APPENDIX 4-B PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES (CONSULTATION ROUND 1) MOZAMBIQUE - MALAWI INTERCONNECTION PROJECT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS CONSULTEC Consultec - Consultores Associados, Lda December 2016 CONSULTEC MOZAMBIQUE - MALAWI INTERCONNECTION PROJECT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS REPORT Electricidade de Mo;ambique, E.P. Av. Zedequias Manganhela - Pr6dio JAT IV 4oAndar Caixa Postal No938 MAPUTO, Mogambique Tel: +258 21 328 271 Consultec - Consultores Associados, Lda. Rua Tenente General Oswaldo Tazama, n.o 169 Maputo, Mogambique Telefone: +258-21-491-555 Fax: +258-21-491-578 WSP Canada inc.. 1600 Rene-Levesque Blvd. W. 16th Floor, Montr6al (Quebec), H3H 1P9, CANADA December 2016 Public Participation Process CONSULTEC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS.........................................................................................2 1.1 P U BLIC P A RT IC IPAT IO N ..........................................................................................................2 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF CONSULTATION PROCESS TO THE I&APs .......................................................3 2 D IS C LO S U R E O F P P P ................................................................................................................4 2 .1 IDENTIFICATIO N O F I& A P S .....................................................................................................4 2.2 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF PUBLIC MEETING...............................7 3 P U B L IC H E A R IN G S ..................................................................................................................... 7 3 .1 P U BLIC M EETING S H ELD ........................................................................................................7 3.2 SUMMARY OF THE PUBLIC MEETINGS......................................................................................8 3.3 MAIN ISSUES RAISED DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS..................................................................11 4 MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING ............................................................................................12 4.1 MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING IN TETE...........................................................................12 4.2 MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING IN MOATIZE .....................................................................18 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Phases of the Public Participation Process for the Mozambique - Malawi Inte rco n n e ctio n P roje ct........................................................................................................................ 3 Figure 2 - Additional Disclosure Means Used at the Public Meetings ................................................9 Figure 3 - Public Meeting of 15th of November 2016 in Tete ............................................................10 Figure 4 - Public Meeting 16th of November 2016 in Moatize...........................................................10 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Public meetings during the scoping phase ..........................................................................8 Table 2 - Summary of the interventions and answers given in the public consultation meeting held in Tete C ity on 15th of N ovem ber 2016 ............................................................................................13 Table 3 - Summary of the interventions and answers given in the public participation meeting held in Moatize Town, on 16th of November 2016 ....................................................................................19 LIST OF Annexes Annexe I - Example of Newspaper Adverts Annexe II - Example of Invitations Annexe Ill - List of Participants (EPDA Phase) 1. List of participants in Tete 2. List of participants in Moatize ) Public Participation Report CONSULTEC 1 Public Consultation Process 1.1 Public Participation This reportoutlines the Public Participation Process (PPP) designed for the Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Project's Environmental Impact Assessment process (EIA) and documents the public consultation activities carried out as part of the EPDA and scoping phase. The PPP was developed in accordance with the Mozambican legislation (Regulation of the EIA process and associated legislation). The PPP for this EIA process consisted of two phases of public consultation: 1. Scoping - public participation of any proposed development should be promoted at the earliest possible. In this EIA process the PPP was initiated during the phase of the Environmental Pre- Feasibility Study and Scoping (EPDA) in November 2016. The PPP activities that were developed during this phase are briefly documented in Chapter 2. The main objectives of this consultation phase, during which the scope of the environmental studies is still to be defined, are: * Assist in identifying any fatal flaws or critical aspects of the project, which could jeopardize its environmental viability; and * Enable timely identification of Interested & Affected Parts (l&APs) and to record their expectations and concerns, allowing for their detailed analysis during the phase of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS). 2. Impact Assessment - uponapproval of the EPDA by the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER), the final phase of the EIA process is the Environmental Impact Study (EIS), during which specialty studies for the identification and assessment of potential social and environmental impacts of the project are carried out. The EIS phase will include two different sets of public consultation: the fist one, expected to occur in January 2017, will focus on direct engagement strategies with affected communities, while the second, expected to take place in March 2017, will include public hearings reaching to a wider range of l&APs. The main objectives of public consultation during the EIS phase will be as follows: * Disclose the proposed line route to communities and involve them in the identification of sensitive elements and areas likely to be affected; * Present to the l&APs the findings from the specialist studies , the evaluation of impacts, the proposed mitigation measures and their integration in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP); * Responding to comments and questions collected during the PPP Scoping phase, based on detailed studies developed in the EIS phase; and * Collect comments, suggestions and criticisms from the l&APs on the project and the EIA process, particularly with regard to the assessed impacts and proposed mitigation measures. The following figure illustrates the phases of public consultation which will be conducted for this project. ) Public Participation Report 2 CONSULTEC Public Participation Process Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Project IJ Scoping Phase EIS Phase * Apresentations o the specialis * dehifiri anyfall fawsstudies impact assesment and S Idenlificahlon Interested &p * Respondlng to comments and Affec ted Pa-rts (iA Psp t di Afteced Pais {IAPs)questions collected durnng Ibe *Record of concerns, values, PPP Scoping phiase e>pectationis and solulions * Record of concerns values expectations and solutions Figure 1 - Phases of the Public Participation Process for the Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Project The following sections present in detail the public consultation activities performed and the inputs received from stakholders at the EPDA phase. 1.2 Objectives of Consultation Process for the EPDA phase The main objective of the public consultation process during the Scoping phase is to ensure that all the l&APs are informed about the proposed activities, give their expectations regarding the possible consequences of those activities and have the opportunity to expose their views, concerns and expectations concerning the presentation. The Public Participation Process (PPP) underlies different principles which will serve to ensure the achievement of this objective, such as: * Understanding the overall environmental and social context of the project area as it is fundamental to a successful impact assessment. The l&APs are a prime source of information in this context; * The development and promotion of confidence, in the public consultation process, are paramount to a positive and effective involvement of the l&APs and to ensure good results in the impact assessment. The key element to establish such trust is to provide an open and transparent EIA process; * The involvement of l&APs allows a richer and more comprehensive EIA process, through the comments received and views expressed; * The l&APs have the right to express their views and to obtain answers to their questions; * Providing information about the project and the EIA process is a mandatory legal requirement and complies with best practice in the sector. * Based on these principles, the specific objectives of the public consultation process in the Scoping phase are: o Identify the l&APs and inform them about the proposed activity and the EIA process; ) Public Participation Report CONSULTEC o Allow the l&APs (including directly affected local communities, the authorities, environmental organizations, interested members of the public and community based organizations) to know more about the proposed project; o Give to those interested the opportunity to participate effectively in the process and to identify any issues and concerns associated with the proposed activity; o Allow the I&APs to appreciate how the environmental and social issues identified will be addressed in the EIS phase and collect their comments to the respective Terms of Reference (ToR). In the following sections are described the activities carried out in the public consultation process of the EPDA. 2 Disclosure of the PPP 2.1 Identification of I&APS The first step in the preparation of the public participation process was the identification of the potentially Interested and Affected Parties - the l&APs. Factors considered in the identification of l&APs include the project's nature, type and location. To compile the list of l&APs, the consultants analyzed the existing l&APs database.The entities associated with the construction and operation of the proposed Project have also been consulted. Thus have been identified the governmental institutions, local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and