2015/46 Supported by k nKonw A A weldegdeg e ol n oNtoet e s eSrei r e ise s f ofro r p r&a c t hteh e nEenregryg y Etx itcrea c t i v e s G l o b a l P r a c t i c e The bottom line Results-Based Financing to Promote Clean Stoves: Past market failures to deliver clean cooking and heating Initial Lessons from Pilots in China and Indonesia solutions, especially to low- income households, suggest the What is the problem? RBF disburses public resources not for project inputs but in continued need for subsidies response to demonstrated, independently verified outputs or if universal access is to be Creative ways are needed to incentivize the use of outcomes, thus shifting investment and performance risks from the achieved. To succeed, however, clean stoves public to the private sector. Governments can play a facilitating role, subsidies must be well- providing policy support and financial incentives to motivate market Today, about 2.8 billion people worldwide—more than a third of the targeted, have low potential for development, while the private sector responds to incentives and world’s population—still use solid fuels to meet their cooking and “leakage,” and be calibrated to delivers the desired results. The challenge for stove suppliers is to heating needs. Household air pollution resulting from the incomplete avoid destroying commercial design clean stoves that households are willing to buy and use and combustion of solid fuels is linked to some 4 million premature incentives and discipline. that meet predefined certification criteria. Suppliers have the flexi- deaths each year (Lim and others 2012). Traditionally, improved stove Results-based financing, which bility to innovate in how they design, produce, and sell the stoves, programs have relied on public procurement, a top-down approach disburses public resources based on their familiarity with local conditions—customary cooking focused on large investments in project inputs (stoves). Government against demonstrated results, practices, stove affordability, resource availability, and after-sales entities have been responsible for deciding on the stoves’ technical can be used to mobilize service (Zhang and Knight 2012). specifications, and for identifying eligible suppliers, delivery methods, and sustain private-sector and the households that will receive the free or heavily subsidized participation in scaling up stoves. Such programs have the advantage of aggregating demand What has been the response? access to clean stoves. Pilots and accelerating implementation. But with few exceptions, results The World Bank is piloting the use of results-based implementing this approach have fallen short of expectations. under the World Bank’s Clean Governments and development agencies are eager to test financing to promote adoption of clean cookstoves Stove Initiative show promising promising policy instruments that use public resources more effec- The World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Clean Stove Initiative results. tively and efficiently to spur the clean stoves market. Results-based (CSI)—a phased program launched in 2012 to increase household financing (RBF) is one such approach. The RBF concept comprises a access to modern cooking and heating solutions in the EAP region— Yabei Zhang is a senior range of instruments that link incentives, rewards, or subsidies to the is implementing RBF pilots in four participating countries (China, energy economist in the World Bank’s Energy and verified delivery of predefined results. Evidence is emerging that the Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Mongolia). This Extractives Global Practice. RBF approach can improve access to and delivery of basic infrastruc- note summarizes the experiences gained from implementing the ture and health services for the poor, but the concept is relatively pilots in China and Indonesia (Zhang 2014). The lessons learned can Norma Adams is a writer and consultant new with respect to clean stoves. help CSI stakeholders better prepare for rollout of scaled-up pro- editor for the World Bank grams at the national level and give policy makers in other countries Group. valuable insights on the feasibility of adopting the RBF strategy to promote clean stoves. Results-Based Financing to Promote Clean Stoves 2 R e s u l ts - B a s e d F i n a n ci n g t o P r o m o t e C l e a n S t o v e s Figure 1. RBF framework with three building blocks and two supporting pillars Both China and Indonesia have large, mainly rural populations that depend on solid fuels to meet daily household energy needs. In China, more than half of Results-based the population uses coal and biomass for cooking Incentives and heating (World Bank 2013). In Indonesia, liquefied • Establish clean stove • Number of stoves delivered standards/rating system • Level of subsidies is linked petroleum gas (LPG) is the dominant cooking fuel thanks “Household demand in to stove performance • Number of stoves used to the government’s recent kerosene-to-LPG conversion • Establish testing and • Verify actual performance both China and Indonesia certification protocols • Disbursement of subsidies of stoves used program (2007–12). Yet two-fifths of households still is linked to monitoring and • Establish testing centers is large enough to create a verification results depend on traditional biomass cooking energy (ASTAE Defined clean Monitoring and 2013b). market-based clean stove stoves verification system Both countries are socioeconomically, geographically, industry.” and culturally diverse, featuring a wide variety of cooking practices and energy resources. Households commonly have two or more stoves, and “stove stacking” is quite common. In China, where winter heating is an issue and Institutional Awareness- better living standards reflect rising household incomes, strengthening and raising capacity building campaign heating demand is growing. Biogas penetration is high in rural areas, and electricity is used increasingly for cooking. In rural Indonesia, household incomes and living Source: Zhang and Knight 2012. standards are significantly lower; electricity is rarely used The CSI program’s RBF framework has three building blocks: for cooking, and three-stone stoves utilizing traditional (i) defined clean stoves, (ii) results-based incentives, and (iii) a biomass fuels are quite common. monitoring and verification (M&V) system. These building blocks are Household demand in both China and Indonesia is large enough supported by two pillars: (i) institutional strengthening and capacity to create a market-based clean stove industry. The current profit building of key market players and (ii) public awareness-raising margin of stove suppliers is quite low, however, at about 10 percent. campaigns to stimulate household demand (figure 1) (ASTAE 2013a, Over the past several decades, China has developed a high-capacity 2014). stove industry. By 2011, it was producing about 2.6 million clean coal The CSI program focused much effort on defining clean stoves. heating stoves, 20 million honeycomb coal cooking stoves, and 1.6 Considered the cornerstone of the RBF approach, this building block million clean biomass stoves (World Bank 2013). But its commercial involves the establishment of clean stove standards (and a related market still relies heavily on government-funded programs and sub- rating system), testing and certification protocols, and stove-testing sidies. By contrast, Indonesia’s commercial market is, for the most centers. Results-based incentives, the second building block, link part, limited to low-capacity, artisan producers without government the incentive level to stove performance and its disbursement to support (ASTAE 2013b). M&V results. The M&V system, the third building block, includes In both China and Indonesia, the criteria used to select areas for the number of stoves delivered and used and verification of their participation in CSI’s RBF pilot included the representativeness of performance (Zhang 2014). household cooking/heating demand and local partners’ implementa- The key characteristics of stove markets in CSI pilot countries are tion capacity. household energy demand, on the one hand, and aspects of supply Because China already had large government-funded programs, and policy, on the other. its criteria included local governments’ willingness and commitment 3 R e s u l ts - B a s e d F i n a n ci n g t o P r o m o t e C l e a n S t o v e s Box 1. Characteristics of RBF pilot locations Location Characteristics China “Because they built on Gaoshanbao village, Liaoning province 247 households, heating season from November through March, average low temperature of –8 to 1ºC, average annual per capita income of $2,750, 180 stoves in pilot existing government- Baiguoshu village, Hubei province 495 households, heating season from November through March, average low temperature of supported programs 2 to 9ºC, average annual per capita income of $640, 300 stoves in pilot and a long-established Indonesia institutional network, Yogyakarta and Central Java High population density and high concentration of wood users; abundant biomass; covered by the pilots in China were national LPG conversion program; good logistics network implemented quickly. All Sumba Island (second phase) Low population density but high concentration of wood users (>90%); scarce biomass; not covered by national LPG conversion program; poor economy and logistics network work—from planning and selection of the villages and Source: Zhang 2014. stoves to stove delivery, third-party M&V, and incentive payment—was completed between July to participate in the RBF pilots and the qualifications of local In Indonesia, where no major stove programs