The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) REPORT NO.: RES35646 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF PUNJAB SKILLS DEVELOPMENT APPROVED ON APRIL 30, 2015 TO ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN EDUCATION SOUTH ASIA Regional Vice President: Hartwig Schafer Country Director: Patchamuthu Illangovan Senior Global Practice Director: Jaime Saavedra Chanduvi Practice Manager/Manager: Mario Cristian Aedo Inostroza Task Team Leader: Shinsaku Nomura The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CBTA Competency Based Testing and Assessment CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor DLI Disbursement Linked Indicator GoP Government of Pakistan GoPb Government of Punjab IO Intermediate Outcome M&E Monitoring and Evaluation PBTE Punjab Board of Technical Education PDO Project Development Objective PIU Project Implementation Unit POM Project Operations Manual PSA Punjab Skills Agency PSDA Punjab Skills Development Authority PSDP Punjab Skills Development Project PSTA Punjab Skills Testing Agency P-TEVTA Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority PVTC Punjab Vocational Training Council SDR Special Drawing Rights TA Technical Assistance TTB Trade Testing Board The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P130193 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Not Required (C) Not Required (C) Approval Date Current Closing Date 30-Apr-2015 30-Jun-2020 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Industries, Commerce & Investment Dep., Govt. of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Punjab Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to to improve the quality, labor market relevance of, and access to skills training programs in priority sectors in the Punjab. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-56300 30-Apr-2015 04-Jun-2015 03-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2020 50.00 32.38 18.27 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING This Restructuring Paper seeks the approval of the Country Director for Level II restructuring of the Punjab Skills Development Project (PSDP), which involves (i) revision of the results framework, (ii) revision of Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) 1 and 2; and (iii) scale up of DLIs 4, and 5 for higher targets. The original Credit of US$50 million equivalent (IDA-5630; XDR 36.30 million) was approved on April 30, 2015, and became effective on July 3, 2015. The current closing date is June 30, 2020. Since the commencement of the Project, there has been a lot of changes to the skills development landscape and the economic context in Punjab. Government of Punjab (GoPb) has situated skills development as one of the top priorities for the province, and recently embarked on new initiatives including establishment of a new administrative regime for the skills sector by introducing the Punjab Skills Development Authority (PSDA) as an apex body for the skills sector and the plan to create two million skilled workers under the Punjab Growth Strategy. However, despite the persistent efforts by the Government of Pakistan (GoP) and GoPb, the overall progress of the PSDP is behind the originally designed progress trajectory due to some implementation delays. The progress towards the Project Development Objectives (PDO) is partially on track with the achievement of PDO 3 indicator targets till Year 4 (cumulative number of pass outs from market relevant courses reached 30,664 till Year 4 against the original target of 28,800). On the other hand, due to the delayed implementation of tracer study, there is no evidence regarding the achievement of targets for PDO 1 indicator (Percentage of graduates employed 6 months after completing training in market- relevant courses). PDO2 (Established and functioning PSA) is not yet due, but the implementation of sub-component contributing this PDO (sub-component 1.1.) is delayed and hence considered to be not on-track. Based on the lack of evidence on PDO indicator 1 and 2 outcomes, the overall project performance rating is currently rated as “Moderately Unsatisfactory” for a precautionary purpose. The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Implementation Progress of the Project is overall on track except for the Strategic Area 1: Strengthening the Skills Training System. Both sub-components under this Strategic Area, namely 1.1: Support to effective registration and certification of the skills training sector, and 1.2: Strengthening the P-TEVTA as a skills training provider achieved 1st year targets of the corresponding Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs). Implementation Progress of Strategic Area 2: Improving the quality and relevance of training programs and Strategic Area 3: Increasing access to market-relevant trades are on track. The summary of implementation progress is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Structure of Project Components, Strategic Areas, Sub-components, and DLIs Component Strategic Sub- DLIs Status of DLI achievement Area components Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Component 1: 1.1: Support 1: A new Punjab Achieved Not Not Not on - 1: Strengthening to effective Skills Agency (PSA) is achieved achieved track Improving the Skills registration operational and Training and Expanding System. certification Market- of the skills Relevant training Skills sector. Training 1.2: 2: Improving Achieved Not Not Not on Not yet (US$46 Strengthening training provision by achieved achieved track due million the P-TEVTA the public sector equivalent, as a skills 92% of total training Project provider cost) 2: Improving 1.3: 3: Rolling out of Achieved Achieved Achieved On Not yet the quality