naissance restaient el momenta de su nacimiento se mantuvieran constant inchangees tout au long de son existence . durante toda su vida. - ". ~-. ~ ....... 0 Less than 55 0 55-64 t.... 0 65-69 ....... 0 70-74 .. .i. • 0 0 75 or more No data ,,. / Dlstllbutlonolwwld poplll.aon..,... _ _ _ Lire expectancr .t blrtll,1998, r-a Lire expectancr .t blrth,1998, , _ . ~ .., ... expectallc:J. birth Economies GNP Population GNP pel $ millions capiU East Asia & Pacific 69 millions 1998 ~ Less than 55 Europe & Central Asia --====--•69 1 1998 199E 0 55-i;4 Latin America & Caribbean Less than 55 41 171,948 569 3{)( ........................................................................ 0 6!Hl9 ......................... Middle East & North Africa --=== 1 55-i;4 6!Hl9 22 .................................. 29 803,150 1,900,669 1.498 1,024 54( 1,86( 0 70-74 South Asia ...................................................................................... 0 75ormore Sub-Saharan Africa 70.::.!~................ . ..:5.~ .......~!.1.~:5.,~.9.:5. 1 ,87 4 ... ..~!.!1.~ .......................... 75ormore 48 22,750,913 931 24,43( ······································································································· 0 No data High income 78 No data 12 12,293 1 16,11( 0 20 40 60 80 100 18 20 00 World Bank Atlas Infant deaths Tasa de mortalidad infantll, 1998 Taux de mortalite infantile, 1998 Infant mortality rate, 1998 NOmero de muertes de niiios de menos de un aiio de edad Nombre de deces d'enfants de moins d'un an pour mi lle The number of deaths of children under one year of age por cada mil nacidos vivos . naissances. per thousand live births. - ..... 1\ \ ~ '~ 0 N~ t .. ; • 1l. i·:. ~ -""·• ~ ~ w~~~--· 0 10-24 ., i. ~ 0 25-49 j) I' 0 50-99 •• -t p . "'~ •. ~- 0 - . . .4 ( \ 0 No data . ~ " Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ East Asia & Pacific I===== 1998 1998 Europe & Central Asia Less than 10 e . L.~.--~.~~.a.~. ~9. ......:4.?. ... 3.~,.~.3.~, !~:4.......... 988 ....... 3.~,.~ .~9. Latin America & Caribbean 10-24 0 . ~9.:::?.~.............. 53 .......~!.6.:4.6.:.3..5.:4........... 567 ..... 3.,.9.9.9. Middle East & North Africa 45 25-49 0 ?.5.::19.. ... .. . .. .. ~~.. .~:.0.~~,.~3.3. . ......... ?:3.82 1,350 South Asia 75 50-99 0 50-99 42 851,913 ............................. 1, 796 470 100 or more 21 106,882 ..................3.6.~ ... ........... ~10 Sub-Saharan Africa 92 100ormore 0 Nodata 12 12,293 1 16,110 High income No data 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 00 World B a n k Atl as Undernourished children Child malnutrition, 1992-98 Malnutrition chez les enfants, 1992-98 Malnutricion en Ia niiiez, 1992-98 The percentage of children less than five years old who are Pourcentage des enfants de moins de cinq ans dont le poids Porcentaje de nifios de menos de cinco afios de edad co1 underweight. est inferieur a Ia normale. peso inferior a lo normal. - 0 Less than 10% 0 10-19% : .~ 0 20-29% 0 30-39% ~, ' 0 40%ormore &'t 0 Nodata .; Dlatrlbutlon of world popullltlon ..._, - - - &fOUP8d by prevalel- of clllld llllllnutrltlon - Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ 1998 1998 Less than 10% East Asia & Pacific ~ 0 10-19% Europe & Central Asia 8 ..L.~".~.~~~~--~9.9.6. .......:3.? y,J,~:3.<:>,~?~ . __ f3.~~-- 11,34o 0 20-29% Latin America & Caribbean 8 10-19% 19 ...... ~!5..~~,-~~:3. .......... } ,~?_.. 950 ············•····•········•· 22 186.607 221 20-29% ............................................................................................. 850 0 30-39% :~::a::~:~:~~: ........................................................ 30-39% ................. ~:3. .3.~,~ ...... ....... !1.~ . ... ..... ................5.<:><:1 e 40%ormore : 15:: :: 33 51 40% or more 13 541.435 1,386 390 ·o Nodata Middle :: :: No data 107 16,103,122 1,096 14,700 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 000 World B a nk Atlas Safe water lcceso al agua potable, 1990-96 Acces a une eau potable, 1990-96 Access to safe water, 1990-96 •orcentaje de Ia poblaci6n que tiene suficiente acceso a Pourcentage de Ia population ayant acces raisonnable- Percentage of the population with reasonable access to an na cantidad adecuada de agua potable . ment satisfaisant a une quantite adequate d'eau potable. adequate supply of treated or uncontaminated water. ... ~ 0 0 ~ I - .. -l. ' ~~~ t :.:"' 0 ' "c r ., -.. 0 ' \ .. 0 0 No data ~ Dl.trlllutlan of-'d populdon _ _ _ _ _ to ......... 1980-88 ~oftllepopuldonwltll­ ......,..,_to.......... Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ East Asia & Pacific 84 1998 1998 Europe & Central Asia n.a. Less than 40% Less tha.~.~.O.:*.> ......... ...............l.~ 7,649 ~~ 534 280 Latin America & Caribbean --=:= 75 40-59% 0 40-59'l6.................... P ....... 2.~~:9.9.~ :·············· 368 720 Middle East & North Africa 71 60-79% 0 .~<.>::.!~...................... ~~ .......... ~,~~~,.9.~.1. 833 2,180 80-94% 28 ... ~,1.~~,.!~ :::::::: :?,~3.~ .~,.1.~ . . . .24,930 South Asia = 77 80-94% 0 95%ormore No data 35 ................................... 60 9,14 7,338 14,336,037 367 956 15,000 Sui:>Saharan Africa High income = 43 85 95%ormore No data • 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 00 World Bank Atlas Change in personal spending Private consumption per capita growth rate, Taux de croissance de Ia consommation privee Tasa de crecimiento per capita del consumo 1990-98 par habitant, 1990-98 privado, 1990-98 The average annual percentage change in a country' s Taux moyen annuel de variation de Ia consommation privee Variaci6n porcent ual anual media del consumo privado private consumption per capita. par habitant. capita de un pais . -- - "'"'!> 0 0 0-{).9% . ~~ 0 ·.. 0 .... ~ '" .\ "i> 0 0 No data .........,.......................... Pllnilllaar I I IJIIDnPII' ........... IIIIIe, U80-88,....-. ... ,.. PdnllllaanJ . . . ,..,...,._......, ~....-. ...,..___ Economies GNP Population GNPpc $ millions caplt East Asia & Pacific 5.7 millions 1998 1998 199 e Less than 0% Europe & Central Asia 2.6 6 0:::0:9% . Latin America & Caribbean Less than 0% 42 1,435,916 ............................................................................ 627 2,29 o· i:o::i9% Middle East & North Africa .~.:~~·············· 25 5,885,741 411 14,31 ......................... 0 2.0-2 .9% South Asia 3.5 ..1.:.<>:::~:~ ... .... ?.?..... ~~,~~~!3.9.~ ..................~~~ ....... ~~:.8.9. 0 3.0% or more Sub-Saharan Africa ..2.:.<>:::?.:~1.6. . . .....1.~ .......... ~!.72~,.!19 ....... ~!.~ ........ ?.:.9.~ ••••.~.:9.~9..... - ~'-~ ·a Nodata High income 3.0%ormore ·Nii.iiaia ·· · · ·68 · 30 4,186,967 ····597;930 347 1 .12 -2 0 2 4 6 8 22 20 00 World Bank Atlas Girls in school Porcentaje neto de matricula de mujeres en Ia Taux net de scolarisation primaire feminine, Female net primary enrollment ratio, 1997 escuela primaria, 1997 1997 The ratio of the number of girls of official school age Proporci6n entre el numero de ninas en edad escolar Pourcentage des filles d' age scolaire inscrites a I' ecole pri- enrolled in primary school to the number of girls of official oficial matriculadas en Ia escuela primaria y el numero de maire. school age in the population. ninas en edad escolar oficial. ( - ___.13 . ~ ..... 0 Less than 40% -, ... 0 40--59% I .. 0 60--79% ) ~. #', 0 80--94% \ . > ; 0 95% or more 0 No d ata ,. Fem8le net prlnwy enrollment rdo, 1917, .--t Female net primary enrollment ndlo, 1917' .--t Dletrlbutlan of-'dpcllllle.tlan 81110111--- I(JGUped bJ fenlllle net prlnwy ennlllment ndlo Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ East Asia & Pacific 99 1998 1998 Europe & Central Asia 99 Less than 40% 0 Less than 40% 36 ,584 14 ..................................... 177 210 Lat in America & Caribbean ~ 93 40-59% 0 40-59% 10 ... 1.~~,:<\~~ . ..... Y1:9. 1,230 Middle East & North Africa 84 60-79% 0 60-79% 17 ....... ~~?.,Q~~ 1,266 520 Sout h Asia 80-94% 31 1 ,903,566 581 ......... ~,?!Q 70 80-94% 0 .................................................................................... 95% or more 67 25,272,970 3,138 8 ,050 Sui>Saharan Africa ln.a 95%ormore 0 ............................................................................................ No data 67 783,024 586 1,340 High income 100 No data 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 00 World Bank Atlas Population Population growth rate Prlvate consump- tlon Safe water ...... Ule laney 1-. mortality rate Child malnutrttlon - Net primary Female labor force Population Population growth rate Private consurnp- tlon Safe water Ufe expec- tancy Infant mortality rate Child malnutrttlon - Net .....'Y Female labor fofce per capita % of at birth enroll- per capita %of at birth enroll- average population mont average population mont % annual with per 1,000 % under- % of % annual with per 1,000 % under· % of thousands per year % growth access years live births weight % total thousands per year %growth access years live births weight % total Economy 1998 1990-98 1990-98 1990-961 1998 1998 1992-98' 1997 1998 Economy 1998 1990-98 1990-98 1990-96' 1998 1998 1992-98' 1997 1998 J\fg~a~is!a~ ..... .... ... ... .... ... ?~,()5! 5 .0 12 46 -------------------------- 149 49 33 35 [)!J.J11i.~ic.~~. R.eP~~.Ii<:............... ~, ?.,5:" ... . 2.1 2.4 71 71 6 94 30 Albania ................................. 3.,::1:3.!:! .. 0.2 5 .9 76 72 25 8 41 Ecuador ........... ..~.2.A?.?. 2.4 0.2 70 70 100 27 Alge~ia . 29...922 ... 2.6 - 3.5 71 35 13 93 26 Egypt,A~aiJ .lle!': ..................61..,4:9.! .. 2.3 2.1 M ~ ~ ........................ ~ ~ ~ American Samoa 63 4.2 El Salvador ... !')_,.()?..? 2 .4 3.7 55 69 31 11 89 36 Andorra 65 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ··············- E.9~!'!o.n~I_..GE.Jn~~. .... .... .... ....... 4:?.! .. 2.9 - 5.3 95 50 106 80 35 !':ngol.~ ... .. ... ... ... .... 1?.()()1 ...... ::!:? ............::§.·::!............ }? .......... ... 4J ........... J:?~ ................................... ::J.4 .... .... ... 4§ .... _ Entrea .............................::3.,.?!.!:! 3.0 7 61 51 .............................. 44 .............................. 28 47 !':ntiguaa~dBarbuda. 67 0.6 95 75 1!. .......................................................... _ Estonia ............................... 1... 4:5() .. - 1.1 0.0 70 9 100 49 !':rg~~!i~~ .......................... 3§,!?5 1.5 2. 7 ....................... 65 73 19 2 100 32 E.!hi9pi~ ..................................?.1..,;!13?.. .. 2.6 1.0 27 43 107 48 27 41 Armenia ............... :;!.!.9.? ... 1.0 --8.2 74 15 3 48 Faeroe Islands ....................................... 44 Aruba 94 fiji __ 790 1.0 100 ................... 73 19 8 100 29 Australia .......................... y:~. !.5.~ ...... l:o:.3........... ?J!. ...........!1.!:! ............ J.!1 ... ............. ?...............................!0.0 ............4:3 ... _ Finland ............... 5.,.1?3... 0 .5 -0.1 98 77 4 100 48 !':u.~tr.l~ . ~, ()!!! (),?. . 1. :~ . J? ? . 1c:J() :"() . France ........!58.,.8:"~. 0.5 0.8 100 78 5 ... ....... ... .. .. 100 .. ....................... 45 ~~~aija~ ............................ ?.,!0)1.9 .. 1.4 71 17 10 44 French. Polynes '!' .......................... ?2..?. 2.0 .......................................... 72 11 ......................................................................... B~h.~~.a~,. !:h~ .. 294 2.0 97 74 17 . }().9 .. .........4! .. . Gabon ................................... 1.,.18_() .. 3.0 --4.1 67 53 86 45 Bahrain 643 100 73 3.5 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 99 20 .t>.a.r:n..~.'~-'--!:~e..... . . .... 1 ,21,6 4.0 -0.2 76 53 76 26 58 45 -~~-~gl~d.e.~~ .. .... ............ .... ... 1_ ? 5,f3?!:l 1 .9 2 .1 84 59 73 56 70 42 (;~orgia ..............................................5..,.~4:.? 0.0 .................... . 73 15 89 47 Barbados 266 · 0.4 0.8 100 76 .. 14 ............................................ 95 46 G~riTl~ny ............................!32.,04! . 0.5 0.9 77 ................................ 5 100 . ............................... 42 Belarus ................... 10,239 .. 0 .0 - 3.4 68 11 84 49 Ghana .. 18,.460 . 3 .1 1.2 56 60 65 27 51 -~el.!li~_fl1... . ....................... ~() , 2():" ......... .0.:.3.....................0.:.~---· . J?. .13 !()() :"1. . Greece .......................................... _ ! ()_,_5:1.5..... 0.5 1.3 78 ............................... 6 100 37 Belize 239 3.3 1.9 73 75 28 6 100 24 56 Greenland ............................................................ 0 .1 ..................................................... 68 18 Benin ...................................5.,.9:"1! .. 3.3 0.6 50 53 87 29 50 48 Grenada 96 0.4 2.5 85 72 14 Bermuda .... ......................................... 63 0.6 ......................................................................................................................................................... . Guam 149 ..................................... .. 1.5 77 .. 8 ...................................................................................... .. .. . 759 3.4 64 61 61 40 Bhutan ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Guatemala .............................. ........ !(),!!:!9.. 3.0 1.7 67 64 42 27 70 .............................. 28 . 7,082 3 .0 Bolivia $ii~6~~ aniiH~rieso~i6a 7 ,950 • .• . ::J..t~!l ••• : :2:4 2 .7 ........... 0.9... .... 55 . . ............ 60.. 13 ..... !:!.!:>.. ········ 38 ····3a··· Guinea Guine& s sis au •••• ~; i~~ .... 2.5 ....... 1.62.3 ······ 62 53 ···· 47 44 ·········· 118 .. 33 i2a ·········································3s·············· 4o 47 Botswana ........................... ~.,!';6?.... 2.9 0.8 62 83 46 <3~.Y ~.n~ .. 849 0.9 5 .6 81 64 57 18 93 34 Brazil ...........................................!135..,.8.7..4: 1.6 3.3 33 6 94 35 Haiti .........................7.,.64:~.. 2.4 28 54 71 28 43 Brunei .........................._ 315 2 .9 9 89 .. ........................ 35 Honduras ..................................6.,.1??. 3.3 0 .3 65 69 36 25 89 31 B.ulgar.'a . -0.8. 8,2(;7 -1.5 .................. ........ 71 14 .............................................!:!.9..... 48 ~~ngary ..............................~.0.1.:1.:" -0.4 71 - 1.0 ......................................................... 10 97 45 Burkina Faso 2 .7 ...19 •.!:;!0... 0 .6 44 104 33 25 47 Iceland 274 1.0 0 .4 100 79 3 100 45 Burundi .................. § ..!J4:8.... 2 .6 --4.0 52 42 118 33 49 lnd1a 979,673 2 .0 4 .0 81 63 70 53 71 32 Cambodia ...............................1~ ..<1~.8... 3.3 13 54 .......... ~02.. 100 52 Indonesia .... .... ..... 2§i:~j8 1.9 5 .9 62 65 43 34 99 40 Cameroon ..........................................~<\.,_?.\/er.d~............................<11..6... 2.8 0.1 51 68 ............ ?.5.... 100 39 Ireland .........................3.,.7()5 0.8 3.9 ........ .. 76 ............................. 6 .. 100. ..................................................... 34 c;axm.~n.Jsla~ds ........................ ::J6........... ·- .. Isle of Man 76 <;e.~tr~l A.!ri~~-n...ll~p~blic .. 3 ,.~fl.O_ 2.4 -2.1 19 44 98 23 38 Israel ............. ___ 5_,_9.§3__ 3.5 3.4 99 78 6 41 <;~a9 J ,?!l?. ?::" 2.~ :"? 9.9. 3!') } !'j ~~ . _lt~IX... .... :5.7 ,.5~9........... 1.a~ao. , <;hin~ .. 459 3.0 2.2 78 6 .. ... . .... .......... .. 81.._ ................~.?....... . .K.~n.Y.~ ..................................................?.!'J.,.?!:J.5.. . 3 .1 -0.2 53 76 51 ........................ 23 67 .............................. 46 Colombia .............................. ~0,8<:J:". . 2 .2 1.9 78 70 23 8 89 38 K1nbat1 86 2 .5 100 61 58 Comoros 531 2.9 --4.9 48 60 63 26 45 42 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................., ()~fl1.: ..13.~P.- ......................?.:3.,.!!.! 1.8 ....................................................... 63 54 32 c;o_n!\~.,..Pe..m_, !leP.· ........... 48_,2~?. . 3.6 - 9.2 27 51 90 34 48 43 ,.. R~P.: ........................... ~13.,.4:30... . 1.1 4.6 83 73 9 100 41 c;, Rep, ..2 .•.783. . 3.2 - 1.6 47 48 90 76 43 Kuwait .................................I ,8f36... - 1.9 100 .............................. 77 12 2 64 31 Costa Rica .........................3,52.?. . 2 .3 1.0 92 7.!... ......................!.::1...................... 5........................? .9.......................:3. 1......... . .K.x.r.~--Fl~!'.~.~~-i~ ...............................<\.,_?.!;l!:l 1.0 - 5.2 81 67 26 11 99 47 Cote d' lvorre ................... ~4,4!1? . 3.1 - 1.8 . ?..?................:".f3 .......................?!l....................?.4:.......................?.0.......................3.. ::!....... . Lao PDR . .............. '1.,.9.! ~- .. 3.0 39 54 96 40 ............................... 69 Croatia .......................................:".,.?().! _ -0.9 63 73 8 1 100 44 Latvia ................................. 2.!.'~:".!!.. -1.2 15 70 ................................ 100 ............................... 50 Cuba .. !1,1,():3_ 0.6 93................... .!?. ............................?..............................................!()()......................:3.9........ . Lebanon ................................................:",.?.:l..Neight % total total :conomy 1998 1990-98 1990-98 1990-96• "'"" 1998 1998 1992-98" 1997 1998 Economy 1998 1~98 1~98 .............................................. 1~96· "'"" 1998 1998 1992-98- 1997 1998 ,~xe_m _b.o.~rg _. 427 1.6 0.6 77 4 37 Somalia .................................... ~.,.:-'!i!z.~'.l."..~c:l.._...._ ··-···-·--·--···-·J ,:I.().§ _________:l~~l~? -···-··················-··-···-··-···-···~?.!.~§...--··-···-~:.:1!~'.!'.~~-"-ia, Fe<,!,__ ?.!•· 113 2.4 100 67 28 I~i_i_ ~!~!.a.D.... 6,115 2.0 ......§.9......................?.. 9. 23 ·······································- 44 -o.2 9.2 <,loldova ··················································"·'·?~.!,! 67 ...................!~ .................... .............3.~ ,-~2..8..... 56 . . :.:...........................:.:.........................:.e... Tanzania 3.3 0 .0 49 47 85 31 49 49 <,lonaco ......................... .................................................. 32 ... .................... Thailand ...................................E>!,:Z.<:>! 1.4 3.5 89 72 29 .......................................8.~ ... 46 ~?."fl".l.i~.. ....... .. .. .. ....... .... ~-·.?~:":.... 2.2 66 50 9 88 47 T~fl?. ................................................:4,.:45._8. 3.4 -o.2 ...............El~. . 49 78 25 70 40 <,lorocco ...........................................:2?..,.!.!.? 2.1 1.3 52 67 49 10 67 35 T?.~ga_____________ ...........................9.9... 0.4 ............... ····- 100 71 ......................?..! ............................ ........................................................... 'f.1oza'!'!Jlg~e ......._} ,§"_ 947 2.6 0.7 32 45 134 34 26 ............................. 48 I.riDic:l.a~..a..~c:l. !.9~~!1.0. ...................:!.,.?.~?...............!a._t~~---··· .. :Z.?._Q~2.