private companies, located near the project area or likely to be affected by the project. In addition to the institutional stakeholders, were still identified individuals or groups of individuals that may be considered l&AP's, with particular relevance to the project. The institutional l&APs thus identified, and which have been invited to the public meetings of the Scoping phase, are listed in the following table. Ministries and Agencies at National Level Direcq5o Nacional do Ambiente (DINAB) Maputo Direcq5o Nacional de Florestas (DINAF) Maputo Minist6rio da Terra, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Direcq5o Nacional de Planeamento e Rural (MITADER) Ordenamento do Territ6rio (DINAPOT) Maputo AdministragAo Nacional de Areas de Maputo Conservag5o (ANAC) Minist6rio dos Recursos Minerais e Energia DirecqAo de Planificag5o e Maputo (MIREM) Desenvolvimento Assuntos ambientais e sociais Maputo Electricidade de Mogambique Delegagao de Tete Tete Fundo Nacional de Energia (FUNAE) Delegagao de Tete Tete Direcq5o Nacional de Agricultura e Maputo Minist6rio da Agricultura e Seguranga Alimentar Silvicultura (MASA) Direcq5o Nacional de ExtensAo Agr6ria Maputo Public Participation Report 1dK CONSULTEC Ministério do Género, Criança e Acção Social Direcção Nacional do Género Maputo Gestao de redes Maputo Administração Nacional de Estradas (ANE) Deegao de ee Delegaçao de Tete Tete Ministério da Cultura e Turismo (MCT) Direcção Nacional do Património Maputo Cultural Instituto de Aviação Civil de Moçambique (IACM) Maputo Empresa de Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Secretariado Geral Maputo Moçambique (CFM) Delegaçao de Tete Tete Agência de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Tete Zambeze ARA - Zambeze (Watershed management Tete agency for the Zambese River) Provincial Levei Admínistratíve Authorities and Technícal Services Governo da Provincia de Tete Secretaria Provincial Terra, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (DPTADER) Recursos Minerais e Energia (DIPREME) Provincial Directions Agricultura Tete Obras Publicas e Habitação Transportes e Comunicações Género, Criança e Acção Social Cultura e Turismo District and Municipal Leveis Administrative Authorities and Technicai Services President Office Tete Municipio da Cidade de Tete Conselho Municipal Tete President Office Moatize Município da Vila de Moatize Conselho Municipal Moatize District Adminstrator 1 Secretaria Distrital Conselho Consultivo Serviços Distritais: Actividades Moatize District Government Económicas; Saúde, Genero e Acção Moatize Social; Planeamento e Infra-estruturas; Educação, Juventude e Tecnologia; Chefes de Postos Administrativos: Moatize; Kambulatsisi; Zobue District Adminstrator 1 Secretaria Distrital Conselho Consultivo Changara District Government Serviços Distritais: Actividades Changara Económicas; Saúde, Género e Acção Social; Planeamento e Infra-estruturas; Educação, Juventude e Tecnologia; Public Participation Report 5 CONSULTEC C.n 110-15 A---,GOS -0 Chefe do Posto Administrativo de Chicoio Parks I Conservation Areas Administrators Parque Nacional de Mgo6 M6goe Affected Communities (list of potentially affected villages and urban neighbourhoods) (To be determined upon selection of final line route) Customary Authorities Lider de 10 Escal5o (R6gulo) Community level Lider de 20 Escal5o Community level Lider de 30Escal5o Communty level Industrial and Commercial Stakeholders Vale Mogambique (private coal mine) Moatize Hidroel6ctrica de Cahora-Bassa (HCB) Songo Corredor de Desenvolvimento Norte (CDN) Tete Carbomoc (state-owned coal mine) Moatize Environmental NGOs WWF (fundo Mundial para a Natureza) Maputo IUCN Maputo Livaningo Maputo Justiga Ambiental Maputo Social NGOs (Human Rights, Development, Health, Women) Liga dos Direitos Humanos (LDH) Maputo /Tete Associago Mogambicana para 0 Moatize Desenvolvimento Rural (AMODERE) Observat6rio do Meio Rural (OMR) Maputo F6rum Mulher - Coordenag5o para a Mulher no Maputo Desenvolvimento Uni5o Provincial dos Camponeses Tete Vis5o Mundial Changara During the public consultation meetings, an attendance register was made available for all attendees (l&APs) to formally register. A database of l&APs for the project was established using this information and will be updated on an on-going basis throughout the EIA process, as additional stakeholders are identified (either through registration request by stakeholder, at the suggestion of other entities or through the data collection exercise performed by the environmental consultant). ) Public Participation Report 6 CONSULTEC 2.2 Disclosure of Information and Announcement of Public Meeting In accordance with the EIA regulations, and considering the type and nature of l&AP's identified, two complementary methods were used for the project's disclosure and for the respective public consultation, in particular: * Announcement in the media; * Sending direct invitations through letters. Media disclosure has the objective of disseminating information to the general public about the Project and PPP. As such, two newspaper adverts were made. The adverts were placed in Mozambique's main newspaper (Jornal Noticias) in the weeks prior to the public consultation meetings. An example of an advertisement in the paper is presented in Annex I of this report. Individual invitations, through personalized letters, were also used in order to ensure the dissemination of the information on the public consultations to institutional stakeholders, including governmental and non-governmental institutions. The letters were delivered in-hand during the two weeks preceding the public meetings. Annex II of this report presents an example of the invitation letters used. In order to allow the consultation of technical documents, the Draft EPDA Report, including the respective Non-Technical Summary (NTS), were made available to the public in the following locations, during the two weeks preceding the public meetings: * National Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment (DNAIA - MITADER) in Maputo; * Provincial Directorate of Land, Environment and Rural Development of Tete; * Administrative Post of Z6bu6 * Administrative Post ofKambulatsisi * Consultec Office, Maputo. * Consultec's Website: * EDM Office, Maputo Additionally, when requested, the NTS was sent by email to the l&APs. 3 Public Hearings 3.1 Public Meetings Held During the Scoping phase, two public meetings were held, which were directed to the authorities, institutional stakeholders and the general public. The meetings took place on the 15th and 16th of November, 2016, 15 days after the release of the first advert in the newspaper, so as to provide enough time to I&AP's to effectively participate in public meetings. The next table indicates the venues and dates of public meetings, as well the number of registered participants. ) Public Participation Report 7 CONSULTEC Table I - Public Meetings During the Scoping Phase City Venue Date No of Registered (year 2016) Participants Tete Conference Room Hotel VIP November, 15th 27 Moatize Hotel Moatize November 16 th 22 3.2 Summary of the Public Meetings As described above, the meetings were largely notified through advertisements in the newspaper and personalized invitations to all l&AP's identified. During the meetings, the Non-Technical Summary of the EPDA Preliminary Report was distributed to all participants. A Power Point presentation was used to present the Project, the EIA process and the key findings from the preliminary EPDA report. The presentation, composed of 20 slides, was structured as follows: * Presentation of the Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection; * Location of Project activities; * Project components; * Environmental Impact Assessment Process; * Environmental and Socio-economic description of the project area; * Potential Project Impacts; * Schedule of EIA's next phases. After the presentation, a period of discussion was held where participants intervened with concerns, questions, suggestions which were all recorded and, to the extent possible, answered. The minutes of the meetings can be found in chapter 4 of this document. In addition to the above, explanatory posters were placed in the meeting room with the aim of providing a preview of the proposed project. The following images show the posters that were exhibited at the Public Meeting. ) Public Participation Report CONSULTEC ;,WSP ; -.WsP 9 .W5P Proponente do Projecto In ET Annex Ill otirptapeetredV te MlRtsOq c EP iO) ProcesOstiv eMet ooslaN lc fWSP "anA P4 DescriClo Ambiental e Social AvaliaOio de Impactos Figure 2 - Additional Disclosure Means Used at the Public Meetings The presentations and clarifications were conducted using a simple, objective and clear language, to guarantee that the public would understand the content of the presentations and resulting discussions. In Annex Ill of this report are presented the lists of participants to the two public meetings carried out in this phase, also illustrated in the following figures. SPublic Participation Report 1dIK CONSULTEC Figure 3 - Public Meeting of 15th of November 2016 in Tete Figure 4 - Public Meeting 16th of November 2016 in Moatize Public Participation Report CONSULTEC After the public meetings, a period for comments was opened during which the l&AP's were invited to contribute by sending to the EIA team their concerns and suggestions. This could be done by sending written comments by email or fax to the addresses publicized during the public consultations. The period for comments ended on November the 30th, 2016, after which all the information received was compiled in the Scoping report for submission to MITADER. 3.3 Main Issues Raised During Public Meetings This section presents, in a synthesized and non-exhaustive manner, the questions, suggestions and comments raised during the public meetings of environmental and social nature. 3.3.1 Public Meeting in Tete The following issues were highlighted (see chapter 4 for the detailed minutes of meetings): * Questions related to the EIA process o If this is a new EIA process, bearing in mind that the project has already been submitted to MICOA in 2005 o Supervisory actions * Questions related to the project o Exact location o Railway crossings o Origin of the energy o Project life span * Biophysical aspects o Existence (or not) of a reforestation plan o Risks of contamination of soils and water * Socioeconomic Aspects o Potential resettlement process o Compensation for loss of agricultural products o Hiring local manpower 3.3.2 Public Meeting in Moatize The following issues were highlighted (see chapter 4 for the detailed minutes of meetings): * Questions related to the EIA process o If this is a new EIA process * Questions related to the project o Expansion of the Matambo substation * Biophysical aspects o Consideration of the development plan for the Zambezi Valley o Respect for ecosystems ) Public Participation Report CONSULTEC * Socioeconomic Aspects o Potential resettlement process o Compensation for loss of agricultural products o Hiring local manpower o Electrification of the nearby communities (Z6bu6 and Kambulatsitsi) o Social responsibility of the project 4 Minutes of Public Meetings In this chapter are presented the minutes of public meetings with a summary of the comments from l&AP's about the project and the EIA process, as well as the answers provided. 