had previously 2013 and April 2014.” suppliers. Two representative villages were selected for the pilot: existed, pilots are taking longer to implement, but the additional Gaoshanbao, located in Liaoning, a northern province where winter time has created the opportunity to design a full, market-based heating demand is pronounced; and Baiguoshu, situated in a poor RBF scheme. The project is jointly managed by the Directorate minority area of the southern province of Hubei (box 1). In Indonesia, of Bioenergy within Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral the representative pilot areas were Yogyakarta/Central Java and Resources and the World Bank. In response to a call for stove Sumba Island. The former is characterized by high population density, technologies (February–April 2014), the designated stove testing abundant biomass resources, coverage by the LPG conversion center received 22 technologies from 15 companies, 17 of which program, and a good logistics network, while the latter has low were accepted for testing (May–October 2014).1 The project received population density, high reliance on scarce biomass resources, and two recipient-executed trust fund grants from the World Bank: a a poor logistics network. It is not covered by the LPG conversion US$300,000 grant to the Indonesian government for setting up the program (Zhang 2014). national stove-testing and certification lab, designing the national The pilots in China were jointly managed by China’s Ministry scaled-up program, and supporting project management and of Agriculture and the World Bank; they were implemented by the implementation; and a separate $190,000 grant to PT Bank Rakyat ministry’s Rural Energy and Environment Agency with local govern- Indonesia Tbk (BRI), a state-owned Indonesian bank, to manage the ment support. Because they built on existing government-supported RBF fund. A call for market aggregators was announced in November programs and a long-established institutional network, the pilots were implemented quickly. All work—from planning and selection of the villages and stoves to stove delivery, third-party M&V, and incen- tive payment—was completed between July 2013 and April 2014. 1 Stove technology refers to the combination of stove model and fuel. 4 R e s u l ts - B a s e d F i n a n ci n g t o P r o m o t e C l e a n S t o v e s 2014.2 Pilot implementation, now under Figure 2. The six-step disbursement process used in the Indonesia pilot way, is expected to be completed by late 2015. Market World Bank aggregators How has the RBF framework Submit report of sales 2 “The results showed been implemented? World Bank households to be quite The RBF framework was review of first two transactions satisfied with the clean applied differently in China and 6 RBF incentives payment stoves. All of the sampled Indonesia respondents reported In China, key RBF elements were PT Bank Rakyat Stove sold better indoor air quality followed throughout pilot design and Indonesia Tbk 1 and convenience, and the implementation. These included the Sales report with contact establishment of selection criteria for vast majority reported a stove technologies and stove suppliers, 3 informationof buyers Confirmation 5 higher comfort level and incentive levels, disbursement condi- user satisfaction.” tions and schedules, a third-party M&V End users system, and training and awareness-rais- Verification Verification team 4 ing activities. In Indonesia, the pilot scheme includes a six-step disbursement Source: ASTAE 2014. process linking incentives to the participating market aggregators (figure 2), followed by third-party verification Closing the affordability gap depended on the prices of the clean that the qualified clean stoves have been sold and are being used by stove and of the fuel it used, households’ income level and will- the purchasing households. ingness to pay, local market prices, and local government support. China. Defined clean stoves were required to meet published In both Baiguoshu and Gaoshanbao, the results-based incentives industrial standards. Certified testing reports were submitted by the amounted to more than half of the unit price (figure 3). Because municipal bureau for product quality and inspection. Stove suppliers households in neighboring villages could purchase subsidized stoves had to be reputable enterprises with good track records. In addition, under parallel stove programs, results-based incentives had to be the Rural Energy and Environment Agency conducted on-site adjusted to fit households’ expectations. investigations of suppliers’ capacity and networks. Technical perfor- The M&V system included third-party verification of stove mance levels were a key consideration for determining results-based enterprises, sales, quality, and after-sales service; household sample incentives. surveys on results indicators; and