§l~_ 1.1 1.9 ·····-···-····- 77 7 1 ______ :1,().~i~E. ._ _ ___ }!!,!§.() 1 .2 ............................~.?............. .?.§ ...................... !9. ...................... - .............................. _ 37 9.a..ta._r.·-····-··--····-···-····-···-· J":Z._. __Elc:l._ ·-·-·--··-····- 100 ··-··--?..~·-···--·-···- 18 6 85 ..................~~ ---··· ~~".'-"-.~"--·········-·-- -- _:2_ 2._,§.9 _3._______ :::(),~ !.:.!......................§.? .................. §.~........................:Z..! ................_ 6 100 44 ~'!.S.>;.i~-~.X~9.~r.a..!i?.D_ _ . !.'!§.,.~9..9.._ -o.1 4.5 ·······-··- 67 17 3 100 ...............'!§l.... . Rwanda ............................................... ~ •.!().? 2.2 -o.4 41 123 29 49 Samoa 169 0.8 68 25 69 ............................... 95 142 3.0 - 7.9 ............... 49 . 64 .............................. 16 ~~-~-~-i ..f.l.r~.b..i!'. 2.9..,.!.3..~... 3.9 93 72 ..............................• 58 20 .............................................................................. 15 . ~~.".'l.fl~l......-...... §l,. ' 't ; .. ·-: 0 0 Less than 10% . -- !a.J :-:.. ·~ • :..--•1 \oo• • . 0 10-14% 15-29% ·.;,. ·.... ·.. 0 30-59% ..( r. ~'.\:" y ~ .. ~( 'i , > 0 60%or more '!: 0 No data \:..... )., i;?' ... Distribution of world population among economies Forest coverage, 1995, percentage of land area Forest coverage, 1995, percentage of land area grouped by forest coverage Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita East Asia & Pacific 24 millions 1998 $ 1998 1998 0 Less than 10% ................................... Europe & Central Asia 1----36 0 10-14% Latin America & Caribbean 1 - - • - •45 . L.e.~.s.~~a.~l.~~ ~ .. y;1.~,!.2.~ ... 733 ........ ?,.?~~ 10-14% 13 3,332,907 1,525 2,190 0 15--29% Middle East & North Africa 1 -------------------·-·-········· 15--29% 39 . ~~,~.1.~,~ 2,227 .~!.2.~~ 0 30-59% South Asia 30-59% 45 3,859,143 719 5,370 ........................... e 60%ormore Sub-Saharan Africa 60%ormore ............................. 8 5,520,434 554 9,960 0 Nodata High income No data 63 586,953 138 4,240 0 20 40 60 80 100 8 20 00 World Bank Atlas Forest losses ENVIR Deforestacl6n anual, 1990-95 Debolsement annuel, 1990-95 Annual deforestation, 1990-95 Variaci6n porcentual anual media en Ia superficie cubierta Variation annuelle moyenne de Ia superficie boisee, en pour- The average annual percentage change in forest area. de bosques . Las cifras con signo negativo indican un centage . Un chiffre negatif indique une augmentation de Negative numbers indicate an increase in forest area. aumento de dicha superficie . Ia superficie boisee. .- ..... . ., t . -,;. 0 Less than -0.4% < . ' ...... .... <-".. • • . ... .. 0 -0.4-0.0% t~ }' 0 0.1-0.3% 1 ) I' 0 0.4--1.0% -! . 7 -' 0 0 More than 1.0% No data '?. i::/ ... Annual deforestation, 1990-95, percentage change Annual deforestation, 1990-95, thousands Distribution of world population among economies of square kilometers grouped by annual deforestation Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ East Asia & Pacific 30.0 1998 1998 Europe & Central Asia Less than -0.4% Less than-0.4% 14 -~'?:1.!,.119.?. 219 1.~,!~ .. Latin America & Caribbean 57.8 -0.4-0.0% -0.4-0.0% 50 .....1.~,.3.~~· 732 2,111 7,730 Middle Ea. s t & North Africa 0.1-0.3% 0.1-0.3% 12 ~,~!?.,~:3.! .......................... 1,589 3,820 South Asia 0.4-1.0% 0.4-1.0% 32 .......:1.,~.1.?,~!~ .......................... 1,095 1,660 Sub-Saharan Africa 745 1,120 More than 1.0% More than 1.0% 35 .. ~3.Yl.~. No data 63 586,953 138 4,240 High income No data -20 0 20 40 60 80 20 00 World Bank Atlas ONMENT Freshwater Freshwater resources per capita, 1998 Ressources d'eau douce par habitant, 1998 Recursos de agua dulce per capita, 1998 A country' s renewabl e water resources , including river Total des ressources renouvelables, qui inclut le debit El total de recursos hid ricos renovables , que incluyen It flows , divided by the population , in cubic meters. des cours d'eau, divise par Ia population , en metres cubes. rio s, divididos por Ia poblaci6n, en metros cubicos. "'"" "':J \' 0 0 Less than 1 ,700 1,700-2 ,999 : ::..:..::·:..... •.. -.... ..... ·-: ~ ' ~~ : .~ 0 3,00o-4,999 -.;;;,. '•' ·.. 0 5 ,000-9 ,999 .. •' r. . .. .... ~ .., .... ·:t ..-.... { ~ ~1 . :; ® 0 10,000 or more No data t ·:· \.,_,,:. ~ Distribution of world population among economies Freshwater resources per capita, 1998, Freshwater resources per capita, 1998, grouped by freshwater resources per capita thousands of cubic meters cubic meters Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita East Asia & Pacific millions 1998 $ Europe & Central Asia 1998 1998 Less than 1 ,700 14.3 ....... . ................. 0 1,700-2 ,999 Latin America & Caribbean ~----- 27.4 ..L.~.S.~.~~.a.~..~:.!..<>?.:::~ :9.9.9 ...... ~ ....... ~~,.~ c:Jc:J e 10 ,000 or more ...... ......................... Sub-Saharan Africa 25 .9.:.1..S.f:i .6 34 ..l.c:J:.~~~- 0.4 ...... .. ... .• .... ...• . .... 4 .9 42.3 Estonia ........................................................... 1.3 20 48 -1.0 3,8!1 2.0 1l ,'\rg~~!iD.~ ..........•.........?.,?.=3.f:i:?.. ....2!.,f!.6..?. ~. 2.8 ' ....... .3~~ - .:1.2 .. _0 .3 ........... ~.,?.?...i!' .................!.000.0 ~.,.?95 2.0 136 14 0.5 ·········································-····-····- 287 2.1 Armenia ..............................................:2?..:.2. ... 2, 767 .~..............?..!..:!3..~..................:3 1:?........ ····-··=~:?. ········-··-....~Z.?... 4.3 1.0 F..~e..r.~~- ~-~-~ ...~..:~... ?.,8_ 31 ' 54.6' 10 11 0.0 ................. ~!.?.~.~ . 1.3.............. ...}.:.~ ... f.r.e_nc.~ .P.~Ir~e-~i~. .. . 3.7 .............. _Bah~m.?s,..r~e......................... !0:0 .. 6.0 ·····················-··· Gabon ... ..... ... .. ................... ....~.?.! ..J. ..~.3.8.._9:42.. 0 .0 179 69 0.5 .:L.,.:4~~ 4.5 .................... Bahrain 0 .7 1.0 ............................17.7 <>.~'!'bia,J~e ...................!.~~i~~D~. I:i.'~'-'e.Jl<.>~i~~ ---?.1.::0.. __ !il_,~?..?.. ...............?..?...•...•...• 53 o.o .............. ~?..9.... 0.9 .<>.~.i. ~~.".:l'l.i~. ..~.~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2..1'!.:.1.:... ~:'1.,?.~.9 ' 0 •• ••••••••.c:>.:~•~•••••••••• m••~•:,l•••••••••• •••• ••••82 0.4 ( 8~t~w.~n~ ......................................?.§.€>·?...... ~.. ~l,:ol..'....... ....0...:!.' 139 25 0 .5 1.4 9uya_ na.. ........1:!3..?.-!l_ . ?.£35..,~3~- 0 .6 l Brazil 8.45(:).5 . 1?.•.1..5.9..'_ 0.5' ...:?...?.!.~ 65 0.5 ............ ~ ,95..:1 6.5 1.7 Haiti ..............................?..?:§._ ........1..,~f:i.l3 .................0...::'1.... o.....................1............... 3.4............................237 5.9 ( Brunei............................ ···········-··· 5.3 ............ 13 ,.13~.<> 2.5 16.8 Honduras 111.9 ........ !3..,.?:?.13...............~.:?............... :".~.....................?..!..............• 2.3 532 4.7 ~~ ~~~~ri? 110.6 .. ?:'1:·156.3_' .. 6.8' 32 29 0.0 ............ 2,_'J!!.9.::3 ... 6P,6_4? ....................................................................... !!., ~13.f:i. 2.9 25 .7 Burundi ........................................ 561 0.0 lnd1a ............................... . ~,-~T~::Z 650 22 0.0 479 4.2 Cambodia ............................ _ 1..7_6.? .. ..4~.1JO! ... 0.0 Indonesia .............................!.&~.~.: 6. .... __l,OQ8.. 61 1.0 693 4 .5 Cameroon .......................... 465.4 ....1~. ?.3! . . 413 3.6 0 .3 l r.a~, _l_s l ~n:ic.. ~~~.: .•......... !., 6~?.-.~~Ii". 623.0 . ~:1.,2_5.()_ 0 .0 299 48 0.4 0.1 Israel .................................................... :21).:13 ............!~.~---· 155.5' 1 5 0 .0 3,0.1'!... 5.8 Chad ... ·····················- ....:1.,.~.?.~.:~...........5.~_()~ ' 0.4 ' 110 9 0.8 0.0 .............................. Italy 294.1 ~'-~9.-~.."... 34.4' 65 .............•...?.?....._ -0.1 ..•2.,~~-~- 7.3 Channel Islands ...................................... ··-····-···-·· ........................... Jamalca ..3.,.?:?P................?..:~.............. 2 10.8 16 7.2 .........~,_??..?.._ 2.2 !:.~i-1~..................................................... 748.8 .....=3.2..P!H. 3.6 .. ..!~... . !~ . . C!:~ .................!.,.?.?..~ 5.7 3.4 i?P.~.~ ••••••••••••••••••••m••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••.?..?.f:i.:.?..... 3.4()? 21.3 251 67 0.1 ••••••••••••••••:4,.0..~••••••• 6.0 !:.~i-~~---························- ...!il.,.?..?.f:i.:~. ...•2..,?.~?.. 18.6 ....... !,?.. : :!~. 14 0.1 907 3.3 2.8 Jordan ...................................?.il.:!l. 198 ' 51:.:1.~....................9...... 1 2.5 t,_ Q81 3.3 l:i~~g -~~~!l,.~_~i~-~ -- ....................-~:.<>. ·······-····-···-···- .............................................. ········-··- .............•.~.,.!?..?...._ 10.6 3.7 Kazakhstan .................................~, 670. 1... .......?..,.0...?.~..~.............?..0. 7' 105 4 -1.9 ...............~,-~?..~ 1.8 1( ...f:A.~c~o, .C:.~i-~.a. ...................................9..:9. ··········- .. .. 3.2 ................................................................ l{~nr.a ..........................................?.6.~.: :!....... ~ . QJ.:I. ~ 6 .8 ' 13 2 494 0 .3 ........................... .. 2.0 ( Colombia ................. .... :1.,9.~:?.. ......2. 6. ,. !.?.2....... 0 .5 530 51 0.5 761 ···························· 8 .2 1.7 Kiribati 0. 7 ( Comoros .. .... ..... ... ........................ 2.:. 2. .......1 ,.13?.4... ... .... .... .......................................................................... 0.1 ~or.e?, _ l ll.: ~~P: _!)e_ 51 0.0 1l Congo. D~m: ~~P· . 2,~67 :1 . 2:!.,1?:4 ... ..... 0:() ................... 311 2.7 0.1 .1\~r.e.".,...Rep, 77 0.2 3.9 ~ C9ngo,_Re~_. 341.5 195 0 .2 459 2 .2 1.9 Kuwait 0 Costa R1ca .................... 51.1 12 3.0 .. ..................... 769.. 7.7 1.4 Kyrgyz _ _ ~ep~bl_i~ .. 4 3.8 Cote .... d'lvoire ............. ....... . 55 17 394 0.6 ............................ 4.0 0.9 Lao PDR Croatia 18 33 0 .0 ..... _ 1.1)8.!. 4 .0 3.9 Latvia ...... ... ...4f:l. ... ........ 1_,81)6.. 3.1 ................ Cuba 109.8 ..........:J.,~?.Q 23.5 18 17 1.2 ............ --~'-~~.:!...... 2.8 10.2 Lebanon ....................................................... 1 5 7.8 .......... ~.~13?. 3.3 CYP.'.~S. ···························-·····-··· . -~--~- .... _1:,06~ . ~! :? .... .... .... ......... .... ......... .... .... ..... ... - ................?..,.?.?.!.... 6.2 7.3 30.4 Lesotho ................................................ 0 0 0 .0 Q~~-~~ - ~~p~~-li"..... 77.3 •...:1..·.?.:5.~ .. . . ~-~·13.. 26 34 0 .0 .............3.,_9?..8. 3.3 12.3 Liberia 96.3 0.1 Oenmark .........................................:4?.::'1 ........?.•.~.6..9..~. 9.2' 4 10 0 .0 3,!J.~4 6.0 10.7 .~i-~Y!'.... 1.759.5 486.3 4 o o.o ..?... ~0...~- Qji~()U!i ................................... :??.:.2 .... 4 72 3.3 0.6 Liechtenstein 0.2 ............................................................................................. . ............................................................ Dominica 0.8 1.1 Lithuania ....................................... f'i'!.:~ ....... f:i,.?.2.'J .~.. m •• 1.0' 20 30 -0.6 ......... 2... ::!!6.. 2.6 34 20 00 World Bank Atlas - - ENVIRO Land thousand sq . km Available percapita cubic meters 1998 Freshwater Annual use % of total 198(}-98• Total area thousand sq. km Forest coverage %of total land area Average annual defores- tation % Per capita kg Energy use 011 GOP per kilogram equivalent PPP $b Carbon dioxide emissions per captta metric tons Economy Land thousand sq. km 1997 Available percapita cubic meters Freshwater Annual use % of total Total area thousand sq. km Forest coverage % of total land area Average annual defofes- tat1on % Per capita kg 1997 Energy use 011 GOP per ltiioglam equmlent ppp $b 1997 - Carbon dioxide p er capita metric tons 1997 1995 1995 1990-95 1997 1997 1996 1998 1980-981 1995 1995 1990-95 1996 u~e.J11b.g~rs . .......................................' .......~.,.!5..!. .. 3.8 ............... ... .. .. ............... .. . ......... 4.1 19.9 Somalia 627 .3 ..... 1.,~3Q .. 5.2 0.0 ~a~e. ..... 1.,2013.' 26.6 ' 85 7 .. 0.:2 .......... 2 ..6~.6.......... 3. 3.. . 7.3 ~!'Sl.~!l~~~!''.. 581.5 .......?.~.,.9~.~ 5.8 151 26 0.1 .se.a'~ . 499.4 ..... :2.,.?.~.?. ' .. 31.7 ' 84 17 0.0 ...............:2,.!.?.9.... . 5.9 5.9 1alawi ............................~~ :.1.: ... 1,775 ' 5.0' 33 35 1.6 0.1 Sn Lanka ..............................................?.:':? ....... ?..,.~:2_[} 14.6 18 28 1.1 386 7.6 0.4 ~.~.I!'X~i!'._ 328.6 ..~.1....CJ..1.6. 2.1 155 47 2.4 .. .. . ?.,.2.3.7. 4 .0 5.6 ~!:... ~i.!!s._an~_.Neyjs 0.4 2.5 1aldives 0.3 1.2 ......................................................... St. Lucia ............................... ... ... .... . 0.6 .. .................................................................................................................................................................-.... 1.3 1ali .................................._1,220.2 ..........!iJ.,.~::l§.. 1.4 116 9 1.0 0.0 St Vincent and the Grenadines ......................................................................................................................... 0.4 1.1 1alta 0.3 265 30.0 ......... ?. •.51.5 9.0 4.7 Sudan .............. ·········-·· ........?,37.6:1?......... 5., 4.?~. 11.6 416 18 0 .8 414 3 .3 0.1 1arshall Islands ............................................................................... ......... Suriname ..................... _:L!)§..?..?..:.?...........~.,.?<>.?. :... 143.0 ' 6 1 0.0 1.2 Swaziland 17.2 ..........~.,?.~.:2 14.7 ................................................................. . 0 .4 1auritius 2.0 ........~ !.8~.!.... 16.4 ' 0 6 0.0 1.5 Sweden 411.6 .......2!?.,!0..~ ~.... 1.5 ~............?.4.~....................?~......... 0.0 .................?.,.§.§.~ 3.5 6.1 Sw1tzerla.~~................................... 39.6 ........?..,.".?..?...~ 6.9 6 .3 ~.~X9.1:!~···--···- ·--···-··-- ······--···-· 4.9' 11 29 0 .0 ................?A9.9 1exico ;.,.~C?.?.: 7 .........~.!.7.:!.!1 --···-··--·~l..:C?.... 554 29 0.9 ........... 1.:}~!?.!..............?..:.!...... . 3.8 .?xr.i!'.~..~.r!'.~-~.~.P_U.':>I.i~ 183.8 .........?..,.~?..§.... 32.2 2 1 2.2 983 3.0 3.1 ~~gE~~~!3!.i. ~:...~~~:...§!!3!.:.. .. . ............. ·····- --------------------------------------·-----··----- ..................... !~J.' :1.:3,.01.:.!..~ 14.9' 4 3 0 .0 562 1 .6 ............................ 1.0 1oldova ...............................................:3.~:!?. .........?..,.!:Z.:Z ........... ?.5.-..J .... 4 11 0.0 ..............l.:.,.Q?..~ 2.1 2.8 Tanzania 883.6 ....... 2..,.!?.Q '.... 1.3' 325 37 1.0 ........................ 455 1.0 0.1 ~onaco .......................................................................................... . Thailand 510.9 .......... §.,.l:l~.8 .:... 8.1' 116 23 2.6 1,31.~..............~.:.! .......................~.:". _ ~g~S~Ii ~ . .•.. .1,!;§.6.:5....... .9,.(;?7 2.2 94 6 0 .0 3.6 !0!\0...... ························-·- .........5.4..4 ....... 2}>9.2.:. 0.8' 12 23 1.4 ····················-··. ... ................. 0.2 ~orocco ......................................... ~:"§} .........; .,.QI3Q ...............?§.:?...................??............. 9 0 .3 340 9.5 1.0 :rg~ga .... .... ... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .0.:? ............... ·- ... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... ..... .. . .... ..... ..... . .. ...... . .. -· .. ..... ..... .... ... . -· ........ 1.2 ~g.~ambiq~e 784.1 .......!?..,.!:":§.~ 0.3 ' 169 22 0 .7 461 1.6 0 .1 . !r.i.~.i~!'.'..:"!'X .. .. ·- ......................... :39E3:13. ......fl?.. (). l;ol :. 0.5 ' 81 26 -0.2 ......... 5.,.51:>~....... :'1·13 ... . 15.3 v~.n~~.~..,~.~.....f!l'!. ... .................... 8.?.~.:.~ ......?.!.,£3.?.~.' ... . . .. (). :3.~ ......... :<1:'1.1:> ... ... ... ~0 ... .... ..lA ......... ....2.., ~?.!'3. 2.4 6.5 >.."'a~ . -·· ........... :212,5 ........... 4.3~ .. 1.2~..2 ............ .9 . .. .. .. 3,003. 7.0 y1etnam... 325.5 ... 1.. 1 ,.64..7 .. 6.1 91 28 1.4 ................... 5~1.............?:. 2. . 0.5 'akistan 770.9 ........1,.~38 ~ 61.0' 17 2 2.9 ....................... 442 3.9 0.8 Y.i rgiD I SI~~d.~J~ . SJ .......................OJ .. 'alau ··· ··· 6:5 13.9 West Bank and Gaza ............................................................................... 'a nama 74.4 0.9 28 38 2.1 856 6.1.:......................?..:.!'!.. . ~~.'!'!'.~., ..~~P.: 528.0 254 71.5 0 0 208 3.5 -···-··········· ··-····-················- ~~pua._~.~.v.'...'>..LJ.i'!.~.a...-·-···- 452.9 ...1.X.U~.1.9... 0.0 369 ................................... 82 Q4 ........................................................................ Q5 ~~so..s!~~·..~ ~~~:!MO..~!:.l 102.0 17.?0l.....................-··········- 18 17 ~~'.~1;\U.".X ········-····~.!!?..:? ......13.1.,.?.5.9.._... 0.1 115 29 2.6 824 5.5 0.7 ~.'!rT1.~i.a........ - - - . . .!4.~::<1 _12 ,00_1 ' 1.5 ' 314 42 0.8 634 1.2 0 .3 •eru 1 ,2.§.0.0 ...........1.,.13.11.:............ _1.?..:?........... §?..§...... . 53 0 .3 621 7.3 1 .1 Zimbabwe .................................. 3!l§:!il. ...........1..,.7..1.:!..: ... 87 23 0.6 866 3.1 1.6 ·~ilipt>.i~.~~. ··················-···· }~?.: ?.. .. . . 1.·~.9~ 9.1 68 23 3 .5 520 7.2 0.9 'oland .............................. ..........'39~:4. ........1.,.6 29.: 19.2 ' 87 29 ....... .. -:-9 · ~ ......... 2..,.1.:2:1.: 2 .7 9.2 '.O.'.~.U.S.~1 .. -·· ... .... ····-···-~·~.:.?. ......?.,.?.?..?. : ... 10.1 ' 29 31 -0.9 ........ 2_.0.5! 7.1 4.8 •uerto Rico 8.9 ................................ ............................... 3 31 0.9 4.2 )at_ar..................................................:1.:!.:0. .......................-........................... ............!?..,.?.??. ····························- 42.0 lomania ...............................2..:3.Q.:?.............9..,. ?2.?...:...............~.?..:?.~ 62 27 0 .0 .......... -. ..1.:. 9.'[)! ,. 3.2 5.3 !~.~.S.i~~ E~d.~r.~~igD . 16.,?.?13.:5.........~0..,§:1.:~..: ... _ 1. 7' .....?..,.?.??.... 45 0.0 .............4 ,.0.1.:.~ 1 .7 10.7 lwanda 24.7 ................................................................................... 798 12.2 3 10 0.2 0 .1 ;amoa ............................................................. 2.8 0.8 ;~g:ror.n~~~d. Pr.i~~it>.e 1.0 . g;,.??.6. ........... ·- . ....... -·- .... . 0.6 ?.~.l!~.!'.~E.~.9.!~ ............................... ~-!~~-~.:.?. 116 ...........?.9.~.:~..... 2 0 0 .8 ................4.,91:>§. 2.1 13.8 ~~D.~S~I .. 192.:.?.............~.,.~?..9..:.........- ....~,§.~ 74 38 0.7 315 4.1 0.4 ~e.r.c.~~~.I~.S. ......................... ..... ........ .. 0.5 .............. ·······-···························· ......-......................-...- 2.2 18 .. Not available. ~i~!.'.~. ~~g~". ........................ ····- ....7.!.:?........ ~?..,.9.?. 7 ···--··-··-0..:.2.... 13 3.0 ..............................................................................0..:1... . 