Competency- Competency Based Track due and relevance based skills Training and of training training and Assessment (CBTA) programs. assessment. package 1.4: Industry 4: Strengthening Achieved Achieved Achieved On - Partnership collaboration Track Agreements. between training providers and employers to improve quality and relevance of training delivery 3: Increasing 1.5: 5: Increasing access Achieved Achieved Achieved On Not yet access to Increasing the in market relevant Track due market- supply of trades offered by relevant skilled public and private trades workers in sector training market providers relevant trades. Component 2: Project Management, N/A - - - - - Monitoring and Evaluation, and Technical Assistance (US$4 million equivalent, 8% of total Project cost) II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Result Framework The proposed restructuring will entail revision of PDO indicators and Intermediate Outcome (IO) indicators to better monitor the achievement of the PDO. Proposed main changes are summarized in Table 1. Annex 1 table provides the new result framework and latest progress on the indicators. Table 1: Summary of Changes to the Result Framework Original indicator Revised Indicators/ Targets PDO Indicators 1. Percentage of graduates employed 6 Populating the female baseline and setting targets. Updating the baseline and targets months after completing training in market- for male by reflecting the final findings from the baseline survey of 2012. The original relevant courses baseline was from a draft report. No changes to the percentage points to be increased from the baseline to the end of project target. 2. Established and functioning PSA Revising the indicator as “Established and functioning testing quality standard”, by reflecting the revision of the end-target as envisaged by DLI 1 due to the changing sector context. 3. Number of students passed out from There is no change in end of project target. Modification of the format of annual market-relevant courses targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity. The baseline is updated as zero since this indicator monitors cumulative numbers of students passed out during the project. Intermediate Outcome Indicators 1. Plan developed based on functional Dropped due to the revised PDO Indicator 2, which is sufficient for monitoring this review of TTB and PBTE implemented activity under DLI 1. according to plan 2. P-TEVTA Institutional Development Plan Name of the indicator and the target revised. “Year 5: P-TEVTA Institutional Targets approved Development Plan approved,” by reflecting the revision of the end-target as envisaged by DLI 2. 3. Number of CBTA curricula introduced No change 4. Number of institutions offering CBTA No change courses 5. Number of students passed-out from Revising the targets. The original indicator assumed 120 students per class, but it is CBTA courses being adjusted based on a realistic number of 50 students per class. Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity. 6. Number of Industry Partnership Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for Agreements signed clarity, and the end of project target scaled up. 7. Number of students benefited from Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for industry partnership agreement clarity, and the end of project target scaled up. 8. Employment rate of students benefited Gender disaggregation is dropped and only aggregated total is used because industry from industry partnership agreement (after partnership requiring gender were sometimes perceived as constraints for industries. 6 months) This change is to foster more flexible industry partnership. 9. Employer satisfaction with graduates from Changed to Yes/No process indicator based on implementation experience. It is not programs which benefited from CBTA easy to track the progress of employer satisfaction as composition of employers and packages and Partnership Agreements economic situation are different every year. 10. Number of students enrolled in market- The final target is increased by 1,000 to reflect the additional DLI activity. relevant courses Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity, and the end of project target scaled up. Component 1: Results-based Component The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Restructuring in Component 1 will be made in three areas: 1. Modification of Strategic Area 1: This entails revision of DLI 1 and 2. On DLI 1, Years 2, 3, 4 targets of DLI 1 are canceled and a new target is introduced for Year 5. On DLI 2, Year 2 target is deferred to Year 5; Year 3 and 4 targets are canceled; and a new Year 5 target is introduced. 2. Scale up of Strategic Area 2: DLI 4 activity will be scaled up by introducing a new target for Year 5. DLI 3 will remain the same. 3. Scale up of Strategic Area 3: DLI 5 activity will be scaled up by introducing a pilot activity of the industry-led cost sharing training model. Strategic Area 1: Strengthening the Skills Training System. The importance of the Strategic Area 1 remains the same and the objectives of the sub-components will also remain the same. Sub-component 1.1: The objective of the Subcomponent 1.1 is to strengthen assessments of skills training in Punjab and to issue qualifications that are nationally recognized. While the Project still aims to establish a single independent testing agency, the Punjab Skills Agency (PSA) by merging the Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE) and the Trade Testing Board (TTB), the Functional Review produced for DLI Year 1 suggested the importance of considering the role of newly established Punjab Skills Development Authority (PSDA) 1, which was not part of the original scope of the Project, for designing