4.1 Minutes of the Public Meeting in Tete Venue: Cahora Bassa Meeting Room in Hotel VIP, in Tete City Date: 15 October 2016 Time: 09:20 am - 11: 25 am Participants The participants in the public meeting included the following: * Representatives of government institutions, including: Provincial Secretariat, Environment, Land and Rural Development Provincial Directorate (DPTADER - Tete), Gender, Child and Social Action Provincial Directorate (DPGCAS), Mineral Resources and Energy Provincial Directorate (DIPREME), Agriculture and Food Security Provincial Directorate (DPASA) and Transport and Communications Provincial Directorate (DPTC); * Representatives of state-owned companies, including: Investment Fund and Water Supply Patrimony Fund (FIPAG - Tete), Municipal Council of Tete City (CMCT) Mozambique Railways (CFM) and National Road Administration (ANE); * Representatives of affected communities, including: Permanent Secretary of Changara, Education, Youth and Technology District Services (SDEJT), District Services for Economic Activities (SDAE), Health, Women and Social Action District Services (SDSMAS); * Representatives of the Proponent, Electricidade de Mogambique (EDM): Rodrigues Laidone (Environmental Department), Gil Massinga (Deputy Project Manager), Aur6lio Luis (Network Operator) and Lacerda Vale (ESC and USC Agency in all districts of Tete Province); * WSP Representative: Francis Barbe; * Consultec EIA team: Guilhermina Honwana and Hort&ncia Rebelo. ) Public Participation Report 12 CONSULTEC Welcome The meeting was opened by the consultant's representative, Guilhermina Honwana, who welcomed all those present and initiated the meeting explaining briefly the meeting's objective. The presentation was made using PowerPoint. Presentation of the Project and Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Process The presenter began the meeting presenting the objectives and agenda of the meeting. The project, its location and description, including its components and activities to be undertaken were then presented. Subsequently, the EIA process was described, with some emphasis on its legal framework and objectives. A brief description of the baseline biophysical and socio-economic environment was also presented, followed by the potential impacts preliminarily identified in this EPDA phase. Mrs. Honwana explained that the impacts of the project will be studied in greater detail during the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) phase, where mitigation measures will be assessed and presented. After the presentation, Mrs. Honwana opened the room for debate, comments, questions and suggestions, the result of which is presented in the table below. Prior to the participants' intervention, Mrs. Honwana explained that in order to facilitate the registration of all participants in the debate, it was important that each participant should identify himself first, giving his name and the institution he represented. Table 2 - Summary of the Interventions and Answers Given in the Public Consultation Meeting Held in Tete City on 15th of November 2016 Questions (Q) / Comments (C) Answers (A) / Comments (C) Ana Telma Benjamim - DPTADER Tete Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana Q1. Q1. I have two concerns and the first is relative to the project Al. I would like to thank you for your comments. Between 2004 description. In the description of the project it is said that the and 2005 an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process project area was already studied and analyzed around 2005 and was conducted and reached its conclusion. The study was done I do not know if in this period this is updated and if the technical and it came to an end, but it did not get anywhere, for various team returned to the field. Because in the time being a lot has reasons. If you see this project has started from scratch now, a changed, it has been about 10 years and with the evolution that new EIA process was started precisely because it was realized is taking place in our province the areas are getting totally that the conditions of the terrain have changed a lot, the occupied. conditions found are totally different from 10 years ago. The technical team have already visited the area. Q2. My second concern is that in my opinion, when elaborating the description of where the line will cross it should be specified A2. The layout of the transmission line shows what we have in the local names of the areas where the line will pass, because our base, the location of some villages that have been identified, for us field technicians even though we went to the place and but there are always some changes and we have to update this know, If someone else reads the study, like some people who information. There will be a readjustment after the visit and the are here in the room cannot figure out where it is. Out of curiosity field work. others may want to visit and see what is there and cannot tell. Here in the description of the alignment is not specified, just says A4. Regarding the distance and interference that the Moatize, Nhamitsatse. Nhamitsatse where? There is no village transmission line could have with the railway lines. I will ask EDM to support the answer, but what I perceive as an environmental consultant, and as I have explained, this Q3. Resettlement has been mentioned in the project description, transmission line has a total right-of-way of about 55 m and the I was curious because there is a point here, where the line will distance between the towers is 450 m. What has been explained cross, and seems that that there is a group that has already been is that the lines in relation to the distance from the soil, the resettled by the CLN in Nhamitsatse and its line will pass exactly height is about 12 m, the line cables will never touch or interfere there. Will there be resettlement of the resettlement? with existing lines. Q4. Still at the same point there are two railway lines (ICVL and Vale). What is the distance between the two railway lines (ICVL ) Public Participation Report 13 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) and Vale), and this process will not cause any interference to the railway lines? Cl. If you are going to see what exists there now regarding the WSP - Francis Barbe resettlement issue it means that we are using the previous study A4. I have here a more detailed map, at the height where the and still do not know what exists there. transport line crosses the two railways, these railways are about 1 km between the lines, in a very important section of the line C2. The name of the areas is clear, the names of the towns and less than 1 km from the railway. where the line passes is lacking. I say this because when we went to the field to identify this alignment and we were confused A3. The question of resettlement will be determined after the because we could not understand the study area. And later we socio-economic study, where will be observed what is inside the had access to this alignment through another person. way-leave area, to see which villages will be affected and only after, this matter will be considered. Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C3. The survey that has been done is a preliminary survey and has not yet been made a more detailed survey, this will be done in the EIS phase. EDM - Rodrigues Laidone Al. EDM through Impacto made a study to interconnect Tete and Malawi, but after the study was completed, we here in Mozambique tend to have problems with the bankability of projects, we did not have funding for it. Even now the project is not yet funded but the World Bank is interested. In the previous study there were three possible alignments to bring energy to Malawi, the first alignment would take energy from Matambo substation across the Zambezi River and then to Malawi, the second option to withdraw from Vale to build a 220 kV substation, To continue to Malawi, once arriving there to build a 400 kV substation to increase power and the 3rd option was to build a substation in Cataxa, more or less along the way to Songo, we would take 220 kV from it and 220 kV from Matambo and the two lines would go to Malawi. These were the alignments studied in the past. In the end, the chosen option was to take power from Matambo substation. Fichtner (consultant who is conducting technical feasibility studies) as Guilhermina said is working in partnership to see what works best. I am in the environmental area of the EDM and I am trying to understand some of the issues related to that, the EPDA seeks to understand what can be done for the next phase, at this moment it tries to show what was found and what should be done in the next phase. The exact number of persons affected was not determined yet, it is still a preliminary study of the issues to be assessed. A3. We know that Resettlement here in Tete is problematic due to the things that happened in the past, and more consideration should be given to that. No one is going to fool around, this project is big, it will connect Mozambique to Malawi and there are gains for both countries. WSP - Francis Barbe Al. It is true that we started the study with an alignment chosen 10 years ago, we understand that too many things changed in the field, our study area will be a 2 km strip within the area, to try to optimize the alignment of the transmission line, and we will consider all this area to define the final alignment. SPublic Participation Report 14 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) Jos6 Semente - CFM Tete EDM - Rodrigues Laidone Q5. The project has two phases, how will this project be done in C6. I was saying that in the previous study we were trying to put order to pass to the second phase? at least three alternatives. The first what had been agreed was that it would be used 220kV from Matambo, built Cataxa and take 220 kV from this sub-station and take the two lines to Q6. It