31.7 2.9 21.6 Note: Figures In italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit shown and ;,ng~I"'Ee.... 0.6 193 0 7 0.0 ........13.,(:)§.:1.: not known more precisely. ~loya..~ ~epu~li£ ......................-. ...".?..:.! .......!.5..,.~~.El 1.7 20 41 -0.1 ........... 3,1.:!!.?. 3.0 7.4 a. Data refer to any year from 1980 to 1998 unless otherwise noted. b. PPP is purchasing power parity; see the technical notes to )lovenia 20.1 .........!1.,.3?'1.. 2.7 11 54 0.0 ........... :3.,.:2!.~. . 4.4 6.5 the Economy section. c. Total water resources include nver flows from other countnes. d. Land area for Betg1um includes Luxem- >olomon Islands 28.0 . :!11,).?.4.5 0.4 bourg. e. Data refer to estimates for years before 1980. 20 00 World Bank Atlas 3 Economy Economic growth expands the opportunities for people to improve their I ing standards. It also provides the resources to lift people out of the worst fon of poverty. Between 1980 and 1998 the countries of East Asia and the Paci led the way-with their GNP per capita rising by almost 7 percent a year. E the path is not always upward. Many East Asian economies suffered setba< last year, a consequence of the financial crisis that swept through the dev oping world. Global economic growth dropped to 1.7 percent in 1999, a low- and middle-income economies grew more slowly than high-inc01 economies for the first time since 1993. Economic growth alone will not cure poverty, but good policies that n1 ture a stable economy help to create an environment for reducing pove1 Over the past two decades successful countries have managed their econom well-keeping inflation in check, holding trade deficits down, using forei borrowings wisely, and maintaining a healthy rate of domestic investment. T poorest countries have followed the opposite route. Ethnic conflict, politi1 instability, and bad economic policies have squandered their resources at in many cases, left them heavily in debt. Debt relief offers them some ho of starting over, but only if it is combined with a broad-based commitme to policies and public actions that promote growth and benefit the poor. 38 2000 World Bank Atlas ~conomie Economia ~a croissance economique ouvre aux etres humains de nouvelles perspectives El crecimiento economico aumenta las oportunidades de mejorar las !'amelioration de leur niveau de vie. Elle fournit aussi les ressources condiciones de vida de la poblacion. Tambien proporciona los recursos )ermettant de les affranchir des pires formes de la pauvrete. Entre 1980 et necesarios para sacar a las personas de las peores condiciones de pobreza. l998, les pays d'Asie de l'Est et du Pacifique ont ouvert la voie, avec un PNB Los pafses de Asia oriental y el Pacffico estuvieron a Ia vanguardia entre 1980 )ar habitant en progression de pres de 7 % par an. Mais la voie n'est pas y 1998, con un aumento de casi 7% anual de su PNB per capita. Pero el camino .oujours ascendante: en Asie de l'Est, nombreux sont les pays dont l'economie no siempre es ascendente. Muchas economfas de Asia oriental sufrieron t marque le pas l'annee derniere du fait de la crise financiere qui a frappe reveses el aiio pasado como consecuencia de Ia crisis financiera que afecto 'ensemble des pays en developpement. Le taux de croissance de l'economie al mundo en desarrollo. El crecimiento economico mundial bajo a 1,7% en nondiale est tombe a 1,7% en 1999, et, pour la premiere fois depuis 1993, 1999, y las economfas de ingreso bajo y mediano crecieron mas lentamente es pays a revenu intermediaire et les pays a faible revenu ont progresse plus que las de ingreso alto por primera vez desde 1993. entement que les pays a revenu eleve. La pobreza nose eliminara solo con el crecimiento economico, sino con La croissance economique a elle seule ne fera pas disparaitre la pauvrete, buenas polfticas propicias para que una economia estable pueda crear un rais des politiques avisees qui ont pour effet d'assurer durablement Ia medio conducente ala reduccion de la pobreza. En las dos ultimas decadas tabilite de l'economie contribuent a etablir un milieu propice au recul de los pafses que han logrado exito han administrado bien sus economias, al a pauvrete. Au cours des 20 dernieres annees, les pays florissants ont bien controlar Ia inflacion, reducir sus deficits comerciales, utilizar sabiamente ~ere leur economie : ils ont maitrise !'inflation, controle leurs deficits sus emprestitos externos y mantener una tasa solida de inversion nacional. :ommerciaux, utilise judicieusement leurs emprunts exterieurs et maintenu Los paises mas pobres han seguido el rumbo contrario. Los conflictos m taux adequat d'investissement interieur. Les pays les plus pauvres ont suivi etnicos, la inestabilidad polftica y las malas polfticas economicas han Jlevado a voie opposee : sous l'effet de conflits ethniques, de troubles politiques et al despilfarro de sus recursos y, en muchos casos, los han dejado muy le politiques economiques peu avisees, leurs ressources ont ete dilapidees et endeudados. El alivio de la carga de la deuda brinda esperanzas de poder Is se sont retrouves, pour beaucoup, dans une situation d'endettement empezar de nuevo, pero solo si se combina con un compromiso am plio con :xtreme. L'allegement de Ia dette donne aces pays uncertain espoir de pouvoir polfticas y medidas publicas que promuevan el crecimiento y beneficien a ·epartir sur de nouvelles bases, mais uniquement si cela s'accompagne d'un los pobres. arge engagement en faveur de politiques et de mesures gouvernementales JUi encouragent la croissance et qui soient favorables aux pauvres. 20 00 World Bank Atlas 3 Income per person GNP per capita, 1998 PNB par habitant, 1998 PNB per capita, 1998 Gross national product-the sum of gross value added by Produit national brut - somme de Ia valeur ajoutee brute Producto nacional bruto -suma del valor bruto agreg< resident producers (plus taxes less subsidies) and net pri- par les producteurs residents (majoree des taxes, minoree por todos los productores residentes (mas los impues mary income from nonresident source5--{jivided by midyear des subventions) et des montants nets de revenu pri- menos las subvenciones) mas las entradas netas population . maire verses par des non-residents- divise par Ia popu- ingreso primario de no residentes- dividido por lation en milieu d'annee. poblaci6n de mediados de aiio . ........ .. ' 0 Low ($760 or less) : -~ 0 Lower middle ($ 761-3,030) ·.. 0 Upper middle ($3,0 31- 9,360) ....... . . '.\:!. 0 0 High ($9,361 or more) No data -. ,.. Distribution of world population among economies GNP per capita, 1998, $ GNP per capita, 1998, $ grouped by GNP per capita ' Economies GNP Population GNP 1 $ millions cap East Asia & Pacific millions 1998 0 Low($760orless) Europe & Central Asia 1998 19 O Lowermiddle Latin America & Caribbean 3.860 L9."!(~!El9.~rl".~) 63 ......1..·.~.1.. 1'.~.!> ~.!}~~ 5 ($761-3,030) Lower middle Middle East & North Africa O Uppermiddle !~!61.::~.~1.-~~? . 886 ...... ~.! ($3,031-9,360) South Asia 430 .................................... 588 .... ~ .~ 35 ?-~!>~-ll~? 0 ............................................. High($9,361ormore) Sub-Saharan Africa 510 High High income ~-------- 25,480 ($9,361ormore) 51 22,591,778 886 25,4 0 15,000 30,000 wartd ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• jiJ.~ ?~-~?~A~? • ............ ~ •.13~!..······~:? 38 2 0 00 World Ban k At las Income growth Tasa de creclmlento del PNB per capita, Taux de croissance du PNB par habitant, GNP per capita growth, 1990-98 1990-98 1990-98 The average annual percentage change in a country's real Variaci6n porcentual anual media del PNB per capita real Variation annuelle moyenne, en pourcentage , du PNB GNP per capita. To exclude the effects of inflation, constant de un pais. A fin de excluir los efectos de Ia inflaci6n , se reel par habitant, calculee a partir du PNB en prix con· price GNP is used in calculating the growth rate . utiliza el PNB medido en precios constantes para calcular stants afin de faire abstraction des effets de !'inflation. Ia tasa de crecimiento. "'"!> \; 0 :.tu('!.... · ! ' •• ·-· .:...-~~ ~.~ 0 0--0.9% t. '-:: 0 ·' 1 ·. ·.;;, '· .. ·:t 0 ,, ~ ~.. .,,..... ..... { ' ~~~ , .... €) ' ' '4 \. ·; ... ~'.:. ~ 0 No data b' GNP per capita annual growth rate , 1990-98, Index of GNP per capita, 1980-98, 1980 =100 Distribution of world population among economies percent grouped by GNP per capita growth rate Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 1998 $ 1998 300 240 • 0 East Asia & Pacific Latin America LessthanO% LessthanO% 54 y~:()~,6~:2 653 2,160 & Caribbean O- 0 Less than 15% ·-·.... '.~ 0 15-19% t ,_ 0 20--24% 0 25-29% .\ ~ -.. • 0 30% or more No data .. , .,.... Investment share in GOP, 1998, percent Investment share in GOP in selected developing Distribution of world population among economies economies, 1998, percent grouped by investment share in GOP Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ Argentina 20 1998 1998 Brazil 21 Less than 15% L.e.~~~~~~}?~ ....... ?~ .............~:;~!-~~!1... . .. 418 ......... :1:!~13.~ China 38 15-19% 0 1~~~'l6. .... ........ . 40 g~~,p~ ... }_,~:;~ ...... ~~!.3.:;~ India ............................ 24 20-24% 0 20-24% 51 .......13.,.2.!!!.~!1 . . 2,287 ......... ~!.6.?.~ Korea, Rep. 21 25-29% 0 25-29% 30 .................................. 5,501,100 572 ........ !1!.6..1.~ - ~~O.'.IllO.'.e. ........... ?.l3 No data 36 ~!3.~!1! ~~~ .............. } ,~~13. .......... ~!~?.~ 202,066 ........................................................................ 150 1,340 Mexico Russian Federation 16 24 ........................................................ 30%ormore No data • 0 0 10 20 30 40 20 00 World B a nk Atl as - GNP GNP per capita Agriculture Investment Avetage Total GNP GNP per captta Agrk:utture Investment Average Cumont Total annual extemal annual account extema lnftatlon debt lnftatlon balance ppp Average rate ppp Average rate lnter- annual 1nter- annual nat•onal real growth %of %of % of nat10r1al real growth %of %of %of $ millions $' % GOP GOP % GOP m1 llions $ mi1hons $' % GOP GOP % GOP millions Economy 1998' 1998 1990-98 1998 1998 1990-98 1998 1998 Economy 1998 8 1998 1990-98 1998 1998 1990-98 1998 1998 1\of~oh.o~~~osot~~oo 00 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 000000 00000000000000000000• Dominrcan Republic 000000 000000 . :L4_,0 62~ 00 000 000 '!,33! 3.4 12 26 10.6 1 0000 0000 ~- 4.50: - 20 Albaniaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? o,?.:L?. 810 2 ,864 ' 2o7 54 16 000 000 000 51.500 -20 1 821 Ecuador 000 000 0000 oooo 00 1fl.,roiaiOOGO~i':'e.~ 000 000 ooo 000 000 <17? 000 0 00 1301 22 85 ............................... 12.7 -13208 301 00 1\ngola •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ~~~!i(\U~~~~IJ~'!J~d.~ 0 ~:~7~ • • 38o 0 ?.-§~9 ?.§5. oooooooooo?.!o~?..O 999' ..:S:2 304 12 4 20 32 9240 3 2,§ 0 :::?::'l -23.8 000 1:;!,17:3 om . Entrea 781 ........................... Estonia 000 00 00 00 000 00 000 00 00~:0 §!8.0 000 03 ,3.§() 000000000 .?: ° 0 984' 6.!30 ?.0 202 -1.4 9 6 1001. - 330 41 ................................ 29 ................................ 75.4 -90 3 2 14! 78: ;'\rge~ti~a 290,:;!61, 00 Oo ?..()30 00 11,?28 4o2 6 20 7o8 -4o9 0 Yl.i!~ 00 00 :LO,l~f) 700 000 000 ~.48:'1 000 1.4 26 18 ................................ 80 7 - 1.9 14,852 Lao PDR 0000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 oo:l:O!J.O ?.OJ. 320 oooooooooooo:l:o§o fl.!Jo 308 53 25 3 16 0 -601 00 00 0002,<13.0 Croatia 00 000 000 oOo 000 20 0, 713.6.0 000 000:4.,0 §?.9 0000000§,§~8.0 005 9 23 131.2 - 70 1 0 00 80, 29!_. Latvia 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 005,91,70 00 0 20 ,042.() 000 000 ,; . ~7_7 00 - 500 5 23 71.1 - 1 1.1 751 Cuba Lebanon 0000 00 000 0104 ,0 ~!5 0 oOo 00 30 ,05§0 4 ,144 4o 5 12 28 24o0 - 2206 6 ,72.' gypr~s 00 00 oO?,o~fl.o3 0 :L:L ,~?() 00000000 :1.!,0 ?.0~~ 2.7 00000000000 ~ 25 .................................. 30 7 -6 02 Lesotho 1 ,:1.§7 570 j~ i~~ ~ 20 3 11 49 707 -3504 69 ~ze.c~ ~e~u~lr~ 00 000 000 000 00 53 , ()~4 00 0 ?.::L?() 00 000 :L?.::L~_7 -0.2 4 30 1307 - 200 000 0 2.5,3()1 _ Li beria 000 2,10 Denmark 000 000 00 0~ 70 5 ,:L§O 000 3.!3,()<1() 2.:3,§?.5 2.7 0000000000000000000 ~ 00 00 21 106 - 1.4 Libya 0 [)ii~outi 4 9 4.4 288 Liechte nstein ................................... Dominica 230 00 00030,1 ?() 000 00 4_, 7_7_7 1.1 20 3 .2 25 ................................. -7 03 109 Lithuania 0000 00 000 0000 0000 000 000 0000 9.: ~0 1! 10 1110 5 . -12 0 24 .. ................................ 1 ooo oooo 0__1,~5.~ '2 20 00 World Bank Atlas GNP GNP per capita Agriculture Investment Average Cunent Total GNP GNP pet' capfta A,grk:ulture Investment Averace Current T - Economy $ mrlllons 1998' 1998' ppp inter- national s• 1998 Average annual real growth % 1990-98 % of GOP 1998 % of GOP 1998 annual Inflation rate % 1990-98 account balance % of GOP 1998 external debt mrllions 1998 Economy $ m1llions 1998' 1998' PPP inter- national s• 1998 Average annual real growth % 1990-98 % of GOP 1998 % of GbP 1998 - annual lnftatlon 1990-98 % account balance % of GOP 1998 extemal debt millions 1998 .................................................................................................................... ~ux~'!'~()~r~~ w. w • •.. • •••..1:.!'3,.:2~9. . ~!;,~09 36,703 1.5 Somalia ' ...................................................................................................... ················- ··················-2_,E33.S. . .t\1.~.~-~..~§_ 250 673 0 .6 47 9.3 21 ....................... -7.1 s.t:. lli.n.c.<'fll. ~ .~-Gr."fl!l.•!Z~. .M9..n.ll~~.i~ ..............................................!3.~:5. 3so . . i.A~3.~ -1.5 33 26 78.2 -7 .2 739 T~~~~ .... ..... .... ..... . . .... 1.-,~!:;3 330 !;~5~0 -0.7 42 14 ......... ~:B... ...........1... 4.~13.. Morocco .................................3.~/~~-~ - ........ !.,.~~9 3,188 0.4 17 23 3.5 -0.4 .........?.9.1!!3.!.. "I~~~~~---··· -···· 173 .........!.,.!?.9.. ......~! ~.13.7.. 1.2 38 ......................§ ...3.:.1!........:::~?.,.1.-_ 65 r.10Z~n:tb.i~U.El .............................. ....3.•.:'.7!3 .. 210 ....... 740° 3.5 34 20 -12.2 ........ ~ •. 41.1 ?0!3 Tr.i."..i~-~.d... ~n.~. :ro~~eo... !'j.Bll, ........4_ 5?.0 ...... J-.2.98. ,_ 1.4 2 .................. ?.2........................13:.9____ -10.1 ..............2.• .1.~3... Myan'!'~! 2.9 53 12 wo •~:5.:.9 ......................?..• 6.8.0. • • Tunisia . .... ..... .......... ................ 1.9,~~~- .. ?.()§.Q ............?.•! .?.'! 2.6 12 28 ............... '.1.:.!3 -3.4 ...... 1.1_,()7.~.. Namibia ..................................?..;?_~_?." :::·::::--!:;:~~9. :::··::::··:~ -:~:~9~ 0.8 10 19 9.5 .......................................• 5.2 "I~.r~ey__ . ... ~t:Jo.-?.3.2 .... ~,:1,§0.... 6,594 2.9 18 25 79.4 0. 9 .......!Q?,9!.'!.. !':l~p~l . ow. ~!?..!3~. • • • • • ••••••••••••••• 210 ..... 1, ~!31 . 2.4 40 22 . .... .... IJ..9. . -!3:~ 2,~4!3 . Turkmenrstan ................................................................... -14.6 .. 2.5 ... ........ f363,4 . -39.5 ............ 2.-?6.?. .. Netherlands .......:38!01,2?..?.... ?4. 780 ...?_2,_~3.5. 2.1 JL . 20 2.1 5.2 .u!l!'.n..,~.!~.... 2.0 2 16 3.0 -~~~-~r~g~_a.......................................•.1..•?.?.!3. 370 ....... "1,896• 2.0 34 33 ......... ....... }?:.~ -29.9 ..........?,96.. 8 United States .J.,9()2.,.9.7E3 .......~9,2~_.;~o.n.t.J_ ......................... .................................. .................• _ ............. ...!3.·?~~-- ~~'.~(\u~y ....................... __9 ,1.!2.. 1.-· !6_0 ... o,o.. 25 21 14.6 - 3 .1 2,305 _i:arTl~i.~ . w•• •••••••• •w••• ••••••••••~•?3<1 ... ... 3~(). 678 -0.9 17 14 ................. !!~: ?.. ......!3.•!31!.5... Peru ..E>.,?.~!3 ..........!.,.~!39 ............?... ?..! ? ... -0.6 16 113.8 18 ·····························-··· -7 .6 ~,?._13 -~~.S..S..i~-~..F..,~.e.'.~!i.~D .........3.31,?_7.6 ... ?.2!3 Less than 1.0% Europe & Central Asia ··························································· 0 1.0-1.9% Latin America & Caribbean Less than 1.0% 15 ..3.9.!.,.2..7.?....... 71 ~,.3.:'1<:> 0 2.0-2.9% Middle East & North Africa 1.0 1.0-1.9% ·························· 55 . ~<:>,.!~~,?1.~ ............•~.!~~? ...~!.?~<:> ·····························-···························· 2.0-2.9% 3J..........?.!.5..J.~,?5.~.......... 3.041 1,820 0 3.0-4.9% South Asia 3.1 3 .0-4.9% ......................... 32 ... 1.<:>,.9.~,.9..~ ... 874 _g_s.~<:> e 5.0%ormore ·············-······················· Sub-Saharan Africa 5.0%ormore 27 .... _} ,~,-~.5.<:> ...... . 5.~~----~'-~~ 0 Nodata High income No data 44 250,823 64 3 ,930 ···-··············-····-----·--·-··- 0 2 4 6 8 ·6 2 0 00 W or l d B a n k Atl as Paved roads STATES Be M Carreteras pavimentadas como porcentaj e del Part des routes revetues dans le reseau routler Paved roads as a percentage of total roads, total de caminos, 1998 total , 1998 1998 Carreteras que han sido cubiertas con asfalto u otros Routes revetues d'asphalte ou de materiaux analogues , Roads that have been sealed with asphalt or similar road- materiales similares para Ia construcci6n de caminos, en pourcentage du reseau routier total. building materials, as a percentage of total roads. como porcentaje del total de carreteras. - ""'l> 0 Less than 10.0% 0 10.0-19.9% :.'":: 0 20.0-49.9% ·- 0 50.0-79.9% ...1 ~~ ... _,_ • 0 80.0% or more No data b' . Paved roads as a percentage of total roads, 1998 Paved roads as a percentage of total roads, 1998 Distribution of world population among economies grouped by paved roads as a percentage of total roads Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ World 1----43 Less than 10 .0% 23 ........... ~~!.9..?!.... 10 .0-19.9% 27 .............5.~~!.5.?!. 1998 1998 454 ......... ~,9.~~ 486 1,140 Low-income economies Less than 10.0% 10.0-19.9% • 0 20.0-49.9% 0 20.0-49.9% 4~ .. .~,~~!~!.~ :.:.:::~:~!~ 1,540 33 ..... ~~!~.?!.,.~~~... Low- & middle-income 50.0-79.9% 0 50.0-79.9% 80.0%or Nodata more 47 33 9,134,053 ......................................................................... 1,717,344 900 683 1,499 15,170 13,380 1,150 economies High-income economies ~--------- 94 80.0%ormore No data • 0 0 25 50 75 100 20 00 World Bank Atlas I S & MARKETS Telephone lines Telephone mainlines per 1 ,000 people, 1998 Llgnes telephoniques principales pour 1 000 Lineas teleffinlcas prlncipales por cada 1.000 Telephone lines connecting a customer's equipment to the habitants, 1998 personas, 1998 public switched telephone network, per 1,000 people . Lignes telephoniques raccordant le materiel d'un abonne Lineas telef6nicas que conectan el equipo del clientE au reseau telephonique public commute, pour 1 000 Ia red telef6nica publica conmutada , por cada 1.0• habitants. personas . - ., "' ""l> ..... ·-: 0 5 or less .. ...... ~ .... ·- -,... .... 0 6-25 t ~ .~ 0 26-100 "" .. 0 101-500 .