53649 . : (. ) . ) . . (. () ( ) ( ) .() . . . : 1990 : 770 ) ) 1.7 ( . ( ) () ( 1991 ) . ( . () . () . ( ) . : . . ) -() ) . (- . ­ (pap smears ) . . . . (() () ) . . . . . ) . ) . ( ( / . : . . . ­ * ** / / ( ) * * ­ / : (2005) * ..." . ". ** ) ( . . . () . . () ) . ( : . () . ( ) . . . SARS . . . : () . . " . .(2000 Churchill Teutsch McDonnell White) " . . . . .( ) . . : : . . . . . . . . . 80 . . . () . . ( ) http://www.worldbank.org/hnp > Tools & Guidelines . ) Teutsch, S. M. and R. E. Churchill, eds. 2000. Principles and .( () Practice of Public Health Surveillance, 2nd edition. New York: OUP. Halperin, W., E. L. Baker, P. R. Monson, eds. 1992. Public . Health Surveillance. New York: Van Nostrand Rienhold. http://www.who.int/csr - WHO's Communicable Disease Surveillance website . http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/ . csrpublications/en/index19.html for key WHO documents on surveillance: Protocol for the Assessment of National Communicable . Disease Surveillance and Response Systems: Guidelines for Assessment Teams WHO recommended surveillance standards, 2nd edition . http://www.who.int/ncd/surveillance site, especially see: . WHO Global NCD InfoBase . SuRF (Surveillance of Risk Factors) Report WHO STEPwise approach to Surveillance of risk factors . associated with non-communicable diseases (STEPS) . / (Marcelo Bortman) mbortman@worldbank.org : (Anabela Abreu) aabreu@worldbank.org (Mariam Claeson) mclaeson@worldbank.org . (Isabella Danel) idanel@worldbank.org " (Joana Godinho) jgodinho@worldbank.org . " (GNV Ramana) gramana@worldbank.org :( ) (sostroff@osophs.dhhs.gov) Steve Ostroff (Ray Arthur) rca8@cdc.gov : . (David McQueen) dvmcqueen@cdc.gov (Ruth Bonita) bonitar@who.int : (Guenael Rodier) rodierg@who.int . (Marlo Libel) libelmar@Paho.org : . "at a glance" " " : www.worldbank.org/hnp