is said that 126 km will be in Mozambique. I would like to Malawi, the other was take 220kV from Matambo to Malawi and know how many times this alignment crosses the railway line on once there to raise the current to 400 kV using a transformer, but this 126 km section? it was decided to use 400kV from Matambo to Malawi. EDM - Gil Massinga Q7. We forgot a detail that is very important, we have a climatic A5. The regional interconnection is usually 400kV, Mozambique situation in Tete with a period of about 8 months when the / RSA and in other SADC countries. The 400 kV in this area are temperatures are very high. I would like to understand what is depending on Mphanda Nkuwa, and the situation of Cataxa sub- the characteristic of the material that will be used? Especially in station that has not yet been defined. What we have here in Tete these areas where there will be the crossing with the railway line, is 220 kV from Matambo substation. The second phase depends what is the capacity of the material that will be used? exactly on these factors, if we have Mphanda Nkuwa at any moment we will have the 400kV, so we will built our line for 400 C4. Sorry to insist but, in this case it will no longer be in two kV. phases. Firstly this two phase issue should be reviewed because WSP - Francis Barbe now it is said that it will be at 400kV. I would like to understand A6. We have in the project area two railway lines, one from Vale where you get all that power to then join with the energy of and other from CFM (Sena line). The alignment crosses the Matambo to go to Malawi? CFM railway line (Sena line) once and Vale's line three times. If you want after, I have here a more detailed map with me, and we can see together. Now we need to know what the requirements here are in Mozambique. What is the minimum distance between the line and the railway? In other countries it is from 15 to 60 m. From what you saw in the presentation the right-of-way is of 55 m. We would like that you pass this information on to us so we can pass it to the technical team. Regarding the capacity of the material, you know better than me, but the towers are made from steel and concrete, but if you have some specification we can discuss later. Jacinta Jacinto - DPASA Tete Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana Q8. Are there policies for affected farmers and since it is a large A8. Regarding policies, EDM will follow the policies of the World area to be cleared, is there a reforestation plan in the areas Bank and Mozambique legislation. crossed by project? EDM - Rodrigues Laidone A8. The project has a way leave of 50 m, and regarding the loss of crops will be sent a letter to the Agriculture Provincial Directorate to make the survey on production costs for compensation and EDM always works directly with the agriculture and public works technicians (to compensate for houses). There are cases where there is nothing in the area and it was supposed to have a new crop field, we do not pay for empty lands but for loss of crops, and there are usually tables in all agriculture directorates and that's the one we use. C6. It takes at least four public consultation meetings with those affected to reach an agreement on resettlement, they say they want built houses, hospital and other things. They can create mechanisms to carry on business. Only after four consultations resettlement will go on. According to World Bank policies when there are fewer than 200 people, sit down and talk to them and make homes and/or the contractor will do the construction, and the project proponent assists. At least once a month or every three months supervision is done and if anything arises the DPTADER is called upon to help. Manuel Poio - DPTADER Tete EDM - Rodrigues Laidone C7. If it is the case of resettlement, the proponent should meet C8. In any case, nothing can happen without the provincial not only with the community but also with the authorities, which is government. Thank you very much. why the government created the decree in 2012. The government, the affected party and the proponent should be covered and this occurs in three levels, National, provincial and district level. ) Public Participation Report 15 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) Ad6lio Nhambir - FIPAG Tete Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana Q9. Congratulations for the presentation. A9. The study is still in the EPDA phase and we are still trying to On slide 9 when it was talked about water quality and soils I was figure out what to study further in the EIA phase. There are left with a doubt, how will the situation of soil and water several measures already outlined for this project and it is known contamination be prevented? The slide talks about erosion and that some measures should be taken in the pre-feasibility scope increased water flow. What do the consultants want to do? definition phase so we have already prepared some now but in Because it will affect the surrounding population. the EIA phase we will go deeper. C9. It is important to emphasize on the question already raised EDM - Rodrigues Laidone about losses of crop area, what incentives will the population CIO. Sorry but EDM do not say that this community will benefit have. from this or that, but we have a project of social responsibility that follows whenever the year ends. Some examples follow: I 0EDM built a hospital in Quelimane in 2007; Made a donation to Q10. After the installation of the lines, a space of residential ICOR to give children more life; EDM built a health center in areas is delimited and sometimes there is a violation of this area. Chiure; In 2013, bicycles have been distributed in Gure, I would like to know, how will these areas be monitored? Inchope and Quelimane to help in the communication and transportation of community leaders. EDM helps writers and Q11. During the presentation, she said that the project's lifespan musicians, in case these want to launch their work and should is 50 years, knowing that the project involves a lot of money, I have three quotations to receive the sponsorship. EDM is would like to know why it is only 50 years. currently in the reorganization phase since 2015, but has not yet left the work. Cl1. In the affected area, Fichtner was contacted to electrify the affected area at least 5 km from the line to both sides, even through solar panels. An electrification system for schools and health centers will be studied. Being a leader in forestry, we have already received this concern in Nacaroa, Namapa where they said that they would like to have a little more shade and fruit trees. All. The question of lifespan, does not mean that is only 50 years but may be a bit longer. We have the Chicamba dam since 1938 and it kept on working without maintenance and there was always energy. EDM - Gil Massinga All. For 50 years the maintenance will be done, 50 years is the durability time of the material that will be used. EDM - Rodrigues Laidone AIO. The 200kv line is not seen as a danger by the population, the truth is that there are houses there and our colleagues should visit the line regularly to avoid any problems. When people are taken away after building there are problems but in EDM we have a technical team that watches over these issues and has not been very effective. Jonito Jos6 Ant6nio - SDEJT Changara EDM - Rodrigues Laidone C12. In the beginning it has been talked about many things, I C14. Note that EDM was a promoter of the old city councils, with would like to ask the technical team for clarifications about all the independence the company emerged in 1977 and next year these facts. will be 40 years. We had HCB Songo, Maputo had different C13. The population that lives there must be benefited, not only power connections. Inhambane only had energy from HCB in hospitals and schools being electrified. The population must 1989. Interconnected network did not exist. Until 2005 EDM was benefit to feel to be the owner of the project and watch over the able to link all capital cities and followed by the phase of the line. If you work with the local leadership, it will lower the costs districts and now it is in the phase of the administrative posts, and there will not be many problems. and we believe that with the passage of time it will be possible to make the energy become stable. At the level of this process, The height of the towers could interfere with the operation of the these communities where the project passes are covered but I equipment, I would like to ask that these aspects should be very am not promising anything. We will take the concern to well observed, strengthen a little more. Q12. There is a government plan to electrify the area in the long A12. If you see well, the Zobu6 area depends on energy from term but at the moment there is a project that will go through that Malawi and this year had its limitations. If we want to take area, why not catapult the opportunity and electrify the energy to Zobu6, line 33 should be done and we would have to community? Surveillance is not as effective, so why not do better ) Public Participation Report 16 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) by covering the community we will have a better result. isolate Malawi and in case there are problems here they can continue to use the energy of Malawi. Ex. In Madimba in Niassa province we take energy from HCB and isolate Malawi and when there are problems here they use energy from Malawi. Roni Tembe - ANE Tete Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C15. Thank you for the presentation C16. As regards inspection our legislation already provides for a There was a lot of talk about reservation area for roads and it protection area / right-of-way area and we have already seen caught my attention regarding the roads that pass/ cross the line. that it is not respected, it is not only for electric towers, roads, The reserve area for roads are 30 m, when an administrator is in but other infra-structures. charge of a district he should help to oversee everything that is Regarding what should be done, I share the same opinion with happening there. We have to do monitoring. It must be you, this question should be discussed in high level forums, the supervised throught the Districts because this is the owner of the inspection should be done but not only from EDM, ANE but also project. This situation is very critical, and neither EDM nor ANE by all authorities: municipal government, district government, all will end this. should be involved. Anselmo Muchanga - CMC Tete C17. Let me congratulate the presentation. I would like to speak about inspection and contribute to the issue