-.... More than 500 \ > ; 1 ~ 0 No data Distribution of world population among economies Telephone mainlines per 1,000 people, 1998 Telephone mainlines per 1.000 people, 1998 grouped by telephone mainlines per 1 ,000 people Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita East Asia & Pacific millions 1998 $ 1998 1998 e 5orless Europe & Central Asia 200 0 6-25 ....................................................... Latin America & Caribbean 5 or less ....... 2~ ...............~~~,-~:5. 627 260 6-25 29 573,875 1,328 430 0 26-100 Middle East & North Africa 26-100 48 1,837,693 2,038 900 0 101-500 South Asia 19 .•.. More than 500 0 Nodata Sub-Saharan Africa High income 1--------567 0 14 150 300 450 600 101-500 More than 500 No data 75 ......... ~ !.3.?.~,-~!:)l 25 ......~~ '~?.?.,.~~.. . 5 10,256 -~-'~~3.. 738 3 .. !:),~~ p:,20.> 3,200 8 20 00 World Bank Atlas Personal computers STATES & MA omputadoras personales por cada 1.000 Ordlnateurs lndivlduels pour 1 000 habitants, Personal computers per 1,000 people, 1998 ersonas, 1998 1998 The estimated number of self-<:ontained computers designed umero estimado de computadoras aut6nomas destinadas Nombre estimatif d'ordinateurs destines a l'usage individuel , to be used by a single individual , per 1,000 people. uso individual, por cada 1 .000 personas . pour 1 000 habitants. ""' · ~ ' ....... ~J --~ 0 Less than 5.0 0 ~}~ .... • ..':'1 0 0 5.0-19.9 20.0-49.9 . \,- .. 0 50.0-199.9 . ........... ·~ 1 > • 0 200.0 or more No data ,. ~ Personal computers per l.,OOO people, l.998 Personal computers per 1,000 people, 1998 Distribution of world population among economies grouped by personal computers per 1,000 people Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ East Asia & Pacific 14.1 Less than 5.0 5.0-19.9 28 28 . 1998 ..~!,~!ll },5.~~,~~ 1,474 ~:~~~ 1998 470 780 Europe & Central Asia Latin America & Caribbean 34.6 34.0 Less than 5.0 5.0-19.9 • 0 Middle East & North Africa 9.9 20.0-49.9 0 2~,.~~.:~ .............. 22 ...... ?.,~~?.,.5..~ . . 832 ...... ~!.5.~~ South Asia 2.9 50.0-199.9 24 ....... ?. ,.9.??,.~~··· 253 11.760 50.0-199.9 0 Sub-Saharan Africa 7.5 200.0 or more 200.0 or more 24 ..... ?.~,?~~!.9.6..~ ... 739 ... ?!,3.llo. No data 80 461,142 617 750 High income 1 - - - - - - -311.2 No data 0 125 250 375 2000 World Bank Atl a s ES & MARKETS Private Investment Stock market capital- Ization Central e:ovemment overall deficit' Military expendl- tures Electricity consu m~ tlon per capita Telephone mainlines Personal computers Paved roads Prtvate Investment Stock ""'"' capital- Ization .. Central c:ovemment overall deficit' Mllftary expendf. tures Electricity conaump- tlon per capita Tehlphone mainlines Personal computers Pa per per per per %of % of % of 1 ,000 1 ,000 % of % of % of % of 1 ,000 1,000 % GOAb millions GOP GNP kwh people people total GDRb millions GOP GNP kwh people people to Economy 1997 1999 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 Economy 1997 1999 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 19 :1\.t.e.~.a.~i.~.ta.~ ... 13.3 D.orl1.i~i-~a~ ~e_publi' ............ ~2.:9.. .. 140 0.4 1.1 ...................~.?.9...... 93 ................ ·········-···· 4S Albania -12.0 1.4 .................................... B51 31 30.0 Ecuador B2.9 415 4.0 611 7B 1B.5 1€ ································- ---------------·---------------- ................ ·····················-······································· :1\.ISO.'.i~.... ....... .....2.9 - ... 3 .9 ..........5!36.. 53 ... ................... 4 .2. 68.9 _EgyP!.!..~r~.b..R~P.:. ............. ~B.:?....... .....:J.?..!~:J..l3 .... . -2.0 2.B B03 9. 1 60 ......................... . 7t ~~-~~!~~-~---§~-~~-~- --·-- ---------------------···- El Salvador 77.3 .............. 1.,_4~!5_ ................... 537 BO 0.9 .................................................. .. 1S Andorra -~q~~!'?Ei~!. ~-~-!0~-~ ... 1 .5 ............................................................................. 13 2.3 20.5 64... 6 O.B 25.0 Eritrea 7.B 7 21 :1\_ns~~"- --·········-···· .................,,,_,,,........................ ,,,,_, ·································································-···· A.~!i!IU..a....a.~~ .!l.".'.b.~d..a .... 46B . .................................................. Estonia .,,,,.,,.,,,, •m•• m••• •m• •••••••• 1,_7!39 2.5 ....................1:?..... 3.466....................?..4:?. .......... 34.4 22 :1\!J!<:~!i.~"- 92.6 ......... ?.~.,~1.. -1.5 1.2 ...................:1:!.6..?.~... . 203 44.3 29.5 .~.!~.'~P.i~... .,,.,,, ,.,,,,.,,.,:1•~ •••• ••• •••••••••••••.2! •• 3 ••• omoom om• 15 Armenia 18 3.5 __1,.1~.1 157 .......................... 4.2 100.0 .Faeroe Islands . ............................. 544 Aruba ............................................................................................. 367 fiji 88 ......................................... --4 .9 2.4 97 49 Australia .................................. J!O.·f ..... ...£1.!1_.2_83 ... . 0.4 2.2 ....... .......?.,}.9!. 512 ........................... 411.6 38. 7 Finland ........ f.?.::t.,?.f.l:l -2.5 1.?...........g§_ ?.S.........._ 554 349.2 64 Austria .............................................'3.1:,.1.:Q?.. -2.7 0 .9 .............§,_0_ 5 !. 491 233.4 100.0 France . .......!19.1.,_4:1l4 - 3.5 .... .... ... }·9 ...... 6,()f3.0 570 207.B 100 :1\Z~rbaii_a.n. .............................. .. : ·...................... .:~. -2.2 ................ -~ ·.!3 .............l,.E'i.~~.... B9 92.3 F.r~.n-~~...P.~I_xn~s'a.... 230 ~"--~a'.".".~, T-~e .. .............-....... - 3.4 ............................. 352 ............................. 57.4 Gabon 2.0 .............................. 752 33 B.6 8 ·········································· Bahrain ...... ?,:1:55 ___ . -6.0 10.3 ........... _..7,_ 1.?,!.. 245 93.4 76.9 ~~.trl.~.i~ .}~~ 51.1 3.7 ........................................................ 21 2 .6 35 f!"_ngl~~-~~~ B65 . 67 .3 ............. .................. 1.4 76 3 ................................... 9.5 G~orgi_a .. -2.7 .............. ~ - ~ .......... :1:·~4:? 115 93 Barbados .... ?,,1_12 .... 0 .8 424 .......................... ---------------------------·-·--------·-····· 74.6 . 95.9 ~~E~.~~Y ... ..J .CJ_9.,'!,9?.?. -1.4 1.6 .......?.626 304.7 567 ................................ 99 Belarus - 1.6 ................E .. . 2.,69!.. 241 .............!3~..6.. . Ghana .......................916 0 .7 . ........................... 276 B 1.6 24. f!~lgl~'." . ........ ?.1.~,£!!5_7 ........... ~:;!.:9.....................:l::.!'i..... ..... .... ! ,Q!'i!'i. 2B6.0 B0.7 . 500 ......................................................... Greece ................ ?,.~_9.:3........ 522 51.9 91 . Belize 54.9 .............................................. . .......... ........1.::.13 ................................................ ~.~............. ..1.:3C>.:~ . 17.0 Greenland 444 Benin 59.5 ...........................:1· .: 3 ........ ......... 43 7 ........................9:.9 20.0 Grenada .................................................................::..................................:.:......................~.:."-...............................:.:..................................:.:................?E'i~.. 95.6 61. Bermuda ................... .... 1.,_!5_99.. .............. ... B40 Guam 453 Bhutan - 2.1 16 . ................................. ........................ 3.9 60. 7 Guatemala 79.B 41 B.3 27. ----------------------------------------------·· 1.5 5 ........... .....2.6 . Bolivia .... ?!:JJ.. ~, 222.. - 2.3 ..... t9.. 391 6~. Q~.~r'~.~--­ 16. ···················································································-··· :~9.~-~-!~.:~:~:~_:8:~:~~~s~~i~-~:::: 5.9 476 91 -~u!n~-~~is~-~-~­ ......... 2.B,o 3.2 .. 10. 7 ..................................................... Botswana ........ :t:.,.9!>.=2. .... 8.4 5.1 65 25.5 G~y~na .. ......... ........ 1.:1..... .......... ... 7.9 23.5 7. Brazil B0.6 .... :;!2?. ,!)62 ····· ....1.:B ............:t..?.'!~.... 121 30.1 9.3 ······························- Haiti 42 8 . . 24:- Brunei .............. ....... .... 4.6 ...?,534 .. . Honduras 458 1.3 411 ............................... _ 38 7.6 20. f!~l!:~~ia... 42.2 ....................!0..6 ..... :;!:1 ··· ··· ··· io . 3, ?9~ .f!~_nga.r.x .......................... . . l.-!3...:3.~.!.... - 2.6 1. 9 ................ :;!,_ !!.4:0.... 336 ................?.!!..:§!. 43. Burkina Faso 2.B Iceland 0.4 0 .0 ...........!.?.,.:'!?.~... 646 ........}?El.:.:l: 27 . Burundi ........................-. -5.5 6.1 India 70.1 ...........6.4:.• 0.?..! ... - 5.6 2.B 363 22 ...........................2.7 45. ············································---------------- Cambodia 73.9 4 .1 2 0.9 7.5 Indonesia 77.2 .......Il34:,.~o?. ... -0.7 2.3 329 27 ···············································-··· B.2 46.. Cameroon ·····························---- 0.2 ..................... 3.0 1B1 5 12.5 _l_ ra.~ ,..'."ig...Jle.e.:.. . 55.5 ..... ..1::1.-13..!1. .. 3.0 .... :1:·1..6~. . 112 .................. ..:3.f..:.9 50.1 Canada 88.5 . ..54~ •.3.94 - 3.5 1.3 1.~·82.~ 330.0 634 .......................................... 35.3 ---- Iraq ...................... ·-·· 4.9 ..................:1::.?..5~..... 31 ......................... 86.1 ca~...'!~E~_e 51.B ............................................................ 0.9 9B 78.0 Ireland ..........2!J.,!J.?.I!... 1.2 ..... 4: · ~.?.~ 435 p~ . 1 . 94 .. ~a)'llla.ry _lsl~nd~ .. 160 654 Isle of Man ·---···- ·····························-·····································-·················· .................................... ······- ~~-~!'."..l ..~fr~~~nJl~P.U.IJ.II£ .... •m• ... . . .m ... ... ............ ... .... ••• •• .. .. m• 3 .9 ... 3 2.7 ....... ----------------------- Israel ........... !3~ ,[32() 0.4 9.7 ...............?.·9..~~. 471 217 .2 100.( Chad ....................................................... 54 .1 2.7 1 0.8 l_t~lr ... ....... .......................... :.:............ 5.£!!!.,.!.:'!~...... -3.:.!:.........................?.: .9. ..................4!.~.:1:5. .. 451 173.4 100.! Channel Islands Jamaica . .. ......... ?.?3() .. 0.9 2..1?<>. . 166 39.4 70. ··········-···························································································-····· ················-···-···················---·················-···· Chile BO.B .........61:J,?.2_ B.... 1.9 .................. ?.:~. ............?,.9.1.1 .. 205 4B.2 13.8 J"_p~n... 70.9 ..?,4§J.. S..,.!.!5.!.. ...............................!:.<:>.... ..?.:.?..'!! 503 237.2 74.! ············-··················· China -------------------------------------- ,}?.9.,?9?. . -1.5 mo , , • .,?.:.?. .....,, .. ,, .. ,,., ..,.,,!..:1:~ ....,, , ..... 70 8 .9 Jordan ... . ........ .......... . ...... ........ . . 5..,.?.2! ... -3.3 9.0 .............1:.~9.!3 B6 .............................. 8.7 100.< ...H ~ng 15o~g_, .C_ hina. . .. ... . . . . ·: 31_,'!,394; . 4:,9!)9. 558 254.2 100.0 .Kazakhstan ........................... · 37 1.3 ...............:;!.?.9.!'i 104 .................?..S. . E ·---~-~~~?..! ..~-~~-~-~--­ 409 100.0 ..................... ~~nxa. .. 56.0 -0.9 2.1 127 9 2.5 13.( Colombia ....... :1:1)~90 - 3.6 BB5 3.7 ...................................................... 173 27.9 12.0 Kiribati 35 7.4 Comoros .............................. 9 47 6.4 c~~go,_D~fT1 · ~eP :... -O.B 5.0 120 0 ·····························································-··· .............!~::".......... 3.()§,5_34: - 1.3 3.4 ......~·?..4:?.. . 433 ................:I:. S.E'i.:l3 74 .~ <::~n~~o ,...R.~e.: . -8.6 4 .1 197 B 9.7 7.5 ..............:t:.:;!,.!!. !l.E'i..... 236 .............:1:0.4::!3.... 80.t .C,:~sta. ..~~~.a .. 73.2 f..,.:J..0 8_ - 3.8 0.6 ............ ..~:.~?.3.. 172 .............................. 39.1 ·························---- 21.0 1.6 ••••••••• , , :1:,3?:;! ••• •••• •••• ,?15m 91 .1 Cote d'lvoire .......................... ...?C>.:2.............. 1., ~~4: 0.4 1.1 1B1 12 3.4 6 1.1 13.t ····················-········ Croatia 2,5B4 - 1.3 6 .3 ...............?.:.4:.~9. 34B 391 O.B 0 .9 .......... _ _1,_ 7_ 5_?.. 302 ............................:.:.................. 3!!.:E Cuba 2.3 .... 1.-:.94:~ 35 ,!,,_9?.1... - 25.6 3.0 ...............:1:.§!.3.1:) 194 39.2 95.C <::~~r~~ ..... ..... .... ... .... ....... . ?:.f!f..l3 -5.3 6.1 ?.:.!9.() 5B5 1.9 2.5 10 17.S ~z~<'~ - ~ep~IJ.Iic . __ 11,7§!6. - 1.1 1.9 ...iJ:.B1!. 364 Liberia 2 6. ~ Denmark .......................... ~1:1, 8§.~ -1.9 1.7 6,()2!. 660 L.i~ya.. 6.1 ......... 3 .~()5.. B4 57.1 l:)ji~OU!i . .. . ..... ... ~1 .. ... .. ...... .. .................................. G . 12.6 Liechtenstein ········································- ----------------- 630 ................................................. . Dominica 252 50.4 Lithuania •• ~ . 1}[3 -1.9 ••••••• •••••••• ().!J ... moom :1:,.!3:1:!3 .. '" • ~.99. 54.0 91.0 10 20 00 World Bank Atlas STATES & MA Prtvato Stock Central Military E*'rlclty Telephone Personal Paved Prtvate Stock Central Military E~rtctty Telephone Personal P""ed Investment market a:ovemment expendl- consump- mainlines computers roado Investment market covemment expend._ conaump- mainlines computers roado capital- overall tures tlon per captta._ overall tures tlon per Ization deficit' capita lzatlon deficit' capita per per per per 'I! of "' of 'I! of 1 ,000 1 ,000 'I! of !! of 'I! of 'I! of 1,000 1 ,000 'I! of GDflb m1111ons GOP GNP kwh people people total GDAb millions GOP GNP kwh people people total conomy 1997 1999 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 Economy 1997 1999 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 ···--------·---------------- ··························- .U..X.~.".:'b.E.~'.!L................................... ............?.?..:1.9..?..... 2.1 ......................<:>:.'3..........g~.!l.~ .. 692 731.6 100.0 Somalia .... .... .... ... .... ..... .. . .... ... .. .. ...... ..... - ·- ....! .................................................! .!./#.... ~a~e.d~~i-~:.. FYR...... 8 2.5 199 ........ ····································································-·----- 63.8 ·························-···-······ South Africa 72 .7 262,478 -3.4 1.8 ...~:.13.99.. ..................! .! ?.... 47.4 11.8 46.9 ~.a..d..~ll~.S.~!'.' ................................................................................... - 1 .3 1.5 ............................. 3 .. ........................ 1.3 . 11 .6 ......... - ..... -·- -· - -· . .........:4c:J?.:.J,f!.c:J. . -5.5 1.5 ......... ~,.8!)9 ........... :". 1.:4...................~:4_4-8 99.0 Aalawi 27 .7 1.0.......................... ························- 3 ..............................1.!ii.:P .... Sri Lanka ····································- ........~.,?13..~·-·· -4.5 5.1 227 28 4.1 95.0 A..a.I~XS..i". ......................................... .!?:~ .........!~?..:~:".~ 2.9 ................... ~.·. ?......... ~ :??~ 198 ................... 5.8.:§.... 75.1 St. Kitts and Nevis ................................... 418 ........... _ 121_.5 ..............'!?.:5.. 11aldives ............................................ ........................... . 71 -2.0 .............................................................................................................. St. Lucia .................................................................................... 268 135.6 5.2 ··--···- ··-····-··--········-·· Aali 1~ ............................................................................................................................. ......................... ................................3..... 0.7 12.1 St. Vincent and the Grenadines ..................................................... -10.6 89.3 .. 188 .............................. 30.7 Aalta 112 -9.8 0.9 ...........?:.?.~?.... 499 260.4 95.0 Sudan ·····························-····-····- 4.6 ............................... 48 6 1.9 ············-~-6..:.~ -- ·······················-········ Y1arshall Islands ·············-····-···-···- 0.3 62 ........................................................ Suriname ..................................................................................... .. ...... 1.2 152 26.0 . .................................................................................................................... 49.4 Y1auritania .................................................. 2.3 .. ........................... 5 .5 6 ............................. 11.3 Swaziland ........................................................................85 _ .. 2.2 ··-··-···- . . . . }0 ···-···-···-···-···-·····----- v1auritius 73.5 ..! .. 642 -4.0 0.3 214 87 .1 96.0 Sweden ...................... 79J ... ......?:.?.f!.•. !.Q!.. -1 .4 ............... .....2:.?.... 14,042..................§.?.:4.................. }§.!.:~.................. .!.!..:?..... .,ayotte .............................................................................................................................................................................................................!.~:"................................................................. Switzerland .................................. 689,~99 .... ...........::~.::!.....................! .::".._......... 6,_ 1;!85 675 421.8 v1exico ......~~~~L.......l..?.:".:Q:"~---·-···-··::-_1.1 1.1 1.:"§9 104 47 .0 ..............?.9..:!... . sxr.i~~--~_r.a~--~e_p~I:JI_ i~ .........................:.:..............:::<:'.:~ ....................?:.El................. ..... !.. !.§. 95 ......................1.-. :! 23.1 \'lis.r~n~s..ia,__ ~e.~, .?t~· ... 80 17. 7!an..... ... .......... ........................... ............ .................................................~.:?...... ~, 177 37 ··-···-···-···-···- 82.7 'Aoldova 1.0 150 6.4 87.3 Tanzania ................................................. ····- 1.3 54 4 1 .6 4.2 ··············-··-······---·· Vlonaco ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 100.0 I.h..~_il.~~~---························- .............. _ 65.:!J.. ... ?.13.,:3§? .............. ::9.:9. 2.3 ..!}.!'.() _ 84 -~-~.:§....................9... !.:.5. . . ~9..n..!l.~li.~ .........................................................................................~9........_ -8.7 1.9 .................................... 37 ............................... 5.4 3.4 !.~S9. .......................................................................... ................. .......... . ........2.:.9....................................................................................... 6.8 31.6 'Aorocco ........................................ ?.?.:9...............~~.:?.9..?... . -4.4 423 54 2.5 52.3 4.3 ............................................................................................................. T.o~s.a. ............................................................................................................... ·····································- ···-···-· 79 ··-···-····- 27.0 ":1oz.~~~igu~ ............ ·········-···· . 2.8 47 1 .6 4 ............................. 18.7 !.'.i.n.i~a.d. .~~~ -T.~~?S9..... ...... :" : ~§7 0.2 .............~:.?..................~:.~.13.13.. 206 .................. :4.?.:!! 51.1 ~~~~'.':'~.' ......... -· . . . -· ... ...... .... . - ..... 7.6 -0.9 ............................. 57 5 12.2 Tunisia ........................................... ?.0.:!! .................?..:.?.1?.6 -3.1 ....................~:.9........................... !..9.9. ........................1!.~................ 14.7 78.9 Namibia 62.2 691 2.7 69 18.6 8 .3 Turkey ..?.Z.:§.........! .l.:?..:.! .!.ll..............::1:!.::4 4.0 ..................! :?..~?. 254 ..................?~:?. 28.0 ·······································································································- ················- ··············-····-·······················-·····································..·· !'!~P~I_ 267 -3.9 .......... (),!! .....:39. ....... !! . .... 41.5 Turkmenistan .. ... . .. ... .. ... 4.6 ............................. 934 82 81.2 ......................................................................................-......• Nethe~ands ....................................!3?.:.9..... 6._03,182 -1.7 1.9 90.0 !:JS.a..n..c!"...... ............................ ··························- .......................:".:?.... 3 1 .5 Netherlands Antilles ·········-·····················-··-······ Ukraine . ... .... .. .... .. . ... 1.:1.?.1.. . . .................. ..~.-.!. ...................~:.:4.4.!l .................. ~.!l.:t.... 1~ :'3. ......... 9.?.: ?... New Caledonia 239 .................................................... United Arab Emirates........................ ············- ..................~!.··-··-- 0.5 6.9 ..........!.:.9.. !_ 3 389 106.2 100.0 New Zealand 86.8 89,373 4 .0 479 1.3 ........... 13.·.~.1!.9 ... 282.1 58.1 U~it~dKingd_~fl1 .....................ll!.:.O.. .....?.:.:3.!.~:.?.??.. -2.1 .............. ~J .. m •• 5,241 ............?..?..!....................~§}.:Cl........... 100.0 .i'l i.~.~~~ll~!' .... ·-·- .•.. .. . §2:() ................ ·- ....... -0.6 1.5 ................................... 286 7.8 10.1 .IJ.~.i!~~. §.t~!~~ ..................................~?. :~.. 13,45~,352 -0.3 3.3 ...1..! :.'3..22 661 458.6 58.8 !'!i_g~~ ------ ------ ----- - - - 1.1 2 0.2 7.9 ljr_Ufl~~x . .... .... ... ••m••• ••••••••J .?.:O. ••••••• ...............?.IJ..!il. -1.3 •••m•• • m ••••! :.:". ... m •• l.:.?~Cl. •••••••••••••• . ?.?<>..... 91.?................ !ii9..:.C!.. . ~!.8:!:'_~1~ ........................................................................ -~.. ~~-Q .................. __; ._4 ........................~~ ................. --~ ... 5. 7 ............ :J0.9 Uz.b_e~J~t".~ 465 ......... 2.5 1 , 6~?.. ...~?.....................m •••••••••••••••••••••••••• J!.!-3 .f-!.o.r_t~e.r.~..."''.a_!i~-~-"-..I~I.".~~S.-··-··-····'. ·······-·-··-··-··--···-··-·- 400.................................................................... Vanuatu .......................................................................................?.~..... 23.9 Norway .............?15.:.?.f!.?... 0.7 2.1 23,499.....................6.(;;()................~?.~.:~.....................!.~ :.?..... "'.~D.~~-~-~~~.:...~13.. 43.6 ?..~_?_1_ 2 .2 .......:;!:.~·-·-···-····- 2.488 11!......................~~.:.9. 33.6 oril!lii. ··· ..... ······················- ·······-····- .....~,302 -::?..:?......................~.l'i:.1.:.......... 2,613 92 21.0 _3g. 9 l(ie!na".:' ........ ............ .... ... ... ... ... .... .. ....................................-!J..·!! ... .... .... 2,? ... j§f 26 ....................6.:~... . ·25:1 ·· Pakistan ......................................51'!::3...............6.,_9_1:)_ 5 -7.7 ......................!:;.! .......................~.~:!.................... :1.9. .................. 3.:9... ... ?7,() Y.irgi.~..l.s..I~~~~-JIJ.,§J.. ...... ····-····- ---·-·- ········- 600 ·····-············· ....•...•...~.:.... Palau West Bank and Gaza 589 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ···················································-··· Panama ................................. !!~: <:> ...............:3.:. 3'!.?...............0.:~....... 1.4 ............ ~-·~52 __ 151 27.1 28.1 :Y.e..".:'~.n..:...~~"'···-·········-···············- ::1..:;1 8.1 93 13 1.2 8.1 !'.~P.~!'...!'!.<:"'..§_u_i".~".. 79.9 ··-····-···-····-·····-··- ········-···- ......................! :} ................................. 11 ........................... 3.5 YIJ.! •. I'J!(~r1J-!.¥gn!:) ................ :'1.-.!l... m •••••••••••••••••••• ...............?.!~.....................~.!l..:!!................... ?..!l..::l.... . !'.~'.~ll~.a.r. ....•.••.•..........??.:() .•...........~:L.~ .............................. ..1.- } ................J.?!l. 55 ........... !l.:El . 9.5 ?.~".:'.~i.". .................................... ·········- 293 ............................................!.:~.......... 563 9 Peru............................................ ·- 84.5 1~_. 392 0.?..........................~:.~- 607 ................. .....l'i!. .. 18.:1...................!.~.:9..... . Zimbabwe ................................................................... ?.:5.!'! ............. ::::?.:9..... 3.8 919 17 9.0 47.4 !'h.i.l.iepi~~-~- _ .. . . . . ...!!9:9 ....... ~11.1o_;; __ o.1 1.5 432 37 15.1 19.8 Poland 53.4 .......~!l..:.?.?..?............. -1.3 2.3 2,451 228 ..................~~.:§!.. 65.6 !'C>'.!~g_a.l .... ... 62,!i)5._4 -2.1 2.4 . . ~: ?..<:>§ 81.3 413 .................................................................. Puerto Rico .....................................................................................___ _ 351 100.0 ·····-············-···· ·······························-········································ Q.~!.a..r. . ........ ···- .... .... . •.. .. ..•.. ... - .. ~9.: ?.. ... !!:9.?9_ 260 120.9 90.0 35.4 Romania ............................................. _______ _ 873 -3.9 2.4 ········-~...?.<:>.'! 162 10.2 67 .6 Russian Federation -···················································- .....................!.~.:.~<:>.~... -4.7 5.8 ......... ~.. !J..8l, 40.6 197 ....................................................... Rwanda 4.4 2 9.1 ................................ Samoa .......................................... 5.2 49 ................................... 42.0 .s~9...!~m.~ .~n..d....~r.i~_ciJ!".... 0.9 ......................................................................................... 22 68.1 ········- ····························- Saudi Arabia ...........13.9..:~:".9.. ...................................... 14.5 ...................~:9.13.?...... 143 49 :§..................~9..:.1..... . _;;e.n.e..!l.~l.... 1 .6 107 1.:.4.... 16 ................1.. 29.3 ~~X".~~-~~~--····- ············-···- 4.0 ..........................................................?..4.:"................................... ·- 62.9 ~ie_r.r.~ ~eo.n.e.. .. .... ... ..... .......... ... ...... -6.0 5.9 ...................... 4.... .......................'#.: 9... . .. Not available. ~i."..ll~~.r.e..... ·······-···- 94,_1_69 .........!!.:.?...................... 5. 7 ...............?.. .~.~~---· 562 458.4 97.3 Note: Rgures m italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0 .0 means zero or less than half the unit shown and §19.Y".~ --~~PU..~II~ ......................................................!?..~.................. . _ . _ ..~.-. !....................~:.?..:4.~ ....................?..1!.§.......................§.?..:.1.:.................. !J..~.:Cl..... not known more preci sely. Slovenia........................... ·········- ........................ ··-···- 2,180 ......... ·······- 5.2 ...............~...9..?.?....... 375 250.9 90.6 a. Includes grants. b. Gross domestic fixed investment. Solomon lslan.c:J.~..... .. ................ ........................................................ ... ... .. . ..................~9.. . 2.5 20 00 World Bank Atlas Global Links Low- and middle-income economies increased their trade faster than hig income economies did in the last decade. Manufactured goods are now tl largest part of their exports, displacing food and fuels. And their share foreign direct investment more than doubled between 1990 and 1998. P this is evidence of the expanding role of developing countries in the glob economy. Globalization-broadly defined as the growing potential and ability of inc viduals and firms to transact business across national boundaries-increas, the Opportunities for people in poor countries to prosper. Driving th process are falling national barriers and declining costs , notably for tran port and c ommunications. But some aspects of globalization also carry major risks, the more ~ where the domestic policies and institutions for handling such risks a1 weak. The challenge for developing countries is to strengthen their polici• and institutions to make the most of globalization's opportunities whil managing the risks and costs. The continuing debate over tariffs and fina1 cia! flows reflects deep suspicion that the benefits of globalization ha" been oversold. And as globalization proceeds, concerns about envir01 mental and social protection will have to be taken seriously. 2 200 0 World Bank Atlas Interactions Economiques Mondiales lntegracion Mundial es pays a revenu intermediaire et les pays a faible revenu ont vu leurs Las economias de ingreso bajo y mediano aumentaron su comercio de ~changes commerciaux progresser plus rapidement, au cours de Ia decennie manera mas rapida que las economias de ingreso alto en el ultimo decenio. ~coulee, que les pays a revenu eleve. Les biens manufactures constituent a Ahora las manufacturas constituyen Ia mayor parte de sus exportaciones, present leurs principaux produits d'exportation, a Ia place des produits habiendo desplazado a los alimentos y combustibles. Ademas, la proporcion i ~ ~ 0 t ,.. . ., .; .. \-.~ ~ 0 No data Net aid flows per capita, 1998, $ Net aid flows per capita, 1998, $ Distribution of world population among economies grouped by net aid flows per capita Economies GNP Population GNP per $ millions capita millions 1998 $ 1998 1998 East Asia & Pacific Net aid donors Net aid donors 26 22,015 ,~9.~ ....................~63 .. 3.~~:5.~9. Europe & Central Asia 14 $5or less 0 · ii5·;;·ie55······· 26 4,403,059 3,065 1 ,440 Latin America & Caribbean 9 ''$&:'25"""''"''''"' 54 ·· ·····1~8'59~'573''' 1,516 1,230 $6-25 0 ............................ Middle East & North Africa $26-50 36 .............2.!l.~~.2.~ 321 910 18 $26-50 0 South Asia $51 or more ·$51;; ~;;:;;;: :: .......... :5.~ .......... 2,g~ .. ........ · 128 ······1:11o No data 11 45,059 5 9,480 Sut>-Saharan Africa 21 No data 0 12 24 2 0 00 World Bank Atl as AL LINKS Trade In MMu- Net Foreign Net a id nows International tourtsm Trade In ~ Net Foreign Net aid ftows lntematlonal - goods factured private direct goods factured private direct exports capnal Investment exports capital Investment %of flows• %of ftows• %of total Per Receipts %of total Per Receipts PPP merchandise %of %of capita $ Arrivals PPP merchandise % of %of cap1ta $ Arrivi GDJlb exports millions GOP GNP $ millions thousands G[)pb exports millions GOP GNP $ millions thousa Economy 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 Economy 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 199 ·······································- ................... ··························- ·····--·-···-·--·---···-··--···-···--·-······-..·- ~f&h._~~.~.t.~~···-···- .. .. 6 1 . .................................,,,_,,, .......................................................................................... 4 09.'!'inica.~..ReR'!~.hc.... 33.1 8 771 584 4 .4 4.5 . 0 .8 1.0 15 2,142 ............ ? :.~ 14 ...................... 291 5 10.9 Albania ..................................................... 68 ...................IJ.i!' ... -·-···-·-····- ···········-···········":.?........................... ·- ......... ·- ..... § 0.1 11 11 Armenia 13.2 54 232 12.2 7.3 36 10 32 Faeroe Islands .. .. ···················. .................. .... .... ... ..... .... .... ... ····-···--·-··-···-··-···- ·······-···-···-···-····-···-··----···-·-·-···-···-····-·····-···-···-····-···-···-· ··-···-····-····-···--·-····-···-·-··-···--·-· ·-··-·-·-·-····-···-·--····--·- ··---···-···-··-··- Aruba 76 120 715 64 7 .Fiji . 30.0 ........................................?.?..................<1:!!...................... :2·.<1......._ 46 266 3; Australia 27 .8 29 1. 7 ····-··-L --·- ··-···-··-L·--·-..?..:.~~.?_._ ··-·-·-~.,~§L .F.i.~!!'!.'L. -..·-···-····-···-··- .-6.~:.~.·---··-·-!3.13..._ .._._._ .._-..:.:......._._JI.L ___··---·-L -···-··-·--··t ·--··-·:L ..:.t3}:L_____ ._.~,!l.~ Austria 69.1 .~~·····························-·· 2.8 ....................... t. .......................... t ........... ..1:~!.~~ ... 17,352 France .....................................................l)'n_e.,;.i!J_ ..... ..... . .... - .... ..... .... .... ..... - ·- - ·······························-···-····-·~5..~-·-·-··-··-···1.! !:l~~~'!'i'~:...:I~~·-- 39.2 ................1..................... ·-· ...... ._.2.3 ................1!.:.9.. .........................?.?.._ ...~.:.'!c:J.I:l ...........~,!'j~.c:J.. !>!'.~".~......... ··········-····· 51.2 -57 ~.9 0 .9 ............... }f:l.... 8 1f Bahrain ......................Jf3:.!. 12 0.9 64 366 1.,?50 !>.!".'!'IJ.i!J ,..!.~". 18.2 13 3.1 ·············-·····-···-···-· 9.3 31 ............... ············- 33 ~ ··-··-···-····-···-··-···-···-· .. .. ~~~~~~ ~..._ ~ Barbados 7.0 91 288 57 ............................. 0.7 10 2.8 .............................................................. 51 172 §"<>.'!!i~ 7:?. ............... -···· ..................5.!.............-! .·0 3.1 ....... .~C> ..............4?.:3.... 3l ··············· ......... . -8 0.7 59 703 ............................................................... 512 !>.."C.'!'~~Y ... 55.0 86 ..........._ .....9..:!!. _··-··-··-···-·L -···- _t ____~§.,'!?~ ---~.13.,~ Belarus 24.1 76 122 0.7 0.1 3 22 355 Ghana 13.0 42 0 .7 9 .3 38 274 3~ -·-···-··-····-····-··- ·····-···---··-···-··--··-·-···-···-·-···-·-----···-···--·-···- ····················-············ ··························· !J.~.I.S.iiJ..'!' . _ ............ ·- . ........ 1.?!'.:.1. .. ·-·· . ....... t . . .... .... t ............ 5.:.<1~!........... !'.·1..?~. !>'~.~C..~·························- ......................... J,f:l.f:l . . ............. ···················-···- 0.8 t t ...................?..:.!~?..._ _ :L_Q,!!~ Belize 43.8 13 26 2.9 2.3 63 99 157 Greenland ··-·--···--··-··--··- 19.1 Benin ............................................................... ..........................................34 1.5 9.2 35 33 152 Grenada 37 .6 21 . .............................. 6.1 1.9 64 61 1l ·························. Bermuda ··································- ~.4 9 480 ··················-··-···- 369 Guam .. .. ········································- ....... ···············-····-·--·--···-···-···-····---···- __ _ _l,,~? S. _ _!,~~ 23.7 Bhutan...................................................... ··-···· -2 ................................... 0.0 14.9 ........................................................ 73 8 6 Guatemala ............................. 18.8 33 621 3.6 . ............................................................................................................ 1.2 22 394 63 Bolivia 15.9 30 860 10.2 7.5 .......3..9.. _ .....1_7.4.. 434 Guinea ····-···-····-····-····-····- 1Q:O -9 0.0 10.3 ··--·-···-···-·----··-·-··-····-·-·-··----·--··-·····-···- ... 51 1 9 -~-C?..~D.!~.~-~ --~~!"..~.~8~~~~-~---·- ··-···-··-·······--··· 232 15 100 Guinea-Bissau .......... ....... .. 1.5.2 ........................................ 1 ..........Cl:.2 ... !59:0 .............. 8:2... ........................... Botswana ...................................... ~~-~- . 2.3 175 68 ................................... 740 46.6 · - - _____ §1 _1____ 13.2 :!.2' Canada 2.8 ... ·····-········· ! ..........................:!: ...............~.•.~9:3 ...... 1.8.:.8:3?... l. ~a~. .. . . .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ......................... ···-···· 5 13 5 ~!'P.:". .IJe r~." .. _ ....................l:!l·.? ·-·· .................. P 2.8 26.5 312 ............... ···············-··· 20 52 Ireland ············-····-···-····-····-····-····-··-l·~".Cl-···-·-·--·-··l:l<\--·-···---···-···-"-·-·- 3.6 .... t t ...:3:?!:if.!.._····- ...13.:1!.13.: (;~¥.'!'.~.. 1.!;.1~n_(j~-··­ 5 510 404 ~." ..~~'.i.C.!'."....~.".I'.U~Ii~.... 9.2 0 .5 11.6 34 6 20 Israel .............................. ······- ·······-···-··~.!.L..-···- 92 ··-···-··"--·-···-·--·! "!l-··-···-·-L !..__._.!?il_. __..__ _?..:.t356 ...~.:.~~.: Chad 7.2 ········-···-·-·-···-···· 0.9 10.0 23 10 11 lt~IX. .... .......... .... _ ~.!.:.~......................f:l.~............ -.... ....................... _ 0.2 ...................t .. . ....... t ..............:29..:.f:lc:>~..........~.:.f:l?! Channel Islands ............................. .......... ......... ........ ·············· ...................................................... Jamaica ............................................. ~9.:.?... 70............................!'il:l.?............ .•?.J_. _··-···- .Q,~·--··-- ..?..·-···-···-·....1..:!~.-·-··...1..:.~?.! Chile 24.7 17 ..~.:.??..2._.... 5.9 0.1 7 ..........~LOf3?.......... -...~.:.!.!~?... ~.a.P.~".._ 21,,} ......................~4························- ...............!?.:!_ ................t . t ................. ~.:.?.~.?........_ ··-~,.~c:J.I China .................................. ....... ~} 87 .............4.?.:. 13.?6 4 .6 0 .3 2 .......... ~2.:.6c:J.~... 25,073 Jord an ...................................................3.:'.:.:1. ......................... 207 ..........._:'!~?-···- 7.1 89 853 ....:!.,~§.! _H.~..".lL~E~ll.:_f::!.li~.~ _:;!?.!!,_!'i _. ____ . ~?_______ ::_ ____ ._::.. __··-·--Q,_()___.._. __1_ _ _.?.:2~:3----· ~'~?.!'i.. !".! - 4 .2 16 283 89< Colombia 10.4 32 .._::l.:.E'.~.Cl-···-···-···-··~.:.C!......-..........c:J:.~.·-·-···--·-··-~---_2~~.... 841 Kiribati 22.7 . _·--···-···-···-···- ······-···-··-· ·-··-·--···-···-··- 18.7 201.................... ·····-- 1 C:E'.!'<:>.'.",;. ...-··---··· ............. ·-~} 2 1.0 18.0 6.!·······-·-·········~.?....................... 2.!.. !<<>.r..".~:...l?."'!' ...R.~P.: . .......... ...... ........... ......... .. .. .. .............. ........................................... _ 5 .............................. 13( C<>..n.e.o.:.. c:Je.'l1: ..~."e ...........................~.~:!..... 1 0.0 .._ ..?:.<:>......·-···-···-···-·~···-··--·- 2 32 ~~'.".~:...R..!!P."·---·-·-­ 35.6 ·- ~-1.·-···-·--.?.:.~ . ___ !.:?____ .Q:.Cl __ ···-·-·=~- ··--·-··-S. ,f:l~ ......<1.:.2.5.' ~".!J.!!O.c..~."P..:......._ ...~_(} .?_··-·--··-··-··"-··- 4 0.2 3.9 23 ................~ .... ···- 44 Kuwait ........ ..... ..