The Democratic Republic of Congo Multisectoral Nutrition and Health Project Chair Summary* The Executive Directors approved an IDA grant in the amount of SDR 177.3 million (US$246.0 million equivalent), an IDA credit in the amount SDR 177.3 million (US$246.0 million equivalent), and a GFF grant in the amount of US$10 million for the DRC Multisectoral Nutrition and Health Project on the terms and conditions set out in the President's Memorandum. Mr. Bethel wished to be recorded as objecting. Directors expressed broad support for the operation. They acknowledge that it will be the first large-scale investment aimed at stunting reduction in DRC, constituting an important contribution to the human capital agenda. Directors welcomed the project's ambition and multisectoral character and encouraged the Bank's continued engagement as key in supporting the broader health system reform in DRC.They called for more efforts to strengthen the monitoring system of the results framework to achieve better development impact. .Directors took note of the risks associated with the implementation of the program and the mitigation measures, noteably, relating to governance, fiduciary, and institutional capacity and technical design. They underlined the need for continued efforts to manage the risks related to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), women's empowerment and family planning. Directors encouraged the Bank to strengthen government capacity building to ensure the reforms are operational and viable in the long term. They also underlined the importance of effective coordination among the shareholders and development partners, including the IMF, to support the successful implementation of the necessary reforms. Moving forward they are looking forward to the CPF discussion. *This Summary is not an Approved Record