the new architecture of the testing functions in the province. The Functional Review (year 1 target) also proposed different options for the testing regime based on international experience and emphasized that the gist of the reform is ensuring the quality standard of testing and the credibility of certification. In this regard, the PSDP will focus on the establishment of the testing quality standard. The GoPb is also aiming to establish the new Punjab Skills Testing Agency (PSTA), but the institutional setup and arrangement may require more technical and policy-level background work. The proposed restructuring will focus on strengthening assessments of skill training by unifying the quality standards of all testing agencies. It will include PBTE and TTB as per the original design and also expand the scope by adding the Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC) for a more holistic improvement of the assessment function.2 It aims to support the quality standards in the new testing regime when PSDA and PSTA are fully functional. DLI 1 will be modified with cancellation of targets in Years 2, 3, and 4 and an introduction of a new target for Year 5. Sub-component 1.2: The objective of this sub-component is to strengthen P-TEVTA to be a more demand-driven, efficient and effective skills training provider. As per the original project design, and the Functional Review produced for DLI Year 1, decentralization of P-TEVTA is important for delivering quality and market-relevant training effectively and efficiently. The DLI activities will be more focused on the service delivery and pursue 2 sets of outcomes in Year 5. First, the original Year 2 target, development of Institutional Development Plan for P-TEVTA, will be deferred to Year 5. Second, a new job placement mechanism will be introduced. P-TEVTA will establish job placement and industry liaison units in three existing zonal PTEVTA 1PSDA Act was passed by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab on February 27, 2019. 2PVTC’s administrative Department changed from the Zakat Department to Industries, Commerce, Investment & Skills Development Department (ICI&SDD) in 2019. The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Offices, located in Lahore, Multan and Rawalpindi for better employment outcomes of graduates. This sub-component will be coordinated with Sub-components 1.3 and 1.4 for forging overall system improvement synergies across different initiatives. Strategic Area 2: Improving the quality and relevance of training programs. The importance of the Strategic Area 2 remains the same and the objectives of the sub-components will also remain the same while activities will be scaled up. Sub-component 1.3: This sub-component is on track. P-TEVTA has rolled out 16 CBTA packages, including two levels of Building Electricity, Plumbing cum Solar water heating technology, Fashion designing, Auto-mechanic, Industrial Electricity, Computer Operator and CAD/CAM operator, at 39 public institutes with 2,247 students enrolled. No changes will be introduced to the DLI. However, based on the lessons learned discussed during the Mid-Term Review, some operational improvement will be expected through the revision of the Project Operations Manual (POM), including: (i) implementation of multiple levels of CBTA packages at the same institute for facilitating students to take higher level courses on the same trade, and (ii) awareness raising of CBTA certificates among the industries. Sub-component 1.4: The sub-component 1.4. has been successful in introducing the culture of industry partnership to the Province and delivering industry-based training for 1,197 students (as against the target of 588) in 12 industry partners. Taking lessons from the implementation and in order for this program to be more sustainable, the restructuring will open up the types of industry partnership activities and devolve the responsibilities to the regional office and institute level. In sync with sub-component 1.2, zonal offices will provide support to institutes and institutes will be an active agent for searching and industry partnerships. DLI Year 5 target will be newly introduced to foster a larger number of industry partnerships at public P- TEVTA institutes. Strategic Area 3: Increasing access to market-relevant trades The importance of the Strategic Area 3 remains the same and the objectives of the sub-component will also remain the same while activities will be scaled up. Sub-component 1.5: This sub-component is implemented by PSDF and has been on track. By the end of third year of Implementation, cumulative 30,664 (21,374 males and 9,290 females) students passed out in market relevant trades, with an exceeding achievement of female passed out target. Taking the lessons learned, POM will introduce some simplifications of implementation arrangements and flexibility of industry choices to changing demands. To make the training model more relevant for industries and for better sustainability, a new pilot program of cost sharing industry training model will be introduced as a new and additional Year 5 DLI target. DLI Matrix for the Extension Period The summary of restructured DLI matrix is shown in Table 2. In the original Project design, there were 23 DLI targets with SDR 1.45 million each (US$2 million each at the exchange rate of project negotiation), for a total amount of SDR 33.35 million (US$46 million using the same exchange rate). The revised DLI matrix will also have 23 DLI targets (of which 11 have been achieved and 3 are to be achieved in Year 4; 9 are to be achieved during Year 5). Table 2: Restructured DLIs under Component 1 The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) DLIs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 [New] Unified testing quality standards will be 1 Achieved Canceled Canceled Canceled established and implemented. [SDR 1.45 million] 2a [Deferred from Year 2 with minor modification]: P-TEVTA Board of Management has approved its institutional development plan (IDP). Deferred [SDR 1.45 million] 2 Achieved to Year 5 Canceled Canceled (2a) 2b [New]: A new job placement mechanism is approved and piloted in Project supported P-TEVTA institutes. [SDR 1.45 million] [No change] 30 different CBTA curricula have been delivered in at least 80 public institutions, selected No under the Project in accordance with CBTA’s roll- 3 Achieved Achieved Achieved change out plan and implementation schedule. [SDR 1.45 million] [New] 40 P-TEVTA institutes have signed Partnership Agreements with industries additional No 4 Achieved Achieved Achieved to those signed by Year 4. [SDR 2.9 million, change scalable] 5a [no change]: At least 14,000 additional students (50,000 cumulative) enrolled, and at least additional 11,200 students passed out (40,000 cumulative) in market relevant trades. [SDR 1.45 million] No 5b [New]: At least 1,000 additional trainees are 5 Achieved Achieved Achieved change be enrolled in PSDF’s new pilot cost-sharing training model with industry [SDR 1.45 million]. 5c [New]: At least 55% of the graduated trainees in PSDF’s new pilot cost-sharing training model are employed within three months. [SDR 1.45 million] Note: The Unit of currency is Special Drawing Rights (SDR). The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Component 2: Technical Assistance (TA) Component This component continues to support project management, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and technical assistance (TA) to enable the achievement of the DLIs and ensure efficient and effective management of project implementation. M&E activities will be further strengthened by supporting sector studies and monitoring activities, for supporting the development of policy actions and strategies in areas where technical support could better inform policy makers and Development Partners, specifically, in the areas of increasing women’s participation, industry skills demand, and studies and support for self- employment. In addition, this would continue to finance advisory, technical assistance and capacity building support to achieve DLIs 1-5. It would continue to finance project operating costs, inter alia, personnel costs associated with seconding staff to and hiring technical assistance for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), equipment, supervision costs (transportation and per diems), communication activities, and incremental operating costs at associated with the work of staff or TA working on project implementation. The definition of the Incremental Operating Cost has been updated to clarify the definitions of salaries of contractual staff, per diem, and vehicles. The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) DLI Verification Protocol DLIs Year 5 Targets Definition, Description of Achievement Evaluation Protocol  Testing quality standards developed, including: the Evidence: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for  The quality standards document o Registration of students  Minutes of the three Board meetings o Examination calendar from PBTE, TTB, PVTC, or PSTA Board o Paper setting & marking meeting. o Organization and conduct of examinations (theory and practical) o Secrecy and security of exam process [New] Unified testing quality o Checking papers, compiling and announcement 1 standards will be established and of results implemented. [SDR 1.45 million] o The registration and training of assessors o Certification o Security of assessments and certification records o Communication strategy of organization  Testing quality standards approved and adopted by the Boards of three existing testing agencies (PBTE, TTB, PVTC) or newly established PSTA Board if PSTA Board is fully functional. 2a: 2a: Evidence:  TEVTA’s IDP approved by P-TEVTA Board  IDP document.  Minutes of the P-TEVTA board meeting 2a [Deferred from Year 2 with minor 2b: on approving the IDP. modification]: P-TEVTA Board of  Approval of the new job placement mechanism by 2b: Evidence: Management has approved its P-TEVTA Board  Minutes of the P-TEVTA board meeting institutional development plan (IDP).  Notification of posting of job placement officers on approving the new job placement [SDR 1.45 million] 2 and industry linkage officers at regional offices mechanism.  All P-TEVTA supported under DLI-3&4 will be  Notification of posting of job placement 2b [New]: A new job placement supported by the new job placement mechanism officers and industry linkage officers. mechanism is approved and piloted in and industry linkage support. Verification: Third party validation will be Project supported P-TEVTA institutes. conducted to assess if P-TEVTA institutes [SDR 1.45 million] directly supported by the DLI 3 and 4 activities of this Project received the job placement and industry linkage support. [No change] 30 different CBTA No Change No change 3 curricula have been delivered in at The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) least 80 public institutions, selected under the Project in accordance with CBTA’s roll-out plan and implementation schedule. [SDR 1.45 million] The new DLI 4 Year 5 uses a scalable target. SDR 2.9 Evidence: million is linked with an achievement of 40 institutes  Minutes of the P-TEVTA board meeting (cumulative 52 by including the 12 PAs by Year 4), and the on approving the revised Partnership disbursement is linked with the actual number of Framework [New] 40 P-TEVTA institutes have institutes signing the PAs (SDR 72,500 per institute) up to  Signed