~1. . t. ......................... 0.2 ..................... ! ....................2c:J.! Costa Rica 53.7 56 800 5.3 0 .3 8 829 943 ~Y'.~_R.."P.~~J.i~ 11.9 38 108 6.4 13.1 46 ···-···-···-····-·-···-···-··-·-·--··-··-·-···--··-··-···-·-·-··-···-·- 7 5~ Cote d' lvoire -····-·--- ..... ···--·- 31.4 ............ ····--. - ·····-··---··-··--···--·-- 181 4.0 7.8 55 108 .............................. 301 Lao PDR ....... ~·.l:l ................. -··· 46 3.6 23.0 ............. 5?.... 80 20C Croatra 44.1 76 ................ ~.:.?.?6..... 4.0 ....................._<:>:.?.... 9 ....... ?:.?::3.3.... 4,112 Latvia 36.7 58 366 5.6 1.5 40 182 ··-·-·--·-·-·-··---- 567 Cuba ··--···-···-··-=·=-··-···-·-··-··"-··-··-·-·-··-··-=~···-···-···-··-·='····-···-···- ··-··-·=·'···-··--···-···-··-?·-··--···...1..:.?.2.?_ ...........!,390 Lebanon ................................... ................................ ................... !.:.!~0....... 1.2 1.4 56 ··· ..~·:21:l.!'i 63l C:XIJ.~U~.. 34.6 ............... ?.:4... ................ .9.:~.............. _().~ .... ..................J!~<:>.u..~i···-····- . ····-··-····-···-···-···-·--··-··- ______ ._ ..?_. __ ...l.~rz___ 17.2 . ____!:1!. ____ 4 20 Liechtenstein -···-···-····-· -····-··-···-·-·-··- 59 Dominica 49.1 21 8.4 8.3 267 42 66 Lithuania 39.6 61 983 8.6 1.2 34 460 1.416 6 20 00 Wo rl d Bank Atlas GLOBAL Trade In ManO> Net Foreign Net aid flows lntematklnal tourism Trade In Man.. Net Foreign Net aid ftows International tourism goods tactured prlvato direct goods tactured private direct exports capital Investment exports capital Investment %of flows• %of flows• "of total Per Recetpts "of Per Receipts ppp merchandise "of "of capita $ Arrivals ppp merchandise %of %of capita $ Arrivals GOP" exports millions GOP GNP $ mi111ons thousands GOP" exports millions GOP GNP $ m1llions thousands :conomy 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 Economy 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 ................................................................................................... =-~-~~-f!'-~.<:>~'.1\ .............J ........................ t ................... ~~-~---· 789 Somalia .........................9............................................................ ···················-~---·- ··-···-···--··-···-····-···- 10 Aacedonia, FYR...................................... 190 4.7 3.7 46 South Africa 16. 1 54 783 0.4 .................................................................. 0 .4 ................................. 12 ...:2..•.?.:3..13..... 5,898 ··················-····-···-· <.l.a.~-~ga~.C.!'! 11. 2 ....................................•. 28 15 0 .4 ............................. 13.4 92 . 34 ................................. 121 .~e-~ i .n. .. 37.3 ... 7_8 ..... .............. ........ 2.1 ..............t ........................t..... ?9, 7_~7 .......~.?.•.!.1..!!.. v1alawi 23.3 24 24.4 0.1 .............................. 41 8 205 Sri Lanka 17.9 325 1.2 3.2 26 231 381 ···············································-·········- ............................... ································-····· ~~La~~-i!' 70.1 79 .................. 1:!...?\l.? 6.9 0.3 ............................~ .................. :?.• ~?.?.............. 5_ ,551,. St. Kitts ··········· and Nevis 45.2 . ............................................................... ............................ 22 8.3 .............................. 2.5 . 161 ... J() ...................!l.~ . v1aldives 38.2 18 3.0 8.1 95 304 396 St. Lucia ··-·········-··- .......... ................... ... 54.8 .............. .................................... 53....................... 7.5_____ _ 1.1 40 290 252 ····································································································-···· vlali 15.1 ····-··-··-···-····-···- .................... 33 17 ............... .9..:?. .........• 13.1 ............................................................... 50 . 83 SLVincentandtheGrenadines 40.7 ........................~9. 12.6 6.8 181 ................................. _ 74 67 v1alta 48.3 97 0.6 .................................. 58 656 1,182 Sudan ......................................................... 5.9 _ 3 3 71 3.6 2.3 7 8 39 vlarshall Islands 49.3 811 ............................... 3 6 Suriname 8.1 143 45 54 -··-···-··-···-····-··-······---·· 17.2 v1auritania ............................................................................. 3 0 .5 18.0 68 21 Swaziland 45.9 ··········-· .....:.:........·-··--···-···-·? _Q _____________f:;_,!)_____________ 2.3 31 37 319 ···························· v1auritius 39.0 73 -79 0 .3 1 .0 34 503 558 Sweden 83.5 82 8 .6 ............ t ...........................!. ..............:'!...!!!.~ .... 2,568 ·······-···-··-·····-····---·- ' 815 ........................................................................................................................ Switzerland 103.0 ··············-···-·····-··· 93 ··---- 2.1............................! ................t ....... I..!!1..§ __ .!9...~9.9... Vlexico .............. ··········--··--··-- ······-··------~-?:.~ 85 ...:2..~,188 2.6 0.0 ..................... .I i~ ................. ~:'!:.6 10 ................. .?.?. 0.5 1.0 ...... .............. 1.'L~ 24.8 10 ..............!............. 1.8 20.6 79 ··························-······························ 35 135 !.~!I<:> 14.6 ·····················-·························· ..··-- ................................ .. 0 0.0 8.6 ...................... ?.~...................1.5 94 Morocco ............................................................ 18.1 965 . 49 ................................. 0 .9 1.5 19 ..... .........1..•.!:4.? .... 3,243 !.~.".!:.~... 23.7 ................................................................ 0 1.2 14.5 260 12 27.. ..................................... 7.8 17 209 ····-···-··-···-····-···-···-····- 5.5 28.2 61 I.',>~~~-9...... 54. 7 44 ...............!.6.! .... . 11.4 0.2 ............................... 11 201 347 .lvi~~O.'.!'!''. .................................................... ··············· ········ ........................ 153 35 1 .............................. 201 Tunisia 27 .0 82 694 3.3 ................9.:.13. ... 1§.................1..•.??..!.. .......... ~?_1.1;! . Namibia 31.7 108 5.7 ............................. 288 560 !~'.1<-~L... 18.8 77 ................ .1. • .?.~~ 0.5 ...................9.:0.... 0 ................?..• !!9.~. -. 8 ,960 ········································- ···································-·· !.'!~.f'~l ..... ........ ..........................?.:.? ............ I! . -1 .................. -0.3 8 .3 18 124 435 Turkme n_i~~"--~...............................................:1.. ?.:.() 4 73 5.5 0 .6 4 .......................!.~::!... 300 Netherlands 93.2 70 8.7 ································- . . . . . .t. ·-···-····-t !)_,!l.Q.~ ---~'~:19.. !!&~.".d.~ ......... ........................... !.-.~- ...........................................~~.?................:3..:9..................... 7.0 23 .....................!~.?..................... 238 607 Ukraine ................................................... ...~!lJ ... ....................?,g!!?.... 1.7 0 .9 .....!l.·-···-·-···..?..,.~Q?__ ______ §_,_?~ _S... New Caledonia ·········-·······················-···· 52 ·····································- ............ ....... ........ ........... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1 ,63_ 2 110 104 !!.n.i!~~-!-.'!'.~..-~'.':'i!~.!e_,;_ 114.3.......................... .... ........ ..... .......... t t 5!>.:2. . _2,184 New Zealand 35.7 .................................................................................. 32 .................................... 4 .1 ....................t ..................... t. ............~.?2~ --- 1,485 .l!."..i.!~(j }\i~~~~O'." ...................................~!!.:.~ 85 ........................................ ......... §,_9. _ ...... T 'f' ................?.I:J.,.~?..?.......... 25,7 45 ~.i.C_".r~g~_a ....... ......................... .......... 19.1 8 171 9.2 31.6 117 90 406 l!."..i!<:~. §.~!<:s ··-···---!~~-!,!_______ 82 2.3 ········-·..t.__- ··-··-··-···-·.!. ..?..1..,.??..9...........~§,~~?. . ··--·-····-···--·--···-···-·- -~!l~'............. .. 8.5 -23 0.0 14.4 18 29 ..................................... 19 .l!'..~_gu_!'Y..... 22.7 39 .....................4!!.~ 0 .8 0.1 7 695 2,163 -~'S.~r.~-~ ---· 18.9 1.028 .....?.:.?.... 0.5 2 .........!:4~ .. 739 Uzbekistan 15.4 592 1.0 o. 7 6 21 . 272 ········-···-····-··-··-····-···-··-·------ .................................................................................... ~9!\b~r.~Mar.i".."..~!~ l."..n.d.S. ...................... _ ............................ 3 647 ........................................................................................................................................................... 481 . Vanuatu 19.3 27 11.2 ................!!!.:.~.... 222...........................~.?.......................!:'.~.. .N..o.r.:-~.~x... 68.3 30 2.5 ..................... !.... 't ..?.• .?.:!.?..... 2,829 Venezuela, RB ..................................•.....:2:~:,9......._________ .1._~--- 6,8(;.?.............- ..-~:.!. ··-·-·-···-·9.·9... ..... ······--?... 1,233 837 Oman .....::.?:!.'!.... 0. 7 ············· ...........................:t-:2. .......................:1.:1.::!... 612 Vietnam ............................................... P::L.........................................!!:3.?.... ......:4:.4 ............. :4:~ ........................!?........................: ~~: ............ :1.,.?.:2..9... Pakistan .................... ..............!!:.::! 806 M ..................................... 0 .8 ..........1· .?.. 8 98 429 Yi_rgi_~i_!;@~_~.;.Jl! :?.:L.. ---- ......... ..• ........... .. .................:!.!.................~:2.~....................'!:2..:2.. Palau ···-···-····-···-···-···- 6~5 M Y.I~S.t. !l~."..k. a.~.c:l G.".'~-- .... ................... ..... .. .. ..............1~ ·.1'! ...............::!.!~. .... ............................................. Panama .........................................•....... -~~:.?. 17 ..................:!/!!'i.~ 13.2 .................. .2:.~..............................1:!........................:3.?..~......................431 Y.e.r..n.~_n_,__g~p_, _______________________________3.. ! :.1:l - 210 ··---~-!1-···-···-···-·L-!1.. 19.···········-··-···-·1:!.'!........ ··········-··?..!3... !:.".e~-~--~-~.v.'...§.~Ln.~.'! 26.3 ·--·-·····'·'·-·-··--··--···-··::!~() ·······---···:?·'-~ ·--·· .........!9.:.~.......... 78 ..................... ?.?.... e1 ::r.ue9~~~.V.i~, -~.J~~r_ll ,/M.<>..n.~:l •.. .... .. ..... ..... .... ... o... ........ .... .... ...... . ....... ..19. ... 35 ..............~s3 ........................... ···············-~-~ :.!........... 15 236 3.0......... .......... .2:.~.................... 15 710 350 Zambia ................................. ···-··········- 37.3 .......... 40 2.1 11.0....................... ~-6 75 362 Peru ............................. ·····························-~-~:.!. 24 ..........:2..,.?.:1.'!...... 3 .1 0.8 20 ..................~?..?..... 833 Zimbabwe ..............................................................15.5 -217 1.2 4.7 .. ..... . ....?~ ................. ~?.13.... 1,984 ····························· ~.hi_l_ iepi_n.~-~--- 22.1 9o ......... ?.. ?!!!. ..............:2..:.~ .............. ..... 9.:..9 ............ ...........•..~:!............... 2.413 .......:2..,.!49 Poland........................................................ 26.4 77 9,f3.§.~.................~.0 0.6 23 ..............?... ~:'!.?. 18,780 ~<>.r.t~g~l .... ... . • .• . ...4:.~ --~ 87 1. 7 ....................t ........................... t. . . . . . . . . . ~.•.8.?}.... 11,295 Puerto Rico ······-···--··-·····-- ·············-···-···-···- ·······-- ............?.•.?~.~--- 3,396 Qatar .................................................................... .............................. .. .. ............. q,_o_ _ .................? ...............................................~?:L.. Romania 15.1 81 ....1. ,!!:2..§... 5.3 0.9 16 260 .....?.•.~~?... .fl~_s_sia_n. __ F,ed<:_r~tio~---·· ....................:L:'!-.9.... 28 ............. _ 1,9_, 3:4§ .. 1.0 0.4 7 ...............~.•.59.8.. .. 15,805 R.wanda 7 0.3 17.3 43 19 2 ······································-····- ··········--·-··--· ······-··-····-···-····- -~~-~9.-~----···············- 18.1 .................................. 3 1.7 20.6 .......... ·-- ~-~?. .. 39 ........... ?.~ . ~~O...T<:>n:>~.. !'~-~ --~'.i."..C.i.~.... 11.5 ......... 0 ..9..:.9....................!13.:.!.......................?..00 2 2 -~~~-d..i __ P.-r.~~i~ •.. ............................~.! ,_!;) ............ ~ . .....................J ................:!: ..................1..•:'!?.::!.... 3,700 §~/1e_g~1...... 17.3 24 0 .9 10.8 56 178 352 ~~~"--~-~~~~_s___ 49.3 57 9.7 4.5 294 111 128 Sierra Leone ......... ············· 10.0. ...................................... 5 0 .8.. ............................................................ 16.9 22 57 50 !'.'."!l"..!>.<:>.'~.....................................:2.§.~ :..1. 86 8.6 0.0 ............................! ..................?.•.:l.f:i. ?.... 5,631 .. Not available. 1' Net aid donor. 84 2.8...................................................................................... 0 .8 29 489 Note: Figures in italiCS are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit shown and _SI_o.v~k___R~p-~bl_ic.............................. -~-?:.?. 896 not known more precisely. Slovenia 66.9 90 ········-···-·-······-···- 0.8 0.2 .........................?9......................1..• .:117 977 ·-···-····-····-···-····--···---··-···- ··--·-···-·····-··-···- a. Data are shown for low- and middle-income economies only. b. PPP is purchasing power parity; see the technical notes to the Eco~ Solomon Islands 37.4 23 7.6 14.4 102 13 13 omy section. 20 00 World Bank Atlas NICAL NOTES People from aquifers and desalination plants and therefore can exceed total inter- times the number of shares outstanding in each country's stock marl The demographic data (population, life expectancy, and infant mortality) nal renewable resources. These data are from the International Finance Corporation's Emerg are World Bank estimates and are a combination of observed values and Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fos- Markets Database. interpolated and projected estimates. The midyear population estimate sil fuels and the manufacture of cement. Data on emissions are from the The overall budget deficit is current and capital revenue and offir includes all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Refugees Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. grants received less total expenditures and lending minus repaymer not permanently settled in the country of asylum are considered to be These data are from World Bank and IMF data files . part of the population of their country of origin . The average annual pop. Economy Military expenditures for NATO countries are based on the NATO c ulation growth rate is calculated as the exponential change for the period Gross national product (GNP) is a broad measure of an economy' s per- inition, which covers military-related expenditures of the defense minis indicated. formance; it is the value of the final output of goods and services pro- (including recruiting, training, construction, and the purchase of mil it; Consumption per capita is private consumption expend iture divided duced by the residents of an economy plus net primary income from supplies and equipment ) and other ministries. Civilian-related exper by the midyear population. Growth in private consumption per capita is nonresident sources . U.S. dollar values are obtained from domestic cur- tures of the defense ministry are excluded. Military assistance is incluc calculated using the least-squares method. Private consumption includes rencies using a three-year weighted average of the official exchange in the expenditures of the donor country, and purchases of milit; the consumption expenditures of individuals, households, and nonprofit, rate (the Atlas method). For the few countries where the official exchange equipment on credit are included at the time the debt is incurred, not nongovernmental organizations . It includes expenditures on food, cloth- rate does not reflect the effective rate applied to foreign transactions, the time of payment. Data for other countries generally cover exper ing, rent, health care , education , transportation, and consumer durables. an alternative conversion factor is applied . The GNP per capita growth tures of the ministry of defense (excluding expenditures on public ore Malnutrition refers to the percentage of children under five whose weight rate is calculated from constant price data in the local currency, using and safety, which are classified separately). Data on military expenditur for age is less than minus two standard deviations below the average the least-squares method. The data on national accounts and inflation are from the U.S. Department of State ' s Bureau of Arms Control. for the reference population. The data are from the Subcommittee on Nutri- are from World Bank and OECD data files . Electricity consumption measures the production of power plants a tion of the United Nations Administrative Committee on Co-ordination. GNP per capita in international dollars is converted at purchasing power combined heat and power plants less distribution losses and own use Access to safe water refers to reasonable access to an adequate amount parity (PPP) rates . PPP is defined as the number of units of a country' s heat and power plants. Paved roads are those surfaced with crushed sto of treated or uncontaminated water. This means that sufficient water to currency required to buy the same amounts of goods and services in the (macadam) and hydrocarbon binder or bituminized agents, with concre1 maintain health (about 20 liters a person a day) is available not more domestic market as $1 would buy in the United States. The PPP data are or with cobblestones. The data on electricity consumption are from t than 200 meters away in urban areas , and is within manageable walk- from the International Comparison Programme . The 1998 data are based International Energy Agency; the data on paved roads are from the lnt ing distance for rural households. The net female primary enrollment ratio on surveys carried out between 1993 and 1996 or on regression national Road Federation. Telephone mainlines per 1,000 people provio compares the number of girls of official school age enrolled in primary estimates. a measure of telephone density. Telephone mainlines refer to the telephor school with the number of girls of official school age in the population. The share of agriculture in GDP is calculated from value added esti- lines