additional measurements (control versus treatment group, fuel savings, and emissions reduction). The results showed households to be quite satisfied with the clean 2 Market aggregators, who apply for the incentives, are legal entities willing to take invest- stoves. All of the sampled respondents reported better indoor air ment and performance risks. They may include stove producers, wholesalers, retailers, and project sponsors (ASTAE 2013b). quality and convenience, and the vast majority reported a higher 5 R e s u l ts - B a s e d F i n a n ci n g t o P r o m o t e C l e a n S t o v e s Figure 3. Selected stoves for China RBF pilot stove-user training by suppliers, in collaboration with local government. To ensure that all house- holds were using the stoves, two follow-up training sessions were held. In all, about 126 villagers in Gaoshanbao and 299 villagers in Baiguoshu attended.3 In addition, local media reported on the “The fact that stove pilot activities. programs had not Indonesia. The fact that stove programs had previously existed in not previously existed in Indonesia created a unique opportunity to design a new system for testing and Indonesia created a unique rating stoves, building on lessons from international opportunity to design a experience. The stove-testing method adopted, new system for testing and which measures the entire burning/cooking cycle, Clean cooking and heating stove using Clean cooking and water-heating stove using rating stoves, building on firewood in Baiguoshu village biomass briquettes in Gaoshanbao village takes into account local cooking practices and is an lessons from international innovative method based on anthropological field studies and large-scale, detailed household cooking experience.” comfort level and user satisfaction (table 1). Stove-switching resulted surveys in the pilot areas. Results-based incentives in significant fuel savings, and the payback period for the stoves was for suppliers are linked to a three-star rating system. Table 2 shows less than a year. Based on the M&V results, all RBF-eligible incentives how the rating system is defined by key performance indicators, while were disbursed. table 3 provides examples (ASTAE 2013b). Institutional capacity building included training of local govern- Because a clean stove market has yet to develop in Indonesia, ment officials, while public awareness-raising activities focused on the market price must be discovered. To cultivate a market, RBF incentive levels had to be large enough to attract suppliers Table 1.  Results of household surveys in RBF pilot villages in (accounting for such added costs as fuel tariffs), while generally China Table 2. Three-star rating system for defined clean stoves, Village Indonesia Results indicator Gaoshanbao Baiguoshu System efficiency Emissions factor Annual coal savings (tons) 1.85 1.94 Star rating Cooking Water CO PM2.5 Coal replacement (%) 100, heating 100, heating stove (%) boiling (%) (g/MJNET) (g/MJNET) 92, cooking 64, cooking One (H) > 25 > 45 < 12 < 300 Better indoor air quality (%) 100 100 Two (HH) > 30 > 55 < 10 < 200 Greater convenience (%) 100 100 Three (HHH) > 40 > 65 <8 < 100 Higher comfort level (%) 98 97 Source: Zhang 2014. Higher user satisfaction (%) 98 97 Notes: Designated experts determine the safety and environmental aspects of the stoves. All Annual fuel savings (US$) 270 166 stoves are expected to have a durability of one year. Source: Zhang 2014. 3 The pilot sizes for Gaoshanbao and Baiguoshu villages were 180 stoves (247 households) and 300 stoves (495 households), respectively. 6 R e s u l ts - B a s e d F i n a n ci n g t o P r o m o t e C l e a n S t o v e s Table 3. Eligible stoves, associated incentives, and three-star What have we learned? ratings from Indonesia pilot The CSI pilot experiences in China and Indonesia Total incentive Star rating indicate that the RBF framework is an effective way to to be CO (g/ promote clean stoves Stove name awarded Efficiency PM2.5 (g/MJNET) (in rupiah) MJNET) The differences in how the pilots were designed and implemented “After third-party RWW1 220,000 HH HHH HHH demonstrate the importance of country context. In China, results- verification of stove sales is ZAMA-ZAMA 170,000 HH HH HHH based incentives led stove suppliers to improve after-sales service. obtained, 70 percent of the Third party M&V improved program management and provided PS1W 220,000 HH HHH HHH total incentive is disbursed. quantitative feedback to further improve program design and user Prime Square 190,000 HH HHH HHH The remaining 30 percent is Wood satisfaction. Stove suppliers developed delivery models based disbursed several months Field Dragon 140,000 on characteristics of the stove technologies. It is expected that a H HH HHH scaled-up program will lower the incentive level and introduce more later, after a verification