contract between the parties of signed Partnership Agreements with 40 institutes the partnership, in line with the industries additional to those signed 4  P-TEVTA Board approves the revised Partnership Partnership Framework by Year 4. [SDR 2.9 million, scalable] Framework reflecting the operational lessons  Evaluation of implementation of learned. Partnership Agreement: (1) Report by  40 Signed partnership agreements third party documenting the type of  Evaluation report of 8 partnership agreements activities and (2) the Minutes of the P- (supported in Year 3 and 4) TEVTA board discussion of evaluation report 5a [no change]: At least 14,000 5a: No change 5a: No change additional students (50,000 cumulative) enrolled, and at least For 5b and 5c targets, PSDF’s cost sharing mechanism will 5b: Enrollment record is reported by the additional 11,200 students passed out be applied for the procurement of services from PSDF’s monitoring system. A report containing (40,000 cumulative) in market industries to train at least 1,000 trainees. The duration of the names of industry partners, trades and relevant trades. [SDR 1.45 million] the training is mostly less than 6 months. technologies, number of enrollment by gender will be submitted. 5b [New]: At least 1,000 additional 5b: At least 1,000 additional trainees are enrolled in the 5 trainees are be enrolled in PSDF’s cost-sharing training programs. 5c: Employment outcomes reported by the new pilot cost-sharing training model PSDF’s monitoring system. A report containing with industry [SDR 1.45 million]. 5c: at least 55% of graduated trainees from 5b will be the names of industry partners, trades and employed within three months of graduation. technologies, number of employed graduates 5c [New]: At least 55% of the by gender will be submitted. graduated trainees in PSDF’s new pilot cost-sharing training model are employed within three months. [SDR 1.45 million] The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Component One: Improving and Component One: Improving Expanding Market-Relevant Skills 46.00 No Change and Expanding Market- 46.00 Training Relevant Skills Training Component Two: Project Component Two: Project Management, M&E, and 4.00 No Change Management, M&E, and 4.00 Technical Assistance Technical Assistance TOTAL 50.00 50.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2015 0.00 0.00 2016 10,500,000.00 11,976,412.15 2017 10,833,000.00 6,007,915.00 2018 10,833,000.00 6,007,915.00 2019 10,834,000.00 8,005,277.00 2020 7,000,000.00 18,002,480.00 . The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) . Results framework COUNTRY: Pakistan Punjab Skills Development Project Development Objectives(s) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to to improve the quality, labor market relevance of, and access to skills training programs in priority sectors in the Punjab. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Improve the quality of skills training Established and functioning PSA does not exist at the Testing quality standards DLI 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A PSA (Text) moment established Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Revising the indicator as “Established and functioning testing quality standard”, by reflecting the revision of the end-target as envisaged by DLI 1 due to the Revised changing sector context. Improve labor market relevance of skills training Percentage of graduates employed 6 months after Male: 42 Male: 46 completing training in market- Female: 28 Female: 32 relevant courses (Text) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Populating the female baseline and setting targets. Updating the baseline and targets for male by reflecting the final findings from the baseline survey of Revised 2012. The original baseline was from a draft report. No changes to the percentage points to be increased from the baseline to the end of project target. Improve access to skills training The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Number of students passed out from market-relevant courses DLI 5 0.00 4,000.00 10,400.00 18,400.00 28,800.00 40,000.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been There is no change in end of project target. Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity. The baseline is Revised updated as zero since this indicator monitors cumulative numbers of students passed out during the project. Male (Number) 0.00 3,280.00 8,528.00 15,088.00 23,616.00 32,800.00 Rationale: Action: This indicator has Baseline is set to zero. been Revised Female (Number) 0.00 720.00 1,872.00 3,312.00 5,184.00 7,200.00 Rationale: Action: This indicator has Baseline is set to zero. been Revised PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Component One: Improving and Expanding Market-Relevant Skills Training Plan developed based on functional review of TTB and Plan does not exist Yes PBTE implemented according to plan (Text) The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Dropped due to the revised PDO Indicator 2, which is sufficient for monitoring this activity under DLI 1. Marked for Deletion P-TEVTA Institutional P-TEVTA Institutional Development Plan Targets Plan does not exist Development Plan approved (Text) approved Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Name of the indicator and the target revised. “Year 5: P-TEVTA Institutional Development Plan approved,” by reflecting the revision of the end-target as Revised envisaged by DLI 2. Number of CBTA curricula 0.00 30.00 introduced (Text) Number of institutions offering DLI 3 0.00 80.00 CBTA courses (Number) Number of students passed- out from CBTA courses 0.00 600.00 1,800.00 2,800.00 6,800.