connecting a customer's equipment to the public switched te Enrollment data are from the United Nations Educational , Scientific , and mates of agriculture. The share of investment in GDP is based on gross phone network. Estimates ofthe number of personal computers (PCs) a Cultural Organization . Female labor force estimates are from the Inter- domestic investment (including changes in inventories). Inflation is mea- derived from an annual questionnaire by the International Telecommur national Labour Organization . sured by the overall price change for all goods and services included in ' cation Union (ITU), supplemented by other sources. The data on telephor GDP. Inflation rates are calculated using the least-squares method. The mainlines and PCs are from the ITU. Environment current account balance is the sum of net exports of goods, services, Land area is the country's total area, excluding the area under inland bod- income , and current transfers ; these data are from World Bank and Global Links ies of water. The data on land area and forests are from the Food and Agri- International Monetary Fund (IMF) data files. The external debt data are Trade in goods as a share of PPP GDP is the sum of merchandi! culture Organization. Definitions of forest area vary among countries. from the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System and refer to debt owed exports and imports measured in current U.S. dollars divided by t~ The energy data are from the International Energy Agency and refer to to nonresidents repayable in foreign currency, goods , or services. Total value of GDP converted to international dollars using purchasir commercial forms of energy. They include energy from combustible renew- external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private power parity conversion factors. Manufactured exports include cher abies and waste . Gross domestic product per kilogram of oil equivalent is nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. icals, basic manufactured goods, and machinery and transport equi an indicator of energy efficiency. This year's edition employs GDP con- ment but exclude nonferrous metals. The trade data are from the Wor verted to international dollars using purchasing power parity (PPP) rates to States and Markets Trade Organization; shares of manufactured exports are estimated usir produce comparable and consistent estimates of GDP across countries. Private investment-that is , outlays by the private sector on additions to the United Nations COMTRADE database. The data on water are based on estimates from the World Resources fixed assets-is often estimated as a residual of gross domestic invest- Net private capital flows consist of private debt and nondebt flow! Institute and cover domestic, industrial, and agricultural use. Available ment less consolidated public investment. These data are from the Inter- Private debt flows include commercial bank lending, bonds , and otht freshwater resources refer to internal renewable resources and include river national Finance Corporation 's Trends in Private Investment in Developing private cred its . Private nondebt flows are foreign direct investment an ftows from other countries. Water use includes nonrenewable water resources Countries 1999. Stock market capitalization is the end-year share price portfolio equity investment. Foreign direct investment is net inflow 58 2000 World Bank Atla s TECHNICAL N f investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation , Taj ikistan , r more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other Turkmenistan , Ukraine, and Uzbekistan). Whenever possible , data are 1an that of the investor. It is the sum of equ ity capital , reinvestment shown for the individual countries . ·f earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capital as shown Data for the Republic of Yemen refer to that country from 1990 1 the balance of payments . The data on net private capital flows are onward ; data for previous years refer to aggregated data of the former lrawn from World Bank and IMF data files. People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and the former Yemen Arab Aid data cover net concessional flows to developing countries from Republic unless otherwise noted. nembers of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD , mul- In December 1999 the official name of Venezuela was changed to ilateral development agencies , and certain Arab countries . These Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela and is listed in the tables as lata are from the OECD . Venezuela , RB . International tourism receipts are expenditures by international Whenever possible, data are shown for the individual countries formed nbound visitors , including payments to national carriers for interna- from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavi~snia and Herze- :ional transport. International tourist arrivals are the number of visi- govina, Croatia , the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia , :ors who travel to another country for less than one year. These data and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. All references to the Federal Repub- are from the IMF and the World Tourism Organization . lic of Yugoslavia in the tables are to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia For a more detailed discussion of issues of data quality and mea- (Serbia/ Montenegro) unless otherwise noted. surement problems for the above indicators, see About the data for Some of the charts refer to regional and income groupings of coun- the relevant tables in World Development Indicators 2000 or in the World tries . The regional measures include only low- and middle-income Development Indicators CD-ROM. economies and follow the country composition of the World Bank 's ana- lytical regions , which may differ from common geographic usage (see the Note World by Region map at the front of the book). For the income groups, Data are shown for economies as they were constituted in 1998, and every economy is classified as low income, middle income, or high historical data are revised to reflect current political arrangements. income. Low-income economies are those with a GNP per capita of $760 Exceptions are noted throughout the tables. or less in 1998. Middle-income economies are those with a GNP per capita On 1 July 1997 China resumed its exercise of sovereignty over Hong of more than $760 but less than $9 ,361. Lower-middle-income and Kong. On 20 December 1999 China resumed its exercise of sovereignty upper-middle-income economies are separated at a GNP per capita of over Macao. Data for China do not include data for Hong Kong, China , $3,030. High-income economies are those with a GNP per capita of $9,361 Taiwan , China , or Macao, China , unless otherwise noted. or more (see the map spread Income per person in the Economy section). Data for the Democratic Republic of Congo (Congo, Dem . Rep. , in the table listings) refer to the former Zaire . For clarity, this edition also uses the formal name of the Republic of Congo (Congo, Rep., in the table listings). Data are shown whenever possible for the individual countries formed from the former Czechoslovakia-the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. On 25 October 1999 the United Nations Transitional Administration for East Timor (UNTAET) assumed responsibility for the administration of East Timor. Data for Indonesia include East Timor. Data are shown for Eritrea whenever possible , but in most cases before 1992 Eritrea is included in the data for Et hiopia. Data for Germany refer to the unified Germany unless otherwise noted. Data for Jordan refer to the East Bank only unless otherwise noted. In 1991 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was dissolved into 15 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan , Belarus, Estonia , Georgia, Kazakhstan, 20 00 World Bank Atla s S TECHNIQUES Population Les donnees relatives a l'eau reposent sur des estimations de l'lnstitut nettes de biens et de services, des revenus et des transferts couran1 Les donnees demographiques (population, esperance de vie et mortalite des ressources mondiales et couvrent les usages domestiques, industriels ces donnees proviennent des fichiers de donnees de Ia Banque mondi. infantile), fruit d'estimations de Ia Banque Mondiale, sont une combinaison et agricoles . Les ressources d'eau douce disponibles correspondent au et du Fonds Monetaire International (FMI). Les donnees relatives aIa de de valeurs observees et d'estimations obtenues par interpolation et total des ressources interieures renouvelables , et incluent les cours exterieure proviennent du Systeme de notification de Ia dette exteriet projection . L'estimation de Ia population en milieu d'annee inclut tousles d'eau en provenance d'autres pays. Le volume total d'eau consommee a Ia Banque Mondiale et correspondent aux creances sur des m residents du pays, independamment du statutjuridique et de Ia citoyennete. comprend les ressources non renouvelables provenant des nappes residents remboursables en devises, en biens ou en services. La de· Les refugies qui ne sont pas etablis a titre permanent dans le pays ot) ils aquiferes et des usines de dessalement et peut done depasser le total exterieure totale est Ia somme de Ia dette publique, de Ia dette a garan ont trouve asile sont comptes dans Ia population de leur pays d'origine. des ressources interieures renouvelables. publique , de Ia dette privee non garantie a long terme, du recours au ere Le taux annuel moyen d'accroissement de Ia population est calcule comme Les emissions de dioxyde de carbone prises en compte sont celles du FMI et de Ia dette a court terme. !'evolution exponentielle pendant Ia periode consideree. produites par les combustibles fossiles et Ia fabrication de ciment. Les La consommation par habitant est mesuree en termes de depenses donnees sur ces emissions proviennent du Centre d'analyse des Etat et Marche de consommation privee, divisee par Ia population en milieu d'annee. Le informations sur le gaz carbonique . L'investissement prive , c'est-&dire les depenses du secteur prive po taux de croissance de Ia consommation privee par habitant est calcule Ia formation de capital fixe, est souvent estime par difference ent par Ia methode des moindres carres . La consommation privee recouvre Economle l' investissement interieur brut et l'investissement du secteur pub les depenses de consommation des individus, des menages et des Le produit national brut (PNB) est une mesure d 'ensemble de Ia consolide. Ces donnees proviennent de Ia Societe financiere internation< organismes non gouvernementaux a but non lucratif, en matiere performance economique d 'un pays ; il represente Ia valeur de Ia ("Trends in Private Investment in Developing Countries 1999 "). I d'alimentation , d'habillement, de Ioyer, de soins de sante, d'education, production finale de biens et services assuree par les residents du capitalisation boursiere est etablie a partir du cours des actions en f de transport et de biens de consommation durables. pays, plus les montants nets de revenu primaire verses par des non- d'annee, multiplie par le nombre d'actions en circulation sur le marct La malnutrition renvoie au pourcentage d'enfants ages de moins residents. Les valeurs en dollars des U.S. sont obtenues par conversion boursier du pays considere . Ces donnees proviennent de Ia Base c de cinq ans dont le poids pour leur age est inferieur de plus de deux de Ia valeur en monnaie nationale sur Ia base d'un taux de change donnees sur les marches emergents de Ia Societe financiere international ecarts types a celui de Ia moyenne de Ia population de reference. Les officiel moyen pondere sur trois ans (methode de I' Atlas). Pour les Le deficit budgetaire global est Ia difference entre, d'une part, IE donnees utili sees sont celles du Sous.Comite de Ia nutrition du Comite quelques pays ou le taux de change officiel ne correspond pas au taux recettes courantes, les recettes en capital et les dons publics re9us e administratif de coordination des Nations Unies. Le taux net de de change effectif applique aux transactions avec l'etranger, on utilise d'autre part, les depenses totales et les prets moins les remboursement: scolarisation primaire feminine met en rapport le nombre des filles un autre facteur de conversion. Le taux de croissance du PNB par Ces donnees proviennent des fichiers de donnees de Ia Banque Mondial d 'age scolaire qui sont inscrites a l'ecole primaire et le nombre total habitant est calcule a partir de donnees exprimees en prix constants dans et du FMI. des filles d'age scolaire au sein de Ia population . Les donnees sur les Ia monnaie nationale, par Ia methode des moindres carres. Les donnees Les donnees sur les depenses militaires, dans le cas des pays d effectifs scolarises proviennent de !'Organisation des Nations Unies sur les comptes nationaux et !'inflation proviennent des fichiers de I'OTAN , reposent sur Ia definition etablie par cette organisation , qt pour !'education, Ia science et Ia culture . Les estimations de Ia part donnees de Ia Banque mondiale et de I'OCDE. englobe les depenses a caractere militaire effectuees par le minister• des femmes dans Ia population active emanent du Bureau international Le PNB par habitant en dollars internationaux est obtenu par conversion de Ia defense (y compris les operations de recrutement, les activite. du travail. sur Ia base de Ia parite des pouvoirs d'achat (PPA). LaPPA est definie comme de formation , les travaux de construction et l'achat de materiel et d• le nombre d'unites de Ia monnaie d'un pays necessaire pour acheter sur fournitures militaires) et les autres ministeres. Les depenses a caracten Envlronnement le marche interieur Ia meme quantite de biens et services qu 'un dollar civil du ministere de Ia defense en sont exclues. L'aide militaire est inclust La superficie des terres correspond a Ia superficie totale d'un pays moins permettrait d'acheter aux Etats-Unis. Les chiffres de 1998 sont bases sur dans les depenses du pays donateur, et les achats de materiel militain Ia superficie des eaux interieures. Les donnees sur Ia superficie des terres les resultats d'enquetes realisees entre 1993 et 1996 ou sur des effectues a credit sont repertories a Ia date a laquelle Ia creance es et les forets proviennent de !'Organisation des Nations Unies pour estimations obtenues par regression . Les donnees etablies sur Ia base contractee , et non pas a Ia date de remboursement. Dans le cas de~ !'alimentation et !'agriculture . La definition des zones boisees varie des PPA proviennent du Projet de comparaison internationale des Nations autres pays, les donnees englobent generalement les depenses dt selon les pays. Unies. ministere de Ia defense (a !'exclusion de celles destinees a Ia securite Les donnees sur l'energie proviennent de I'Agence internationale de La part de !'agriculture dans le PIB est calculee a partir des estimations et a l'ordre publics, qui sont classees separement). Les donnees su1 l'energie et concernent les formes commerciales d'energie . Elles de Ia valeur ajoutee de !'agriculture. La part de l'investissement dans le les depenses militaires proviennent de Ia U.S. Department of State ' ~ comprennent les energie tirees des mutieres renamelables combustibles PIB repose sur l'investissement interieur brut (y compris les variations du Bureau of Arms Control. et des dechets. Dans cette edition , on a converti les chiffres du PIB en niveau des stocks). L'inflation est mesuree en termes de variation de La consommation d'electricite correspond a Ia production deE dollars internationaux en prenant Ia parite du pouvoir d'achat (PPA) !'ensemble des prix de tousles biens et services pris en compte dans le centrales electriques et des centrales electrocalogenes, deduction faite comme facteur de conversion pour obtenir des estimations coherentes PI B. Le taux d'inflation est calcule par Ia methode des moindres carres. des pertes de distribution et de l'autoconsommation des centrales permettant de comparer les differents pays. Le solde des transactions courantes est Ia somme des exportations electrocalogenes. Les routes amenagees sont des routes recouvertes 0 20 00 World Bank Atlas NOTES TECH e pierres concassees (empierrement), de beton bitumineux ou utilise nombre de visiteurs qui se rendent dans un autre pays pour une periode Les donnees presentees pour Ia Republique du Yemen ne couvrent vee un liant aux hydrocarbures, ou de paves . Les donnees sur Ia de moins d'un an . Ces donnees proviennent du FMI et de I' Organisation pas les annees anterieures a 1990 ; sauf indication contraire, les donnees onsommation d'electricite proviennent de I'Agence internationale de mondiale du tourisme . indiquees pour ces annees se rapportent a l'ex-Republique democratique ·energie et celles relatives aux routes revetues , de Ia Federation Pour une analyse plus detaillee des questions de qualite des donnees populaire du Yemen eta l'ex-Republique arabe du Yemen . outiere internationale. Le nombre de lignes telephoniques principales et des problemes de mesure des indicateurs, voir les sections relatives Dans Ia mesure du possible, on a presente des donnees distinctes >our mille habitants mesure Ia densite de l'equipement telephonique. aux donnees des tableaux correspondants figurant dans World pour les pays que couvrait l'ex-Yougoslavie - Bosnie-Herzegovine , 'ar Iignes telephoniques principales , on entend les lignes telephoniques Development Indicators 2000 ou sur le World Development Indicators CD- Croatie, ex-Republique yougoslave de Macedoine, Slovenie et Republique accordant le materiel d'un abonne au reseau telephonique public ROM . federative de Yougoslavie (Serbie et Montenegro). :ommute. Les estimations du nombre d'ordinateurs individuels sont tirees Certains des graphiques font reference a des groupements de pays J'un questionnaire annuel administre par I'Union internationale des Note etablis en fonction de l'appartenance geographique et du revenu. Les :elecommunications (UIT) , complete par d'autres sources . Les donnees Les donnees sont presentees pour les pays tels qu'ils etaient constitues indicateurs regionaux ne couvrent que les pays a revenu faible et ·elatives aux lignes telephoniques principales et aux ordinateurs en 1998, et les chiffres se rapportant aux periodes anterieures ont ete intermediaire, et suivent Ia composition des groupements regionau x ndividuels proviennent de I'UIT. modifies sur Ia base des situations politiques actuelles. Les exceptions adoptee par Ia Banque mondiale a des fins analytiques, qui peut differer sont signa lees en note aux divers tableaux. de Ia composition geographique courante (se reporter a Ia carte Le Interactions Economlques Mondlales De puis le 1er juillet 1997, Ia Chine exerce de nouveau sa souverainete monde