Source: Zhang 2014. competition among eligible technologies and suppliers. In Indonesia, team confirms that the full market-based RBF scheme now under way shows promise in sampled households listed not exceeding 50 percent of supply costs.4 To minimize supplier attracting the private sector. in the sales report are risk, timely disbursement of incentives is critical. The M&V method Key lessons to date include the importance of identifying adopted by the Indonesia pilots entails a two-stage process. After appropriate institutional arrangements, having a flexible design, and using the certified stoves.” third-party verification of stove sales is obtained, 70 percent of the consulting all relevant stakeholders to ensure their buy-in. A key total incentive is disbursed. The remaining 30 percent is disbursed operational challenge for both pilot programs has been the need several months later, after a verification team confirms that sampled to balance private-sector risks and risk premiums, particularly for households listed in the sales report are using the certified stoves. smaller suppliers with little prefinancing ability. With the completion The institutional strengthening component of the pilot focuses on of RBF pilot testing, it is expected that national scale-up in both supporting the Directorate of Bioenergy as an institutional champion countries will be relatively straightforward. for clean cookstoves, the CSI technical committee as a facilitator of cross-sector coordination, and the Indonesia Stove Alliance as a References platform for communication, learning, and cooperation. Much effort ASTAE (Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy Program). 2013a. has been directed to building the capacity of private-sector players, “Clean Stove Initiative Forum Proceedings.” Phnom Penh, including market aggregators, who receive technical assistance Cambodia, March 18. East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative to conduct product-specific marketing. Public awareness-raising Series, World Bank, Washington, DC. activities include press conferences, workshops, and community ———. 2013b. “Indonesia: Toward Universal Access to Clean meetings; public media campaigns; training of health practitioners; Cooking.” East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative Series,” and CSI certification and labeling of eligible clean stoves (Tuntivate World Bank, Washington, DC. 2015). ———. 2014. “Clean Stove Initiative Forum Proceedings.” Beijing, China, April 26–29. East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative Series, World Bank, Washington, DC. 4 Three categories of stoves were anticipated: artisan improved, manufactured, and ad- vanced clean stoves with roughly estimated costs of $5–10, $15–30, and $50+, respectively. 7 R e s u l ts - B a s e d F i n a n ci n g t o P r o m o t e C l e a n S t o v e s Lim, S. S., and many others. 2012. “A Comparative Risk Assessment Zhang, Y. 2014. “Results-Based Financing for Promoting Clean Stoves: Make further of Burden of Disease and Injury Attributable to 67 Risk Factors Pilots in China and Indonesia.” World Bank presentation, October connections and Risk Factor Clusters in 21 Regions, 1990–2010: A Systematic 15 (https://collaboration.worldbank.org/docs/DOC-10914; https:// Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.” Lancet collaboration.worldbank.org/docs/DOC-10999). Live Wire 2014/7. 380 (9859): 2224–60. Zhang, Y., and O. Knight. 2012. “Results-Based Financing Framework “Understanding the Tuntivate, V. 2015. “Social Marketing Plan for Indonesia Clean for Promoting Clean Stoves.” EAP Clean Stove Initiative Differences Between Stove Initiative Results Based Financing Pilot Program.” EAP Knowledge Exchange Series. World Bank, Washington, DC. Cookstoves,” by Koffi Ekouevi, Clean Stove Initiative Knowledge Exchange Series. World Bank, Kate Kennedy, and Ruchi Soni. Washington, DC. The authors would like to thank Koffi Ekouevi and Oliver James Knight for reviewing an early draft of this note and offering several helpful suggestions. World Bank. 2013. “China: Accelerating Household Access to Clean Live Wire 2014/8. “Tracking Cooking and Heating.” East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative Access to Nonsolid Fuel Series. Washington, DC. for Cooking,” by Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee, Elisa Portale, Heather Adair-Rohani, and Sophie Bonjour. Get Connected to Live Wire Live Wires are designed for easy reading on the screen and for downloading The Live Wire series of online knowledge notes is an initiative of the World Bank Group’s Energy and self-printing in color or “Live Wire is designed and Extractives Global Practice, reflecting the emphasis on knowledge management and solu- black and white. tions-oriented knowledge that is emerging from the ongoing change process within the Bank for practitioners inside Group. For World Bank employees: and outside the Bank. 