of soils and waters. I have attended to this question, it is not only the municipality that fails, it often receives requests from EDM and FIPAG and we propose our availability. Why it fails, I do not know, but should not be talked about something permanent. There should be meetings throughout the implementation of projects. From the moment we have technicians from FIPAG, EDM and Municipality it would be better and should be something permanent. In the implementation of this type of projects there are always affected soils, this permanent dialogue that will start from the base should be followed from the beginning. C18. We did not advance many issues because we already had a meeting where we could have some clarifications. The ANE colleague, if we look at the 2004 road decree it gives all the responsibilities to ANE. C19. The Tete municipality is concerned with this issue and we have already spoken with EDM because we have cases of illegal constructions that are electrified in the suburbs of Tete city, so we have to discourage these facts and we have to work together and we are available to collaborate. After clarification by the representatives of the Proponent and Consultec, Mrs. Guilhermina Honwana from Consultec, closed the session by thanking all those present for their participation, and mentioned that further comments and suggestions should be sent to the email address (Spaisana( or Ghonwana( and/or by fax 21491578, until 30th of November 2016. ) Public Participation Report 17 CONSULTEC 4.2 Minutes of the Public Meeting in Moatize Venue: Conference Room in Moatize Hotel, Moatize Town Date: 16 October 2016 Time: 09:30am - 11:40am Participants The participants in the public meeting included the following: * Representatives of government institutions, including: Provincial Secretariat, Permanent Secretary of Moatize, Planning and Infrastructures District Services (SDPI - Moatize) representing the Land, Environment and Rural Development Provincial Directorate (DPTADER - Tete), Gender, Child And Social Services Provincial Directorate (DPGCAS), Mineral Resources and Energy Provincial Directorate (DIPREME), Health, Gender and Social Action District Services (SDSMAS - Moatize) and Economic Activities District Services (SDAE - Moatize); * Representatives of state-owned companies, including: Investment Fund and Water Supply Patrimony (FIPAG - Moatize), Zambezi Valley Development Agency; * Representatives of affected communities, including: Chief of Moatize Administrative Post, Chief of Kambulatsitsi Administrative Post, and Mussacama Locality Chief (representing the Chief of Zobu6 Administrative Post); * Representatives of the Proponent, Electricidade de Mogambique (EDM): Rodrigues Laidone (Environmental Department), Gil Massinga (Deputy Project Manager) and Lacerda Vale (ESC and USC Agency in all districts of Tete Province); * Representatives of the Project Manager, WSP: Francis Barbe; * Representatives of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) team, Consultec: Guilhermina Honwana and Hort6ncia Rebelo. Welcome The meeting was opened by the consultant's representative, Mrs. Guilhermina Honwana, who welcomed all those present and initiated the meeting explaining briefly the meeting's objective, the presentation was made using PowerPoint. Presentation of the Project and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process The presenter began the meeting presenting the objectives and agenda of the meeting. The project, its location and description, including its components and activities to be undertaken were then presented. Subsequently, the EIA process was described, with some emphasis on its legal framework and objectives. A brief description of the baseline biophysical and socio-economic environment was also presented, followed by the potential impacts preliminarily identified in this EPDA phase. Mrs. Honwana explained that the impacts of the project will be studied in greater ) Public Participation Report 18 CONSULTEC detail during the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) phase, where mitigation measures will be assessed and presented. After the presentation, Mrs. Honwana opened the room for debate, comments, questions and suggestions, the result of which is presented in the table below. Prior to the participants' intervention, Mrs. Honwana explained that in order to facilitate the registration of all participants in the debate, it was important that each participant should identify himself first, giving his name and the institution he represented. Table 3 - Summary of the interventions and answers given in the public participation meeting held in Moatize Town, on 16th of November 2016 Questions (Q) / Comments (C) Answers (A) / Comments (C) Az6lia Novele - SDSMAS Moatize Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana Cl. I arrived a little late so I lost some points of the presentation Al. In the context of this project, the 400kV line is only a Q1. This connection leaves Matambo and goes through Zobu6. transmission line to transport energy from Mozambique to Will the population of Zobu6 benefit from electric power? Malawi, but with this line the EDM will have higher quality of energy and it will be able to extend its power distribution network. This is a project that is part of a bigger project that will cover all Southern Africa countries, the main objective being the interconnection between the SADC countries, supplying the energy needs of the countries. EDM - Rodrigues Laidone Al. Energy for Zobu6 is a concern, in 1986, agreements were signed for them to use energy from Malawi and border administrative posts were electrified. Ulongu6 and Madimba in Niassa have been electrified and these also use energy from Malawi. I will ask colleague Lacerda to give his contribution on this issue. EDM - Lacerda Xavier Vale Al. When Marara and Doa changed for District category, Marara quickly benefited from electric current from Jindal, at this time we already receive 50 kV to pull energy from Moatize to Doa. We will have 33 kV transformers. After extending the energy to Doa, it will still have to be pulled from Kambulatsitsi to Zobu6, and this year we had many power cuts due to dependence on water dams in Malawi and the objective is to use national energy, from Cataxa. ) Public Participation Report 19 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) Domingos Adolfo - Mussacama Locality Cheif EDM - Lacerda Xavier Vale Q2. I have a small doubt about the study that was done before, A2. Mussacama is contemplated and is also included in this Doa because today the reality is different. What was identified more project. It was difficult to pull energy from Tsangano to Zobu6, it than 10 years ago is that it was bush and today there are is a purely agricultural area and the quality of energy is not machambas. How is it going to be? strong. Concerning this issue, the initial option is to use Tete I would like to know if Mussacama is involved in the projects that energy in Tete. you have mentioned before. Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana A2. With respect to Mussacama, in the studies of 2004/2005, the reality of the areas was different and what is going to be done today is to perceive what exists along the corridor of the Transmission Line. A study will be conducted within a radius of about 2 km along the right-of-way and if it is found that there is a high concentration of crop fields (machambas), it will be necessary to evaluate the possibilities of diverting the line alignment from these areas, in cases where is not possible to make deviations, studies will be conducted on the different ways to compensate for the loss of these crop fields. Domingos Luis Sande - Cheif of Kambulatsitsi EDM - Rodrigues Laidone Administrative Post A3. EDM in environmental projects conducts studies and works C2. Thank you for the presentation, it was a work done with great with SDAE and SDPI in cases of compensations for crops and effort and success. infrastructures. EDM always works with local governments, Q3. My question is similar to that of Dr. Az6lia. Will Zobu6 be the every situation is safeguarded. EDM will apply for funding from only Administrative post covered by the energy? Our post also KFW or the World Bank and these do not fund projects that take needs energy. Will the population along the corridors of the line people's land and it has to be a clean process, complying with that goes to Malawi benefit from this current? If so, there will be legal requirements, if resettlement is necessary and all other no confusion. things. For all effects, certification is needed. In case of road projects all the villages are benefited. If EDM EDM is electrifying but there are a number of assumptions to takes care of this situation, it will leave aside many problems. follow. We will soon be connected to Tanzania. Just as we have discovered gas wells in Rovuma, they also discovered gas wells C3. Thank you for using local labor despite being temporary, in Tanzania in the N'zingue area, near Dar-Es-Salaam, which because in these areas employment is difficult and schooling are already being exploited and are going to sell energy to levels are low. Mozambique soon. When we start exploring on the Mozambique C4. EDM has to recover those projects already spoken but not side we will also sell to Tanzania. implemented that should start this year. The lines would leave from Kambulatsitsi to Doa, we need clarification as to whether the projects will start. Inacia Senalo - Moatize Post Chief Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C5. I would like to lean towards the environmental impact. There C6. The issue of resettlements is very difficult, both will be a lot of damage to the animals, land and plants. Tete has resettlements of infrastructures and crop fields should be well had a lot of resettlements and many other projects in this safeguarded. province and the problems are the same. I'm going to talk about my area of residence (Benga), we're having a hard time with coal C8. The main objective is to avoid affecting these spaces, but dust and now they're talking about energy. always in coordination with the technical team and if possible a C7. Nowadays the population complains that they do not have deviation will be proposed. If it is not possible to carry out these space for agriculture. I would like to ask for this project to be deviations, the affected persons will be duly compensated for the serious, population has to be taken in consideration. loss of crop fields, trees or even resettled following all the procedures provided by law. Ant6nio Da6ce - SDPI Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana Q4. The project is welcome. It was said that the 400 kV line will A5. The public consultation is ongoing within the EIA process be installed and the right-of-way- will be 55 m. The law of Land is and there are other ways to cover all those affected. In clear and the right-of-way tends to be 30 m or 50m. Is there a December it will begin the socio-economic and biophysical data specific reason for that? survey and within this survey there will be meetings in the Q5. We are in the public consultation where affected and communities to listen to the concerns of those affected. At this interested parties should be present, and we are few. I am phase we are only with the representatives. One thing is concerned about the lack of participation of the directly affected resettlement and another is environmental impact assessment. persons. I do not know if are met the conditions to validate this In case of resettlement, at least 4 meetings with affected people public meeting. are required. C9. As for the specialized studies I would like to ask to pay close CIO. I would like to thank the suggestion given on the socio- ) Public Participation Report 20 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) attention in the area of socioeconomics. EDM was talking about economic question. working with SDAE and SDPI. The consulting firm must involve A4. The right-of-way is 55 m in total and is being used this several parties because we will have serious problems and measure which is a SAPP international requirement that is being Moatize is an example of this. used throughout SADC and has been agreed for Mozambique Q6. It was referred the connection of the administrative posts and Malawi. headquarters to the Cahora Bassa network, I would like to know the deadlines. EDM - Rodrigues Laidone A6. EDM has a project called Edair in Chimoio, Tete, and Maputo (Mualazi). This project needs to have mini sub-stations and launch lines. These villages are expected to be electrified before the end of the project (Edair) by next year. Egidio Joaquim - FIPAG EDM - Rodrigues Laidone C11. Congratulate EDM for expanding its services. When talking A7. The problem of voltage drops will be solved by constructing about public consultation, we talk about socioeconomic and other a mini substation in Canongola in order to stabilize the flow of aspects. Regarding the technical issues because this is EDM, I loads as well as a substation in Moatize. And for this last have a question about the issue of expanding through the substation we have information that the work has already Matambo substation, but I will not do it. started. Q7. Is the Matambo substation dimensioned for this project? I EDM - Gil Massinga just wanted to ask not to affect existing customers, because this A7. The question about if current or line will withstand current in station already feeds the central and northern part of the country. Moatize, we have done several studies. Our line should have I have been in Zimbabwe for about 45 days and there has never 400 kV if Mphanda Nkuwa was up and running. The SADC one been a simple power outage, and here power cuts are frequent is the interregional connection with 400 kV, in the case of and we are always losing electrical equipment and the same Matambo with 220 kV it is necessary to put 400 kV transformers energy used in Zimbabwe comes from Mozambique from this in Phombeya in Malawi to raise the current. Matambo substation. A8. The financer for the small works needed to solve the Q8. EDM proposed the construction of 2 substations here in Tete problems of internal voltage drop and for this interconnection line to solve the problem of frequent cuts. What will be 1st, the is the same, it will happen simultaneously. substations or the transmission line? C13. It is a government project and has been approved, so it will C12. I would be grateful if the internal situation is solved first and happen. then the external situation. Gracio Cuna - DIPREME Tete Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C14. There are two moments here at this meeting. The projects C20. In relation to studies done in 2004/5. This study did not rule we are discussing and the power extension in the areas crossed out these studies. The start of the line was considered from by the project. Matambo, from Cataxa and from other options. The route of the C15. The line for Doa went to tender and there is already a most viable alignment was that of Matambo. winner who was going to make the line and with the present C21. The reality of 10 years ago was different, so a new study, a crisis and depreciation of metical the exchange markets have new EIA process had to start considering the time that has changed, at the time the contract was signed the dollar was at passed. This DUAT's verification process is being taken into 35mt and now it is at 78mt. account. We said that we would check where there are crop fields (machambas) along the proposed alignment. C16. I know there is a substation in Moatize and 50 MVA In addition to these public consultations we make appointments transformers. You cannot associate the power quality in Moatize with the key services, for instance Geography and Cadastre and with the high voltage line project that will pass a little far from even DIPREME, all these in order to ensure that all aspects are Moatize. taken onto account. C17. In my opinion these substations will minimize the problems that exist. WSP - Francis Barbe C22. The mining concessions that exist today did not exist in C18. It is necessary to update the map of the mining 2004. In the image on slide 6 of the presentation, we can see concessions to see if the alignment will not pass through the that we are proposing a deviation from the ICVL and Vale mining areas, and coordinate with the concession of DUAT's and concessions. We have a map of the mining concessions and all verify with Geography and Cadastre. these issues will be taken into account for the final line C19. Looking back to the beginning of the project in 2005 to alignment. date, much time has passed. The biggest problem we have is the study period and time for the project implementation. EDM - Rodrigues Laidone Q9. Is there a social responsibility component to such a large A9. As for the issue of Social Responsibility, it is difficult to say project? I believe it will not benefit Malawi alone. that we are going to do the thing "x", school, hospital, ... EDM's recommendation to Fichtner (technical consultant) is to verify in a 5km radius for each side of the line the settlements with the highest number of inhabitants and see what can be done to ) Public Participation Report 21 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) electrify the health centres and schools along the affected area, using other alternatives such as solar panels, while waiting for the expansion of the distribution network. Because we believe that if you don't do anything, those communities will vandalize the equipment that is there. In the field of Social Responsibility, EDM has designed strategies of what will be done throughout the year. For example this: building an hospital in Quelimane and Lichinga in 2007; making a donation to ICOR to operate children with heart problems; building a health center in Chiure; In 2013 distribution of bicycles in Gorue, Inchope and Quelimane was made to help in communication and transportation of community leaders; The EDM helps writers and musicians, who want to launch their work and after presenting three quotations can receive the sponsorship; it has also supported football teams (Chingale de Tete). EDM is currently in the reorganization phase since 2015, but has not yet left work. Bernardo - Zambezi development Agency Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C23. I want to thank the initiative of Tete province and of the A10. I would like to emphasize that contacts are being made country in general. I would like to focus on the social area, and I with all parties, and we have not yet had access to the plan. believe that we should not separate the environment from the social part so that we call it the socio-environmental area. We WSP - Francis Barbe work directly with people, with the society. C24. If we do not take into consideration that population, we will A10. Thank you very much for your contribution. At this stage we have serious problems. On the radios is spread the information are looking for these documents and for that we are holding that there are many poles/towers being assembled and many meetings with the key services for get more information. have been vandalized, and it is very costly for EDM to restore C25. We are trying to arrange a meeting in Moatize District and what is vandalized. so far we have not been able to do so. Q10. We, in partnership with MITADER, are working on a special land planning plan for the Zambezi Valley. Has this project taken into account this plan or not? This plan aims to map all areas. Gracio Cuna - DIPREME Tete Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C26. Contact the National Mining Institute in Maputo C27. Thank you very much. Botelho Cumbidze - SDPI Consultec - Guilhermina Honwana C28. In the scope of the transmission line there are some C29. Ecology is an important issue and in this EPDA phase it regions that have animals and other living beings of the bush has been found that it may be affected and therefore it will be (eco region). I would like to appeal to EDM to respect the necessary to do specialized studies on avifauna and ecology in environment in the ecosystem area. the EIA phase. It is an issue that will be taken into account. Pedro Ba6te - SDAE Moatize EDM - Rodrigues Laidone C30. We received at the district govemment level a proposal Q12. What would be the proposal for social responsibility? from a company, to set up a thermoelectric plant, in the Benga area near Cancope but the project has not yet been presented. Q11. The issue of social responsibility. Without this process you already have social responsibility as a company. In any project that is done there is always the social part and we have the example of the railway line to Nacala, in Nhamitsatse have been built schools for the children to study. In the project component you can think of benefits for that community. We want to know what will be done to benefit the community. Azelia Novele - SDMAS Moatize All. Allocation of ambulances, opening of water holes, construction of schools, allocation of school desks. Cassiano Cangolono - DIPREME Tete EDM - Gil Massinga Q12. What is the area where the compensating substation will be A12. It will depend on the costs, if we buy transformers it will be