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Revising the targets. The original indicator assumed 120 students per class, but it is being adjusted based on a realistic number of 50 students per class. Revised Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity. Male (Number) 0.00 6,300.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised Female (Number) 0.00 500.00 The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Action: This indicator has been Revised Number of industry Partnership Agreements signed DLI 4 0.00 1.00 4.00 8.00 52.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity, and the end of project target scaled up. Revised Number of students benefited from industry partnership 0.00 2,000.00 agreement (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity, and the end of project target scaled up. Revised Employment rate of students benefited from industry 0.00 52.00 53.00 54.00 55.00 partnership agreement (after 6 months) (Percentage) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Gender disaggregation is dropped and only aggregated total is used because industry partnership requiring gender were sometimes perceived as constraints Revised for industries. This change is to foster more flexible industry partnership. Employer satisfaction with graduates from programs which benefitted from CBTA No Yes packages and Partnership Agreements (Yes/No) The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Changed to Yes/No process indicator based on implementation experience. It is not easy to track the progress of employer satisfaction as composition of Revised employers and economic situation are different every year. Number of students enrolled in market-relevant courses 0.00 5,000.00 13,000.00 23,000.00 36,000.00 51,000.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been The final target is increased by 1,000 to reflect the additional DLI activity. Revised Modification of the format of annual targets, from annual to cumulative numbers for clarity, and the end of project target scaled up. IO Table SPACE Disbursement Linked Indicators Matrix DLI IN00715844 ACTION DLI 1 A new Punjab Skills Agency (PSA) is operational. Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 4.00 50.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline There is no single provincial testing authority The DoICI has completed a functional review of June 30, 2016 2.00 TTB and PBTE. June 30, 2017 0.00 The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) June 30, 2018 0.00 June 30, 2019 0.00 Unified testing quality standards will be June 30, 2020 2.00 established and implemented. Rationale: This DLI is newly entered into the system as this is a new system requirement. The DLI amount in USD is indicative, by Action: This DLI is New using the exchange rate at the time of appraisal (US$ 2.0 million = SDR 1.45 million). The Financing Agreement uses the SDR. See Annex 2 for SDR allocation. DLI IN00715845 ACTION DLI 2 Improving training provision by the public sector Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 6.00 33.33 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A P-TEVTA Board of Management has approved its June 30, 2016 2.00 institutional development plan (IDP). June 30, 2017 N/A 0.00 June 30, 2018 N/A 0.00 June 30, 2019 N/A 0.00 2a. P-TEVTA Board of Management has approved June 30, 2020 4.00 its institutional development plan (IDP). 2b. A The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) new job placement mechanism is approved and piloted in Project supported P-TEVTA institutes. Rationale: This DLI is newly entered into the system as this is a new system requirement. The DLI amount in USD is indicative, by Action: This DLI is New using the exchange rate at the time of appraisal (US$ 2.0 million = SDR 1.45 million). The Financing Agreement uses the SDR. See Annex 2 for SDR allocation. DLI IN00715912 ACTION DLI 3 Rolling out of Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) package Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome No Text 10.00 60.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula The roll-out plan of CBTA is in the process of Baseline being approved P-TEVTA’s Chairman has approved CBTA’s roll-out plan and implementation schedule; and CBTA has June 30, 2016 2.00 started implementation of said plan on a pilot basis. 3 different CBTA curricula have been delivered in at least 5 public institutions selected under the June 30, 2017 2.00 Project, in accordance with CBTA’s roll-out plan and implementation schedule 8 different CBTA curricula have been delivered in at least 15 public institutions selected under the June 30, 2018 2.00 project, in accordance with CBTA’s roll-out plan and implementation schedule. 16 different CBTA curricula have been delivered in June 30, 2019 2.00 at least 35 public institutions, selected under the The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Project in accordance with CBTA’s roll-out plan and implementation schedule 30 different CBTA curricula have been delivered in at least 80 public institutions, selected under the June 30, 2020 2.00 Project in accordance with CBTA’s roll-out plan and implementation schedule Rationale: This DLI is newly entered into the system as this is a new system requirement. The DLI amount in USD is indicative, by Action: This DLI is New using the exchange rate at the time of appraisal (US$ 2.0 million = SDR 1.45 million). The Financing Agreement uses the SDR. See Annex 2 for SDR allocation. DLI IN00715913 ACTION Strengthening collaboration between training providers and employers to improve quality and relevance of training DLI 4 delivery Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Intermediate Outcome Yes Text 12.00 50.