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Once a year, the Energy and Extractives Global Practice takes stock of all notes that appeared, reviewing their quality and identifying priority areas to be covered in the following year’s pipeline. Please visit our Live Wire web page for updates: http://www.worldbank.org/energy/livewire e Pa c i f i c 2014/28 ainable energy for all in easT asia and Th 1 Tracking Progress Toward Providing susT TIVES GLOBAL PRACTICE A KNOWLEDGE NOTE SERIES FOR THE ENERGY & EXTRAC THE BOTTOM LINE Tracking Progress Toward Providing Sustainable Energy where does the region stand on the quest for sustainable for All in East Asia and the Pacific 2014/29 and cenTral asia energy for all? in 2010, eaP easTern euroPe sT ainable en ergy for all in databases—technical measures. This note is based on that frame- g su v i d i n had an electrification rate of Why is this important? ess Toward Pro work (World Bank 2014). SE4ALL will publish an updated version of 1 Tracking Progr 95 percent, and 52 percent of the population had access Tracking regional trends is critical to monitoring the GTF in 2015. to nonsolid fuel for cooking. the progress of the Sustainable Energy for All The primary indicators and data sources that the GTF uses to track progress toward the three SE4ALL goals are summarized below. consumption of renewable (SE4ALL) initiative C T I V E S G L O B A L P R A C T I C E ENERGY & EXTRA • Energy access. Access to modern energy services is measured T E S E R I E S F O R T H EIn declaring 2012 the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for energy decreased overall A KNO W L E D G E N Oand 2010, though by the percentage of the population with an electricity between 1990 All,” the UN General Assembly established three objectives to be connection and the percentage of the population with access Energy modern forms grew rapidly. d Providing Sustainable accomplished by 2030: to ensure universal access to modern energy energy intensity levels are high to nonsolid fuels.2 These data are collected using household Tracking Progress Towar services,1 to double the 2010 share of renewable energy in the global surveys and reported in the World Bank’s Global Electrification but declining rapidly. overall THE BOTTOM LINE energy mix, and to double the global rate of improvement in energy e and Central Asia trends are positive, but bold Database and the World Health Organization’s Household Energy for All in Eastern Europ efficiency relative to the period 1990–2010 (SE4ALL 2012). stand policy measures will be required where does the region setting Database. The SE4ALL objectives are global, with individual countries on that frame- on the quest for sustainable to sustain progress. is based share of renewable energy in the their own national targets databases— technical in a measures. way that is Thisconsistent with the overall of • Renewable energy. The note version energy for all? The region SE4ALL will publish an updated their ability energy mix is measured by the percentage of total final energy to Why is this important ? spirit of the work initiative. (World Bank Because2014). countries differ greatly in has near-universal access consumption that is derived from renewable energy resources. of trends is critical to monitoring to pursue thetheGTF in 2015. three objectives, some will make more rapid progress GTF uses to Data used to calculate this indicator are obtained from energy electricity, and 93 percent Tracking regional othersindicators primary will excel and data sources that elsewhere, depending on their the while the population has access le Energy for All in one areaThe goals are summarized below. balances published by the International Energy Agency and the the progress of the Sustainab respective track starting progress pointstowardand the three SE4ALL comparative advantages as well as on services is measured to nonsolid fuel for cooking. access. Accessthat they modern to are able to energy marshal. United Nations. despite relatively abundant (SE4ALL) initiative the resources and support Energy with an electricity connection Elisa Portale is an l Year of Sustainable Energy for To sustain percentage of by the momentum forthe the population achievement of the SE4ALL 2• Energy efficiency. The rate of improvement of energy efficiency hydropower, the share In declaring 2012 the “Internationa energy economist in with access to nonsolid fuels. three global objectives objectives, andathe means of charting percentage of the population global progress to 2030 is needed. is approximated by the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of renewables in energy All,” the UN General Assembly established the Energy Sector surveys and reported access to modern universalAssistance The World TheseBank and