built, will it be here in Mozambique or in neighbouring Malawi? in Phombeya. Initially the line will transmit electric power from I am of the opinion that this project should not go too far with this Mozambique to Malawi. At Vale we already have space for this issue of social responsibility. Just build/equip. Because the substation. infrastructures itself have costs and can make the project unfeasible. It should put energy in the health centre but also put ) Public Participation Report 22 CONSULTEC Questions (Q) 1 Comments (C) Answers (A) I Comments (C) a PT and connect low voltage power to the communities. Ze Maria - Moatize Permanent Secretary EDM - Rodrigues Laidone C31. We have mentioned several times the issue of social C32. Thank you. responsibility. Government plans within the District must be C33. Regarding the thermoelectric plant, an EDM team have taken into account. I think it is better, although knowing what we been in the field for the construction of a thermal power station wanted at the beginning of the meeting with what the alongside Vale, from 1,200 to coal, but yes this one will go on. government planned (five-year plan) is not easy. But then came another Japanese team to study the construction in Nampula and Nacala also a gas power station. After clarification by the representatives of the Proponent and Consultec, Guilhermina Honwana from Consultec, closed the session by thanking all those present for their participation, and mentioned that further comments and suggestions should be sent to the email address (Spaisana( or Ghonwana(& and/or by fax 21491578, until 30th of November 2016. ) Public Participation Report 23 CONSULTEC Annex I - Example of Newspaper Adverts ) Public Participation Report 24 iI� CONSULTEC ������f1(��(�Ё��[Е' , - - __ _- - --- -- --- __ , _ _ ----_-, � � д -У � ; �� I � � „<7Ч14а1LТГ С. ��� . . 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As reuniões serao reglizadas nos seguintes locais e datasý Cidade da Tete Cídade 0a1ý3L 15 de Novembro de 2016 Data: 1 Cr de Novern bro de ?() 16 Hora: 09:00 - 12 00 Hora, 09M - 12:00 Locýal; Hotel V1P local: Hotel Moatize A versão preliminar do Relatório de FFI)A estará dispotÉiai para consulta até 30 de NGvembra nos locais a spguir mencionados: Direcç&:ý Nacional dft Avaliação do ímpa(tu Ambental (DNAIA - MITA13FR) em Maputoý DirecOo Provincial de Terr5, Ambiente e Descrivokimerilo Rural de Tetw Posto AdminIstrafivo de Kam1bo1;ýtsisj PGsli) Administfativo de Zóbué EscritôFfo da ConsuiUE!c em Maputo, o Website da Consultec. em Mffi,Mn Escritário da EDM em NtaMQ, AV. Filipe Samuel Magaia n968, 10 andar Para eWare~los, por favor, =Macte a Consullec, por inierrnéd'ýo de Guilhermina Honwana, através do,. telefones 2149155ý5 ou 823(144240 ("Crítódo), fax 21491578 ou por e- mail, peto seglünte welem ço ati-qnwa a ltFýcý ýo.mzý 40bs Public Paltícipatíol Repot 26 CONSULTEC Annex II - Example of Invitations ) Public Participation Report 27 1dK CONSULTEC C O N Sý U LT E C Maputo, 07 de Novembro de 2016 N/Ref.A t t/C16-24/2016 A Direcção Provincial dos Recursos Minerais e Energia Att: Departamento de geologia e minas Tete Assunto: Projecto de Interligação Moçambique-Malawi Excelência, A Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM), encontra-se a promover o processo de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental para o Projecto de Interligação Moçambique - Malawi que se encontra em fase de Estudo de Pré-Viabilidade Ambiental e Definição de Âmbito (EPDA). No âmbito do Processo de Participação Pública previsto na fase de EPDA, a Consultec/WSP em representação da EDM vem, por este meio, solicitar uma reunião com V. Exas., na semana de 14 a 18 de Novembro de acordo com a vossa disponibilidade. O objectivo desta reunião é recolher as principais preocupações e sugestões de V. Excia sobre o Projecto. Aguardamos a vossa resposta. Para esclarecimentos, por favor, contacte a Consultec, por intermédio de Guilhermina Honwana, através dos telefones 21491555 ou 823044240 (escritório), fax 21491578 ou por e-mail, pelo seguinte endereço Os nossos melhores cumprimentos, Tiago Dray Director do Projecto � и гр> �� о�. � с !D О � SLг N ы � О с � N у �Q и л SL и �• �. � �� й� О о � SL � � � с � � � м и• ° ш го �' к• п о- г� о у °� ° го °• ��_� ° А-о с о т ш' й. °�- �' с� iUг ол � !Lt � (D дг � N _ � � (/1 л. - < (l fl � !D �р и й (D � !р � v р р� fL С р (р . о � � � �' fD л• (D и О 01 " 0 й й м п м �_ (rtD> й л!D tL �шг й .�и+ о-р (D и ГD �р (D д � ° и л. й' °� _ iL � Ог ы Q 7 О �� �� и_ � о � �П' и' Q N й 'о м П� О � и р � 0 � л �� � и v � �' и ГП О. ��. ° с О � тг �n � < О � � � л � ш � ° � � � й р �. � г�о � °- � � �• fl- шг й iT rD Ог � й' Ог � у• ш n ы � у О 3 �� �г с � и и� ы т �� й 0 О о � �n шг � О ° ш о LL т О ш О О О � � ы О� `� г � .т ы й��-° "� � �г О ° й с сТ -° й г� � л �_ '^ а�.гi г* о_ п, � л_ � ы й й� �� т т л � . ГD о, и о�' N и � O�i о ы � 0_ 07� � ° � р 07 � и О � с^ и ГD �• О и' (D � риj =n �"° ° О м � °- ы ы � и _*? � tL �. i% �_ р1 � SL Оз !Uг О' � .и-г (D CL prtj tQ N �. и л• � й м °- й tU� �� рлj tfl_ N П Й � � О риj rt-°р � ° fL О ° � ГD 0�. !D �`°р. д � �' й' ш � � � tfl �р Ст шг О с °_ р ш o�i D� �: р_ � С< � v' � � д� л � О {� SLг � SL й � �� .л-r � � 0°i N �• � (D N С�Т р_ Q�? т � N �' � о О� й О 0� ц�r � � n 3 � rt v ы fD � °rt' ш = -в с� r. о� й ол, ° v `° � ` ы�., о о О� С х о с �р• ш . ш ш � ш � � Ф � о т� .. � Gz о_ � � ы ш' � д�р ш� го � � 3 с v ш Й°' т � т � а� �, т�� и о°и' N� � и. 3 ы 3_о- � у ы -I с� .� л ш � и с т, о rD �р Z� т р,� � го -г, й�• � л 0 о �1 � � v, �� < ш, `.-г° � с� � с � й �. ° ° с � � ° � °- n�i го � с � .. � � °- и р�' � 0� и• 0� �р tL О � (D П'1 � � и � - � й � �' �, С iL ш и CL �р �.л и � л И N о � � � CL N о N' с ° 0 � tu � rD О � � й рг ы2 � с О !L fl- °- СТ �1� �� !D О"° Q ы гD �' й� � � !� ° SL !D ° � � (D о � � У °- � Sл11 О� "л О � л ГD р� '..г = � S_L и и � � �• 0� -��• __ т N о^ й р � �' и О ° р� р Ш� \ N и � ы �, � л N ГТ �� � � °_ т р� и_ й и � � � л SL � !D й ы р �, О� S = й -• � � �.Vi N � Гр О ° �р � п � �г р �- �р ■ о°, -р v О_ й � � ° � и D.. � Q �� � п с � а и и т� и N � � Orti м •• � � ii � v о � г^ � О ° (D � 1� � �' о и (D и tL tL �р _. iL SL _м � � �р !D с � и �. �р и и "с у й ГD � - fD й � (D О л и fD �-г �, � � sL О � к, и � °- sU _� fL и!D . � � и (р � � � � � < tfl � N D. О N. N ° � � о�°з л й rD о_ � ы_ � v т с и О ' с'^ �п й N �� рг �° л й � iL � л с ш � �1 р�' т р Ог гD � о� г'+' � ° И (р � � р� � tu оП и. и � и и � и V �� р � � 'r ш С Q � � ы �г CL �П�l й, ° (D !D Ои � � Г�1 й � Т Q- � р < � tыi р с ил1 � г� й й� � и � � ° � !D и ° о о и с � � ° �р О й � О Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Minute of Meeting in Nhaliemue Locality Minute of Meeting in Nhaliemue Locality Date: 31 March 2017 Location: Nhaliemue Locality Participants: Locality Chief accompanied by heads of villages Duration of meeting: 15 minutes Agenda: > Presentation of the project and field work objectives; > Listen to local concerns. Summary of debate: The meeting began with the presentation of the project and the objectives of carrying out the field work with the owners of the infrastructures and of the crop fields affected along the route and with the village leaders in order to gather information from each specific area. The presentation was made using a map where the entire alignment of the line was drawn, indicating the districts, localities and the respective villages covered. Equally, it was explained to them that the project is in the phase of Environmental Impact Study. After explaining the project, the objective of carrying out the fieldwork and all other aspects related to the project, the consultant opened the section so that the participants could express their ideas, opinions, suggestions or concerns about everything that was presented. The head of the locality thanked for project's presentation, asked what would be the benefits brought by the project, and if in the implementation phase there would be a hiring of labour and if the local population would be hired. He said that many times there are job opportunities for people from other places to the detriment of those directly affected and would like this time to be different and that those employed should be the local population. During the questions phase, no resettlement issue was raised despite the fact that the consultants questioned whether or not there was concern about the resettlement. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Minute of meeting Congonlongonde Village Minute of meeting Congonlongonde Village Date: 1 Abril 2017 Location: Congonlongonde Village Participants: Village Chief and Village members Duration of meeting: 15 minutes Agenda: > Presentation of the project and field work objectives; > Listen to local concerns. Summary of debate: The meeting began with the presentation of the project and the objectives of carrying out the field work with the owners of the infrastructures and of the crop fields affected along the route and with the village leaders in order to gather information from each specific area. The presentation was made using a map where the entire alignment of the line was drawn, indicating the districts, localities and the respective villages covered. Equally, it was explained to them that the project is in the phase of Environmental Impact Study. After explaining the project, the objective of carrying out the fieldwork and all other aspects related to the project, the consultant opened the section so that the participants could express their ideas, opinions, suggestions or concerns about everything that was presented. The head of the village thanked for the presentation made, being this a control area he had no concern with the population of his village but asked if at the implementation phase the project can provide employment for the population living the village. Having the consultants replied they would take note of the concern of the village chief. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Minute of meeting of Benga Locality Minute of meeting of Benga Locality Date: 3 April 2017 Location: Nhambaloalo Village Participants: Village Chief Duration of meeting: 15 minutes Agenda: > Presentation of the project and field work objectives; > Listen to local concerns. Summary of debate: The meeting began with the presentation of the project and the objectives of carrying out the field work with the owners of the infrastructures and of the crop fields affected along the route and with the village leaders in order to gather information from each specific area. The presentation was made using a map where the entire alignment of the line was drawn, indicating the districts, localities and the respective villages covered. Equally, it was explained to them that the project is in the phase of Environmental Impact Study. After explaining the project, the objective of carrying out the fieldwork and all other aspects related to the project, the consultant opened the section so that the participants could express their ideas, opinions, suggestions or concerns about everything that was presented. The head of the village welcomed the project, and asked if at the time of implementation of the project those affected as well as other residents of the village could have the possibility to work for the project. He also asked if the project could help to develop his village. The consultants said they would take note of the request made by the village chief. He asked about the possibility of installing energy in his village and not just having just electricity poles passing to other places. The consultant said that in principle the project does not provide for electrification of villages where the line passes through, it would go directly to Malawi, but would nevertheless take note of the concern. During the questions phase, no resettlement issue was raised despite the fact that the consultants questioned whether or not there was concern about the resettlement. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Minute of Meeting of Caphirizange Locality Minute of Meeting of Caphirizange Locality Date: 4 April 2017 Location: Caphirizange Locality Participants: Locality Chief, village chief and community members. Duration of meeting: 15 minutes Agenda: > Presentation of the project and field work objectives; > Listen to local concerns. Summary of debate: The meeting began with the presentation of the project and the objectives of carrying out the field work with the owners of the infrastructures and of the crop fields affected along the route and with the village leaders in order to gather information from each specific area. The presentation was made using a map where the entire alignment of the line was drawn, indicating the districts, localities and the respective villages covered. Equally, it was explained to them that the project is in the phase of Environmental Impact Study. After explaining the project, the objective of carrying out the fieldwork and all other aspects related to the project, the consultant opened the section so that the participants could express their ideas, opinions, suggestions or concerns about everything that was presented. The head of the locality questioned about the beginning of the project implementation and the consultants answered that the project was still in the study phase and would only start after the studies and approval of the Environmental Impact Study report by the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development, so they could not advance a precise date. He asked about the hiring of the local workforce and also asked about the benefits that those affected as well as the locality in general would have with the project. Having the consultants answered that at present stage of the project it was too early to speak of the benefits as well as the hiring of the workforce, but that they would register the concern. He added that he would like to take into account the issue of hiring the local labour force. Finally he said that the project is welcome to locality and authorized to carry out the work and appointed a leader so that he could work together with the field team in all the villages covered. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Minute of Meeting of Zobu6 Administrative Post Minute of Meeting of Zobu6 Administrative Post Date: 10 April 2017 Location: Zobu6 Sede Participants: Administrative Post Chief, accompanied by the post officials and the representative of SDAE in Moatize. Duration of meeting: 20 minutes Agenda: > Presentation of the project and field work objectives; > Listen to local concerns. Summary of debate: The meeting began with the presentation of the project and the objectives of carrying out the field work with the owners of the infrastructures and of the crop fields affected along the route and with the village leaders in order to gather information from each specific area. The presentation was made using a map where the entire alignment of the line was drawn, indicating the districts, localities and the respective villages covered. Equally, it was explained to them that the project is in the phase of Environmental Impact Study. After explaining the project, the objective of carrying out the fieldwork and all other aspects related to the project, the consultant opened the section so that the participants could express their ideas, opinions, suggestions or concerns about everything that was presented. The head of the Administrative Post thanked the presentation made by the consultants and left some considerations that the same would like to be taken into account at the time of implementation of the project, as the case of the construction of PT's along the route so that the post can benefit The consultants replied that in principle the project does not provide electrification nor the placement of PTs along the villages where the line passes through, it would go directly to the Malawi substation, but these would still take note of the concern. The chief would also like the hiring of the local labour force. Having the consultants noted the concern. Finally he said that the Administrative Post would be available to give all the support that the project needs. The heads of villages covered asked what the benefits would be for the population when project's activities start and if the population in the project's control area would benefit from it. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 The consultants replied that the project was still in the study phase and would only start after completion of studies and approval of the Environmental Impact Study report by the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development, so they could not advance an exact date and regarding the population of the control area, they would have any benefit and that conducting surveys with them was only a matter of control of the area under study. They pointed out that they would like the project to help improve the living conditions of the people in these villages and expect local people to be hired, and the consultants replied that they would take note of all the issues and concerns. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Minute of Meeting in Moatize Sede Locality Minute of Meeting in Moatize Sede Locality Date: 22 April 2017 Location: Machedue Village Participants: Village chief and representative of locality chief Duration of meeting: 15 minutes Agenda: > Presentation of the project and field work objectives; > Listen to local concerns. Summary of debate: The meeting began with the presentation of the project and the objectives of carrying out the field work with the owners of the infrastructures and of the crop fields affected along the route and with the village leaders in order to gather information from each specific area. The presentation was made using a map where the entire alignment of the line was drawn, indicating the districts, localities and the respective villages covered. Equally, it was explained to them that the project is in the phase of Environmental Impact Study. After explaining the project, the objective of carrying out the fieldwork and all other aspects related to the project, the consultant opened the section so that the participants could express their ideas, opinions, suggestions or concerns about everything that was presented. After the presentation, the head of the village thanked the field team, asked what the benefits would be for the village and the population. He asked for employment vacancies for the local population in the implementation phase of the project. The consultants replied that at the stage of the project it was too early to talk about the benefits as well as the hiring of the workforce, but that they would take note of the concern. Minutes of meetings ESIAILBSE Mozambique - Malawi Interconnection Field work 31 March to 25 April 2017 Summary of Meeting Minutes Dates:31 March to 25 April Venues: Nhaliemue Locality, Congonlongonde Village, Benga Locality, Moatize Sede Locality, Caphirizange Locality, Zobu6 Sede Administrative Post. Participants: Nhaliemue Locality Chief and heads of villages, Congonlongonde village Chief and community members, chiefs of Nhambaloalo, Nhamssebe and Chitondo villages, Machedue village Chief and representative of the locality chief, Caphirizange Locality Chief and Head of the villages and community members, Chief of Zobu6 Sede Administrative Post, Mussacama Locality Chief and heads and representatives of the Economic Activities District Services. Summary of Key Concerns presented in the Meetings held along the route: The main issues and concerns raised during the presentations were almost always the same in all villages covered by the project. The main issues of concern are listed below. > Beginning of the implementation phase of the project; > Benefit to the villages and local population (either those directly impacted by the project as well as the population living in the village); > Possibility of electricity supply to these villages; > Creation of employment and use of local workforce. What would be the benefits that the project would bring, if in the implementation phase there would be the hiring of workforce and if the local population would be hired to benefit from it. At the time of project implementation, those covered as well as other residents of the village could have the possibility of working for the project and that it would help to develop the village. What would be the benefits the project would bring to the village and to those directly affected. They hope that there were vacancies of employment to local population in the implementation phase of the project. When is the project implementation scheduled to start, if local people will be hired and what benefits the affected and the locality in general would have with the implementation of the project. Construction of PT's along the route so that the administrative post can benefit from the energy, and they also would like that there was the hiring of local labour. What would be the benefits to the population when the project activities begin and if the population that are in the project's control area would have some benefit. They would like the project to help improve the living conditions of the population of these villages and hope that local people will be hired. APPENDIX 4-E CONSULTATION ROUND 3