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Limited collaboration between training providers Baseline and firms results in weak relevance and quality of training provision. P-TEVTA's Board of Management has approved a Partnership Framework and related June 30, 2016 2.00 implementation plan; and at least one Partnership Agreement has been signed. Three additional Partnership Agreements have June 30, 2017 2.00 been signed. Evaluation of the 4 Partnership Agreements June 30, 2018 2.00 under implementation against the approved The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) implementation plan and result has been completed; and 4 additional Partnership Agreement have been signed. 4 additional Partnership Agreement have been June 30, 2019 signed based on the evaluation results from Year 2.00 3. 40 P-TEVTA institutes have signed Partnership June 30, 2020 Agreements with industries additional to those 4.00 signed by Year 4. Rationale: This DLI is newly entered into the system as this is a new system requirement. The DLI amount in USD is indicative, by Action: This DLI is New using the exchange rate at the time of appraisal (US$ 2.0 million = SDR 1.45 million). The Financing Agreement uses the SDR. See Annex 2 for SDR allocation. DLI IN00715914 ACTION DLI 5 Increasing access in market relevant trades offered by public and private sector training providers Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome No Text 14.00 42.86 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A At least 5,000 additional students (5,000 cumulative) have enrolled, and at least 4,000 June 30, 2016 2.00 additional students (cumulative) have completed training (passed out) in market relevant trades. At least 8,000 additional students (13,000 June 30, 2017 cumulative) have enrolled, and at least 6,400 2.00 additional students (10,400 cumulative) have The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) completed training (passed out) in market relevant trades. At least 10,000 additional students (23,000 cumulative) have enrolled, and at least 8,000 June 30, 2018 additional students (18,400 cumulative) have 2.00 completed training (passed out) in market relevant trades. At least 13,000 additional students (36,000 cumulative) have enrolled, and at least 10,400 June 30, 2019 additional students (28,800 cumulative) have 2.00 completed training (passed out) in market relevant trades. 5a. At least 14,000 additional students (50,000 cumulative) have enrolled, and at least 11,200 additional students (40,000 cumulative) have completed training (passed out) in market relevant trades.5b. At least 1,000 additional June 30, 2020 6.00 trainees are be enrolled in PSDF’s new pilot cost- sharing training model with industry. 5c. At least 55% of the graduated trainees in PSDF’s new pilot cost-sharing training model are employed within three months. Rationale: This DLI is newly entered into the system as this is a new system requirement. The DLI amount in USD is indicative, by Action: This DLI is New using the exchange rate at the time of appraisal (US$ 2.0 million = SDR 1.45 million). The Financing Agreement uses the SDR. See Annex 2 for SDR allocation. The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Verification Protocol Table: Disbursement Linked Indicators DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 1 A new Punjab Skills Agency (PSA) is operational.  Testing quality standards developed, including: the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for o Registration of students o Examination calendar o Paper setting & marking o Organization and conduct of examinations (theory and practical) o Secrecy and security of exam process o Checking papers, compiling and announcement of results Description o The registration and training of assessors o Certification o Security of assessments and certification records o Communication strategy of organization Testing quality standards approved and adopted by the Boards of three existing testing agencies (PBTE, TTB, PVTC) or newly established PSTA Board if PSTA Board is fully functional. DoICI Data source/ Agency N/A Verification Entity Required evidences will include: (a) the quality standards document, and (b) minutes of the three Board meetings from Procedure PBTE, TTB, PVTC, or PSTA Board meeting. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 2 Improving training provision by the public sector TEVTA’s Institutional Development Plan (IDP) approved by P-TEVTA Board. Description P-TEVTA Data source/ Agency N/A Verification Entity The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Required evidences will include: (a) IDP document, and (b) Minutes of the P-TEVTA board meeting on approving the IDP. Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 3 Rolling out of Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) package A CBTA curriculum is one that has been formally approved by NAVTTC as being competency-based. An indicative list of CBTA courses to be rolled out per year can be found in the POM. The approval will be evidenced by the availability from NAVTTC of the full CBTA package, including the curriculum, performance standards and assessment instruction, and teaching-learning materials (TLMs). An institution may deliver one or more courses, as long as in any given year there is at Description least the number of such instituti ons as specified in the target value. The delivery of a course will be evidenced by the issue of nationally recognized CBT certificates to the graduates of the course. The values in the targets for curricula and institutions are cumulative and minimum targets. For example, the 16 curricula targeted in year 4 include the 8 curricula in year 3. P-TEVTA Data source/ Agency TPV Verification Entity The values provided in evidence will be subject to Third Party Validation which will be conducted according to the TORs Procedure acceptable to the Association. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION Strengthening collaboration between training providers and employers to improve quality and relevance of training DLI 4 delivery The new DLI 4 Year 5 uses a scalable target. SDR 2.9 million is linked with an achievement of 40 institutes (cumulative 52 by including the 12 PAs by Year 4), and the disbursement is linked with the actual number of institutes signing the PAs (SDR 72,500 per institute) up to 40 institutes. • P-TEVTA Board approves the revised Partnership Framework reflecting the Description operational lessons learned. • 40 Signed partnership agreements • Evaluation report of 8 partnership agreements (supported in Year 3 and 4) P-TEVTA Data source/ Agency N/A Verification Entity The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Required evidence will include: (a) Minutes of the P-TEVTA board meeting on approving the revised Partnership Framework, (b) Signed contract between the parties of the partnership, in line with the Partnership Framework, and (c) Evaluation of Procedure implementation of Partnership Agreement: (1) Report by third party documenting the type of activities and (2) the Minutes of the P-TEVTA board discussion of evaluation report DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 5 Increasing access in market relevant trades offered by public and private sector training providers Private and public training providers will compete under this scheme under two separate windows (one for public sector training providers, and one for private sector training providers). Eligibility and competitive selection criteria for both windows incl uding targets for the poor and women (for specific priority sectors) would be described in detail in the Project Operations Manual. Enrollment defined as total number of students enrolled in market relevant trades provided by private Description and public which are competitively selected by the PSDF under this scheme. Pass-outs are defined as those who received certificate after completion of training. Market relevant trades are defined as ones which are relevant for the priority sectors identified in the Punjab Gro wth Strategy and include those trades identified by PSDF as being relevant to the priority trades based on analytical work acceptable to the Association. PSDF: 5b: Enrollment record is reported by the PSDF’s monitoring system. A report containing the names of industry partners, trades and technologies, number of enrollment by gender will be submitted. Data source/ Agency 5c: Employment outcomes reported by the PSDF’s monitoring system. A report containing the names of industry partners, trades and technologies, number of employed graduates by gender will be submitted. TPV Verification Entity Evidence includes data provided by PSDF from its MIS and signed by CEO (including annual Ernst &Young validation reports) Procedure The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Annex 1: Revised Key Performance Indicators Unit of Baseline Target Values Responsibil Measure ity Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Cumulative PDO Indicators 1. Percentage of graduates % M: 42.0 M: 44.0 M: 46.0 M: 46.0 PSDF employed 6 months after F: 28.3 F: 30.0 F: 32.0 F: 32.0 completing training in market- relevant courses Achievement Tracer study under implementation 2. Established and functioning Text Do not exist - - - - Testing Testing P-TEVTA, testing quality standard quality quality PBTE, TTB standards standards PVTC established established Achievement 3. Number of students passed out Number All: 0 All: 4,000 All: 10,400 All: 18,400 All: 28,800 All: 40,000 All: 40,000 PSDF from market-relevant courses M: 0 M: 3,280 M: 8,528 M: 15,088 M: 23,616 M: 32,800 M: 32,800 F: 0 F: 720 F: 1,872 F: 3,312 F: 5,184 F: 7,200 F: 7,200 Achievement All: 4,251 All: 11,212 All: 20,214 All: 30,664 M: 4,097 M: 8,641 M: 14,790 M: 21,374 F: 154 F: 2,571 F: 5,424 F: 9,290 Intermediate Results Indicators 1. P-TEVTA Institutional Text Does not exist P-TEVTA P-TEVTA P-TEVTA Development Plan Targets met IDP IDP approved. approved. Achievement - - 2. Number of CBTA curricula Number 0 3 8 16 30 30 P-TEVTA, introduced NAVTTC Achievement 3 8 16 3. Number of institutions offering Number 0 5 15 35 80 80 P-TEVTA, CBTA courses NAVTTC Achievement 5 15 39 4. Number of students passed-out Number All: 0 All: 600 All 1,800 All 2,800 All 6,800 All 6,800 P-TEVTA, from CBTA courses M: 0 M: 1,620 M: 2,700 M: 6,300 M: 6,300 NAVTTC F: 0 F: 180 F: 100 F: 500 F: 500 The World Bank Punjab Skills Development (P130193) Unit of Baseline Target Values Responsibil Measure ity Achievement 88 384 All 666 M: 666 F: 0 5. Number of Industry Number 1 4 8 52 52 P-TEVTA Partnership Agreements signed Achievement 4 9 6. Number of students benefited Number 25 125 588 2,000 2,000 P-TEVTA from industry partnership agreement Achievement 743 942 1,197 7. Employment rate of students % All: 52 All: 53 All: 54 All: 55 All: 55 P-TEVTA benefited from industry partnership agreement (after 6 months) Achievement All: 79 50.3% (296 out of 588) 8. Employer satisfaction with Yes/No - - Yes Yes P-TEVTA graduates from programs which and PIU benefited from CBTA packages and Partnership Agreements Achievement Not yet Not yet carried carried out out 9. Number of students enrolled in Number All: 23,152 All: 5,000 All: 13,000 All: 23,000 All: 36,000 All: 51,000 All: 51,000 PSDF market-relevant courses M: 19,095 M: 4,100 M: 10,660 M: 18,860 M: 29,520 M: 41,800 M: 41,800 F: 4,058 F: 900 F: 2,340 F: 4,140 F: 6,480 F: 9,200 F: 9,200 Achievement All: 5,003 All: 13,260 All: 24,668 All: 38,183 M: 4,824 M: 10,308 M: 18,448 M27,112: F:179 F:2,952 F: 6,220 F:11,071