data are the collected International using household Energy Agency led a consor- of energy intensity, where energy intensity is the ratio of total consumption has remained to be accomplished by 2030: to ensure Management Database and the World of theenergy intium of 15 renewable international in the World Bank’s Global agencies toElectrification establish the SE4ALL Global primary energy consumption to gross domestic product (GDP) energy the 2010 share of Program (ESMAP) relatively low. very high energy services, to double Database. measured in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. Data used to 1 t ’s Household provides Energy a system for regular World Bank’s Energy the global rate of improvemen and Extractives Tracking Framework Health (GTF), which Organization in the energy intensity levels have come and to double the global energy mix, Global Practice. (SE4ALL 2012). based on energy. of renewable The sharepractical, rigorous—yet energy given available calculate energy intensity are obtained from energy balances to the period 1990–2010 global reporting, Renewable down rapidly. The big questions in energy efficiency relative setting by the percentage of total final energy consumption published by the International Energy Agency and the United evolve Joeri withde Wit is an countries individual mix is measured Data used to are how renewables will The SE4ALL objectives are global, economist in with the overall from renewable energy when every resources. person on the planet has access Nations. picks up a way energy that is consistent 1 The universal derived that isaccess goal will be achieved balances published when energy demand in from energy their own national targets through electricity, clean cooking fuels, clean heating fuels, rates the Bank’s Energy and countries differ greatly in their ability calculate this indicator are obtained to modern energy services provided productive use and community services. The term “modern solutions” cookingNations. again and whether recent spirit of the initiative. Because Extractives Global rapid progress and energy for Energy Agency and the United liquefied petroleum gas), 2 Solid fuels are defined to include both traditional biomass (wood, charcoal, agricultural will make more by the refers to solutions International that involve electricity or gaseous fuels (including is pellets and briquettes), and of decline in energy intensity some t of those of efficiency energy and forest residues, dung, and so on), processed biomass (such as to pursue the three objectives, Practice. depending on their or solid/liquid fuels paired with Energy efficiency. The rate stoves exhibiting of overall improvemen emissions rates at or near other solid fuels (such as coal and lignite). will excel elsewhere, rate (CAGR) of energy will continue. in one area while others liquefied petroleum gas (www.sustainableenergyforall.org). annual growth as well as on approximated by the compound and comparative advantages is the ratio of total primary energy respective starting points marshal. where energy intensity that they are able to intensity, measured in purchas- the resources and support domestic product (GDP) for the achievement of the SE4ALL consumption to gross calculate energy intensity Elisa Portale is an To sustain momentum terms. Data used to charting global progress to 2030 is needed. ing power parity (PPP) the International energy economist in objectives, a means of balances published by the Energy Sector International Energy Agency led a consor- are obtained from energy The World Bank and the SE4ALL Global Energy Agency and the United Nations. Management Assistance agencies to establish the the GTF to provide a regional and tium of 15 international for regular This note uses data from Program (ESMAP) of the which provides a system for Eastern Tracking Framework (GTF), the three pillars of SE4ALL World Bank’s Energy and Extractives on rigorous—yet practical, given available country perspective on Global Practice. global reporting, based has access Joeri de Wit is an will be achieved when every person on the planet The universal access goal heating fuels, clean cooking fuels, clean energy economist in 1 agricultural provided through electricity, biomass (wood, charcoal, to modern energy services The term “modern cooking solutions” to include both traditional and briquettes), and Solid fuels are defined the Bank’s Energy and use and community services. biomass (such as pellets 2 and energy for productive petroleum gas), and so on), processed fuels (including liquefied and forest residues, dung, involve electricity or gaseous at or near those of Extractives Global refers to solutions that overall emissions rates other solid fuels (such as coal and lignite). with stoves exhibiting Practice. or solid/liquid fuels paired (www.sustainableenergyforall.org). liquefied petroleum gas