region par region au debut de I' Atlas). Les pays sont classes en Les echanges de biens et services en pourcentage du PIB correspondent sur Hong Kong. De puis le 20 decembre 1999, Ia Chine exerce de economies a faible revenu, a revenu intermMiaire ou a revenu eleve sur a Ia somme des exportations et des importations de biens et services, divisee nouveau sa souverainete sur Macao. Sauf indication contra ire, les Ia base de leur PNB par habitant. Les valeurs retenues ici comme seuil par le PI B. Les exportations de biens manufactures englobent les produits donnees pour Ia Chine ne comprennent pas Hong Kong (Chine), Ta"iwan pour definir ces groupes sont : 760 dollars ou moins en 1998 pour les chimiques, les articles manufactures de base , les machines et le materiel (Chine) et Macao (Chine). pays a faible revenu ; entre 761 dollars et 9 360 dollars pour les pays de transport, mais excluent les metaux non ferreux. Les donnees sur les Les donnees sur Ia Republique democratique du Congo (dans les a revenu intermediaire, cette categorie etant elle meme divisee en pays echanges proviennent du FMI et de Ia Conference des Nations Unies sur le tableaux, • Congo, Dem. Rep. •) se rapportent a l'ex-Za"ire . Pour plus de a revenu intermediaire, tranche inferieure, et pays a revenu intermMiaire, commerce et le developpement. clarte , le nom officiel de Ia Republique du Congo est egalement utilise tranche superieure, selon que le PNB par habitant est inferieur ou Les flux nets de capitaux prives recouvrent les flux au titre de Ia dette dans Ia presente edition (dans les tableaux, • Congo, Rep . • ). superieur a 3 030 dollars ; et au moins 9 361 dollars pour les pays a privee et les flux de capitaux prives non associes a Ia dette. Les flux au titre Dans Ia mesure du possible , on a presente des donnees distinctes revenu eleve (se reporter a Ia carte intituh§e Revenu par habitant de Ia de Ia dette privee recouvrent les prets des banques commerciales, les pour Ia Republique tcheque et pour Ia Republique slovaque , que couvrait section Economie) . obligations et autres credits du secteur prive. Les flux prives non associes anterieurement Ia Tchecoslovaquie. a Ia dette sont les investissements etrangers directs nets et les Depuis le 25 octobre 1999, le Timor oriental est place sous l'autorite investissements de portefeuille. Les investissements etrangers directs de !'Administration transitoire des Nations Unies au Timor oriental sont des investissements effectues pour acquerir des droits durables (ATNUTO). Les donnees pour l'lndonesie comprennent le Timor oriental. (representant au moins 10 % des actions donnant droit de vote) sur une Dans Ia mesure du possible, des donnees sont presentees separement entreprise fonctionnant dans un pays autre que celui de l'investisseur. lis pour I'Erythree, mais les donnees anterieures a 1992 presentees pour representent Ia somme des capitaux pro pres, des benefices reinvestis, des I'Ethiopie incluent, dans Ia plupart des cas , I'Erythree. autres capitaux a long terme et des capitaux a court terme, comme indique Sauf indication contraire , les donnees sur I'AIIemagne portent sur dans Ia balance des paiements. Les donnees sur les flux nets de capitaux I'AIIemagne unifiee. prives proviennent des fichiers de donnees de Ia Banque mondiale et du Sauf indication contraire , les donnees sur Ia Jordanie se rapportent FMI. uniquement a Ia Rive orientale du Jourdain. Les donnees sur l'aide prennent en compte les apports concessionnels En 1991, I'Union des republiques socialistes sovietiques a ete nets aux pays en developpement emanant des pays membres du Comite scindee en 15 pays (Armenie , Azerbaldjan, Belarus , Estonie, Federation d'aide au developpement de I'OCDE, des organismes d'aide multilaterale de Russie, Georgie, Kazakhstan , Lettonie, Lituanie, Moldo_va, Ouzbekistan , au developpement, et certains pays arabes. Elles proviennent de I'OCDE. Republique kirghize, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan et Ukraine). Les donnees Les recettes du tourisme international sont les depenses effectuees relatives a chaque pays ont ete presentees dans Ia mesure du possible . dans le pays d'accueil par les visiteurs internationaux, y compris le En decembre 1999, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela est devenu paiement de leurs transports internationaux aux compagnies nationales le nom officiel du Venezuela ; il apparait comme • Venezuela, RB • dans de transport. Les arrivees de touristes internationaux representent le les tableaux. 2000 World Bank Atlas S TECNICAS Poblacl6n Los datos sobre el agua se basan en estimaciones del lnstituto de datos del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario lnternacional (FMI ). L Los datos demograficos (poblacion, esperanza de vida y mortalidad Recursos Mundiales y se refieren al uso residencial, industrial y agricola datos sobre Ia deuda externa provienen del Sistema de notificaci6n infantil) son estimaciones del Banco Mundial y consisten en una de este elemento. Los recursos de agua dulce disponibles se refieren Ia deuda al Banco Mundial; dicha deuda es Ia contraida frente a entidad combinaci6n de valores observados y estimaciones interpoladas y a los recursos internos renovables , e incluyen los nos que nacen en otros no residentes yes reembolsable en moneda extranjera, bienes o servicic proyectadas. La estimaci6n de Ia poblacion a mediados del aiio comprende paises. El uso del agua incluye el agua no renovable de los acuiferos y La deuda externa total es Ia suma de Ia deuda publ ica y con garan· a todos los residentes , independientemente de su situaci6n juridica o su Ia proveniente de las plantas de desalinizaci6n del agua de mar y, por publica a largo plazo, Ia deuda privada a largo plazo sin garantia, ciudadania. Los refugiados que nose han establecido definitivamente en lo tanto, las cifras pueden ser mayores que las del total de recursos utilizaci6n del credito del FMI y Ia deuda a corto plazo. el pais de asilo se consideran parte de Ia poblacion de su pais de origen . renovables internos. La tasa media de crecimiento anual de Ia poblacion se calcula como Ia Las emisiones de dioxido de carbono comprenden las procedentes Estados y Mercados variaci6n exponencial correspondiente al periodo indicado. de Ia quema de combustibles f6siles y Ia fabri caci6n de cemento. Los La inversion privada, es decir, los gastos del sector privado en concep El consumo per capita es el gasto en concepto de consumo privado datos sobre las emisiones provienen del Carbon Dioxide Information de adiciones a los activos fijos , a menudo se calcula como el residt dividido por Ia poblaci6n a mediados del aiio. El aumento del consumo Analysis Center. de Ia inversi6n interna bruta menos Ia inversi6n publica consolidada. Est< privado per capita se calcula utilizando el metodo de minimos cuadrados. datos provienen de Ia Corporacion Financiera lnternacional ("Trends En el consumo privado se incluyen los gastos de consumo de los Economia Private Investment in Developing Countries 1999"). La capitalizacion d individuos, los hogares y las organizaciones no gubernamentales sin fines El producto nacional bruto (PNB) es una medida amplia del desempeiio mercado de valores corresponde al precio de las acciones al final d de lucro. Se incluyen los gastos en alimentos , vestido, alquiler, servicios de Ia economia de un pais; representa el valor total de los bienes y servicios periodo multiplicado por el numero de valores en circulaci6n en Ia bol~ de salud, educaci6n , transporte, y articulos de consumo duraderos. producidos por los residentes de un pais mas las entradas netas de ingreso de valores de cada pais. Estos datos provienen de Ia Base de Datos sob La malnutricion se refiere al porcentaje de niiios menores de cinco primario provenientes de no residentes. Los valores en dolares de EE.UU. Mercados Emergentes de Ia Corporaci6n Financiera lnternacional. aiios cuyo peso para Ia edad se encuentra mas de dos desviaciones se obtienen a partir de las monedas nacionales aplicando un tipo de cambio El deficit fiscal global es el ingreso corriente y el ingreso de capit estandar por debajo del promedio para Ia poblaci6n de referencia . Los oficial medio ponderado correspondiente a tres aiios (el metodo del mas las donaciones oficiales menos los gastos y prestamos totales menc datos provienen del Subcomite de Nutrici6n del Comite Administrativo Atlas). En el caso de los pocos paises en que el tipo de cambio oficial no los reembolsos. Estos datos provienen de los archivos de datos del Bane de Coordinaci6n de las Naciones Unidas. La tasa neta de matricula de refleja el tipo real aplicado a las transacciones externas , se aplica otro Mundial y el FMI. mujeres en Ia escuela primaria es una comparacion entre el numero de factor de conversi6n. La tasa de crecimiento del PNB per capita se calcula Los gastos militares en los paises miembros de Ia OTAN se bass niiias en edad escolar oficial matriculadas en Ia escuela primaria y el a partir de datos en precios constantes en Ia moneda nacional utilizando en Ia definicion de Ia OTAN, que cubre los gastos militares del ministeri numero total de niiias en edad escolar oficial. Los datos sobre Ia el metodo de minimos cuadrados. Los datos sobre las cuentas nacionales de defensa (incluidos el reclutamiento, el entrenamiento, Ia construcci6r matricula provienen de Ia Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas para Ia y Ia inflaci6n provienen de los archivos de datos del Banco Mundial y de y Ia adquisicion de equipo y suministros militares) y otros ministerio~ Educaci6n , Ia Ciencia y Ia Cultura . Las estimaciones sobre las mujeres Ia OCDE. Se excluyen los gastos del ministerio de defensa relativos al sector civi en Ia poblaci6n activa provienen de Ia Organizaci6n lnternacional del El PNB per capita en d61ares internacionales se convierte en funcion La asistencia militar se incluye en los gastos del pais don ante y las compra Trabajo . de Ia paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA) . La PPA se define como el de equipo militar a credito se incluyen al momento en que Ia deuda e numero de unidades de Ia moneda de un pais que se necesita para contraida , no al momento del pago . Los datos sobre otros paise Medlo Amblente comprar en el mercado nacionalla misma cantidad de bienes y servicios general mente incluyen los gastos del ministerio de defensa (excluido: La superficie terrestre es Ia superficie total de un pai s, excluida Ia que se podria comprar con un dolar en Estados Unidos. Los datos de los gastos en seguridad y orden publicos , que se clasifican por separado; parte del mismo cubierta por masas de agua continentales. Los 1998 esttm basados en estudios realizados entre 1993 y 1996 o en Los datos sobre gasto militar provienen del U.S. Department of State ': datos sobre Ia superficie terrestre y los bosques provienen de Ia estimaciones de regresion. Los datos relativos a Ia PPA provienen del Bureau of Arms Control. Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas para Ia Agricultura y Ia Programa de Comparacion lnternacional. El con sumo de electricidad es una medida de Ia producci6n de Ia: Alimentaci6n. Las definiciones de lo que constituye una zona forestal La proporcion de Ia agricultura en el PIB se calcula en base a centrales de energia electrica y Ia producci6n combinada de Ia: varian de un pais a otro. estimaciones del valor agregado de Ia agricultura. La proporci6n de Ia centrales termicas y las centrales de energia electrica menos Ia~ Los datos sobre Ia energia provienen del Organismo lnternacional de inversi6n en el PIB se basa en Ia inversion interna bruta (incluidos los perdidas de transmision y el propio uso de las centrales termicas y Ia~ Energia y se refieren a las formas de esta que estan disponibles en el cam bios en las existencias) . La inflaci6n corresponde a las variaciones centrales de energia electrica. Carreteras pavimentadas son las qut mercado. lncluyen Ia energia producida por medio de combustibles renovables globales de los precios de todos los bienes y servicios incluidos en el estan recubiertas de piedra machacada (macadan) y un aglutinantE y desechos. En Ia edici6n del presente aiio se adopta el PIB convertido a PI B. Las tasas de crecimiento de Ia inflacion se han calculado utilizando hidrocarbonado o sustancias bituminadas con hormig6n, o con guijarros d61ares internacionales utilizando las tasas de paridad del poder adquisitivo el metodo de los minimos cuadrados. La balanza de cuenta corriente es Los datos sobre el consumo de electricidad provienen del Organismc (PPA) para obtener estimaciones comparables y coherentes del PIB en los Ia suma de las exportaciones netas de bienes , servicios , ingreso y lnternacional de Energia ; los relativos a las carreteras pavimentada~ distintos paises. transferencias corrientes ; estos datos provienen de los archivos de se han tornado de Ia Federacion lnternacional de Carreteras . El numerc 2 2 0 00 World Bank Atlas - NOTAS TECN le lineas telef6nicas principales por cada 1.000 personas indica Ia Nota Algunos de los graticos hacen referencia a las agrupaciones de lensidad de teletonos. Lineas telef6nicas principales son las que Los datos presentados corresponden a los paises segun estos estaban paises por regiones o por nivel de ingreso. Las medidas regionales :onectan el equipo del cliente a Ia red telef6nica publica conmutada. constituidos en 1998, y los datos hist6ricos han sido corregidos para incluyen unicamente las economias de ingreso bajo y mediano, y estan .as estimaciones del numero de computadoras personales provienen indicar los sistemas politicos vigentes. Las excepciones se indican en basadas en Ia composici6n regional por paises utilizada por el Banco le un cuestionario anual preparado por Ia Uni6n lnternacional de los cuadros, segun corresponda . Mundial a efectos analiticos, que quiza no coincida con el uso geografico ·elecomunicaciones (UIT) y son complementadas con datos de otras Ell de julio de 1997 China recuper6 el ejercicio de su soberania sobre comun (vease el mapa El mundo par regiones, al comienzo de esta uentes. Los datos sobre las lineas telef6nicas principales y las Hong Kong. El 20 de diciembre de 1999 China recuper6 el ejercicio de publicaci6n). En lo que se refiere a los grupos de ingreso, las economias ;omputadoras personales provienen de Ia UIT. su soberania sobre Macao. Salvo indicaci6n en contrario, en los datos se agrupan segun su nivel de ingreso: bajo, mediano o alto. Economias sobre China no se incluyen Hong Kong (China), Taiwan (China) ni Macao de ingreso bajo son las que tienen (1998) un PNB per capita de US$760 ntegracl6n Mundlal (China). o menos. Economias de ingreso mediano son las que tienen un PNB per ::1 intercambio de bienes y servicios en proporci6n del PIB es Ia suma de Los datos correspondientes a Ia Republica Democratica del Congo capita de mas de US$760 y menos de US$9.361. La linea de separaci6n as exportaciones e importaciones de bienes y servicios dividida por el PI B. (Congo, Dem. Rep. en las listas de los cuadros) se refieren al ex Zaire. entre las economias de ingreso mediano bajo y mediano alto es un PNB C:n las exportaciones manufacturadas se incluyen los productos quimicos, Para mayor claridad, en esta edici6n se utiliza tambien el nombre oficial per capita de US$3.030. Las economias de ingreso alto son las que tienen oienes manufacturados basicos, y maquinaria y equipo de transporte, pero de Ia Republica del Congo (Congo, Rep. en las listas de los cuadros). un PNB per capita de US$9.361 o mas (vease el mapa Income per person se excluyen los metales no ferrosos. Los datos sobre comercio internacional En Ia medida de lo posible, se presentan datos por separado de los en Ia secci6n Economfa) . provienen del FMI y Ia Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio paises que surgieron de Ia ex Checoslovaquia , a saber, Ia Republica Checa y Desarrollo. Los flujos netos de capital privado comprenden los flujos y Ia Republica Eslovaca. privados de deuda y los no relacionados con esta. Los flujos privados de El 25 de octubre de 1999 Ia Administraci6n de Transici6n de las deuda incluyen los prestamos, bonos y otros creditos privados de bancos Naciones Unidas para Timor Oriental (UNTAET) asumi6 Ia responsabilidad comerciales. Los flujos privados no relacionados con Ia deuda corresponden de Ia administraci6n de Timor Oriental. En los datos sobre Indonesia se a Ia inversi6n extranjera directa y a las inversiones de cartera en capital incluye Timor Oriental. accionario. La inversi6n extranjera directa corresponde a las afluencias netas Cuando ha sido posible, se han presentado datos relativos a Eritrea , de inversi6n destinadas a adquirir un control duradero de Ia gesti6n (10% pero , hasta 1992, Ia informaci6n sobre esta se incluye en Ia de Etiopia. o mas de las acciones con derecho a voto) en una empresa que lleva a Salvo indicaci6n en contrario, los datos correspondientes a Alemania cabo sus operaciones en un pais que no es el pais del inversionista. Es se refieren a Ia Alemania unificada. Ia suma del capital social, Ia reinversi6n de las utilidades, otros tipos de Salvo indicaci6n en contrario, los datos relativos a Jordania se capital a largo plazo y capital a cor to plazo tal como aparece en Ia balanza refieren a Ia Ribera Oriental solamente . de pagos. Los datos sobre flujos netos de capital privado provienen de los En 1991, Ia Uni6n de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas se dividi6 archivos de datos del Banco Mundial y el FMI. oficialmente en 15 paises (Armenia , Azerbaiyan, Belarus, Estonia, Los datos sobre Ia asistencia comprenden los flujos netos de recursos Federaci6n de Rusia, Georgia , Kazajstan, Letonia, Lituania , Moldova, en condiciones concesionarias de los paises miembros del Comite de Republica Kirguisa, Tayikistan, Turkmenistan, Ucrania y Uzbekistan). En Asistencia para el Desarrollo de Ia OCDE, de organismos multilaterales de Ia medida de lo posible , se presentan datos por separado para cada desarrollo, y algunos paises arabes con destino a los paises en desarrollo. pais . Estos datos provienen de Ia OCDE. Los ingresos provenientes del turismo En diciembre de 1999 Venezuela adopt6 el nombre oficial de internacional corresponden a los gastos incurridos por los visitantes Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, y aparece en los cuadros como extranjeros que entran a un pais, incluidos los pagos a empresas nacionales "Venezuela , RB ". de transporte internacional. La llegada de turistas extranjeros es el numero Los datos relativos a Ia Republica del Yemen se refieren a ese pais de visitantes que viajan a otro pais por un per'iodo inferior a un afio . Estos a partir de 1990; los datos sobre afios anteriores corresponden a Ia ex datos provienen del FMI y Ia Organizaci6n Mundial de Turismo. 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